2020新教材人教版英语必修第二册同步培优练习:UNIT2 Wildlife protection Section Ⅳ含答案_第1页
2020新教材人教版英语必修第二册同步培优练习:UNIT2 Wildlife protection Section Ⅳ含答案_第2页
2020新教材人教版英语必修第二册同步培优练习:UNIT2 Wildlife protection Section Ⅳ含答案_第3页
2020新教材人教版英语必修第二册同步培优练习:UNIT2 Wildlife protection Section Ⅳ含答案_第4页
2020新教材人教版英语必修第二册同步培优练习:UNIT2 Wildlife protection Section Ⅳ含答案_第5页
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1、Section Reading for Writing基础知识 预习自检给丑陋一个机会!当提到保护野生动物,所有的物种好的、坏的和丑的,都该被公平对待。熊猫、海豚和其他可爱的野生动物是重要的,但是我们也要把注意力放在不那么可爱的动物身上。世界需要各种各样的生物没有多样性,我们的星球不能生存。所以如果你想要未来是美好的,你必须给丑的生物一个机会。不要用我的家制造纸张!为了给人类造纸每年有数以十亿计的树木被砍伐。每颗被砍伐的树木都是一部分动物的栖息地,比如考拉。因为树木被砍伐,许多动物的栖息地被摧毁!为了让人类有更多的纸张而让动物们无家可归,这样的做法是正确的吗?重点知识 合作探究When_it_

2、comes_to wildlife protection, all thegood, the bad, and the uglyshould be treated教材 )1当提到保护野生动物,所有的物种好的、坏的和丑的,都该被公平对待。句中的 when it comes to . 到;当涉及某事或做某事时”。剖析归纳拓展(1)to是介词,其后跟名词或动名词。(2)when it comes to位置灵活,可置于句首或句尾。When_it_comes_to politics I know nothing.说到政治,我是一窍不通When_it_comes_to getting things don

3、e, hes useless.一涉及做事,他便不中用了。Although she plays football well, when_it_comes_to English, she is not so good.虽然她的足球踢得很好,但提到英语,她学得没那么好。单句语法填空But things are different _ it comes to web mapping.When it comes to _ (fish), he is an expert.答案:when fishing单句写作一谈到交朋友,你再怎么小心也不为过。When it comes _ , you cannot be

4、 too careful.答案:to making friendsPandas, dolphinsand other cute wildlife are important,but we must pay_attention_to less cute animals, too.教2熊猫、海豚和其他可爱的野生动物是重要的,但是我们也要把注意力放在不那么可爱的动物身上。句中 pay attention to 意为“注意;留意”。/draw/attract ones attention 吸引某人的注意力fix/focus/concentrate ones attention on . 集中注意力在上

5、归纳拓展bring sth.to ones attention 使某人注意某事We should pay_attention_to protecting our environment.我们应该注意保护我们的环境。Most people pay_no_attention_to saving water.大部分人不注意节约用水。He sat at one of the round tables and tried to attract_her_attention.他坐在其中一张圆桌旁边,想引起她的注意。单句语法填空Please pay attention to _ (take) care of

6、the baby cat.Please pay much attention _ your pronunciation.答案:taking to单句写作他正挥手以引起他们的注意。He was waving his hands to _.答案:/catch/attract their attentionto_make_paper for 教材 P20)3为了给人类造纸每年有数以十亿计的树木被砍伐。句中 to make paper for humans 是不定式作目的状语。不定式作目的状语的用法不定式作目的状语时,表示谓语动词所表示的动作的目的。不定式所表示的动作通常发生在谓语动词所表示的动作之后

7、,因此不定式作目的状语时仅用一般式。不定式作目的状语时可位于句首或句尾。为了表示强 in order或 so as so as to do 不能位于句首。不定式作目的状语时,其否定形式是 in order not to .和 so as not to . ,不能直接用“not不定式”。逻辑主语:一般为句子的主语。当逻辑主语不是句子的主语时,要用 for引出不定式自身的逻辑主语。He opened the door for the children to_come_in.他打开门让孩子们进来。To_save the boy, he lost his life.他为救那个男孩儿献出了自己的生命。I

8、n_order_not_to_be late for the meeting, lets hurry.为了开会不迟到,我们快点儿吧。The test questions are kept secret so_as_to_prevent cheating.考试题保密以防作弊。单句语法填空He turned his head around _ (look) at people.When asked why he went there, he said he was sent there _ (train) for aspace flight.Doctors worked through the n

9、ight in order _ (save) the life of theinjured man.答案:to look to be trained to save单句写作我要把他的电话号码写下来,以免忘记。Ill write down his telephone number so as _ it.答案:not to forget4in this way 以这种形式;因为这种方法教材 P20)in a way 在某种程度上in no way 一点儿也不,决不位于句首时,句子要部分倒装)by the way 顺便提一下on the/ones way to 在去的路上all the way 一路

10、上,自始至终out of the way 不再碍事,不再挡路The work should be done in_this_way.应该这样做工作。In_a_way,_we are all responsible for this accident.从某种程度上说,我们都对这起事故负有责任。In_no_way can you give away the secret.你决不能把这个秘密泄露出去。A further investigation is under_way.该事件的进一步调查正在进行中。单句语法填空She didnt speak a word to me _ the way back

11、 home.In _ way, Huawei is a role model for Chinese companies.In _ way am I responsible for what has happened.答案:all a no5stir up激起教材 P20)make up 组成;构成;编造take up 开始从事;占领,占据look up 查找;查阅mix sb./sth. up (with th) 误以为是;弄错As usual, Harriet is trying to stir_up trouble.像往常一样,哈丽雅特正试图找麻烦。He left a job in th

12、e city to take_up farming.他辞去城里的工作,开始务农。I like to mix_up designer clothes.我喜欢把各种名牌服装混搭在一起。Im not making_it_up. The character exists in real life.我没有凭空捏造,这种人现实生活中确实存在。单句语法填空If sea levels go _, do you build sea walls or rehouse people?People often mix me up _ other actors.答案:up with单句写作音乐可以激发我们的想象力。Mu

13、sic can _ our imagination.答案:stir up6归纳拓展as usual 照例;照旧;像往常一样(2)unusuallyadv. 不寻常地;意想不到地It is unusual to share a taxi with a stranger.与陌生人合乘一辆出租车是一种不常见的现象。Despite her problems, she carried on working as_usual.尽管她有困难,她照样继续工作。Everything was the same as before, but the barking of the dogs was unusually

14、frightening.一切跟往日没有分别,但狗叫声显得异乎寻常地可怕。单句语法填空The British are said to have an _ (usual) sense of humor._ usual at that hour, the place was full of old women.Spring was _ (unusual) early that year.答案:unusual As unusually学习效果 随堂演练.单词拼写1Luckily, I watched a _ 海豚) show at the aquarium.答案:dolphin2I would fly

15、 to Australia to see the _ 考拉) bears and the kangaroos.答案:koala3The vegetables _ (搅拌) into the rice while it is hot.答案:are stirred4People can keep out of the sun to avoid _ (皮肤) cancer.答案:skin5Laughter is one of the most infectious expressions of _ 情感)答案:emotion.单句语法填空1Our immune systems are killing

16、 billions _ germs right now.答案:of2He _ (treat) as a hero on his release from prison.答案:was treated3Some people hunted South China tigers _ their skin and fur.答案:for4At present, the Yangtze River dolphins _ (move) to a clean and safehabitat by experts.答案:are being moved5If you find anything _ (usual)

17、, report us at once.答案:unusual.单句写作1说到跳舞,我一点也不感兴趣。When it _, Im not interested in it at all.答案:comes to dancing2你如果不努力决不能成功。You will never succeed _ hard.答案:without working3右边的照片传达了什么情感?_ does the photo on the right communicate?答案:Which emotion4我国花了数十亿元来保护这个地区的野生动植物。Our country spends _ yuanin prote

18、cting wildlife in this area.答案:billions of5不要购买野生老虎的皮毛,这样它们的数量就会增加。Dont buy the _ of wild tigers so that their number will increase.答案:skin and fur课后课时作业 阅读理解AOne animal which is still alive, but has almost disappeared from the world, is theChinese river dolphin or Yangtze River dolphin.The Yangtze

19、River dolphin is a beautiful animal with a graceful body and a longnose. It is blue-greywith a white underside, weighs between 100 and 160 kilogrammes,and can grow up to eight feet long. It lives in the middle and lower parts of the YangtzeRiver. Most dolphins live in the sea so the Yangtze River do

20、lphin is very unusual. It isone of only five kinds of river dolphins in the world.In the past, there were many stories about the Yangtze River dolphin. One storysaid that the dolphin was really a beautiful princess who had drowned in the river.Another said it was a kind of horse that could gallop (

21、急速行进) across water, carryingGod on its back.Sadly, the situation today is very different. Many millions of people live in theYangtze River Basin and the river is busy, noisy and polluted. The Yangtze Riverdolphin is almost blind and moves around using sounds. With so many boats and peopleusing the r

22、iver, the animals cannot find their way around. They are unable to find food,or find each other. Year by year, the number of Yangtze River dolphin in the riverbecomes smaller and smaller.A lot of work is being done to help the Yangtze River dolphin. One section of theriver has been made into a kind

23、of nature park, where the Yangtze River dolphin can besafe. Fishermen work together with scientists and tell them when they see a YangtzeRiver dolphin, or if they find an injured one. Injured animals are taken to a researchcenter and nursed back to be healthy. However, in spite of these measures, sc

24、ientistsestimate (估计) that the number of the Yangtze River dolphin still alive in the river maybe less than 100. If things continue as they are, the lovely creature will disappear in thenext 25 years.篇章导读:本文是一篇说明文。文章讲述了在长江生活的一种濒临灭绝的动物白鳍豚的生存状况。1Which of the following cannot be learnt from the passage

25、?The Yangtze River dolphin has already died out from the world.The Yangtze River dolphin is with a white underside.CThe Yangtze River dolphin lives in the middle and lower parts of the YangtzeRiver.The Yangtze River dolphin is one of only 5 kinds of river dolphins in the world.答案:A “. still alive, b

26、ut has almost disappeared”可知,白鳍豚还没有灭绝,应选 。2The reasons why the Yangtze River dolphin is disappearing dont include_.many millions of people live in the Yangtze River Basin, making there noisyand pollutedthe Yangtze River dolphin is blind because of the pollution and cant find theway aroundCthe boats

27、and people are noisy, making the animals cannot find their way aroundby soundsthey are unable to find food or find each other by sounds since the river is noisy答案:B 细节理解题。第四段讲述了白鳍豚减少的原因:它是一种靠声音辨别方向的动物,随着住在长江沿岸的人的增多,长江变得喧闹,它们就找不到方向,找不到食物和同伴了,所以数量剧减。3Which of the following is the correct way to save t

28、he Yangtze River dolphin?Catch the Yangtze River dolphins and take them to the research center.Make the whole Yangtze River a natural park for the Yangtze River dolphin tolive.CMake one section of the Yangtze River a natural park where the Yangtze Riverdolphins can be safe.Ask many people to come to

29、 the river to help the Yangtze River dolphins.答案:C 推理判断题。白鳍豚数量减少最重要的原因就是它要依靠声音辨别方向,而人类活动把它所需要的宁静破坏掉了,最好的办法自然就是还给它原有的宁静环境建一片自然公园,当然不可能将整个长江建成自然公园,只能是一部分,C 正确,B错误;只需把受伤的白鳍豚带回研究中心治疗,不是把每条都抓回去,因为最适合它们生存的场所还是长江,故 A 错误;让许多人到长江只会加剧白鳍豚灭亡而不是帮助它们,故 D错误。4What can we learn from the passage?People can take some

30、measures to save the animals dying out.The animals dying out are being hunted by human beings.CPeople like to live in the Yangtze River Basin with animals swimming in theriver.There are more Yangtze River dolphins living in a nature park now.答案:A 物的数量,文章最后一段提到了一系列措施。故选 。B(2016北京高考)California Condors

31、 Shocking RecoveryCalifornia condors are North Americas largest birds, with wing- length of up to 3meters. In the 1980s, electrical lines and lead poisoning ( 铅中毒) nearly drove them todying out. Now, electric shock training and medical treatment are helping to rescuethese big birds.In the late 1980s

32、, the last few condors were taken from the wild to be bred ( 繁殖).Since 1992, there have been multiple reintroductions to the wild, and there are nowmore than 150 flying over California and nearby Arizona, Utah and Baja in Mexico.Electrical lines have been killing them off. “As they go in to rest for

33、 the night,they just dont see the power lines,” says Bruce Rideout of San Diego Zoo. Theirwings can bridge the gap between lines, resulting in electrocution ( 电死) if they touchtwo lines at once.So scientists have come up with a shocking idea. Tall poles, placed in large trainingareas, teach the bird

34、s to stay clear of electrical lines by giving them a painful butundeadly electric shock. Before the training was introduced, 66% of set- free birds diedof electrocution. This has now dropped to 18%.Lead poisoning has proved more difficult to deal with. When condors eat deadbodies of other animals co

35、ntaining lead, they absorb large quantities of lead. This affectstheir nervous systems and ability to produce baby birds, and can lead to kidney (肾)failure and death. So condors with high levels of lead are sent to Los Angeles Zoo,where they are treated with calcium EDTA, a chemical that removes lea

36、d from the bloodover several days. This work is starting to pay off. The annual death rate for adultcondors has dropped from 38% in 2000 to 5.4% in 2011.Rideouts team thinks that the California condors average survival time in the wildis now just under eight years. “Although these measures are not e

37、ffective forever, theyare vital for now,” he says. “They are truly good birds that are worth every effort weput into recovering them.”篇章导读:本文是一篇说明文。加州秃鹫在 20 世纪 80 年代濒临灭绝,因此科学家们努力寻找其濒危原因以及解决办法,并成功地解决了秃鹫的危机。5California condors attract researchers interest because they _.are active at nighthad to be br

38、ed in the wildCare found only in Californiaalmost died out in the 1980s答案:D 细节理解题。由首段第二句可知,在20 世纪 80 年代,由于电线和铅中毒,加州秃鹫濒临灭绝。故选 。6Researchers have found electrical lines are _.blocking condors journey homebig killers of California condorsCrest places for condors at nightused to keep condors away答案:B 故答案选 。7According to Paragraph 5, lead poisoning _.makes condors too nervous to flyhas little effect on condors kidneysCcan hardly be gotten rid o


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