1、【Word版本下载可任意编辑】 事件英语演讲稿2篇 第1篇美国总统就巴黎恐怖袭击事件英语演讲稿 good evening, everybody. i just want to make a fewbrief comments about the attacks across paristonight. once again, weve seen an outrageousattempt to terrorize innocent civilians. this is anattack not just on paris, its an attack not just on thepeople
2、of france, but this is an attack on all ofhumanity and the universal values that we share. we stand prepared and ready to provide whateverassistance that the government and the people offrance need to respond. france is our oldest ally.the french people have stood shoulder to shoulder with the unite
3、d states time and again.and we want to be very clear that we stand together with them in the fight against terrorismand extremism. paris itself represents the timeless values of human progress. those who think that they canterrorize the people of france or the values that they stand for are wrong. t
4、he american peopledraw strength from the french peoples commitment to life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness.we are reminded in this time of tragedy that the bonds of libert and galit and fraternit arenot only values that the french people care so deeply about, but they are values that we share.and
5、 those values are going to endure far beyond any act of terrorism or the hateful vision ofthose who perpetrated the crimes this evening. were going to do whatever it takes to work with the french people and with nations around theworld to bring these terrorists to justice, and to go after any terror
6、ist networks that go after ourpeople. we dont yet know all the details of what has happened. we have been in contact with frenchofficials to communicate our deepest condolences to the families of those who have beenkilled, to offer our prayers and thoughts to those who have been wounded. we have off
7、ered ourfull support to them. the situation is still unfolding. ive chosen not to call president hollande atthis time, because my expectation is that hes very busy at the moment. i actually, bycoincidence, was talking to him earlier today in preparation for the g20 meeting. but i amconfident that il
8、l be in direct communications with him in the next few days, and well becoordinating in any ways that they think are helpful in the investigation of whats happened. this is a heartbreaking situation. and obviously those of us here in the united states know whatits like. weve gone through these kinds
9、 of episodes ourselves. and whenever these kinds ofattacks happened, weve always been able to count on the french people to stand with us. theyhave been an extraordinary counterterrorism partner, and we intend to be there with themin that same fashion. im sure that in the days ahead well learn more
10、about exactly what happened, and my teamswill make sure that we are in communication with the press to provide you accurateinformation. i dont want to speculate at this point in terms of who was responsible for this. itappears that there may still be live activity and dangers that are taking place a
11、s we speak. andso until we know from french officials that the situation is under control, and we have for moreinformation about it, i dont want to speculate. thank you very much. 第2篇美国国务卿克里发表视频致辞纪念911事件英语演讲稿 i just wanted to touch base with all of you in the department and usaid as we all together
12、stop and think about september 11th. this is a tough day on the calendar for all of us, obviously, because its so much more than just any day on any calendar. none of us will ever forget where we were 13 years ago when we were attacked here at home and lost thousands of americans, just as we all rem
13、ember two years ago when we were attacked in benghazi and lost four of our colleagues and friends ambassador chris stevens, sean smith, glen doherty, and tyrone woods brave and dedicated professionals, men whose commitment to serve brought them to a dangerous corner of the world, not because they we
14、re unaware of the danger but because they wanted to make it safer for so many people whose lives are connected to our own. theres much that weve been reminded of from those two terrible days, whether its howamerica never rests until murderers are brought to justice, whether its usama bin ladin orahm
15、ad abu khattalah, or that always, always we find ways to keep our people as safe as we canin a dangerous world, and the arb implementation and the daily wrestling with riskmanagement underscore how much that effort is central to all of our lives. 9/11/2022 and9/11/2022, these were both days that for
16、ever changed us as people, as public servants, and asa country. but particularly when we look up at the flags raised at half-staff today, we have tofind ways to make sure that we carry on in the spirit of those we lost and that we find someways big or small to find lessons in terrible losses. the tr
17、uth is more than ever the world needs more of the passion and the persistence and thedrive that enlisted chris stevens and so many of you in the great enterprise of diplomacyand service. and the very issues were wrestling with right now in iraq, in syria, still in libya, orthe scourge of isil, and a
18、cross the greater middle east and north africa and many otherplaces all remind us of the importance of the work that our country leads, not just for ourcountry but for every country. so while we honor the lives of those we lost on these two 9/11s and i hope youll honor themin your own way, whether its a short prayer or a reflection or sending an email to someoneyou know who was directly affected on either day to let them know youre thinking of them ihope yo
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