1、 Kim Ricketts: My name is Kim Ricketts, and Im here to introduce and welcome James Kakalios, who is visiting us as part of the Microsoft Research visitor research series. James is here today to discuss his new book, The Amazing Story of Quantum Mechanics. Sciennce hass meet mmoree deemannds of sciie
2、ncce fficttionn thhan mosst ppeopple reaalizze, thaankss too quuanttum mecchannicss. Thooughh wee doontt seee tthe worrld of thee Jeetsoons witth fflyiing carrs, peooplee geettiing to worrk bby jjet pacck oor SStarr Trreks tteleeporrterrs, yett, wwe ddo hhavee smmartt phhonees, pocckettsizze ccomppu
3、teers andd hyybriid vvehiiclees. Becauuse of quaantuum mmechhaniics, wee maay aalsoo seee mmanyy moore sciiencce fficttionn teechnnoloogiees bbecoome a rreallityy. Jamess iss a proofesssorr inn thhe SSchoool of Phyysiccs aand Asttronnomyy att thhe UUnivverssityy off Miinneesotta. Hee seerveed aas aa
4、 coonsuultaant forr thhe ffilmm Waatchhmenn annd wwon a rregiionaal EEmmyy Awwardd foor hhis rolle iin tthe Sciiencce oof WWatcchmeen. Hee iss thhe aauthhor of thee crritiicallly accclaiimedd Thhe PPhyssicss off Suuperrherroess. So pleeasee jooin me in wellcommingg Jaamess Kaakallioss too Miicroosof
5、ft. appllausse. Jaamess Kaakallioss: Thaank youu veery mucch. Thhankk yoou ffor thee inntrooducctioon. Thhankk yoou aall verry mmuchh foor iinviitinng mme aand wellcommingg mee. I mmustt saay tthe worrkinng ttitlle oof mmy nnew boook oorigginaallyy waas tthe Worrld Of Tommorrrow andd soo itts kinnd
6、oof aa plleassuree too coome herre, seee thhe gguyss reespoonsiiblee foor tthatt. Actuaallyy Miicroosofft sseemms tto bbe ffolllowiing me. TTwo weeeks agoo I wass inn Neew YYorkk foor ssomee meediaa evventts aand wallkinng aarouund Timmes Squuaree att niightt seeeinng tthesse hhugee thhronngs of peo
7、oplee liinedd upp. Andd whhat impposee arre cconccertt arre ttheyy gooingg too? No, thheyre waiitinng ffor thee Coonneect to go on salle aat mmidnnighht. Soo I asssumee thhat youu juust likke ggivee onne oout to thee sppeakkerss, bbut laaughhterr. So I wannt tto ttalkk abboutt thhe TThe Amaazinng SS
8、torry oof QQuanntumm Meechaaniccs, my neww boook. FFirsst llet me givve yyou a llitttle bitt off baackggrouund. HHow didd a milldmannnerred phyysiccs pproffesssor gett asssocciatted witth ccomiic bbookk suuperrherroess, SSpidderMann, SSupeermaan iin mmy dday jobb Im aa coondeenseed mmattter expperii
9、menntallistt thhouggh II doo baasiccallly ssoliid sstatte pphyssicss. Ivve bbeenn dooingg thhis forr ovver 20 yeaars. DDoinng rreseearcch oon aamorrphoous semmicoonduuctoors, yoou kknoww, tthiss iss ammorpphouus ssiliiconn ussed in sollar cellls or flaat ppaneel ddispplayys. Doone fillm ttrannsissto
10、rrs. Ive donne aa loot oof wworkk onn sttudyyingg ellecttronnic noiise in theese matteriialss. Forr abboutt teen yyearrs II sttudiied sannd ppilees. Saand wass quuitee hoot iin pphyssicss thheree foor aa whhilee. We calll iit ggrannulaar mmediia wwhenn wee taalk to thee fuundiing ageenciies. lauught
11、ter. And mmostt reecenntlyy coollaaborratiing witth pproffesssorss inn neeuroosciiencces usiing tecchniiquees tthatt deevellopeed aa seemieelecctroonicc nooisee innto sorrtedd seemiccondducttorss annd aappllyinng tthemm too vooltaage fluuctuuatiionss inn thhe bbraiin. But tthatts nott whhy IIm herre
12、. Im hheree beecauuse bacck iin 220011 I creeateed aa frreshhmann seeminnar claass at thaat ttimee Unniveersiity of Minnnessotaa caalleed eeverrythhingg I knoow aabouut sscieencee I leaarneed ffromm reeadiing commic boooks. WWhicch mmy ccollleagguess saaid expplaiinedd a lott. laaughhterr. This is a
13、 rreallly phyysiccs cclasss tthatt cooverrs eeverrythhingg frrom Isaaac Newwtonn too thhe ttrannsisstorr, bbut theeres nnot an incclinne pplanne oor ppullley in sigght. AAll thee exxamppless coome froom ssupeerheero commic boooks andd ass muuch as posssibble thoose casses wheere thee suuperrherroess
14、 geet ttheiir pphyssicss riightt. Now, obvviouuslyy, yyou knoow, thee suuperr poowerrs tthemmsellvess arre iimpoossiiblee, bbut oncce yyou graant a oone timme mmiraaclee exxempptioon ffromm thhe llawss off naaturre, whaat ttheyyree shhowiing doiing witth ttheiir ppoweers is sciienttifiicallly corrre
15、cct. I shoowedd thhis covver herre bbecaausee thhis is acttuallly a ccomiic tthatt I bouughtt ass a kidd, eevenn thhouggh II waasnt aa biig ffan of Suppermman at thee tiime beccausse SSupeermaan iis hheree viisittingg a colllegge ccamppus andd I wass juust fasscinnateed tto ffindd ouut wwhatt liife
16、in colllegge wwas goiing to be likke. Even as a kkid, baack in thee660s I kkneww thhat thiis ppartt waasnt ttoo acccuraate. BBut theere aree thhinggs hheree onn thhe ccoveer tthatt, yyou knoow, as youu alll kknoww tuurn outt too bee coorreect, naamelly aall proofesssorrs aat aall timmes alwwayss wee
17、ar capps aand gowwns. lauughtter. Andd alll pproffesssorss arre 8800 yeaar oold whiite menn. But ffromm thhis claass theen iin MMay of 20002, I wwrotte aan oop eed tthatt waas ppubllishhed in thee Miinneeapooliss Sttar Triibunne ppoinntinng oout howw a keyy sccenee inn a claassiic SSpidderMann coomi
18、cc boook turrns outt too bee a texxtboook illlusttrattionn off Neewtoonss laaws of mottionn. I tthouughtt, wwelll, tthe SpiiderrMann mooviee iss abboutt too oppen, thhe ffirsst oone. AAnd so thiis mmighht bbe aa goood oppporttuniity to gett soome sciiencce iintoo thhe nnewsspapper. The UUnivverssity
19、y off Miinneesotta pput outt a litttlee prresss reeleaase sayyingg, wwelll, SSpidderManns on thee biig sscreeen butt iff yoou wwantt too knnow aboout thee scciennce of supperhherooes, thhe ppersson to askk iss Jiim KKakaalioos, he teaachees tthiss frreshhmann seeminnar, bllah, bllah, bllah. I shooul
20、dd poointt ouut tthatt thheyve sennt oout preess relleasses aboout me befforee, aabouut mmy wworkk onn ammorpphouus ssemiiconnducctorrs oor oone oveer FF nooisee. Ressultt? Zerro. Yoou wwritte oone stoory aboout SpiiderrMann, hhoweeverr, aand thee mooviee oppeneed oon FFridday, thhe oon eend apppear
21、red on Friidayy. By monney wass geettiing callls froom tthe BBCC, tthe Lonndonn tiimess, CCNN Heaadliine Newws, thee Asssocciatted Preess camme tto mmy ooffiice wheere I jjustt haappeenedd too haave theese leccturre ddemoonsttrattionn tooolss onn haand. lauughtter. Thaat wwas a lluckky bbreaak. At t
22、hhis staage of my liffe, Ivve rrecoonciiledd myysellf tto tthe facct tthatt I cann wiin tthreee mmobiile priizess annd II knnow whaat pphotto ttheyyree ussingg inn myy obbituuaryy. My collleaaguees ssay winn thhreee moobille ppricces likke hhow, onn eBBay? This artticlle aactuuallly wwentt accrosss
23、tthe nattionn. Thiis iis aa cllipppingg frrom thee Chhicaago Sunn Tiimess. It acttuallly wennt aarouund thee woorldd. I tthinnk II knnow whaat ttheyyree saayinng aabouut mme hheree. In a TTurkkishh cllipppingg. Andd thhen I sstarrtedd shhowiing up in plaacess thhat phyysiccistts ddont uusuaallyy app
24、peaar. So iff yoourre eeverr pllayiing Triiviaal PPurssuitt annd yyoure plaayinng vvoluume sixx annd yyou gett caard 2911, IIlll teell youu riightt thhe sscieencee quuesttionn, tthe ansswerr iss Krrypttons. Thhe qquesstioon iis wwhatt pllaneetss grraviity didd scciennce proofesssorr Jiim KKakaalioos
25、 eestiimatte bby ccalcculaatinng tthe forrce neeededd too leeap oveer aan eeartth bbuilldinng iin aa siinglle bbounnd? Now, I ddidnnt eveen kknoww abboutt thhis. OOne of thee grraduuatee sttudeentss caame to me onee daay aand shoowedd mee thhis carrd, brooughht tthiss too myy atttenntioon. I borrrow
26、wed thee caard, brrougght it dowwnsttairrs, shoowedd itt too myy deeparrtmeent chaairmman. AAnd I ssaidd, AAlann, wwho is thee moost fammouss sccienntisst yyou knoow? llaugghteer. AAnd he loookedd att thhe ccardd annd hhe llookked at me andd hee saaid Steevenn Haawkiing. lauughtter. Whoo iss noot aa
27、 geeniuus. Ohh, wwelll thhen its yyou. And sso iin 220055, oone of thee niice thiingss abboutt alll tthiss atttenntioon wwas thee reeceiivinng hhunddredds aand hunndreeds of emaiils froom sstuddentts aand teaacheers andd peeoplle llongg ouut oof ccolllegee whho llikeed tthiss iddea of teaachiing sci
28、iencce uusinng ccomiic bbookks, askkingg iff I hadd a boook, whiich eveentuuallly lled to my wriitinng aa boook, whhichh iss noow oout in a ssecoond ediitioon. Annd tthatt haas lled me to thee cuurreent tallk aand thee cuurreent boook ttalkkingg abboutt thhe TThe Amaazinng SStorry oof QQuanntumm Mee
29、chaaniccs tthatt I wannt tto ttalkk abboutt toodayy. Becauuse theere is alsso aa coomicc boook connnecctioon tto tthiss. Youu knnow, reeadiing commic boooks, thhey alll prrediicteed wwhatt liife wass gooingg too bee liike in thee fuuturre. Heeres heeres aan oold advventturee coomiccs wwherre SSupeer
30、booy vvisiits gooes 1,0000 yeaars in thee fuuturre aand meeets theese othher supper powwer teeenaggerss, tthe leggionn off suuperrherroess. Andd thhis wass a verry ppopuularr feeatuure andd hee coonsttanttly by beiing ablle tto bbreaak tthe timme bbarrrierr woouldd goo a thoousaand yeaars intto tthe
31、 futturee annd hhavee addvennturres witth tthe leggionn off suuperrherroess. And iin tthe futturee itt waas pprommiseed tthatt wee woouldd bee inn a bettterr pllacee. Andd thhe rreasson we wouuld be in a bbettter plaace is thaankss too scciennce. IIn aa thhoussandd yeearss frrom noww, iif yyou gott
32、inn trroubble, yoou wwoulldnt ccalll foor tthe pollicee, yyou callledd foor tthe sciiencce ppoliice. Here in anootheer ccomiic, onee off thhe llegiionaairees iis ffalsselyy acccussed of bettrayyingg thhe llegiion andd soo thhey locck hhim up. AAnd hes ggot thiis ccompputeerizzed devvicee thhat proov
33、iddes thee thhreee neecesssittiess off liife, foood, waaterr, bbookks. llaugghteer. But rreallly, thhis goees bbackk evven furrtheer. Heeres ffromm 19928, iff fiirstt apppeaarannce of Bucck RRogeers in thee scciennce ficctioon ppulpp maagazzinee Ammaziing Stooriees. Annd ttheyy prromiisedd uss thhat
34、 in thee fuuturre wwedd haave jett paackss, fflyiing carrs, robbot dommesttic asssisttantts, undderwwateer ccitiies. WWhatt wee goot iinstteadd whhy ccelll phhonees, lapptopp coompuuterrs, DVDDs, Maggnettic Ressonaancee Immagiing. SSo ssomee guuys aree reelucctannt tto ggivee upp onn thhe jjet pacck
35、. llaugghteer. But wwe ddo hhavee jeet ppackks. Annd yyou cann taake a jjet pacck tto wworkk prroviidedd yoou llivee juust a ccoupple of bloockss frrom wheere youu woork. BBecaausee thhe pprobblemm iss itt thhey thhe wwritterss off thhe sscieencee fiictiion pullps andd kiind of boooks thooughht ttha
36、tt wee woouldd haave a rrevooluttionn inn ennerggy, whiich is neccesssaryy inn orrderr too haave likke fflyiing carrs aand deaath rayys wwhenn whhat we gott innsteead wass a revvoluutioon iin iinfoormaatioon. And eenerrgy youuree prrettty mmuchh liimitted to thee chhemiicall boondiing strrenggthss b
37、eetweeen atooms andd moolecculees. Annd, youu knnow, foor tthe phyysiccistts iitss onn thhe oordeer oof aa feew eelecctroon vvoltts. Thhats tthe eneergyy sccalee, vvisiiblee liike redd liightt haas aan eenerrgy of aboout a llitttle undder twoo ellecttronnic vollts. SSo tthatt giivess yoou tthe senns
38、e of thee ennerggy. What youu veery feww peeoplle iin oordeer tto hhavee ennouggh eenerrgy to takke aan eexteendeed ttripp orr too leevittatee a carr, yyoud nneedd liike nuccleaar ppoweer wwhicch pprodducees mmilllionns oof eelecctroon vvoltts pper reaactiive. AAnd butt feew ppeopple aree wiilliing
39、to havve aan uunliicennsedd nuucleear powwer pacck oon ttheiir bbackks uunleess youuree a memmberr off thhe GGhosst BBustterss. But ttherre wwas stiill itt waas pprommiseed tthatt wee miightt haave, yoou kknoww, nnucllearr poowerr inn ouur ddaytodayy liivess thhougght bacck iin tthe 500s. Thhis is t
40、hee 19957 Forrd NNuclleonn, tthe prootottypee off a nuccleaar ccar. II liike thhey nevver buiilt it, buut iit wwoulld hhavee a litttlee nuucleear fiissiion reaactoor wwithh liittlle mminii coooliing towwer herre wwithh taail finns llongger thaan tthe carr evven. AAnd thee iddea is thaat yyou couuld
41、go 5,0000 milles befforee yoou wwoulld hhavee too swwap outt thhe nnucllearr coore. WWhatt yoou ddo iin tthe casse oof aa feendeer bbendder wass neeverr reeallly ttalkked aboout. But ttherress acctuaallyy ann innterresttingg coonveergeencee beetweeen thee scciennce ficctioon ffutuure andd thhe rreal
42、l fuuturre tthatt wee haad. Huugo Gerrnsbbackk fiirstt puubliishees AAmazzingg Sttoriies, thhe ffirsst ppulpp maagazzinee deevotted to sciiencce fficttionn inn Apprill 19926. AAlsoo puubliishiing in 19226, Erwwin Schhroddingger, puubliishiing hiss thhe SSchrrodiingeer eequaatioon, whiich wouuld serr
43、ve as thee foounddatiion forr mooderrn qquanntumm thheorry. Schroodinngerr annd aa haandfful of othher sciienttistts ddeveelopped quaantuum mmechhaniics beccausse ttheyyree trryinng tto uundeersttandd hoow aatomms iinteeracct wwithh liightt. AA geenerratiion latter, grroupps oof sscieentiistss att B
44、eell Labbs, othher ressearrch labboraatorriess deevellopeed tthe lasser andd thhe ttrannsisstorr. Youu doontt accciddenttallly ddisccoveer aa laaserr, ookayy, yyou havve tto ggo iintoo thhe llab andd wiillffullly, witth mmaliice afooretthouughtt goo inn annd bbuilld ssuchh a devvicee. And yyou cannt
45、 do it witthouut aan uundeersttanddingg off hoow aatomms aand ligght intteraact proovidded by quaantuum mmechhaniics. AA geenerratiion latter youu geet CCD pplayyerss, pperssonaal ccompputeers, laaptoops, ceell phooness, eeverrythhingg myy teeenaage chiildrren wouuld sayy wiithoout whiich liffe iis
46、nnot worrth livvingg. Nonne oof tthesse aare posssibble witthouut tthe traansiistoor aand or thee laaserr, nneittherr off whhichh arre pposssiblle wwithhoutt quuanttum mecchannicss. This is purre noowaddayss, wwe wwoulld ssay thaat tthiss iss cuurioositty bbaseed rreseearcch. Scchroodinngerr iss juu
47、st tryyingg too unnderrstaand howw thhe wworlld wworkks. Scchroodinngerr, HHeissenbbergg, PPaulli, Borrn. Iff yoou wwentt too hiim aand saiid, nicce eequaatioon, Erwwin, whhats iit ggoodd foor, hes nnot goiing to sayy weell if youu waant to stoore mussic in a ccomppactt diigittal forrmatt, bbut reaa
48、llyy wiithoout thee innsigghtss prroviidedd byy a hanndfuul oof ppeopple, thhe wworlld wwe llivee inn woouldd bee prrofoounddly diffferrentt. For eexammplee, yyou knoow, wed sstilll hhavee coompuuterrs, butt thhey wouuld usee vaacuuum ttubees. Soo too haave a ccompputeer tthatt haas tthe samme ppowe
49、er aas aa laaptoop, it wouuld havve tto hhavee bee abboutt thhe ssizee off thhe rroomm. So theere wouuld be verry ffew of theem. Onnly corrporratiionss annd tthe govvernnmennt wwoulld oown theem. Thheree woouldd bee veery litttlee reeasoon tto llinkk thhem toggethher in an Intternnet. TTherre wwoull
50、d bbe nno WWorlld WWidee Weeb. Soo thherees alll soortss off thhinggs tthatt thhe wworlld hhas chaangeed tthatt wee doontt reeallly tthinnk oof. I thiink I ooncee fiigurred outt thhat in an aveeragge hhosppitaal ttherress prrobaablyy moore traansiistoors thaan ttherre aare staars in thee Miilkyy Waa
51、y ggalaaxy. SSo wwe ddont nnotiice howw offtenn thhis commes aboout. SSo tthiss alll ccamee abboutt thhankks tto ssemiiconnducctorr annd ssoliidstaate phyysiccs wwhicch wwas enaableed ddue to quaantuum mmechhaniics.How mmanyy peeoplle ddont kknoww quuanttum mecchannicss heere? GGreaat. Thhat willl c
52、channge by thee ennd oof tthe tallk. I havve llikee abboutt 400 miinuttes to teaach youu alll qquanntumm meechaaniccs wwhicch lleavves me witth aa prrobllem. WWhatt amm I goiing to do witth tthe othher 35? lauughtter. It haas aa reeputtatiion forr beeingg weeirdd annd iincoomprreheensiiblee. Thee id
53、deass arre ccerttainnly weiird, buut ttheyyree noo weeirdder thaan ssayiing thaat wwe llivee inn a seaa off innvissiblle eelecctroomaggnettic wavves, onnly a ssmalll sslicce wwe ccan acttuallly dettectt. We nevver thiink aboout thaat uunleess youu caantt geet ffivee baars or youur pphonne oor yyourr
54、 laaptoop. Thhen youu nooticce tthatt thhe ssea is misssinng. So leetss leet mme bboill itt doown to unddersstannd hhow quaantuum mmechhaniics leaads to sommethhingg liike a llaseer. Leet mme bboill itt doown to thrree thiingss liike in thee coomicc boook, thhreee suuspeensiionss off diisbeelieef, t
55、hrree thiingss thhat youu woouldd haave to buyy innto. That ligght hass booth a wwavee annd ppartticlle llikee prropeertyy asssocciatted witth tthe terrm pphottonss, mmattter hass booth parrticcle andd waavellenggth prooperrtiees, andd off evveryythiing, liightt annd mmattter hass ann inntriinsiic s
56、spinn. Theese aree thhis is alll iff yoou bbuy thaat, thaatss thhis is nott, tthiss haas nnothhingg too doo wiith, yoou kknoww, wwavee inndettermminaacy or thee meeasuuremmentt prrobllem or Schhroddinggers ccat. TThiss iss Im ttakiing whaat II deescrribee a worrkinng mmans vvieww off quuanttum mecch
57、annicss. Thiis iis tthe stuuff thaat wwe eexpeerimmenttaliistss maake usee off whhen dessignningg seemiccondducttor devvicees. So leetss loook at thee fiirstt prrincciplle. Liightt haas bbothh a wavve aand parrticcle likke pproppertty, phootonn. A mmaniifesstattionn off tthatt iss thhat wheen yyou s
58、hiine ligght on a mmetaal, if ligght wass juust a cconttinuuouss seeriees oof wwavees llikee waashiing up on a bbeacch, thee waavess miightt evventtuallly pussh ssomee peebblles up thee sllopee off thhe bbeacch. Buut rreallly whaat tthe ligght is commpossed of is a sseriies of iss a macchinne ggun b
59、ulllett spprayy. Andd byy chhanggingg thhe ffreqquenncy of thee liightt, iis tthe wavves wouuld jusst thhe ffreqquenncy wouuld jusst bbe tthe spaacinng bbetwweenn thhe ccressts, annd tthatt woouldd juust dettermminee thhe rratee att whhichh thhe ppebbbless arre aadvaanceed. But tthe freequeencyy acc
60、tuaallyy coontrrolss thhe eenerrgy of thee buulleets andd soo byy inncreeasiing thee frrequuenccy wwe ccan havve bbullletss thhat cann prromoote thee ellecttronns oout of thee maaterriall. Thiis iis ccallled thee phhotooeleectrric efffectt. Theere aree off cooursse ppraccticcal apppliccatiionss too
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- 2025年贵州贵安新区产业发展控股集团有限公司招聘笔试参考题库附带答案详解
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- E4A使用手册(DOC)
- 社会救助内容和工作职责
- ISO9001_2016年[全套]质量管理体系文件
- 学校工会组织机构(共3页)
- 正泰电器低压电器选型手册
- 黄河颂朗诵PPT
- 燃气激波吹灰器
- 室内电气施工设计说明
- 各种中西药特效外敷方药