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1、32/32OADUARD RRIER SSETradguardbrer, 6 feet long, .5 fe ih, 2eet idet bse, with its atete desn, is the o barrier t typthat el oks ithou hene orddional assistance bir, ther than he roaduardarer, ca elf-lo iouthe nedo aditinal pparatus, sua a able, strap, rod o ouper。 I addition, therodgua barrier, ec

2、ause of its unique patened dsin llos focurved onfiuraionsof up o 5 degrees at chbae connetio, in eitedireion, whileemaining lockedto the adjacnbrrir No the br c me that aim! Alo, the oardarrier i desi for headitinf igns screes and flashers becase f th bilt in slots for schdeises nd is easi to maneuv

3、er beaue itsweig and two carryinlotscontane eahbarer。 The ptetedinerodesign o te radgard barirrevets uing andkesits sides stih and rim while manaininweight f only 125 bs。 Emty bt ecu 15 lbs. The ragrdcner connecto barrie s desig or use h herodgurd arrer as onntingbrrir untto alw foeth left oright an

4、gur, orbth multusl, of ewn to 05degreeswilelcingtogtr allconecting brrirs In addition,tecorercnecorbarrier alows forthe nitil ragar brie ine totnafe conecting barre line extnsisto he eft an/o righ. Lihtweigt d easy o ande, th rouardcorner cnec barrieri2 fee i engthnd widan。5 eet i high, deied t cres

5、onith he oagurdbarrier。 Dctly beneaththefilling hol ofhe radguad cne cnnetorrier is a pietendiguprditenally frm thebot of tebariertosecre fia pole or pe that can be inseted downwad thougthe filn hole id ole r pipe can be usd to attach signage, iay scees or srityps tht exend abovethe barrerliight。 Th

6、 ogard hihwayassemy sa refrcnt ystem or ighwa rrierstat sibte and tasfe foces ta mayocur upn iact of a ecle so that tevrallhihy brrier stem ll ha grate srngth an intgiy. The roadgard hiayassemblyytm meetsllNCHRP 350,et Lvel 3 uck and Car Cah Test Seciaons, nd sapprovd by FHA ruse on hhaconsrcto rojt

7、s hete postd veicle spee ina workzne ane as ih as2mph/10kh The roaguar highwy assmby is afaricated teel aemby desinedto esi munt to te roadgardarri。 This ASMBLproves two ditict fnios: rovidi a stron nd resilienter srfac t resistthe heland bump o a triking veile,nd to inkhe barries mor srel to eachot

8、he and cret a vey rus lner systsc ta the orce of a srikng ehilwllbe ditibuted oer ay ariers, minimizngthe lateral movemen atthe point o ipact.Theradgard scuitypnel is ud for perimeter secuty, sey, rodonrol ndgeeal ste rotetion. These6x 4 hain linkfencepn nts ntall firlyn a oadguard arriert give a ab

9、le 8fot high ntinuous, uboken protectvef f all ecury n afey eedsOpioal solid atal, screen,or ierwven chan link pnel areavalabl。 Oursud ea lies in th northf merdelt of te Huanhe iver ad t wasfmed y theiver wayo Diaokou in 1176.The Hunhe ve has te lges conent o st n may tansport abou 10。Gt/a sil into

10、he ohai e。 Thesubdelt wa btqicyundethe sppyof abndant seiments. Th apd acumulaton n the dlta alwas makes theriver cos to be diertedfrequentl Thebndon delta olbe edd nd rtraed rapily ater diverion beuethlack of spply。 Thegradint of e cosaslop in thdeltis very gentle,he atdept isoy1m in the plceabot10

11、km aarfrom he osta bk。Afe of iometeswie tidl ft woud be exps dring bb tid tat maks us wo n e tidal flatcnvenie Th sedients o the idal fla r mainy compoeof fe nds, silt and clay。With heelopment of enomic construcon, vrous ks of dernized traffic flity, sit pay ost u uch as eprsway , t,oeas fnction blw

12、n srengteday by day n cmunitons and ransporttion, te delomnt f ad the omunicatonsdransporatin has cased rapid risn othe afic accdent,trafficSae ando trugh bomingareatworl dificult probmThe rigditygual is ofende th uadrailform notbasically outofshae bythe autmoie, generall point h oept o tig afe appe

13、arance f guardrailo modes Cneseoeric mic o cocrete al o concreteguadral , trougthe diffrntide f sope of apprancemainl,makethe autmobile modrate,it ishigh t clib, chang dirtin, last mig not colldg ins of uardai angle allertan 100 car no medium-sized main a cage effectieto, make atombil receive lihted

14、mg,a angle o colling, cllide wen raivey hevpe hving, the automoble dmagesserousAccordn to riidiy wit can die t flexle urrail , seirigidguarrail anrigdi guardralsfe fo oguardai.1)Te flebl guardal enerally points the abl uadail , is one indwitstrutue that fixes of ma rots on the illar of cable of exri

15、ngpretrsingoce,totaly lying o te rssof drawigofth cable to resst theveicle ad colld, efrm is beautiul , nt oressig thesnsewhileoing,but thsightlerse, te fabrictio cs is reatively hih,donotgneally ue. 2)Theem-riid gurda nerallypons te oo mtp guardril , is a kin f roo eam typ tructrefied wit th pill ,

16、 depend othe guadailcrookdand u ofhape and pulling re res the colision of te vehileTheae lo o kinds t rfbeam tpguaral , ue the mosextesive one to the rooeagudailof twaveform. Hav crairgidiyntouhness, esytochageate dagi, an lead sigt , the aparance i eautifu .3)Th rigityguardail generall point the ce

17、entocrete wall type guarrail , i knd o netewatpe struureofcemnih certn sectio form , rely on the atoie toclib high, uto spe ndrubing o absrb heeey f colliding 。 he uardrailsecuriy high, c reven twoccident ffevely, itelf difficlt to damag,themaintnance csilw, btae sense f opresin to g to tvehile, tis

18、elaivelserious to dma the veiclecuritygurdral of xprsway shoul preventhg-spe vhcle tat o fromexceed oule,pss troug cta authorties isiti it isit tolne , ca ea t drives ghtcorrectly to inrudupon totake o eparate, make hehicl get bck to normal travediectio, and it mnimum t redce lint dgre othe cident t

19、o。 In a wod,hgh-sed hihway fetguarrai reduce traficacciet an euce acidet malgnteffetive measure oegee,but n souet u plc ofte ardralseup he guardi , beomete new barrier insad, i s agos to increas he accident. So, sould gathecractrstic f the grdil tohe design o h sfe gardrilfist nd comine th taffic cn

20、itonf the expresswa,on the premiseomeeig bsicunciono te guadri , set the suitabl garril orfo e, adop the rational stablishenprnpe。Becaus toogrhcal trms, make thivestmet ndteclgal tems to rstran fromany ids of facr, wa ide he brierunavoidabl, o excd vehic f outlefom potentl dan. Way side gardrl set u

21、pn bbletoreducaccient sriusplae ofdgreony, i esig prncpe is confirmed acrdngt peple subjective udement of such actors as lssf ighway, volume o tffi ,veicle main up dway sd chracteristi,et.。hemos ideaguardril form is hameetfntonsneeds a wll as the cots thelowes, an eeganinaearance, and ca leathe sig

22、of diinga vehice The cable guardiliuefor notavng venly no nkin , snow , long strahtline, ighwa etion withthe secialbatfl deand ; The coct guardrail is utab for very dangoussteppingsuch hgasctn aste iv brige, liff ,ec.;avfom gardral have hevy sitablity, uiable for all hhway secio basically, espelly s

23、ma raiu curved dh isit la highway sctinof ght ond. Reque ccordinto normand HunanIn a siua thatthe vlume tfci bi, vehilgo at aghsped, s crss centalautrites epraehe itaton ldo appn,may prouce te seriousconseuece , o,th central authriies sparte th ith th ring s the mrant ass of setting upguardrail . At

24、icllisio ushioroughasob vehicl olide eneg ake hcl topng safe, mat veice angtrve diion, aid te deprmetand taeadvnage f persnnls receiving faciies f th serious injuy. he ticolision csion is thlow cots, av verhigh eurtyperfrane I ain applies from kin in h mdleof not haing to inging and carrying outte t

25、rnitionwhile having, thesual friendhip chaneizing ndunts one, hs egulr barriers henh ilsity highay sectio othetrafi ccidet。he anticoisn cushin has platiccushionosyteaic nticollision o intedate ayer ,fill ou suc vrusom ath plastic arl anticolln shion , and bag ,et.。 Practice s proed, t aicolsion cshi

26、oia kindof fctve city , it minlyserius degee whihredus e accient, but ot edce heergencof cident. ith theapiddeveopenf theeprswa f our onry, peopehave mrved a lot understanin ofth poan safe gadril, while buidieguadail, should cmparefrom uchman asecss rformace , iew and ecoomy,ec。 onsieniouly , consid

27、r ianllon way.Te niolliso uardrilincludes the onctefuntins of four respect: 1)Peentle from jum outlet (ridge) oude,is it brng to separ t central authritis u speech,is it re veice from pas through cetl authrities isittae bu inde upon rty thelae to epaa to want; ehi , it gt off vece etout nder artl to

28、ingth rest boar , or reak the gudrail to efen; )Theuardal oldbe ableo mke the vhilerply to adstop ravl iction frqentl ;3)Whl coliding , he damageto the pasengr isthe minium eee: )C lead the sih f the persnsh drive an bfn ou rmabvementionefuncton, the gaail ust havesuitab intenstyomehacs and cision i

29、nrde tokeep out he hicle o rgidity , revt the vehclefrm cin oi of le (he rige ): anhile, rgiity of guardralan toohevy,canis i nju rlightenthe de inuin to rtect passnerfom ettrReal ar fll sie is i it offen with cul auomoi guardal iiimte kindoreeah pproac of tac accident co to test t bup n。 t canget a

30、utomobilesprori d sport psu in theourseof riking , suh tre blievable tecnica pramtersas thenumbr valu of hok ower ,ec。 of defmaion nd dage charateristcand collidingof the utbile n urdail ,thus ferd th scintif basis for he depenabili o otherreseach aroch come resut design and verificatio of th safe a

31、ndreliableguardilstucture. Now, vrio utrsbump into thetet of the el car of the sem t reard thebasic rerequiite stude tote guardi Beuse theay ide guarrailitsef i a arrir , in a itatin ha the ndition spertted, thesid gudrilof ea hould b et up a ch as psible anar awy from te unwa。 So,the vehcle wichdev

32、iats from the unwa can perhas itanswe to sail in trunwa aaihvng no ccdt most eav .Way de bject exceed from runwa edge sreto afterwrhng ,takastare, driver anbuse reduciseast itio. This istac s calle an leant oards the locatin horizontaly。 his itne varies th sped, must pay attentiono urnteing theprorr

33、nition is deigned wheNnkwith oher strcture tg in sidegarrals ; Should lso y atentono guranteeig he proper iance between he guardrailan brrir Tedeformation hentdrail ollides is not ony nimprtat fto ta th omschose, butalsoanimprtnt ctr se up hen therrier specialy potectes a rigiityoject, th distancbet

34、we te gudailan bject ould blarge inorder to preent theveicle from subling ndeg o te rgidt ojt eouh。 Set thsidgurdrilf twy to guaaneeing thefnin on h wa wi sf side is great atonly, but thdivesification of the ie gadrl forf thewayandinfunc fo f estalishent mketh desin f eside udrail h w veromlcat nmer

35、ousyGuardrailas sperhgwy a impant ne safetydvi mot on , canprven eicle fomou highwa r ntruupn o t gthlane, havefuntion reducncidnt osss , uarnteen the taffcsfet, movin enseof saftyan omfortblenss a the department ides personnel, it isinsenable to mprve the eomyf highway tansotatinansa benefit.The ua

36、rdrail is o fthe mo mpta saey deviesofexpreswy。 Accord t theerene whic can sucthe , hegurrail is ivd it h foloing 3 tyical fors : Rgidituardai ,the emigid guardrai aflexbleguardal 。 Te unctionof t grdal s: When the aomobil ad gardrail clide, unde ons owiuaton not destyed , absobthe eney ofclidng par

37、tl,and hne t atoobile int he ruway ,gurnee the aomoi does not rs he gardai adrses ito the reatvelan put te ank proteton rolling . So he euiton for grdril is: st have eoughintensi ad ropr rigity , here should the trogroe ttan uck thcharaterstic and rain direcon bitathe sae time.Obviously, tis iffeet

38、tht ystmaic secutywith coliding to ” the auomile emi-rigidardrai of tud on scui tatthautomobilcoides istuie, in ” tobile colide secuiy researchesults that ake cnis it gide smi-ri eig o udrailto usfodietyie instudyig ”; rregar atomobil asand hve no for of gemety adhe prcleftee or imle sprng -quliy da

39、pingsystem, is it i udysemi-ridrdrai or line elatmr smrid deignig techniu f guardaiwai orsuchs anticollion mhas to o tsimplify a he smetm.Hv naleady witdyinconsidered thebal plicty of th sem-rid gudl ves o theinfluce of he lwto the uoobilbi aout of sh, considrgometryom , siz and automil car ody stru

40、tue o atomoble laylasiity to be hvyand outofsape o seigid guarrailhevy influec of shape oo, havenot consideredthe emegencat ec of th maeial and inrta efet are to teautomobleca body tructure d age nflunet fshpe ofsirigid guardrai,have noconideedhe nfence ofeach and nes wn thetomobi and smirigiduardal

41、and contat n iction ater even or。 In a ord , aenotconseredy upling dynmics phnoenon Obiou,te essence tat thedesigning techiqu of semi-rig guarrail reive like hscan ot reflectthequesion , resu ts navorable to speial, grea malgnant rafi ccidt revet and cue iproeetof omptence.Wethnk , to inalieable omp

42、onets nhe te tt the umoile and semi ardal collidein the automobe bups it ths inciden of emirgid guada , the mtual cuplig of two , iflncn eah othr, forman oran wholetogethe. Whilth uomoie bums into th semi-rigdguari , he aomobile will keei tuh wih th semirgid guardrails, nd psiionad rea fcntacttht e

43、expoed to wil cange wi srt of t automobile ,the cotct aahagwilproduce h otact srenth adfrctioal ocechnged changd ,ude atingoncommonly in contact strengthanfritioal foce cnedoanging,smirig guardral nd utomobie ar boy tructure will take lace size andho posio chang av nd out ohape (his in s bi andou os

44、hape n oftn clse reed to te ergency at efect f tmateil an ineria fct), Thikin heavyo ca cause neconact while being tof sape (ncluding autmobile car bodysrucure n semiigid uardilare onsown sine cotac , posit ad ara aren hanig contact each other), hen influence he size an dirctio epsedto strength and

45、rictioal foce ,inunce th sprt rbit of theutmobie, this kndfedbc unction mae automoile semi-rigid guardral ” olide system strke she atspeific coupln eahoherNw,peol collie sttu baic prncpl of dynamics p oher eevnt field,ncuding thetuy n semirigi gurrl , but thrstcinhtividedbecause the pecialty, in dei

46、gn technial researc hsmi-riiuadral ,hve not md breakthoughprogrssthrough te espoe cracteristc nalysi o th huma boyin the car in the course to cldig, is it colid corse vrius ins sport lawthat autobile might appar huan oy lugon t iflenc law respnded ito to car tofind ot, cnfirm in vew of the abve thai

47、tis mostfavobo umnbodys ae automobiliea sprtlaw thecar in the cours t ide 。his earc a past reserch aediffent. Cllision ecuiy of automoietudyor lage umbr of rserch reults, authorgo o alrge number of autombie coldsecurity std oo ihepast, buttheon thatstdyis all that te autooile tipulatin bumsinohis ki

48、d fpecil perating eof rigidity wan afty tdards of ables, pupoe thtstudy judge echaics , auooiefstructure carcteti siabl adhow irve theaomole sucural desgn,te utmoile st ucoliesthgh the mdel s very olicate, but thtseve forth mchanics chctsic ofcfirmihe auomoble srtur, t unnecessay to to consider aret

49、s ipact n stucura mchanicscharacterii of he auomoie uk Ante std onancollisiechansm of eirigd guarral, is itcosde mehanis chracrstc , umobile stctur to want to (whehr ormer esearc aumobie ha stu li modlan i it seve tstudyoriay ftr elingwih), t he or imorant thingis htwil onsidrtheinlune n courseof ol

50、idig of mechnics characterisicothe semirigid gadrail , andvars kd of copling phenomnet p througcontactg inrfaces between th autmoile ndsmirigid gurdril , oviouly,chresearc and eacinthepst werediferent.Th seing-u f theyste ntct couplig namcs big sstm model i themos key uestion that e automile the emi

51、-idgurdal ” colies。 Should considr the semirid guardrailnd es on grapeomenaout fhapof llplastcioautoobeithe mel, an also onsideheemi-rigid guardrail aautomoeoneon emym and size, consie such copliated faor as thonttand fricton bwee theutmoi nd adrail ,et。,iti moe sitabe o aoptthefinte elemnt mol For

52、sitcalculat peciion and cmputatial einy two demand of respet ogive conderaon to, o s it i iti itadopt xplict inegration orm o plan to sov to as mel,alluntadot smeot mark andeadigparmeter sand nd lea thecorotehnoogy , n orde o ipve the comptaionaspeed。 In odrtomke th big ssm modelset pan be uedi te r

53、esearc of arios kinds of strutur frmsfsemrigiduarral nd dsig rmetrs ad aw gvi csideration to t model or convnetly, plan set p an autmoilein comn use and simplfy mdls, e upthe guadrailmodel sorehousemade p oseveal model and caractertic of smi-rigid guaral ccrding to the need.To atomobe beig tture pat

54、ed and existngon ued inautomobicoide automoble asuit studcaluatemoe to uge charcterisic, iti t at hefundan, scurityo esrc sts, lide o uoble secutcomony ud automblecollidemoe spif ratially instudng to cie in exiti automobie to pla, set up conse , ocular , wift,scientiic automoile and simplify modls。

55、Simplifying moelscadopt he modelof mii that nodl shll uit an noal entitysni eght four rm , useshel nit smuation fhpar tht my be contacwith thesmirigidgurdai o he autooile, ote parts adop entitun imultinUe autmoble semirigid guardrilcole system inac couplig ymics del, carryo snsit , sructre desgaamee

56、r nalye , stdy sid guadra ruturefrm cold autombile ctalspor influe law oflaw in ecore t first, autoole lawandit themostunanimouspimurutu frmof ieal sportl f el sporby xing makin .Then t opiu struurefrm, is it use autoobie emiiid gurdrail ” code sytemintact oupi dnmicsmodl to coninue, tud h law fiac

57、on rlportla fte automoil dgn parame o he stuctue, inorder to conm thptimu desn ptr.he eeimntal nbe f times ha reducible tclli, obinedthe onsidrble dirctecoomic eneit。 Forln tie, to mirigid dsign ofgudrai, adop expereneesign method , halfanalyzetechol and tst methis go o to ix al, togh can eign the s

58、ibleurdrail , oty andime-consugoy coringtotesng and ting playg, vry nrmnertive, a difficlt to mae thesuivl of th semi-rigd guardra notimum sate。 the is semrigid guarrail a dens the nwchnlogy and does gudac, candispeleottalaety hzard urng the course fdsigning ,rece nd collie heprimentalnumerf tim, rd

59、ue one thtest of clidig, ca eoomize 100,00-200,000an 。 In adition,canpimize he structure fgurdrai n te orminand design paameter,has solv prblem that thetditional ehdsdiicu tose .Th new mcanmof h atolisin of ei-riid gardal ued ithedeinand iprovemen of the sem-riid guardail on txpesswy an speilprpos C

60、las I Hghwa o automoble mainly, taiy,c appy to te deigand improvemt thsemirigd gudail otherighway at allvel o。er, impat kic enegyad its trave pee thathe auomobile hs arethe sue of indrt rad, onthe igspeedautoo hat oes crsses the traffi ccdnt outid te out (he roportion oftin he otalamount o rafi ccie


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