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1、7B Unit5 Amazing things Reading I The ghost in the park7B Unit5 Amazing thingsAmazing things There is a crying face on the melting glaciers(冰河) on Svalbard Islands of Norway (挪威斯瓦尔巴特群岛).More than 2000 years ago, Atlantis(亚特兰蒂斯城) whose walls and palaces were made of gold sank to the sea. The Lost Cit

2、y of Atlantis is still lost now.Amazing things There is aAirplanes and ships often disappear in Bermuda Triangle(百慕大三角). And they are never found. Airplanes and ships often disa 1. Are there any ghosts in the world? 2. Are you afraid of ghosts? 3. Do you like reading ghost stories?ghost 1. Are there

3、 any ghosts in Where did the story happen?Who might see the ghost?How did they feel?Read the title and look at the picture.The ghost in the parkWhere did the story happen?ReaWhat was the ghost in Sunshine Park? It was a little cat. Fast reading What was the ghost in SunshineRead the story and guess

4、difficult words1. As usual means _. a. the first time b. as they often do c. seldom2. To reply means _. a. To think b. to say something again c. to say or write something as an answer3. To leave means _. a. to find out b. to look for c. to go awayRead the story and guess diffi4. If you wonder, you _

5、. a. want to know something b. feel great c. say something happily5. To search means _. a. to find something b. to shout at something c. to look carefully for something6. Weak means _ . a. clever b. small c. not strong4. If you wonder, you _. the “ghost” Hear the “ghost”181112167Part 1Part 2Part 3Ma

6、in ideaLinesFurther reading Search forFind the “ghost” the “ghost” Hear One Sunday morning.Sunshine Park.Millie and Amy.They heard a whisper from the bushes.They were afraid.Hear the “ghost” (Lines 17) Detail ReadingOne Sunday morning.Sunshine PaHow did Andy search for the cat? He _ the park, _ the

7、tree and _. When he _, he _ the bushes. went to stood beside heard the whisper searched listened carefullySearch for the “ghost” (Lines 811) Detail ReadingHow did Andy search for the ca1. Who made the strange sound? A little cat.2. Why did the little cat sound like a ghost? Because it was very weak.

8、3. How did Millie and Amy feel when they saw the little cat? They felt surprised.4. Where did they take the little cat? They took it to the animal centre.Detail ReadingFind the “ghost” (Lines 1216) 1. Who made the strange sound?Help Millie put them into the correct order. a. We ran away quickly. b.

9、Andy found a little cat in the bushes. c. We sat under a big tree in the park. d. Suddenly, we heard a whisper. e. We turned around but saw nothing. f. Andy went to the park. g. I told Andy about the strange sound. 4712365Help Millie put them into the I was afraid when I heard the whisper.The whispe

10、r came from a big tree.We went back to the park with Andy.Someone helped Andy find the “ghost”.Andy found a little cat in the bushes.Andy gave the little cat to the hospital.TFThe whisper came from the bushes behind the tree.FNobody went back to the park with Andy.FTFtook the little cat to the anima

11、l centre.NobodyCorrect Millies sentences (B3)I was afraid when I heard the Help Andy answer Henrys questions. (B4)Henry: What did Millie and Amy hear?Andy: They heard a .They were very and left the park quickly.Henry: What did you find?Andy: I found a little cat in the . Henry: Why did the little ca

12、t sound like a ghost?Andy: It was very , so when it , it sounded like a ghost.Henry: Where is the little cat now?Andy: We took it to the centre.whisperbushesweakmiaowedanimalafraidHelp Andy answer Henrys questLast Sunday, Millie went to S_with Amy. As usual, they sat under the big tree. Suddenly, th

13、ey heard a w_ from the b_.They looked around but saw n_. They were a_ and l_ the p_ quickly. unshine Parkhisper ushes othing fraid eftarkSummaryThey met Andy on their way h_ and told him e_. At last, Andy found a little c_ in the bushes. It was very w_. He went to find Amy and Millie. They were s_to

14、 see the cat. Later that day, they took the cat to the a_ c_.What an unforgetable(难忘的)day! verything ome at eak urprised nimal entreLast Sunday, Millie went to S_went sat heard turned saw asked replied were afraid left metasked said told wondered went stood listened heard searchedsaid found maiowed sounded picked went were surprised tookRetellingwent sat heard turned If we meet with something strange, we should be _. When we meet someone in need, we should be _. brave/calm/confident kind/helpf


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