高中英语:学案:人教版必修五Unit3 Life in the future语言知识检测_第1页
高中英语:学案:人教版必修五Unit3 Life in the future语言知识检测_第2页
高中英语:学案:人教版必修五Unit3 Life in the future语言知识检测_第3页
高中英语:学案:人教版必修五Unit3 Life in the future语言知识检测_第4页
高中英语:学案:人教版必修五Unit3 Life in the future语言知识检测_第5页




1、Book 5 Unit 3 Life in the future 语言知识检测案学编写人:龚朝霞审核人:领导签字:【学习目标】.扎实掌握本单元的基础知识,提升自己的理解力、记忆力。.自主学习,合作探究;学会循环复习,牢固掌握基础知识的方法。.激情投入,疯狂记忆,体验学习的快乐。使用说明及学法指导案A层全面掌握本单元知识,形成完整的知识树,并自主运用。B层扎实掌握知识,形成完整的知识树。【当堂检测】5)清扫/横扫 6)溜进7)加速 8)使某人铭记某事9)接管/替 10)时间滞后症11)容忍干某事 12)缺乏;没有13)调整以适应 14)敦促/劝说某人做某事15)立刻 16)环保的17)看见/发现

2、18)去除;处理19)在之前 20)被.包围 21)向四面八方 22)对贪婪23)吞并;耗尽 24)渴望做某事25)换频道到(1)(1)方面:层面n. (2)印象/记;感想n.装(3)不断地adv. (4)在前的/早先的adj.(5)不确切的adj. (6)指导;导游n/v.(7)药片n. ( 8)太空舱/胶囊n.(9)乘/服务员n. (10)通路;开口/端n.(11)侧着/侧面向前adv. (12)周围的事物/环境n.(13)容忍;忍受vt. (14) 缺乏,没有 vl/vi/n.(15)调整/节n. (16)面具/罩;伪装n.(17)四轮马车/客车n. (18)按;压;印刷n/v.(19)

3、系牢;扎牢vi. (20)(使)闪光/现v.(21)开关;转换vt/n. (22)时间/刻表n.(23)乐观(主义)的adj. (24)沙漠;荒原n.线(25)公民;居/市民n. (26)打字机n.(27)邮资 n. (28)瞬间/片刻n.立即/刻的adj.(29)生态;生态学n. (30)定居;解决n.I. Words: (30)1)拿起/接受/开始/继续 2)(困境后)恢复 3)系安全带 4)看不见 Sentences: (20), I was unsettled fbr the first few days. 我很担忧这次旅行,所以头几天我心里总是不踏实。, his parents? c

4、ompany, called 4tFulure Tours transported me safely into the future in a time capsule.他父母的公司叫作“未来之旅”,以其技术高超而闻名。The capsule began swinging gently sideways as we lay. 时间舱开始轻轻摇晃,我们放松地躺在那里做梦。, my head ached.由于缺乏新鲜空气我感到头痛。Soon I was back on my feet again and following him to collect a hovering carriage .

5、没过多久,我就再次站立起来,跟着他去领了一台由电脑驱动的气垫车。, I slid into bed and fell fast asleep.我感到累极了,偷偷的爬上床就睡着了。Then Wang Ping flashed a switch on a computer screen, and a table and some chairs rose from under the floor.然后王平在电脑荧屏上闪了一下开关,于是一张桌子和几把椅子就像变魔术 二从地板下面升了上来。, it spins slowly in space to imitate the pull of (he eart

6、hs gravity.被描述为一个巨大的圆盘,它慢慢地在宇宙旋转模仿地球的引力。I can still remember the space stewardess called us all to the capsule and we climbed in through a small opening.我仍然记得那刻,女乘务员让我们都进入时间舱,我们都通过一个小入口爬进去。There is a system the waste the principles of ecology.他们用一个系统将废物以生态原那么处理掉。【自主运用】I. Multiple choices. (IO5)The y

7、oung man acted strangely during the interview. He made a bad on theemployer.A. expression B. impression C. experience D. opinionhave the that our head teacher was more a friend than a teacher to us.A. desire B. idea C. imagination D. impressionHelen always helps her mother even though going to schoo

8、l most of her day.A. takes upB. makes upC. saves upD. puts upIts said that Peter will as managing director when Bill retires.A. take upB. take overC. take onD. take inThe twins are so much thatit is difficult to tell one from the other.A. similarB. equalC.likeD.alikeThe student promised to the teach

9、er that he wouldnt make a mistake next time.A. likeB. same C. nearD. similarIn the managers opinion, many of our young workers proper training?A. are lacking in B. are lacking C. lack for D. lack inThough money, his parents managed to send him to university.A. lacked B. lacking of C. lacking D. lack

10、ed in-You must finish this work by nine oclock this evening.-Sure, but you ought to help for me.A. provide B. offer C. affordD. supply1(). He reached the station1(). He reached the stationexhausted. learnedC. to exhaust. to learn1(). He reached the stationexhausted. learnedC. to exhaust. to learnonl

11、y that the train had just left.exhausting. learningD. exhausted. to learnii.完成句子:(1(). He reached the stationexhausted. learnedC. to exhaust. to learnonly that the train had just left.exhausting. learningD. exhausted. to learn., the city looks beautiful, (sec)从塔上往下看时,这座城市看上去很美. , the dictionary will

12、 be very popular. (publish) 一旦出版,这部词典将会很受欢迎。., I didnl notice what was happening outside, (lose) 陷入沉思,我没有注意到外面发生了什么事。water changes into steam, (heat)加热后,水会变成蒸汽。I can also work out the problem, (give) 如果再给我一个小时,我也能解出这道题。the tree could have grown better, (attention) 多给予关注的话,这棵树本可以长得更好。wc didnt lose heart and encouraged each other, (beat)虽然被这个队打败,我们


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