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1、APQC知识管理实施指南There is a widespread understanding of the value of KM in many organizations, and one might assume that mature KM initiatives are widespread as well. However, the gap between organizations recognizing the value of KM and those fully implementing it is large.目前,很多企业对KM都有所了解,甚至一些企业已经认为实施KM

2、的时机成熟了,但是,在“了解知识管理”和“实施知识管理”这个两个层次之间的距离还是很大的。Establishing knowledge management strategies that will ultimately make your organization more effective can be a daunting task. Getting started down the right path is often difficult, and staying the course can be even more so as roadblocks spring up in y

3、our way. Although you may see KM as a worthwhile effort, convincing others of its value and making it happen across your organization can be a tall order.建立知识管理的战略以保持企业的活力是一件非常困难的事情,第一步选对方向就更加困难了,整个实施过程到处充满了绊脚石。尽管你认为知识管理是非常值得做的一件事情。但是让其他人信服并且在组织内部广泛实施是一个非常艰巨的任务。APQC*s approach to KM implementation e

4、ases your way, even as your organization may be struggling to understand the issues, tactics, and tools necessary for a successful KM journey. Our Road Map to Knowledge Management Results: Stages of ImplementationTM framework helps you navigate toward true institutionalization by laying out the char

5、acteristics, requirements, and action steps of every stage of KM implementation:APQC的这套实施方法可以帮助你更好的解决问题,即使你的企业可能正在艰难的寻求概念上的理解、战术的制定以及工具的使用去成功地实施知识管理。为此APQC提供了这份实施指南,通过阶段特征的描述,需求分析以及实施步骤等内容来帮助你成功的找到实施质是管理的正确方向,其实施过程分成了以下5个部分。Stage 1: Get Started Stage 2: Develop a Strategy Stage 3: Design and Launch

6、a KM Initiative Stage 4: Expand and Support Stage 5: Institutionalize Knowledge Management第一阶段:启动第二阶段:策略开发第三阶段:试点第四阶段:推广和支持第五阶段:将知识管理制度化Based on APQC*s study of and collaboration with best practice organizations over a period of years, APQC*s Road Map to Knowledge Management Results: Stages of Imple

7、mentationTM framework spells out the essential steps to achieve true knowledge management implementation. A synthesis of our experience with early adopters, assessment of emerging trends, and identification of best practices, this model serves as a navigation tool for organizations that have seen th

8、e glimmer of opportunity in KM to efficiently develop new products, beat the competition, motivate team members, and maximize profits and investments.根据APQC多年的在最佳实践基础上的研究和总结,这份实施指南说明了成功知识管理实施阶段中的关键步骤。我们将先前实施者的经历、行业发展的最新趋势以及最佳实践的经验综合在一起,作为指南帮助企业成功实施知识管理,这些企业已经看到了实施知识管理所带来的机会,促进企业开发新产品,战胜竞争对手,激励团队成员,以

9、及使利润和收益最大化。Each stage involves description of provoking events, objectives, key players and roles, governance and structure, information technology impact, the nature of business cases, measurement approaches, and budget issues. By completing the key activities for each stage, your organization will

10、 maintain sound footing throughout the entire KM implementation process.在APQC多年来对很多优秀的企业的研究和合作的基础上,这份实施指南详细描述了知识管理实施的几个阶段。每个阶段都包含有导火索、目标、管理和构架、信息技术、案例、衡量方法和预算以及完成每个阶段的关键活动,你的企业将在知识管理实施的过程中不断的提高。Stage 1: Get Started第一阶段:启动Learning where you are is the first important task along your path to knowledge

11、 management success. APQC shows you where to start and points you in the right direction.认清现状是成功实施知识管理的首要任务,这个指南为你指出应该从哪里入手以及正确的方向。If one or more of the following statements is true, your organization is likely ready to embark on Stage 1 of the journey.如果下面所列的情况有一个是属于事实的,那么你的组织已经做好的准备,请进入知识管理第一阶段。Kn

12、owlledgge mmanaagemmentt haas eemerrgedd ass a toppic of inttereest in youur oorgaanizzatiion. At leeastt a feww emmplooyeees hhavee exxplooredd thhe bbeneefitts oof KKM ffor youur oorgaanizzatiion. Someoone hass haad aa peersoonall sttakee inn deevellopiing inttereest in KM. You oor ootheer mmembbe

13、rss off thhe oorgaanizzatiion havve llearrnedd abboutt KMM thhrouugh parrticcipaatioon iin cconssorttia or connferrencces. The oorgaanizzatiion hass crreatted a hhighh-leevell raatioonalle oor vvisiion forr puursuuingg KMM. 知识管理已已经成为为你的组组织中一一个非常常感兴趣趣的话题题已经有一些些员工从从知识管管理中得得到了好好处一些人已经经认同知知识管理理,有很很好的基基础

14、你和其他一一些成员员已经通通过培训训、企业业交流等等方式学学习了知知识管理理的内容容组织有实施施知识管管理的很很高的愿愿景第一阶段的的关键活活动KEEY AACTIIVITTIESS FOOR SSTAGGE 11 SSo, whaat nnow? yoou mmighht wwondder. Foortuunattelyy, AAPQCC haas bbeenn heere befforee wiith dozzenss off woorldd-cllasss coompaaniees aand knoows whaat iit ttakees tto iinittiatte tthiss

15、coompllex proocesss. Bassed on thee orrgannizaatioon*ss weealtth oof eexpeerieencee, AAPQCC haas ssummmariizedd thhe kkey acttiviitiees, as welll aas ssomee heelpfful hinnts, off Sttagee 1.Ass ann innsigghtfful innnovaatorr annd eearlly pprommoteer oof KKM, youur ttaskks aat tthiss exxcittingg sttag

16、ee arre tto ddefiine KM forr ottherrs iin yyourr orrgannizaatioon, shaare stooriees oof hhow KM hass heelpeed ootheer ssucccesssfull coompaaniees, andd allignn KMM usse wwithh cuurreent iniitiaativves.你可可能会想想:说了了这么多多,现在在我该做做什么?很幸运运,APPQC跟跟世界顶顶级的大大公司已已经经历历了这个个过程,并并且知道道应该怎怎样开始始这个复复杂的过过程。基基于这些些经验,AAPQC

17、C总结出出了第一一阶段的的关键活活动。作作为一个个有洞察察力的改改革者或或者是知知识管理理的早期期推动者者,在这这个阶段段的任务务是定义义知识管管理,共共享知识识管理的的成功案案例,并并把知识识管理跟跟目前的的工作联联系起来来,保持持方向上上的一致致。1. Maake thee coonceeptss off KMM reeal forr ottherrs iin yyourr orrgannizaatioon. Crreatte aa cllearr, ttanggiblle ppictturee off thhe bbeneefitts oof KKM aas ttheyy reelatt

18、e tto ggoalls iin yyourr orrgannizaatioon. Usee siimplle ddefiinittionns aand simmplee laanguuagee too exxploore reaal pprobblemms, oppporttuniitiees, andd thhe ppoteentiial vallue thaat KKM aaddrressses.1,企企业内知知识管理理理念的的解释和和推广将知识识管理跟跟公司的的目标联联系起来来,让大大家清楚楚地看到到知识管管理的好好处,使使用简单单的定义义和简单单的语言言指出实实际存在在的问题题、机

19、会会和知识识管理的的潜在价价值。22. IIdenntiffy ootheers to suppporrt tthe devveloopmeent of KM. TTo ffindd addvoccatees oof kknowwleddge mannageemennt, loook aarouund thee orrgannizaatioon ffor currrennt aactiivittiess thhat migght alrreaddy bbe rrelaatedd too KMM. LLookk foor ssmalllerr coommuunittiess orr grroup

20、ps tthatt arre ccurrrenttly shaarinng kknowwleddge, annd mmakee coonneectiionss wiith theese peooplee. RRecrruittingg weell-resspecctedd, iinflluenntiaal ppeopple is alwwayss a goood iideaa.NNextt, cconssideer wwhicch oof tthe folllowwingg phhrasses reaallyy geets youur aatteentiion: Coost cutttinng

21、? Impprovved effficiienccy? Preessuure froom ccomppetiitorrs? Strreammlinned infformmatiion acccesss? SSimppliffiedd prroceessees? As an ageent of chaangee, ffindd thhe ggreaatesst mmotiivattingg vaaluee faactoor iin yyourr orrgannizaatioon tto iinflluennce othherss too suuppoort KM iniitiaativves.2

22、,寻求求支持,推推广知识识管理找出目目前组织织内部可可以联系系到知识识管理的的活动,找找出一些些共享知知识的小小组,并并且和这这些人取取得联系系。寻求求有影响响力的人人的支持持是一个个好主意意。然然后,检检查下面面的几个个问题又又没有引引起你们们的注意意:降低低成本?提高效效率?平平滑的信信息交流流?简单单的流程程?作为为变革的的动力,在在你的组组织内寻寻找最有有激励性性的因素素去影响响别人,让让他支持持KM工工作3. Loook forr wiindoows of oppporttuniity to inttrodducee thhe bbeneefitts oof KKM. Fiind w

23、heere KM willl bbe mmostt vaalueed bby ttalkkingg too peeoplle iinvoolveed wwithh sttrattegiic iinittiattivees, intternnal connsulltinng ggrouups, orr peeoplle iinsiide thee coompaany witth wwhomm yoou*vve ddeveelopped perrsonnal rellatiionsshipps. Theen aanswwer thee foolloowinng qquesstioons. Whha

24、t aree thheirr obbjecctivves? Whhat isssuess arre bbeinng aaddrresssed? Hoow ccan KM hellp tthe orgganiizattionn meeet thoose objjecttivees aand deaal wwithh thhosee isssuees?33,发现现知识管管理应用用的机会会通过过跟内审审,或者者公司内内其他你你已经建建立个人人关系的的个人讨讨论知识识管理可可以发挥挥价值的的地方。然然后回答答下列问问题:他他们的目目标是什什么?达达成这些些目标存存在什么么样的问问题?知知识管理理怎样解

25、解决这些些问题并并达到他他们的目目标。44. CCapiitallizee onn thhe IInteerneet aand enllistt thhe IIT ddepaartmmentt too prroviide toools andd a ballancced vieew oof KKM. Maake connnecctioons witth yyourr ITT leeadeers to finnd oout whaat KKM pposssibiilittiess arre aavaiilabble witth eexisstinng ttechhnollogyy. FFindd

26、 ouut wwhatt caapabbiliitiees rreallisttic upggraddes migght proovidde. Remmembber thaat tthe IT depparttmennt ccan truuly be a ccataalysst ffor emeergiing KM suppporrt ttechhnollogiies.4,利利用Innterrnett并获得得IT部部门的支支持联联系ITT部门的的领导,找找出目前前的技术术可以做做到什么么样子。记记住ITT部门是是KM的的一个重重要支柱柱。ROOADBBLOCCKS TO SUCCCESSSII

27、gnoorinng yyourr coorpooratte ccultturee annd hhisttoryy noot aaddrresssingg isssuees tthatt miightt hiindeer KKM Atttempptinng tto sselll ann ennterrpriisewwidee appprooachh wiithoout buiildiing eviidennce firrst Asskinng ffor a llargge bbudgget befforee crreattingg a commpelllinng vvaluue pproppos

28、iitioon成功功路上的的绊脚石石忽略公司文文化和历历史没有任何论论据就推推销知识识管理没有创造任任何价值值就要求求很大一一笔预算算Stagee 2: Deevellop Strrateegy第第二阶段段:开发发战略IIf oone or morre oof tthe folllowwingg sttateemennts is truue, wellcomme tto SStagge 22.如果果下面的的情况有有一个甚甚至更多多跟实际际相符,欢欢迎进入入第二阶阶段。YYourr orrgannizaatioon hhas esttabllishhed a KKM eexplloraatorr

29、y ggrouup oor ssteeerinng ccommmitttee forr KMM. An exeecuttivee spponssor in youur oorgaanizzatiion suppporrts furrtheer eexplloraatioon oof KKM. Yoou aare loookinng ffor succcesssfuul, intternnal graassrrootts eeffoortss allreaady undder wayy. Youur IIT oorgaanizzatiion is inttereesteed iin aactii

30、velly ssuppporttingg KMM innitiiatiivess. Youu haave stooriees oof hhow knoowleedgee shhariing hass heelpeed yyourr orrgannizaatioon iin tthe passt. Yoou hhavee iddenttifiied pillotss thhat alllow youu too deemonnstrratee hoow KKM wwilll beeneffit youur oorgaanizzatiion. YYou havve ssecuuredd owwner

31、rshiip, funndinng, andd buuy-iin ffor pillotss. 你的组组织已经经建立了了KM探探讨小组组或者KKM筹委委会。公司的的高层领领导支持持知识管管理的推推广你你所一直直关注的的成功的的内在驱驱动力已已经存在在。IIT部门门对KMM的导入入和建设设感兴趣趣你现现在已经经掌握了了一些公公司以前前的知识识共享的的案例你已经经找到一一个试点点可以让让你证明明知识管管理是如如何使企企业收益益的你你已经确确立了试试点项目目的领导导,预算算和支持持Iff moost of youur aanswwerss arre I wwishh! youu doon*tt ha

32、ave to stoop. Andd iff thhe ttaskks mmenttionned in anyy off thhesee sttateemennts seeem ddiffficuult to acccompplissh, APQQC ccan guiide youu thhrouugh thee rooughh sppotss. WWe ccan eveen hhelpp yoou bbuilld tthe bussineess rattionnalee yoou nneedd too seecurre ffunddingg foor ppiloots. Thhe oover

33、ralll obbjecctivve oof SStagge 22 iss too foormuulatte aa KMM sttrattegyy thhat fitts tthe bussineess moddel. Frrom theere, buusinnesss oppporrtunnitiies aree iddenttifiied andd innitiialiizedd ass piilott innitiiatiivess. AA taask forrce takkes chaargee off thhesee acctivvitiies on behhalff off thh

34、e oorgaanizzatiion.如果果大部分分的回答答是”我我希望”,你你不需要要停下来来。如果果在这里里提到的的任何任任务看起起来很难难完成,AAPQCC可以帮帮助你度度过难关关。第二二阶段的的主要任任务是建建立一个个符合商商业目标标的知识识管理战战略。从从这里开开始,试试点的目目标将跟跟业务目目标相一一致。一一个项目目团队将将基于公公司的利利益执行行他们的的行动。KEY ACTIVITIES FOR STAGE 2 At Stage 2, your organization has reached an important turning point. Perhaps a perso

35、nal vision of capturing, sharing, and using information and knowledge has become an organizational exploration of business potential. With the support of an executive sponsor, you can now explore specifically how KM will work for your business. The key activities of Stage 2, and some helpful hints,

36、are summarized for you here.第二阶段的关键活动在第二阶段,你的公司已经到达了一个重要的转折点。或许个人获取共享和使用信息和知识的愿景已经变成了公司对业务潜力的探索。在公司领导的支持下,你可以明确的探索KM将怎样为你的业务服务。这里列出了总结出的有用的第二阶段的关键活动。1. Form a KM task force. 1.形成“特种部队”Base this cross-functional team on the core group that has already formed around KM. The team members will identify

37、opportunities for pilots and set the standards for methods to be used across all initiatives.形成跨职能部门的专业项目团队。这个团队的成员将寻找试点的机会,形成方法的标准。2. Select pilots or identify current initiatives that could work as pilots. 2,选择试点或者发现可以作为试点的现有的工作We recommend three pilots. You can select new strategic pilots or adop

38、t current grassroots efforts already under way. Address issues that are important to your business, and design the pilots to show demonstrable, relevant results. Select pilot sponsors with the resources to help the initiative along.我们推荐3个试点。你可以选择新战略的试点或者采用已经进行的一些工作。发现对公司业务重要的东西并设计试点来显示可论证的结果。选择试点的支持

39、者来提供实施所需的资源。3. Find the resources to support the pilot. 3,发现资源,支持试点工作The most important resources are skilled staff members who can facilitate the initiative and who are authorized by management to focus their time on it. Other resources include IT applications that might need to be created or modif

40、ied. They may be extensiveor you may have them already.最重要的资源是技术熟练的工人,他们可以推动试点工作,并且允许花费很长的时间。其他的资源比如IT,你可能需要创建和修改一些程序。资源是非常广泛的,可能你已经准备齐全。Stagee 3: Deesiggn aand Lauunchh KMM Innitiiatiivess第三阶阶段:设设计并启启动KMM工作Youu*vee allreaady comme aa loong wayy. YYou*ve forrmedd a tassk fforcce, ideentiifieed aand

41、dessignned a ppiloot, andd loocatted ressourrcess. NNow youu*ree appprooachhingg Sttagee 3, thhat exccitiing poiint of lauunchhingg suucceessfful pillotss annd ggathheriing ressultts.项目已已经进行行了很大大一部分分。你已已经形成成了团队队,找出出并设计计了试点点,确定定了资源源。现在在你正在在走近第第三阶段段, If onee orr moore of thee foolloowinng sstattemeent

42、ss iss trrue, yoou aare at thee miidwaay ppoinnt oof yyourr joournney. Weelcoome to Staage 3.如果以以下情况况有一个个或者多多个符合合你的情情况,说说明你的的项目已已经进行行了一半半,欢迎迎来到第第三阶段段。YYourr orrgannizaatioon hhas dessignned a ppiloot aand impplemmenttatiion strrateegiees. Yoou hhavee laauncchedd coommuunittiess off prractticee, aan

43、iinteeracctivve KKM IIntrraneet ssitee, oor ssomee ottherr piilott innitiiatiive. YYou havve eenliisteed aand traaineed ppiloot ffaciilittatoors andd leeadeers. YYou havve eestaabliisheed ppiloot mmeassurees aand inddicaatorrs aand devveloopedd a sysstemm foor ttracckinng aand repporttingg reesullts

44、. YYou havve ccreaatedd sttrattegiies forr leearnningg frrom youur KKM iinittiattivees. Yoou hhavee maappeed oout strrateegiees ffor exppanddingg yoour pillot iniitiaativves acrrosss thhe oorgaanizzatiion.你的的组织已已经设计计了试点点并执行行了战略略你已已经启动动了一个个经验交交流团队队,一个个交互式式的KMM内部站站点你你已经找找到并培培训了试试点的推推动者和和领导者者你已已经建立立了试点

45、点工作的的措施和和衡量标标准并且且形成了了跟踪和和反馈机机制你你已经创创建了一一个从KKM工作作中学习习的战略略你已已经勾画画出在全全公司推推广试点点的策略略Sttagee 3 cann bee a rewwarddingg tiime of neww orrgannizaatioonall grrowtth aand vittaliity. Thhe ooverralll obbjecctivves of Staage 3 aare to connducct ssucccesssfull piilotts, proovidde eeviddencce oof KKM*ss buusinnes

46、ss vaaluee, aand cappturre llesssonss leearnned.第三三阶段是是收益时时间。主主要的目目标是引引导成功功的试点点,提供供KM商商业价值值的证据据并总结结经验。KEY ACTIVITIES FOR STAGE 3 第三阶段的关键活动At stage 3, the benefits of capturing, sharing, and using information and knowledge have begun to take definite form. This is the time to harness the momentum fro

47、m the first two stages and focus on details, such as a formal budget. Leadership now needs to see the potential for measurable gains and ROI from successful pilots.在第三阶段,获取/共享和使用知识和信息的好处已经非常明显。是时候将前两个阶段悬而未决的任务详细化了,比如一份正式的预算。领导现在需要看到试点的可预计的收益潜力和投资回报率。1. Fund the pilots. Assign a KM oversight group, s

48、uch as a steering committee or cross-unit task force, to reallocate organizational resources, such as money and time, for KM initiatives. Every best-practice partner, including the World Bank, Chevron, HP Consulting, Xerox, and Siemens, reported having a KM task force to provide supervision and supp

49、ort for the reallocation of organizational resources.1,形成试点形成一个小组,比如筹划委员会或者跨单位的团队,来分配资金和时间等资源。每一个成功的公司,包括世界银行,HP等,都建立了专门的团队来管理和支持公司资源的分配。2. Develop methodologies that can be replicated. Avoid building knowledge collections without an active community to contribute to the effort. Combine knowledge pr

50、oviders and knowledge users in a seamless community of practitioners. Allow these active communities to form voluntarily from natural groupings that span boundaries; encourage participation with face-to-face networking and community-driven Web sites. Establish a process for screening, filtering, and

51、 validating shared knowledge from the sites before presenting it as organizational knowledge.2形成通用的方法:避免脱离活跃的社区的努力来收集知识。通过无间隔的实践社区将知识提供者和知识使用者结合起来。允许那些活跃的社区去自发的组织团队去拓展知识管理的边界。鼓励面对面的交流以及虚拟的网络社区。建立流程去监控,筛选和发布共享的知识,使这些知识从个人知识提升为组织知识。3. Capture lessons learned. The oversight group must discuss lessons l

52、earned at regular meetings and provide a common space for sharing the results. To complete this most crucial last step, answer questions such as What made the pilots most successful? and Are the results worth investing in for expansion? 团队要经常在一个会议上分享和讨论一些公司案例。为了完成这个至关重要的步骤,可以回答以下问题:这个试点为什么会成功?结果是否值得

53、推广?LOOKING AHEAD预告After your company assesses the pilots, KM will continue along one of three paths, KM efforts will be expanded to new initiatives, existing initiatives will be improved, or the status quo will be maintained, in which case employees will likely revert to prior behavior.在公司评定试点工作之后,知

54、识管理将继续剩下的三分之一的路,KM的实施将将逐渐的扩展到新的项目,提升现有的工作,固化新的工作模式,以防止员工由于习惯返回以前的工作方式。Stagee 4: Exxpannd aand Suppporrt第四四阶段:扩展和和支持By noww, yyou*ve gaiinedd quuitee a bitt off exxperrtisse. Youu*vee laauncchedd piilotts, gattherred ressultts, cappturred somme iimpoortaant lesssonns, andd deecidded to conntinnue the

55、e KMM joournney. Sttagee 4 invvolvves exppanddingg KMM innitiiatiivess thhrouughoout youur oorgaanizzatiion, whhichh neecesssittatees rrapiid aand higghlyy viisibble groowthh.现现在你已已经获得得了一些些KM实实施的经经验,已已经启动动了试点点项目、收收集结果果、得到到了教训训并决定定继续KKM之旅旅。第四四阶段将将介绍怎怎样在整整个公司司推广知知识管理理,成为为公司迅迅速增长长的必要要。IIf oone or morre

56、 oof tthe folllowwingg sttateemennts is truue, youu arre ssteaadilly nnearringg thhe ffinaal sstagge oof yyourr joournney. Weelcoome to Staage 4.如果下下面所列列举的集集中情况况有一种种或一种种以上属属实,你你已经快快要接近近成功的的终点。欢欢迎进入入第四阶阶段。Othher depparttmennts in thee orrgannizaatioon aare exppresssinng aa deemannd ffor KM, baasedd o

57、nn piilott reesullts. YYou havve bbeguun tto mmarkket KM thrrougghouut tthe orgganiizattionn. Youu haave madde tthe enttiree orrgannizaatioon aawarre oof KKM. Yoou hhavee ann exxpannsioon sstraateggy iin pplacce ffor youur KKM iinittiattivees. Yoou hhavee iddenttifiied thee reesouurcees nneceessaary

58、 forr exxpanndinng yyourr KMM effforrts. 根根据试点点的结果果,其他他部门明明确表示示了对知知识管理理的需求求。你你已经开开始在整整个公司司推销知知识管理理你已已经使整整个的公公司关注注知识管管理你你有一个个适当的的知识管管理推广广扩展计计划你你已经清清楚的指指明推广广知识管管理所需需要的资资源。Thee ovveraall objjecttivees oof SStagge 44 arre tto ddeveelopp annd mmarkket an exppanssionn sttrattegyy annd tto eeffeectiivelly

59、mmanaage KM groowthh. BBeinng ggiveen tthe greeen ligght to exppandd addds thee prresssuree off meeetiing forrmall buusinnesss evvaluuatiionss annd RROI jusstifficaatioon. APQQC ccan hellp yyou thrrouggh tthiss sttagee byy shhariing witth yyou thee exxperrienncess off coompaaniees wwho havve aalreea

60、dyy beeen theereandd coome thrrouggh iit ssucccesssfullly.第四四阶段的的总体目目标使开开发和部部署知识识管理推推广的战战略,以以及有效效的管理理知识的的增长。如如果下一一步要继继续推广广知识管管理,这这需要研研究企业业的业务务模式和和投资回回报。AAPQCC已经从从世界各各大成功功的公司司积累了了丰富的的经验,在在这里可可以跟你你分享。KEY ACTIVITIES FOR STAGE 4 第四阶段的关键活动Getting through this highly visible stage requires meeting ROI dem


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