1、托福口语考试应该避开的错误开场白在托福口语考试中,精彩的开头总是能产生“先入为主”、“先声夺人”的效果,因此想要拿到高分成绩,需要在,备考时候多花费点时间、多动点脑筋在开场白上下功夫。废话连篇不知所云Topic 1-Should college students be allowed to get married?This topic is very interesting. Im very interested intalkingaboutthistopic.BecauseImalsoa collegestudent and Im not married语法错误惨不忍睹Topic-If ch
2、ildren behave badly, should their parents accept responsibility and also be punished?About this problem, my think is if children behave badly,then parents are not right. Because teach child is parents responsibility. So we also punish parents too besides children is also should 。偏离主题无轨电车Topic-Itis s
3、aid thatnowadaysonecan notacquirethequalificationsandqualityessentialtosuccessthrough1university education. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statement?Ithinktosuccess,wemusthavealotofimportantqualities. To have these important qualities, we must learn a lot of things, for example, En
4、glish, music tools, and etc. We can learn these qualities from our teachers, our friends and frombooks. All in all, we can learn from many places。中式英文人见人晕Topic 1-The happiest moment in your lifeIn ourlife, thereare alwayssomemomentswhichmakeyour heart flower opened angrilyTopic 2- The population pro
5、blemThepopulationproblemisaverybigproblem.Forexample,in the citycentersof Shanghai,we can alwaysseepeople mountain people sea there。Topic3- Is there fairness in todays business world?I think in todays society, there is no fairness in thebusiness world. For example, I always chopped when I go outbuy
6、thingsTopic 4- The advantage of being a nice personBeinga nice personhave many advantage.I believe ifapeople always do bad things, he will get“baoying ”。20过分简单没有重点Topic-The importance of environmental protectionThis issue is surely very important, lets talk aboutit!用词不当表达不准Topic-Should college stude
7、nts be allowed to get married?I think college students should not be allowed to get married because they are very young and so we canttake the responsibility to form a family。意思重复原地踏步Topic-Your opinion on DINK familiesMy opinion on DINK families is that DINK families is not a good thing. And it is a
8、 bad thing. It brings no benefits to oursociety and it is even sometimes harmful to our society。观点武断态度强硬Topic1-The importance of confidenceIn my opinion, confidence is the most important thing fora person.All thesuccessfulpeoplein theworldare fullofconfidence.Whilethosepeoplewhodonthaveconfidence, t
9、hey all have failed。Topic 2 - The solution to the traffic problem3I think tosolve thetraffic problem, veryeasy! For thosewho dont obey the traffic rules, we should put all of them into prison. If we do that, Im sure there will be no traffic problem any more.中国俗语胡乱翻译Topic 1-Is it good to have a large family?I think it is good to have a large family. Because we Chinese believe a sentence: “ Many sons, many lucks ” 观点模糊态度暧昧Topic-Should college students be allowed to
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