



1、请计时三小时内完成:IN 1868 the worlds first traffic light was installed outside the Houses of Parliament. The gaslit signal controlled the flow of London carriagesat least for a few weeks. For, soon enough, the gas ignited. The resulting explosion knocked the helmet off a policemans head, and left him badly

2、burned.Efforts to ease congestion no longer literally blow up in your face, but recent schemes have run into trouble, too. In 2003 Ken Livingstone, then Londons mayor, introduced a congestion-charging zone (CCZ). Motorists pay up to 11.50 a day ($15.20) to drive into the centre of the city. Since 20

3、00 the number of cars entering central London has fallen by nearly a quarter. But congestion is rising again, a result of vans and taxis clocking up more miles within the zone, as well as new lanes for buses and Lycra-clad commuters that have reduced the road space for cars. More minutes are lost to

4、 delays than before the CCZ. The average vehicle speed has fallen from 19.9 miles (32.0km) per hour in 2013 to 17.7mph (28.5kph) in 2016.In response, London, like other heaving parts of the world, is looking at a more radical approach to reduce congestion. In January the London Assembly, the elected

5、 body that oversees the mayor, published a report calling for the city to develop a system of road-pricing that varies by when, how much and where drivers use the roads. Singapore, which already has the worlds most comprehensive road-pricing system, is introducing a new one in 2020 that uses cars gl

6、obal positioning systems (GPS) to charge motorists more precisely. Other schemes are being tried out in American states such as California and Oregon.All of which pleases economists. Using prices to ration a scarce resource, such as space on busy roads at busy times, makes sense. Those who consume a

7、 good should pay for it. Road-pricing is also more efficient than the typical ways drivers are charged for imposing costs on others: taxes on fuel and on car ownership. (334 words)如何能劝说世人实行彼此相爱?墨子认为,实行兼爱是济世利人的唯一道路,人唯有实行兼爱才是一个仁人。但是,人们还会问:“为什么我作为个人,要为世界的利益献身呢?为什么我要追求做一个仁人呢?”墨家会说,世界的利益就包括了其中每一个人的利益,为世界谋利益就是为自己谋利益。墨子便说过:“夫爱人者,人必从而爱之;利人者,人必从而利之。恶人着,人必从而恶之;害人者,人必从而害之。”这样说来,爱人成了一种投资、一种为自己的社会保险,自己可以从中得益,或像美国人的口头语所说:“赚了!”(“It pays.”)多数人往往目光短小,看不到长期投资的利益,但这种长期“投资”也可能并不带来回报。为使人们实行兼爱,墨子还采用了一些宗教和政治的教诲。在墨子书中有天志篇、明鬼篇,其中讲有神,神爱世人,神的心意就是要世人彼此相爱。神经常监察世人的言行,特别是君主的言行。凡不遵行神意的人,就会受到神的降灾惩罚;凡遵


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