



1、专题0L4咨询信2023届新高考英语写作精讲+写作模板1.(2022江西金溪一中高二期末)假定你是李华,下个月将赴英国某学校做交换生。请写一封电子邮件 向该校咨询学校相关内容。内容包括:1.学校简介:.课程内容;.课外活动。注意:1.词数100左右;.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。【答案】Dear Sir/Madam,Im Li Hua, a Chinese student who will go to study at your school as an exchange student next month. Could you lell me something about your

2、school?It would be great if you could show me what your school is like. For example, is it convenient for us to have access to the Internet? Does the school provide accommodation for (he students? Specifically, Td like to know what subjects wc will learn and the way wc will be taught. Besides, I als

3、o have a strong passion for the after-class activities, which are about music, art works and sports like football and basketball.Im looking forward to your reply.Yours,Li Hua【简要分析】本篇书面表达属于应用文之咨闻信写作。要求考生写封电子邮件咨询自己下个月赴英国做交换生的 某学校的相关内容。其中咨询内容包括学校简介、课程内容以及课外活动。第一段介绍自己,引出写信的 缘由或目的。第二段是本篇书面表达的重头戏:对于“学校简介、

4、课程内容以及课外活动”这三个要点都 需要分别适当增加细节。如上网是否方便、是否提供住宿、开设课程、教学方法、课后活动较为详细的信 息等等)。【句式拓展】原句:For example, is it convenient for us to have access to (he Internet?拓展:For example, is it convenient that we can have access to the Internet?【亮点句型】1 .Im Li Hua, a Chinese student who will go to study at your school as an

5、exchange student next month.(运用了 who引导的定语从句)2.1t would be great if you could show me what your school is like.(运用了 if引导的主语从句和what引导的宾语从句)2.(改编自2022湖北武汉市六中高二期末)假定你是李华,寒假想去英国进行为期十天的旅游,向英国 某旅行社发一封邮件,咨询相关信息并表达感谢。注意:1.写作词数应为80左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。【答案】Dear Sir or Madam,Im Li Hua, one fan of your travel ag

6、ency. Now, Im writing to inquire about some information about a ten-day travel in Britain during the winter vocation.To begin with, I would like to visit some scenic spots and shopping centers. Could you recommend some of them to me? It would be greatly appreciated if you could provide us with your

7、travel packages and their corresponding price per person, covering both hotels and return tickets. Also. I would like (o inquire about some dos and donts we must pay special attention to during our travel in Britain.I would be grateful to receive a prompt reply as the holiday is approaching.Yours,Li

8、 Hua【简要分析】本篇书面表达属于应用文之咨询信写作。要求考生给英国某旅行社发一封邮件,咨询去英国旅游的相 关信息并表达感谢。题干所给要点非常笼统,开放度极大。考生在写本篇书面表达时,不是适当增加细节 的问题而是必须要加以拓展的问题。关于“旅游”的话题,可供咨询的内容较多,考生可以随手拈来。比 如:景点、购物、旅行套餐(住宿和往返)及其相应的价格、在国外旅行时必须特别注意的考前须知(该做什 么、不该做什么)等等。【句式拓展】原句:Im writing to inquire about information about a ten-day travel in Britain during t

9、he winter vocation.拓展:Im writing to inquire about information which is about a ten-day travel in Britain during the winter vocation.【亮点句型】Lit would be greatly appreciated if you could provide us with your travel packages and their correspondingprice per person, covering both hotels and return ticket

10、s.(运用了特殊句型:It would be greatly appreciated if和非谓语动词短语).Also, I would like to inquire about some dos and donts wc must pay special attention to during our travel in Brilain.(运用了省略关系代词的定语从句).(2022宁夏银川二中高一期末)假定你是李华,你打算暑假去参加一个为期三周的国际中学生夏令营 (Best Summer Camp)活动。请根据下面提示信息用英语写一封咨询信,询问这个夏令营的有关情况。内容包括:1.开营FI

11、期、地点;2.主要活动及费用。注意:1.词数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。【答案】Dear Sir or Madam,Li Hua, a 17-year-old student from China. I am planning to attend Best Summer Camp during the summer vacation and I am writing to inquire about it.First, I have decided to join the 3-week summer camp. Could you tell me when it start

12、s and ends so that I can plan my trip in advance? Second, I am wondering where the summer camp will be held. Besides, I am so interested in what activities we are going to take part in and by the way how much shall I pay for it?I would appreciate it if you could give me a reply at your earliest conv

13、enience.Yours,Li Hua 【简要分析】本篇书面表达属于应用文之咨询信写作。要求考生就“参加一个为期三周的国际中学牛.夏令营(Best Summer Camp)活动” 一事,询问这个夏令营的有关情况。内容包括:开营日期、地点;主要活动及费用。 本篇书面表达题干所提供的要点比拟详细。考生能够将所有要点表达出来、表达正确即可,但是需要考 生巧妙地处理要点。比方:在表达“你打算暑假去参加一个为期三周的国际中学生夏令营(Best Summer Camp)活动”的要点时,考生需要拆开来分别在不同的地方表达出来:一局部放在写信的背景里表达, 还有一局部要放在咨询时(I am planning

14、 to attend Best Summer Camp during the summer vacation and I am writing to inquire about it.)以及说明理由时表达(First, I have decided to join the 3-week summer camp. Could you tell me when i( starts and ends )。【句式拓展】原句:First, I have decided to join the 3-week summer camp.拓展:First, I have decided to join the

15、summer camp which lasts fbr three weeks.【亮点句型】I .Second. I am wondering where the summer camp will be held.(运用了 where引导的宾语从句)2.1 would appreciate it if you could give me a reply at your earliest convenience.(运用了 if引导的条件状语从句)4.(2021河南濮阳一高高二期中)假定你是李华,正在新西兰一所国际中学做交换生,得知学校近期将 组织一次当地的文化体验活动。请给负责人写一封询问信咨询

16、相关事宜并申请参加。内容包括:1.写信目的;2.咨询内容:时间、路线、所需准备等。注意:1.词数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。【答案】Dear Sir/Madam,Im Li Hua, an exchange student from China. Having learnt that a taste of local culture will be held by our school in the near future, I,m writing to apply fbr a chance to join in it and ask fbr some details.Fi

17、rst, I want to know when we will set out and where to get together, in case I might be lale.Besides, would you please tell me the route that we will take. I have heard that there are many places of interest in New Zealand. So I want to enjoy as many as possible.Whats the most important is the fact w

18、hether I should take some food and drink.I will appreciate i( if I will be given the chance.Looking forward to hearing from you soon.Yours,Li Hua【简要分析】本篇书面表达属于应用文之咨询信写作。要求考生给学校当地的文化体验活动负责人写一封询问信, 咨询相关事宜并申请参加。本篇书面表达题干所给的要点比拟详细,但是也比拟凌乱,考生如果稍不注意 就有可能遗漏要点。因此动笔写作前,考生务必要提炼要点,并加以捋顺:我是李华,来自中国的交换生。 得知学校近期将组织

19、一次当地的文化体验活动,(因此)写信申请参加该活动,咨询一些细节(以上这些都是 写信的背景或目的)。然后就“时间、路线、所需准备”扩展要点:最后是必不可少的套语。【句式拓展】原句:Im Li Hua, an exchange student from China.拓展:Im Li Hua, who is an exchange student from China.【痉点句型】.Having learnt that a taste of local culture will be held by our school in the near future, Im writing to appl

20、y for a chance to join in it and ask for some details.(由 that 引导的宾语从句).First, I want to know when we will set out and where (o get together, in case I might be late.(由when引导的宾语从句和in case引导的目的状语从句).Besides, would you please tell me the route that we will take.(由 thal 引导的定语从句)4.1 have heard that there

21、 are many places of interest in New Zealand.(由 Ihat 引导的宾语从句)5.Whats the most important is the fact whether I should take some food and drink.(由what引导的主语从句和whether引导的同位语从句)6.1 will appreciate it if I will be given the chance.(由 if 引导的条件状语从句)5.(2022辽宁大连市二十四中模拟预测)假定你是新华高中的李华,你了解到你校一所美国的姊妹校将 在暑期开设针对外国学牛

22、的线上英语课程,请写封邮件,咨询关于暑期课程的一些事宜。内容包括:1.写邮件的原因;.咨询情况;.表示感谢。注意:1.写作词数应为80左右;.邮件的格式已经为你写好。To whom it may concei n.Yours sincerely,Li Hua 【答案】1lb whom it may concern.My name is Li Hua, a student in Xinhua High School, your sister school in China. Learning that there will be a summer online-course about Engl

23、ish study intended for foreign students, I am writing to enquire about some relevant information.Firstly, since my spoken English is not very good, is there any specific lessons designed for this aspect? Besides, what materials will we use for the course? Are the materials totally free or should I p

24、ay for them? Most importantly, considering the time difference. I really need to know whether the lessons are given in real time or can I review them?Thank you for your kindness and your prompt reply will be highly appreciated.Yours sincerelyLi Hua【答案】2To whom it may concern.My name is Li Hua, a stu

25、dent in Xinhua High School, your sister school in China. Delighted to know your school will offer an online English course for foreign students this summer holiday, I am writing to know more about it.lb begin with, how many days will the course last and how long is each lesson? Furthermore, is the course free? If not, can I enjoy a discount when I sign up with some of my classmates in China? Lastly, I would like to know if the course includes any discussion sessions for students to exchange ideas and share opinions?I shall be much obliged if you will reply to my


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