1、1Digital Image ProcessingBilingual Course2A challenge for you and usEnglish or Chinese, that is a problem.The text book and the reference booksThe site is integrated with the web site of the book:/Course information and policy3The purposes and requirements of this course:Understand the basic concept
2、s, principles, and methods of DIPTo solve the problems in DIP To deep research the methodology of DIP and some relative subjects, such as:Computer vision GraphicsContent-based image retrieval 4Course Scoring Full Mark: 100 Marks. Activities: 30 Marks. Exam: 70 Marks. Overall periods: 46 hours. Theor
3、y Hours: 36 hours.Experimentation Hours:10 hours. Credits: 2.5 5First class journals in ChinaJournal of Computer Science and TechnologyChinese Journal of Computers (In Chinese)Journal of Software (In Chinese)Chinese Journal of Electronics (Chinese & English)Computer Research and Development (In Chin
4、ese)Top international journals IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI)IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (IP)Pattern Recognition (PR)Good relative international conferences IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)IEEE International Conference on Comput
5、er Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP)International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR)Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 6ReadingProgrammingMATLAB WindowsHow to learn this curriculum?7Why learn it?One image is worth more
6、than ten thousands words an important mediaSeeing is believingImage is never perfect (quality, size, etc)BlurNoiseDistortionColor decay, contrast8The amount of image generated everydayMilitary (NASA, Air Force, Army, etc)Medical (From film to digital hospital, telemedicine)Law enforcement (finger pr
7、int, face recognition, video surveillance)Civilian (industry inspection)Automatic processing of imagesImage retrievalAutomatic segmentationAutomatic detectionAutomatic recognition (OCR)9Industrial InspectionHuman operators are expensive, slow andunreliableMake machines do the job insteadIndustrial v
8、ision systems are used in all kinds of industriesCan we trust them?10Intelligent MonitoringAutomatic detection of alarm events from video flowsPeople tracking & counting for abnormal behaviourPerson identification11Intelligent Monitoring12Image EnhancementOne of the most common uses of DIP technique
9、s: improve quality, remove noise etc13Artistic EffectsArtistic effects are used to make images more visually appealing, to add special effects and to make composite imagesCompose14Face Morphing15钢坯图像161718192021770736-高清:NASA公布卫星拍摄舟曲泥石流全域大图 没有什么比生命更重要,没有什么比生命更值得怜惜 22relationship between image proces
10、sing and computer vision There are no clear-cut boundaries in the continuum from image processing at one end to computer vision at the other. However, one useful paradigm is to consider three types of computerized processes in this continuum: low-, mid- and high-level processes. A low-level process
11、involves primitive operations such as image preprocesses to reduce noise, contrast enhancement, and image sharpening. A low-level process is characterized by the fact that both its inputs and outputs are images. 23relationship between image processing and computer visionMid-level processes involve t
12、asks such as segmentation (partitioning an image into regions or objects), description of those objects to reduce them to a form suitable for computer processing, and classification (recognition) of individual objects. A mid-level process is characterized by the fact that its inputs generally are im
13、ages, but its outputs are attributes extracted from those images (e.g., edges, contours, and the identity of individual objects). 2425relationship between image processing and computer visionHigher-level processing involves “making sense” of an ensemble of recognized objects, as in image analysis, a
14、nd, at the far end of the continuum performing the cognitive functions normally associated with human vision. 26The continuum from image processing to computer vision can be broken up into low-, mid- and high-level processesLow Level ProcessInput: ImageOutput: ImageExamples: Noise removal, image sha
15、rpeningMid Level ProcessInput: Image Output: AttributesExamples: Edge Detection, segmentationHigh Level ProcessInput: Attributes Output: UnderstandingExamples: Scene understanding, autonomous navigation27Goals of image processingImage improvement low level IPImprovement of pictorial information for
16、human interpretation (Improving the visual appearance of images to a human viewer )Image analysis high level IPProcessing of scene data for autonomous machine perception (Preparing images for measurement of the features and structures present , with application to image data storage, transmission, a
17、nd representation)28Image acquisitionVideo camera, eye-fish camera, omni-cameraInfrared cameraRadarX-ray machine, Computational Tomography (CT)Range camera (laser)and more29What is Digital Image Processing?Most of the photos, advertisement, poster that we see in living are simulant images.We can dig
18、itize them by using scanner, capture card or digital camera, digital video recorder.An image is defined as a two-dimensional function f(x, y), where x and y are spatial plane coordinates, and f(x, y) is the intensity or gray level.When x, y, and f are all finite and discrete quantities, the image is
19、 called a digital image.Each element in an image is referred as a pixel (像素).30Digital image processing:processing digital images by means of a digital computerDigital image processing focuses on two major tasksImprovement of image quality for human interpretationProcessing of image data for storage
20、, transmission, display and representation for automatic machine perception31Digital image processing is based onMathematical and probabilistic modelsHuman intuition and analysis32Image Sensing and Acquisition 我们感兴趣的各类图像都是由“照射”源和形成图像的“场景”元素对光能的反射或吸收相结合而产生的。33将照射能量转换为数字图像的基本原理:通过输入电功率和对特殊类型检测能源敏感的传感器
21、材料组合,把输入能源转变为电压。输出电压的波形是传感器的响应,同时,一个数字量可从数字化该响应的每个传感器得到。3435Image Sampling and QuantizationTo acquire digital images from the continuous sensed data f(x, y): Digitization in coordinate values: SamplingDigitization in amplitude values: QuantizationThe resulting image has M rows and N columns as363738
22、In many image processing books39The digitization process requires determine the M, N, and L.M and N: spatial resolutionL: gray-level resolutionL = 2k. L = gray-leveldynamic range: the range of values spanned by the gray scale, Lmin, Lmax.high dynamic range = high contrast imageThe number of bits req
23、uired to store the imageb = M N k orb = N2 k 4041Spatial resolution is the smallest discernible detail in an image.Resolution is the smallest number of discernible line pairs per unit distance.取样值是决定一幅图像空间分辨率的主要参数。42Gray-level resolution refers to the smallest discernible change in gray level. (subj
24、ective)43Typical effects of varying the number of gray levels in a digital image.44false contouringThis effect, caused by the use of an insufficient number of gray levels in smooth areas of a digital image.Image AcquisitionImage RestorationMorphological ProcessingSegmentationRepresentation & Descrip
25、tionImage EnhancementObject RecognitionProblem DomainColour Image ProcessingImage CompressionKey Stages in Digital Image ProcessingKey Stages in Digital Image ProcessingImage AcquisitionImage RestorationMorphological ProcessingSegmentationRepresentation & DescriptionImage EnhancementObject Recogniti
26、onProblem DomainColour Image ProcessingImage CompressionImage AcquisitionImage RestorationMorphological ProcessingSegmentationRepresentation & DescriptionImage EnhancementObject RecognitionProblem DomainColour Image ProcessingImage CompressionKey Stages in Digital Image ProcessingImage AcquisitionIm
27、age RestorationMorphological ProcessingSegmentationRepresentation & DescriptionImage EnhancementObject RecognitionProblem DomainColour Image ProcessingImage CompressionKey Stages in Digital Image ProcessingImage AcquisitionImage RestorationMorphological ProcessingSegmentationRepresentation & Descrip
28、tionImage EnhancementObject RecognitionProblem DomainColour Image ProcessingImage CompressionKey Stages in Digital Image ProcessingImage AcquisitionImage RestorationMorphological ProcessingSegmentationRepresentation & DescriptionImage EnhancementObject RecognitionProblem DomainColour Image Processin
29、gImage CompressionKey Stages in Digital Image ProcessingImage AcquisitionImage RestorationMorphological ProcessingSegmentationRepresentation & DescriptionImage EnhancementObject RecognitionProblem DomainColour Image ProcessingImage CompressionKey Stages in Digital Image ProcessingImage AcquisitionIm
30、age RestorationMorphological ProcessingSegmentationRepresentation & DescriptionImage EnhancementObject RecognitionProblem DomainColour Image ProcessingImage CompressionKey Stages in Digital Image ProcessingImage AcquisitionImage RestorationMorphological ProcessingSegmentationRepresentation & DescriptionImage EnhancementObject RecognitionProblem DomainColour Image ProcessingImage Compr
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