1、新目标英语七年级下册 同步指导练习Unit 2 Wheeres tthe posst ooffiice?学习要求求掌握方位介介词及词词组: on, neear, beetweeen, neext to, accrosss ffromm, iin ffronnt oof, behhindd。掌握 “wwherre”开头的的特殊疑疑问句。掌握问路和和指路的的常用语语。Is thheree a bannk nnearr heere?Yes, theeres aa baank on Cennterr Sttreeet.Wherees thee suuperrmarrkett?Its nexxt tto
2、 tthe libbrarry.Is thheree a payy phhonee inn thhe nneigghboorhoood?Yes, its iin ffronnt oof tthe posst ooffiice.学习建议议本单元通过过谈论邻邻近地区区各部方方位的话话题,学学习问路路、指路路的表达达方式及及有关方方位介词词的用法法。学习习时请注注意两点点:根据上下文文理解方方位介词词的含义义,并掌掌握其用用法。在理解课文文的基础础上,同同学们互互换有关关生活、学学习等区区域的信信息,进进行实际际交流,提提高语言言的运用用能力。同步训练练Sectiion AICommpleete t
3、hee woordss beeloww acccorrdinng tto tthe lettterrs ggiveen. 根据所所给字母母完成下下列单词词。1. p _ _t 2. n _ _rr3. _ff _ c _ 4. p _ _ k5. sttr _ _gght6. brii _ _ ee7. phh _ n _ 8. b _ hh _ ndd9. phh _ n _ 10. sttr _ _ t11. ss _ p _ _m _ _ kett12. _ v _ n _ _13. mm _ _ ll14. p _ _IIMaatchh thhe EEngllishh woordss
4、wiith thee Chhineese worrds. 中英英文词汇汇配对。( )11. ppostt offficceA. 图书馆馆( )22. ppay phooneB. 中心街街( )3. resstauuranntC. 超市( )44. BBriddge StrreettD. 邮局( )55. ssupeermaarkeetE. 银行( ) 66. llibrraryyF. 第五大大道( ) 77. CCentter StrreettG. 餐馆( ) 88. bbankkH. 公园( ) 99. FFiftth AAvennueI. 公用电电话( ) 110. parrkJ. 大桥街
5、街IIILLookk att thhe ppictturee inn 1aa annd ccompplette tthe connverrsattionn beeloww. 看1a中的的图画,完完成以下下对话。A: Iss thheree a resstauurannt nnearr heere?B: Yees, theeres aa reestaauraant _.A: _ nnearr heere?B: Yees, theeres aa hootell onn Brridgge SStreeet.A: Iss thheree a libbrarry nnearr heere?B: Yees
6、, _.A: _?B: Yees, theeres aa paay pphonne oon BBriddge Strreett.IVTrransslatte tthe folllowwingg phhrasses. 翻翻译下列列短语。1. beetweeen thee baank andd thhe pparkk_2. onn Grreenn Sttreeet_3. neext to thee suuperrmarrkett_4. accrosss ffromm Miingsshann Hootell_5. neear thee reestaauraant_6. inn frrontt off
7、 thhe ppay phoone_7. beehinnd tthe libbrarry_VFilll iin tthe blaankss wiith thee woordss inn thhe bbox. 用方方框中的的介词或或介词短短语填空空。acrosss ffromm, bbehiind, beetweeen, inn frrontt off, nnextt too, nnearr, oon 11. AA: IIs ttherre aa paay pphonne _ heere?B: Yees, theere is a ppay phoone _ CCentter Strreett.2
8、. A: Whherees Xiinghhua Parrk? B: Its _ Hoongqqi SSupeermaarkeet aand Bannk oof CChinna.3. Thhe rresttaurrantt iss _ _ thee poost offficee.4. Thhe llibrraryy iss _ _ tthe payy phhonee.Foresst HHoteel iis _ _ _ thhe pparkk.The ppay phoone is _ tthe smaall suppermmarkket.VILoook at thee maap aand comm
9、pleete thee diialooguee. 看地图图,完成成对话。The PPeopples PParkk HHoteel Fiirstt AvvenuueBankSuperr-markeetLibraaryRestaauraantPost officceA: Whheree iss thhe PPeopples PParkk?B: _.A: Whheree iss thhe llibrraryy?B: _.A: Whheree iss thhe bbankk?B: _.A: _?B: Itts bbetwweenn thhe llibrraryy annd tthe posst oof
10、fiice.A: _?B: Itts aacrooss froom tthe posst ooffiice.VIIPPut thee foolloowinng iintoo Chhineese. 将下下列句子子和短语语翻译成成汉语。1. inn thhe nneigghboorhoood_2. tuurn lefft_3. goo sttraiightt_4. onn thhe rrighht_5. Exxcusse mme._6. Yooure wellcomme_VIIIFilll iin tthe blaankss. 填填空。A: _ _. Whheree iss thhe pparkk
11、?B: Itts _ heere _ tthe neiighbborhhoodd. JJustt _ _ aand _ rrighht. Its _ Neww Sttreeet _ _ rigght. Itts _ too a hottel.A: Thhankk yoou vveryy muuch.B: Yooure _.Sectiion BIForrm ssenttencces aftter thee moodell. 根据示示范组句句。 Moodell: hheree, aa, iis, hottel, thheree, nnearr IIs ttherre aa hootell neea
12、r herre?betweeen, reestaauraant, annd, thee ,tthe, iss, ssupeermaarkeet, it _to, tthe, phhonee, tthe, liibraary, iss, ppay, neext _acrosss, bannk, parrk, froom, thee, iis, thee _post, iss, wwherre, offficee, tthe _on, ffiftth, hottel, iss, tthe, avvenuue _neighhborrhoood, theere, thhe, schhooll, iin
13、, is, a _wheree, aa, bbig, thheree, ssupeermaarkeet, is, neear, liive, yoou _IIFiill in thee bllankks wwithh thhe ooppoositte oof tthe givven worrds. 用所给给词的反反义词填填空。Theree iss a _ sschoool neaar hheree. (smmalll)A: Iss thheree a hottel neaar hheree?B: Yees, theere is a _ hootell neext to thee scchooo
14、l. (oold)A: Whheree iss thhe _ hootell? (diirtyy)B: Itts aacrooss froom aan _ poost offficee. (neew)A: Iss thhat a _ paark? (quiiet)B: Noo, iits vveryy quuiett.A: Iss thheree a bannk iin tthe neiighbborhhoodd?B: Yees, its bbetwweenn a _ llibrraryy (nnoissy) andd a _ ssupeermaarkeet. (ffreee)IIIPPut
15、thee unnderrlinned parrts intto CChinnesee. 将划线线部分的的词语翻翻译成中中文。 1. I caan pplayy thhe gguittar in thee paark._ 2. Tuurn rigght on Firrst Aveenuee._ 3. Yoou ccan plaay ggamees iin tthe garrdenn._ 4. Taake a wwalkk thhrouugh thee sttreeet._ 5. Thhis is thee beeginnninng oof tthe garrdenn toour._ 6. Thh
16、eree iss a houuse witth aan iinteeresstinng ggardden._ 7. Myy hoousee iss onn a bussy sstreeet._ 8. Yoou wwilll arrrivve iin HHeatt neext Sunndayy._ 9. I willl hhavee too paass twoo onne-wway strreetts._ 100. TTurnn leeft andd goo allongg Cennterr Sttreeet._ 111. BBriddge Strreett iss a goood pplacc
17、e tto hhavee fuun._ 122. TTakee a taxxi ffromm thhe aairpportt._IVLiisteen tto tthe teaacheer aand cheeck () tthe worrd yyou heaar iin eeachh grroupp. 听老师师念, 勾出你你听到的的那个单单词。 1. posst ooffiice2. smmalll3. thhrouugh payy phhonee biig allongg suppermmarkket leeft unntill resstauurannt riightt iff 4. gaa
18、rdeen5. paass6. onne-wway strreett taxxi viisitt neext Sunndayy airrporrt taake geet tto higghwaay tuurn goo sttraiighttVDraaw aa maap oof yyourr neeighhborrhoood, theen ttelll yoour parrtneer wwherre yyou livve aand howw too geet tto yyourr scchoool. 画一幅幅社区地地图,告告诉同伴伴你的句句所及去去学校的的路线。 _Unit Twoo Secti
19、ion A1. o, s 2. e, a 33. oo, II, cc 4. a, r 5. a, I 66. dd, gg 7. o, e 8. e, I 99.o,e 110. e, e 111. u, e, r, a, r 12. aa, ee, uu, ee 133. aa, II 144. aa, yy II. 11. DD 2. I 3. G 44. JJ 5. C 6. A 77. BB 8. E 9. F 110 HHIII. 1. on Briidgee Sttreeet 22. IIs ttherre aa hootell 3. Therre iis aa liibraar
20、y bettweeen tthe viddeo arccadee annd tthe suppermmarkket 4. Is theere a ppay phoone neaar hhereeIV. 11. 在在银行和和公园中中间 22. 在格格林街上上 3. 在超超市旁边边 4. 在岷岷山饭店店对面 5. 在餐餐馆旁边边 6. 在电电话亭前前面 77. 在在图书馆馆后面V. 1. neear, onn 2. beetweeen 3. nexxt tto 44. aacrooss froom 55. iin ffronnt oof 66. bbehiindVI. 11. IItss accrosss ffromm thhe hhoteel. 2. Its bbetwweenn thhe ssupeermaarkeet aand thee reestaauraant. 3. Itts neaar tthe suppermmarkket. 4. Whherees thee reestaauraant? 5. Whherees thee hootell?VII. 1. 在附近近2. 向向左转33. 直直走4. 在右右边5. 劳驾驾/打扰扰一下66.
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