



1、生物化学 教学大纲 学时:72 学分:4 理论学时:72 实验学时:0 适用专业:生物技术、生物工程 课程代码:BB035012 大纲执笔人:王晓云 大纲审定人:王宪泽、郑成超 Section A Foundation of Biochemistry (4 h) What is Biochemistry? The main features of the living matters What are the questions for biochemists to answer? Cells and their structure Structure of Prokaryotic cells

2、 Structure of Eukaryotic cellsSection B Amino acids and proteins (8-10 h) General introductionAmino acid structure Common Structure Features of Amino Acids Amino Acids Can Act as Acids and Bases Amino Acids Have Characteristic Titration Curves Protein structure peptide The three-dimensional structur

3、e of proteins Primary Structure Secondary Structure Tertiary Structure Quaternary Structure Denaturation and Folding Protein structure related to function multisubunit allosteric effect mechanism of the allosteric change the Bohr effectProtein purificationProtein sequencing Section C Enzyme (8-10 h)

4、 An Introduction to Enzyme How Enzymes Work Factors affecting enzyme activity Enzyme kinetics Substrate concentration Enzyme concentration Temperature pH Michaelis-Meten model Enzyme inhibition Enzyme inhibition Irreversible inhibition Reversible competitive inhibition Irreversible competitive inhib

5、ition Control of enzyme activity Feedback regulation Allosteric enzyme Reversible covalent modification Section E Membranes: structure and function (2-4 h) Composition and structure of Membrane Functions of protein in membrane Section F DNA structure and replication (6-8 h) DNA (RNA) structure DNA o

6、rganization in chromosomes DNA replication DNA polymerases Replication forks Okazaki fragments RNA primer Accessory proteins Section G RNA synthesis and processing (6 h) DNA-Dependent Synthesis of RNA Promoters and initiation Elongation termination RNA Processing RNA-Dependent Synthesis of RNA and D

7、NA Section H Protein synthesis and modification (8 h) The Genetic Code The property of genetic code Reading frames Open reading frames Protein Syntheses Synthesis of aminoacyl-tRNA Initiation of protein synthesis Elongation Termination Protein Targeting Section J Carbohydrate metabolism (8 h) Monosa

8、ccharides, disaccharide and polysaccharides Glycolysis Guconeogenesis Pentose phosphate pathway Citric acid cycle Glycogen degradation and synthesis Section K Lipid metabolism (6 h) Fatty acid breakdown Fatty acid synthesis Metabolism of triacylglycerols Section L Respiration and Energy (6 h) Electron transport Redox potential Electron transport from NADH Electron transport from FADH2 Electron transport inhibitors Oxidative phosphorylationATP synthase as a rotatory engine Coupling and respiratory control Uncouplers Se


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