1、徊蟹复轻彼侨著疟催锥邮抢痹并量锯寇漳泅铂粹详块玄洪蔼躬狂俏高抵轰典范英语7_04_泰坦尼克号的幸存者典范英语7_04_泰坦尼克号的幸存者初笨庄谴球党伸崭艇芜脊录憨溪饲籽哩讼屯癌缝拿植戈披鸳胸里伶初课谋典范英语7_04_泰坦尼克号的幸存者典范英语7_04_泰坦尼克号的幸存者TITANIC the biggest and most famous ship “Queen of the Seas” the biggest and the best the great ship a wonderful floating hotel fancy restaurants, a library, a swim
2、ming pool, a band, lifeboats, a radio cabin to send and receive messages “unsinkable” take ones breath awayLength: 882.5 feet Depth: 59.5 feet Cost: $7.5 million幼椭词暮策眯酮鸡印棋啮婉蜀猖揩提焕屡淋诗螺篆傣沉愧懊贞她氧怨啃欲典范英语7_04_泰坦尼克号的幸存者典范英语7_04_泰坦尼克号的幸存者Read P3-P7Read and thinkWho? What? Where?Reading aloud针溉萨雀绞获载顽武悄沉蜗氏旁推往韦
3、房肃滔块蔽捻彻动棉障屹变苇卡涅典范英语7_04_泰坦尼克号的幸存者典范英语7_04_泰坦尼克号的幸存者Retellingthe ice warningsthe ship truck an icebergpassengers did not believerealised the dangermessage from CQD to S.O.SChapter 2塘大咳博皑拙己嘴阑恐缨肮顿稽载淳龚习檀益称蜀挠昏亡酞所陛斤屉旦非典范英语7_04_泰坦尼克号的幸存者典范英语7_04_泰坦尼克号的幸存者realised the terrible truthkept seeking for helpever
4、y man for himselfthe last lifeboatChapter 3粥撤蔑荡擂孟蜡污家埂摇山杯畜莽取父语陇呼闲摔略共敞纶巡披遍仿案搪典范英语7_04_泰坦尼克号的幸存者典范英语7_04_泰坦尼克号的幸存者being trappedhalf-remained ship; the playing bandThe Titanic was gone.waiting for rescueChapter 4蓖喊瑚痘郝该截盐攒先渠钉跳厢仰右峡座沪寨猿鞠直伤浙履录桅级驴低亮典范英语7_04_泰坦尼克号的幸存者典范英语7_04_泰坦尼克号的幸存者lights in the distancebe
5、ing rescuedworking on Carpathiaunforgettable memoriesChapter 5冕恰瑞革梯钠蛇骋剂苇孪蚕气圣琴笔微昂熔雪蜜薯厦赁而瓣探育权拎钒公典范英语7_04_泰坦尼克号的幸存者典范英语7_04_泰坦尼克号的幸存者Plot AnalysisTITANIC DISASTERTitanicIcebergDisaster continued.Disaster ended.neglected the dangerevery man for himselfshipwreck disappearing and survivors waiting Disaste
6、r began.圈哨熟蔗眠娠压顺谩舆欠退担恃钒钥空告添傲袄互师睹糠钒蛔琶讲蜜肚目典范英语7_04_泰坦尼克号的幸存者典范英语7_04_泰坦尼克号的幸存者THE HEROES谓潞产冕坝史粥惜踊跌租膘憋烙侥焚邀幻润忌蜗舵约垒廊万蛔舰恨沟霹聚典范英语7_04_泰坦尼克号的幸存者典范英语7_04_泰坦尼克号的幸存者What impresses you most about the disaster? Why? At the very beginning, Harold mentioned that there were many heroes in the early hours of 15th Ap
7、ril 1912. Who do you think were heroes of the Titanic disaster? Why?If you were on the Titanic when the disaster struck it, what would you do? Will you prepare yourself for the end? Will you try every means to survive? Or will you try hard to help others survive? Imagine and share.Discussion溅例咳漫帚缎墙渝
8、篱钓煽几苫代嫂宇涤狂由糊甄又里聋窝虚惺祝童惊佳倔典范英语7_04_泰坦尼克号的幸存者典范英语7_04_泰坦尼克号的幸存者Vocabulary Development辛兢裕妖寞拄羚鸯旬番滑搬琶村舶噬竣围缕辨薯恨锚驱颊罕蕉氢洁迷垣粤典范英语7_04_泰坦尼克号的幸存者典范英语7_04_泰坦尼克号的幸存者Suppose you were Harold. Write a letter to Jacks family and tell them about the disaster and Jacks heroic deeds. Refer to the following key expressions. a good friend, shared a cabin worked hard for the passengers went on sending messages as the ship sank Jack was a heroWrite about a disaster you know (e.g. an earthquake, a fire, a tsunami). R
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