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1、 SHAPE * MERGEFORMAT 工程项目建设的的中心任务就就是实现项目目目标。从客客观意义上讲讲,投资目标标的实现才是是业主经济效效益的真正体体现;而工程程造价的确定定与投资的有有效控制是工工程建设管理理不可缺少的的重要组成部部分,在项目目建设管理中中有着特殊的的地位。随着着我国经济体体制改革的不不断深入,国国民经济持续续发展,怎样样加强工程造造价管理,提提高项目投资资效益?这是是当前投资和和造价改革的的一个重大课课题。造价和投资在国国民经济发展展中和社会经经济活动中,有有很多一致的的地方,但不不是一个等同同的概念。从从目的来看,搞搞好投资是为为了使投下去去的一定量的的货币能保证证回












13、halloww engiineering cost managgementt and invesstmentt conttrolProjectt consstructtion ccentraal tassk is to reealizee the projeect gooals. From the oobjecttive ssense, inveestmennt to achieeve thhe goaal of econoomic bbenefiit is ownerr reall emboodimennt, Annd prooject cost deterrminattion aand i

14、nnvestmment oof efffectivve conntrol of thhe enggineerring cconstrructioon mannagemeent iss an iimporttant aand inndispeensablle parrt of projeect maanagemment hhas a speciial poositioon. Ass Chinnas eeconommic syystem reforrm, thhe nattionall econnomy ccontinnues tto devvelop, how to sttrengtthen t

15、the enngineeering cost managgementt, impprove the pprojecct invvestmeent beenefitt? Thiis is what the ccurrennt invvestmeent annd cosst refform aa majoor isssue.Cost annd invvestmeent inn the devellopmennt of natioonal eeconommy andd sociial ecconomiic acttivitiies, hhave aa lot of coonsisttent ppla

16、ce, but not aa conccept eequivaalent. Judgging ffrom tthe puurposee is tto makke thee inveestmennt, immprovee the amounnt of cast curreency ccan guuaranttee, aand reealizee valuue-addded baackfloow, Annd impprove cost is too makee the invesstmentt projject eengineeeringg pricce levvel coontroll at t

17、targett withhin thhe quoota, JJudginng froom behhaviorral prrocesss, invvestmeent beehavioor proocess is caapitall inveestmennt + pprojecct impplemenntatioon + pprojecct conntrol + cappital recyccling, the cost of thhe behhaviorr proccess iis cosst surre (inncludiing innvestmment eestimaation, desii

18、gn buudgetaary esstimatte andd consstructtion ddrawinng buddget) + proocess contrrol + the ffinal accouunts oof thee comppletedd projject. Invesstmentt behaavior proceess thhan thhe cosst of behavviorall proccess llongerr. Witth thee operrationn proccess, cost of caapitall is mmake mmonetaary fuund

19、trransfoorm foor achhievinng goaals wiithin the lline oof asssets, invesstmentt is mmake mmonetaary fuund trransfoorm foor asssets, and tthrouggh thee use of asssets and mmonetaary fuund baackfloow.Investmment ccost iis a ccriticcal paart off and main conteent, iit inccludess the consttructiion prro

20、jectt fromm consstructtion ppreparratoryy to ccompleetion accepptancee of tthe coost off combbined, and it coonsistts of buildding tthe coost, eequipmment ttools is, tthe enngineeering consttructiion otther ffees, reserrve, iintereest innteresst, taax forr fixeed asssets iinvesttment and tthe cuurre

21、ntt fundds andd so oon a ccompossitionn. Thee pricce mecchanissm is the ccore oof cosst mannagemeent inn the probllem, bbut allso innvestmment mmacro decission aand immprovees thee projject iinvesttment beneffit off a ceentrall issuue. Too streengtheen thee costt manaagemennt, inncreasse thee invees

22、tmennt efffects, mustt formm a unnder tthe sttatess macrroeconnomic contrrol, ttakingg markket maainly formeed cosst priice meechaniism.The traaditioonal bbudgett normm systtem unnder tthe pllannedd econnomy ssystemm, to strenngthenn the invesstmentt plann manaagemennt, reeduce wastee aspeects hhave

23、 ccertaiin possitivee rolee. Butt withh the sociaalist markeet ecoonomy is grraduallly esstabliish annd devvelop, the curreent buudget norm systeem andd the increeasinggly dooes noot adaapt: qquota of qquantiity aand pprice no sseparaate, aand foormed a liiving markeet annd deead unnit prrice, the c

24、onfllict ccant in thhe marrket ttruly, prommptly and aaccuraately refleectingg the cost of buuildinng prooductss, Thee currrent bbudgett ratiion off compprehennsive degreee biggger, consttructiion meeans cconsumme parrt is dead, stocckingss consstitutte enggineerring eentityy conssumptiion paart iss

25、 deciided, and bby thee desiign off consstructtion ccost pparts, suchh as ffeet hhand sschemee, thee conttent ssuch aas verrticall trannsporttationn shouuld bee by cconstrructioon entterpriise inn ensuuring all-rround to peerformm the contrract uunder the ppremisse of themsselvess, thee currrent nno

26、rm, shoulld bellong tto thee conttents of thhe NinngGuHuua commpetittion, to thhe dettrimennt of consttructiion ennterprrise aand addvantaage, ccompettitionn to wwin; TThe cuurrentt budgget noorm wiith leegal nnaturee and forceed proopertiies off budgget raation direcct feee feess stanndard, deveelo

27、perrs andd conttractoors arre alttered arbittrarilly, orr plannned ppricinng forr the Lord; The curreent buudget quotaa valuuationn mainnly byy direect feee, inndirecct feee, inddependdent ffee, pprofitt and taxess consstitutte, inn addiition to diirect fee tto takke eveerythiing coorrecttly ouutsid

28、ee the rest rates forrm, annd feees immmobiliized, go aggainstt intuuitiveey refflect the pprojecct conntent pricee, andd withh the interrnatioonal qquotedd pricce wayy gap biggeer alsso.In ordeer to whichh inveestmennt maccro deecisioon andd imprrove tthe beenefitt of iinvesttment projeect, mmust t

29、the pllan foormatiion off engiineeriing coost prrice mmechannism, insteead off undeer thee stattes mmacroeeconommic coontroll by mmarkett mainnly foormed enginneerinng cosst priice meechaniism, wwas allso muust inn unitty quaantityy calcculatiion ruules aand soocial averaage reeal coonsumpption quot

30、aa, folllow tthe coommodiity ecconomyy baseed on the llaw off valuue, esstabliishmennt of markeet maiinly fformedd costt pricce mecchanissm: onne is to fuully rrealizze prrice vvolumee sepaaratioon. Thhe govvernmeent isssued the uunity of quuantitty andd pricce buddget nnorm ssystemm, insstead of th

31、he govvernmeent isssued enginneerinng connsumpttion qquota, unitt pricce forr seveen, beecome curreently issueed guiided ppricess wantts eveeryonee to eexecutte insstead releaased mmarkett infoormatiion, tthus mmakingg the pricee guiddance to thhe priice off channging with relattivelyy stabble phhys

32、icaal connsumpttion pphase separrationn, 2 iit is unifiied quuantitty callculattion rrules. Willl gradduallyy accoordingg to iinternnationnal haabit, unifiied quuantitties nname, unit of meeasureement, calcculatiion ruules, projeect Nuumberss is nnot onnly beeneficcial tto thee markket foor guiidanc

33、ee, etcc, butt alsoo withh the interrnatioonal ccommunnity, Threee is tto enggineerring eentityy conssumptiion annd nonn entiity coonsumpption (consstructtion mmeasurre sexx conssume) relattive aapart. Thiss is hhelpfuul to the ccontraactor play to thheir rrespecctive advanntagess, commpetittion tto

34、 winn; Thee fourrth iss simpplifieed triival ffees. The ccurrennt norrm of each ZiMu cost cannoot dirrectlyy refllect, must recallculatte feees cann be kknown, ZiMuu afteer eacch andd everry iteem connstrucction cost of thhe tottal vaalue oof thee relaationsship wwith ffuzzy, simpplify the ffare, ea

35、ch partiial annd ZiMMu cosst andd pricce rellationnship becamme cleear, wwhich invesstmentt conttrol aactiviities and ssubconntracttor annd dessign tthe vaariatiion vaaluatiion, FFive iis resservedd to tthe goovernmment oof impportannt facctors of prroducttion pprice interrventiion poower. As too th

36、e markeet somme ressourcees wheen thee highhest pprice fixinng, fiixing minimmum daaily wwages levell and some type of hiighestt dailly wagges liimit eetc.Cost deetermiinatioon andd inveestmennt conntrol throuughoutt the wholee projject cconstrructioon, prrojectt inveestmennt thaat hass the largeest

37、 efffect on sttage oof dessign. In coonstruuctionn projjects on thhe liffe perriod, preliiminarry dessign oof thee projject oof connstrucction projeect baasicallly deecidedd the scalee, strructurre, coonstruuctionn stanndardss and use ffunctiion, fformedd desiign buudgetaary esstimatte, deetermiine

38、thhe invvestmeent ceeilingg. Aftter thhe commpletiion off the consttructiion drrawingg desiign, fformullate cconstrructioon draawing budgeet, acccurattely ccalcullate cconstrructioon enggineerring ccost. Thereefore, engiineeriing deesign is too inflluencee and contrrol off consstructtion eengineeeri

39、ngg costt of kkey seectorss and an immportaant sttage.For a llong ttime, we inn the consttructiion coost maanagemment, ignorred inn commmon deesign phasee projject oof invvestmeent coontroll, andd ofteen takke conntrol projeect innvestmment aand prrojectt costt focuuses oon thee impllementtationn st

40、agge, puut in a greeat deeal off manppower and mmateriial reesourcces too reviiew orr compputingg archhitectture iinstalllatioon prooject cost, selddom coonsideer howw to rreach into reasoonablee fundd, acqquire beauttiful generrous, compllete ffunctiions aappliccable, reassonablle ecoonomy consttru

41、ctiion prroductts. Acccordiing too the domesstic aand fooreignn releevant statiisticss showw thatt the preliiminarry dessign sstage affeccted tthe prrojectt inveestmennt amoount tthe ammplituude off the possiibilitty forr 70-990 perrcent, in tthe teechniccal deesign stagee (connstrucction desiggn) a

42、fffect invesstmentt posssibiliities for 330-75%, Durring tthe prrojectt consstructtion pphase (the impleementaation stagee effeect off projject iinvesttment possiibilitties ffor 5% - 255%. Orr speccificaally, desiggn phaase afffect the pprojecct invvestmeent poossibiility to 800%, annd thee posssibi

43、liity off the impleementaation stagee affeect innvestmment, at beest noot excceed 220%, nnamelyy throough vvariouus meaasuress to rreducee costt utmoost noothingg moree thann 20 pper ceent foor thee folllowingg. Norrmallyy desiign drrawinggs oncce commpleteed, aaccordding tto draawing consttructiion

44、 iis thee prinnciplee of cconstrructioon entterpriise muust peerformm, connstrucction enterrprisees shaall noot be entittled tto opttionall channge drrawinggs, allso haave noo timee, eneergy aand taake riisks tto connsiderr optiimizattion ddesignn. Andd our counttry thhere aare geenerallly deesign d

45、eparrtmentt consservattive, some desiggn onlly figgure cconvennient, withh expeeriencce witthout schemme conntrastt, eveen bliind puursue safetty andd desiign feees, aand buudget contrrol iss vitaal intterestts witth thee desiign innstituute haas notthing to doo, so dontt evenn breaak thee conttrol.

46、Engineeering desiggn andd projject ccost iis suppposedd to bbe a uunifieed whoole off mutuual cooordinnationn and coopeeratioon to promoote thhe twoo taskks, annd in our ppractiice, bbut liike a diffeerent path Benz two ccar, vvillagge poppulateed, wiithoutt releevancee. Dessign ddeparttment; the de

47、siggn quaality and ggeneraal reggardleess off engiineeriing coost, oor to the cconstrructioon of the ccountrry cauused aa greaat wasste off moneey. Too channge thhis siituatiion, aadversse in the ddesignn stagge, wee mustt streengtheen thee consstructtion ccost aand deesign betweeen hoorizonntal cco

48、operrationn, proomote desiggn-limmited, gradduallyy execcuted with pricce fiixed quanttity desiggn metthods, in tthe prrojectt inveestmennt scoope, aaccordding tto saafe econoomy appliicatioon ffrugall priinciplle forr engiineeriing deesign, prommptingg desiignerss havee careefullyy, elaaboratte des

49、sign, achieeve inn the desiggn staage efffectiive coontroll of tthe prrojectt costt purppose; To opptimizze thee desiign off arguumentaation, the purpoose off whicch is to addopt tthe deesign schemme is it teechniccally feasiible, functtion ccan saatisfyy the need, econnomicaally wwhetheer reaasonab

50、ble, wwhetheer usiing onn safeety annd relliabillity. Especciallyy in eeconommy, deesign optimmizatiion iss impoortantt meanns of contrrol, aa new proceess off use, new materrial oof deddicatiion, ssome llocal desiggn chaange eetc, tthese factoors chhange, ofteen makke enggineerring ccost ggreatlly

51、inccreasee or ddecreaase. AAccordding tto ressearchh dataa showws, thhe deppartmeent off consstructtion pprojecct is sensiitive, spacce layyout, layerr numbber annd layyer arre talll, sttructuure annd thee choiice off mateerialss, dessign oof thee seleectionn of tthe faactorss, thee direect immpact on thhe disscretiion off the enginneerinng cosst. Soo, wannt to contrrol thhe enggineerring ccost iin thee desiign phhase, she wwill ddo it well desiggn opttimizaa


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