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1、After Twenty YearsUnderstanding ideas After Twenty YearsUnderstandinHave you read any stories by O. Henry? Share one with the class.2. Do you like stories with surprise endings? Why or why not? William Sydney Porter (1862-1910) whose pen name was O.Henry, was a world-famous American short story writ

2、er. In his stories, he often focused on the everyday life of ordinary people in New York City at that time. His stories are best known for their surprise endings.Have you read any stories by OO.Henrys works O.Henrys works O. Henry-style endings: O. Henrys stories are best known for their twists or s

3、urprise endings. So much so that people now refer to such endings as “ O.Henry-style endings.” In these endings, there will be a sudden twist that results in an unexpected change of the characters inner world, experience, destiny, etc, thus creating an unexpected yet understandable result. Such endi

4、ngs will make the story more appealing and dramatic, as well as more memorable for its readers.O. Henry-style endings:Read the passage and find out why is the man standing outside the shop?Because he is waiting for his friend Jimmy.Read the passage and find out The story is about two friends named B

5、ob and Jimmy. Twenty years agoThink about what happened in each of the three scenes, using the information you have already read in the story. Retell the whole story.The story is about two friendsDid Jimmy come to meet his friend?What has Jimmy experienced over the past twenty years?What might happe

6、n between the policeman and the man?Now read the note from the original ending and find out what actually happened.Did Jimmy come to meet his friThink & ShareWhat does the note tell you about the ending of the story?How do you think Bob would react when he read the note?Do you think that Jimmy did t

7、he right thing? Why or why not?Do you like this ending? Give your reasons.Think & ShareWhat does the notWriting an ending to a storyWriting an ending to a storyRead the story after he was released from jail and answer the questions.Read the story after he was reRead the ending again. Find the expres

8、sions that describe: settings characters actionsExpressions describingout of jail, cold wind, cold, dark nightnow 58, lost and helpless, a young man, a familiar-looking man in his thirties, doubtfullystepping out of, smiled bitterly, heard, turned around, was surprised to find, replied, unfolded, sh

9、aking,finished reading, shouted in surprise, smiledRead the ending again. Find thCome up with your own ending to Jimmy and Bobs story, twenty years after Bob was arrested. Answer the questions to help you.What type of ending will it be?Do you want to introduce other characters in the ending? If so,

10、who are they?3. Where will the ending take place?4. What has happened to Bob and Jimmy over the past twenty years?5. How will the story end?直击高考Come up with your own ending Write your own ending. It was a cold winter night when Bob came out of jail. After twenty years behind bars, he felt like a str

11、anger to the city and everyone in it . Lost and helpless, he didnt know where to go or whom to go to . A year after he had been arrested , his wife had left him and taken their daughter with her. Former good friends had cut all contact with him. “Is there anyone here who still thinks of me ?” he won

12、dered bitterly. Recalling the night twenty years earlier that had completely changed his life, he wandered blindly through the streets. In the dim light of a streetlamp, he noticed an old man sitting on a bench. “ Another lonely man, just like me,” he thought to himself. “Bob,” the old man looked up. Although twenty years had passed, he could still recognize the face-Jimmys face. “ Im here for our meeting, though I dont


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