1、Unit 1When is yourbirthday?Unit 1When is yourSection ASection Asummerwinterspringseasonsautumnsummerwinterspringseasonsautum April /eIprl / May /meI/ April May鲁教版六年级下册第一单元课件Unit-1-When-is-your-birthday鲁教版六年级下册第一单元课件Unit-1-When-is-your-birthday鲁教版六年级下册第一单元课件Unit-1-When-is-your-birthdayThere are12 mon
2、thsin a year.JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberThere areJanuaryFebruaryMarchALook at the pictures and guess which month is it ?(观看图片。猜猜是哪些月份呢?)J a n u a r yFebruaryMayJ u n eMarchAprilNew Years Day(元旦)Womens DayApril Fools DayChildrens DayLabor DaySpring Festi
3、val抢答Look at the pictures and guessNovemberO c t o b e rDecemberSeptemberJ u l yAugustPartys DayTeachers DayChristmas DayNational DayHalloween Mid-autumn DayNovemberO c t o b e rDecemberS Listen and repeat. MONTHS1. January Jan.2. February Feb.3. March Mar.4. April Apr.5. May May6. June Jun.7. July
4、Jul.8. August Aug.9. September Sep.10. October Oct.11. November Nov.12. December Dec.1aP47 Listen and repeat.1aP47PK GamesWho has the sharpest eyes?12PK GamesWho has the sharpest e 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 30th one two three four five six seven e
5、ight nine ten eleven twelve 基数词thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three thirty基数词first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth eleventh twelfth 序数词thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth sixteenth seventeenth eighteenth ninete
6、enth twentieth twenty-first twenty-second twenty-third thirtieth 序数词基变序,有规律,词尾加上th. 1 2 3 特殊记,词尾字母t,d,d。 8 少 t, 9 去 e, f 来把 v e 替。 整十变y为ie,后跟 th 莫迟疑。 若想表示几十几,只变个位就可以。1st2nd3rd21st22nd23rdListen and repeat 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th Happy birthday!Today is my birthday!A:When is your birthday?B:My
7、birthday is October 16th.Happy birthday!Today is my bir8 月2 6 月129月 204 月910月 19 1月 31 -Whats the date? -Its 日期的表达法:月份序数词August 2ndJune 12thSeptember 20thApril 9thOctober 19th8 月2 6 月129月 204 月910月 19 1月 3Listen and number the coversation.A: When is your birthday, Linda?B: My birthday is May 2nd.A:
8、When is your birthday, Mary?B: My birthday is January 5th.A: When is your birthday, Mike?B: My birthday is on June 3rd.1231bListen and number the coversat A: When is your birthday? B: My birthday is October tenth. B: Its October tenth.work in pairs A: When is your birthday?woDo you know your parents
9、 birthday?Do you know your parents birtHolidays in a yearWhich group is the cleverest?(最机智小组)Holidays in a yearWhich group January 1stNew Years Day is_. January 1stNew Years Day is Tree Planting Day is _. March 12th Tree Planting Day is _May Day is May 1stMay Day is May 1stChildrens DayJune 1st Chil
10、drens Day is _. Childrens June 1st Children Teachers DaySeptember 10th Teachers Day is _. National Day(国庆节)National Day is October 1stNational Day(国庆节)National Day 2bListen and circle the numbers you hear.2bListen and circle the number2aListen and repeat.2aListen and repeat.2cListen and matchNameMon
11、th DateAliceJuly 4thFrankAugust 22ndEricJanuary 5thJaneSeptember 17th2cListen and matchNameMonthTalk about the childrens birthday in 2c.1. When is Alices birthday?2. When is Franks birthday?3. When is Erics birthday?4. When is Janes birthday?2dTalk about the childrens birt活动规则:两人一组,询问对方父母、亲戚或朋友的生日,并
12、作记录。Group work所用到的句型:When is your mothers birthday?Its on.活动规则:Group work所用到的句型:头脑风暴birthdaypresentpartybirthday cakehappy头脑风暴birthdaypresentpartybirthd2eTask1: Listen and answer.1) Who is celebrating a birthday today?2) How old is Alan? How about Bill?3) When is the party?Bill.Alan is twelve. Bill
13、is thirteen.At three this afternoon.2eTask1: Listen and answer.1) Bill: Hi, Alan. Happy birthday!Alan: Thank you, Bill.Bill: So, how old are you, Alan?Alan: Im twelve. How old are you?Bill: Im thirteen.Alan: When is your birthday?Bill: My birthday is in August.Alan: Well, do you want to come to my b
14、irthday party?Bill: Oh, yes. When is it?Alan: At three this afternoon. Bill: OK, great. See youRole-play the conversation. 2eBill: Hi, Alan. Happy birthday2eTask2: read the conversation and fill the chart below.13in August122eTask2: read the conversatioMarch (the) eighthAugust (the) secondSeptember
15、(the) tenthJuly (the) thirdDecember (the) twenty-fifthHow to tell the dates?(怎样说出日期呢?) 在表达日期的时候,通常是月份在前,日期在后,其次年。英式英语中,日期前加定冠词the.美式英语则可以省略March (the) eighthAugust (the)Language points1.How old are you? 你多大了? 提问年龄句型old:年老的-young 旧的-new他/她/你的爸爸多大了?How old is he/she/your father?2.When is your birthday
16、? 你什么时候的生日?When 一般询问年月日。What time 一般询问某个时间点Eg: What time do you have your breakfast?3.in August in +月份/年/季节/语言/早上、下午、晚上 in 2013 in summer in the morning/afternoon/evening on +具体日期/星期几/节日/具体某一天的上午如: on November 1st on Childrens Day on Tuesday evening Language points1.How old are y4.Do you want to com
17、e to my birthday party? Do you want to是征求对方意见,向对方发出邀请的句子。此句还可以表达为 Would you like to my birthday party? at 常用于时刻前或一些固定的习惯用语中。如: at 9:00 在9点钟at noon 在中午4.Do you want to come to my biI. 请根据题意写出月份名称。1. _ tenth is Teachers Day.2. _ is the eleventh month of the year .3. _ first is New Years Day(元旦). 4. _
18、first is Childrens Day(儿童节).5._is the third month of the year.SeptemberNovemberJanuaryJuneMarch课堂练习I. 请根据题意写出月份名称。SeptemberNovembII. 请用括号内所给的数字提示填空。1. National Day(国庆节) is October_ (1).2. March _(8) is Womens Day(妇女节).3. My sisters birthday is May _(12).4. December_ (25) is Christmas Day(圣诞节).5. Apr
19、il _ (9) is Mikes birthday.firsteighthtwelfthtwenty-fifthninthII. 请用括号内所给的数字提示填空。firsteighthJan.Feb.Mar.Apr.MayJune July Aug.Sept.Oct.Nov.Dec.20th 10th 1st 2nd 3rd 5th 7th 17th 23rd 28th 12th 21st 眼力挑战Jan.Feb.Mar.Apr.MayJune July A17th12th 1st 2nd 3rd 22nd21st 30th 31st 25th 眼力挑战17th12th 1st 2nd 3rd
20、 22firstsecondthirdfourthfifthsixthseventheighthninthtentheleventhtwelfthThe first month is January.firstsecondthirdfourthfifthsix11th 12th13th14th15th16th17th18th19th20th缩写eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty eleventhtwelfth thirteenth fourteenth fiftee
21、nth sixteenth seventeenth eighteenthnineteenthtwentieth基数词 序数词11th 12th13th14th15th16th17th1twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine thirty forty twenty-first twenty-second twenty-third twenty-fourth twenty-fifth twenty-sixth twenty-
22、seventh twenty-eighth twenty-ninththirtieth fortieth 21st 22nd 23rd 24th 25th 26th 27th 28th 29th 30th 40th基数词 序数词 缩写twenty-one twenty-two twenty-t序数词的用法1.定义:表示事物的顺序的数词叫序数词。比如第几天,第几节课等等2.构成:基数词要变为序数词是有规律可循的,其方法及具体示例如下:序数词的用法1.定义:表示事物的顺序的数词叫序数词。比如第几The ordinal numbers(序数词)one.firsttwo.secondthreethir
23、dfour .fourth eighteighthnine. ninthfive .fifthtwelve.twelfthtwenty.twentieth twenty-one.twenty-first基数词序数词基数词变序数词口诀基变序,有规律。一 二 三,特殊记th 要从四加起八去 t ,九去 e , f 来把 ve 替 ty改为 tie若是遇到几十几,只变个位就可以The ordinal numbers(序数词)onefirstsecondthird fourthfifthseventheighth ninthSay the numbersonetwothreefourfiveseven
24、nineeighteleventwelve twelfththirteentwentiethelevenththirteenthtwenty twenty-first twenty-onefirstsecondthird fourthfifthseGrammar FocusGrammar FocusWhen is your birthday?My birthday is on May 2nd.When is his birthday?His birthday is on January 17th.Her birthday is on September 5th.When is Alices b
25、irthday?When is your fathers birthday?His birthday is on April 21st.Role playWhen is your birthday?My birth Match the questions and answers. 1. When is Jennys birthday?2. When are their birthdays?3. When is your brothers birthday?4. Is his birthday in July?5. Is your birthday on February 1st?No, its
26、 on the 6th. b. Her birthday is on May 24th. c. Yes, it is.d. Their birthdays are in January.e. Its on June 16th.3a Match the questions and answe Complete the conversation and practice it with your partner. A: How are you, Grace?B: twelve.A: And is your birthday?B: My is on March 12th. How about you
27、 and Tom?A: Well, my birthday is July 5th, and Toms birthday is December.oldImwhenbirthdayonin3b Complete the conversation Find out your group members birthdays and ages. Line up from the youngest to the oldest.3c Find out your group memberNAMEBIRTHDAYMONTHDATEClass birthday calendarNAMEBIRTHDAYMONT
28、HDATEClass birExercisesExercises1. Teachers Day (教师节) is on _.2. Christmas Day (圣诞节) is on _. 3. Labours Day (劳动节) is on _. 4. New Years Day (元旦)is on _. 5. April Fools Day (愚人节)is on _. 6. Tree Planting Day (植树节) is on _.7. Childrens Day (儿童节) is on _.请写出下列节日的日期。September 10thDecember 25thMay 1stJa
29、nuary 1stApril 1stMarch 12thJune 1st1. Teachers Day (教师节) is on Name: SelinaDate of birth:October 31st, 1981读ID cards, 完成下列对话。Betty: Who are they?Cindy: They are S.H.E.Betty: She? Name: HebeDate of birth:March 30th, 1983Name: EllaDate of birth:June 18th, 1980S.H.EName: Selina读ID cards, 完成下列对话。Cindy:
30、 Their names are _, _ and _. They are pop singers. Selinas birthday is on _. Hebes birthday is on _. Ellas birthday is on _.Betty: Oh, how old are they?Cindy: _ was born(出生) in 1981, _ was born in 1980, and _ was born in 1983.Betty: You know much about S.H.E.Cindy: Yes, because I like them a lot!Sel
31、inaEllaHebeOctober 31stJune 18thSelinaEllaHebeMarch 30thCindy: Their names are _鲁教版六年级下册第一单元课件Unit-1-When-is-your-birthdaySection BSection BSpring Festival (春节)is in _ or _. Tree Planting Day (植树节)is in _.Mothers Day is in _. National Day (国庆节)is in _. Teachers Day is in _.January FebruaryMarch MayO
32、ctober September Christmas Day(圣诞节) is in _. April Fools Day (愚人节)is in _. Childrens Day (儿童节) is in _. Students have summer holiday(暑假) in _ and _.Thanksgiving(感恩节) is in _.December April June JuneJuly November 你知道这些节日吗?Spring Festival (春节)is in _Learn these numbers and find out the rules:一起找规律1st
33、first2nd second3rd third4th fourth5th 6th7th8th eighth9th ninth10th fifthsixthseventhtenth11th eleventh 12th twelfth13th 14th 15th 16th17th18th 19th 20th twentieththirteenthfourteenthfifteenthsixteenthseventeentheighteenthnineteenth21st twenty-first 22nd twenty-second23rd twenty-third24th 25th 26th2
34、7th28th 29th 30th thirtieth31st thirty-firsttwenty-fourthtwenty-fifthtwenty-sixthtwenty-seventhtwenty-eighthtwenty-ninthLearn these numbers and find o基变序,有规律, 一、二、三单独记。-th ,四加起, 八去t来、 九去 e 。遇到ve, f 替, -ty变为 tie,后跟th莫迟疑。 若想表示几十几,只变个位就可以。基变序,有规律, 一、二、三单独记。月日月日月日月日月日月日January fifteenth (15th)April thir
35、tieth (30th)July eighth (8th)October first (1st)May twenty-ninth (29th)February fourteenth (14th)实战演习Can you read these dates?月日January fifteenth (15th reviewMybirthdayisJuly seventh. My fathers birthday is.My mothers birthday is.My .Whenisyour familysbirthday? reviewWhenisyour fparty晚会,聚会Birthday p
36、arty 生日晚会happy birthday!Marys birthday party玛丽的生日晚会party晚会,聚会Birthday party 生日晚会hspeech contest演讲比赛English speech contest 英语演讲比赛Chinese contestMath contestspeech contest演讲比赛English spea school trip学校组织的观光、郊游trip 旅游a school trip学校组织的观光、郊游trip 旅an Art Festival一次艺术节 a Music Festival一次音乐盛典an Art Festiva
37、l一次艺术节 a Music basketball game篮球比赛volleyball game排球比赛basketball gamevolleyball gameSchool Day 校庆日School Day 校庆日英汉互译Translate:1.篮球比赛2.校庆日3.一次音乐盛典4.演讲比赛5.学校郊游6.一个艺术节basketball gameSchool Daya Music Festivalspeech contestschool tripan Art Festival 英汉互译Translate:basketball gameMatch the pictures with th
38、e events1._ English test 3. _ school trip2._ party 4. _ basketball gamedcba1aMatch the pictures with the evWhat other events do you often have ? Can you guess ?class meetingparents meetingsports meetingWhat other events do you oftenNew Years PartyArt Festival/a:t festivl/exam /igzm/New Years PartyAr
39、t FestivalexReviewLets review what events we have learned .basketball gameschool tripEnglish testpartysports meetingparents meetingclass meetingexamReviewLets review what eventsNew Years PartyArt FestivalWarming upA: What event do you often have in your school?B: We often have the parents meeting.A:
40、 Do you like it?B: No, I dont like it.New Years PartyArt FestivalWaA: Do you often have ?B: Yes, I do./ No, I dont.A: Do you like it ?B: Yes, I do. /No, I dont.A: Do you often have ?B: YeListeningYou will hear what events Sally has in September and October. Circle the events you hear in 1a1bListenin
41、gYou will hear what e.Listen again. Fill in Johns calendar.SEPTEMBEROCTOBERbasketball gameSchool tripSchool tripEnglish test1c.Listen again. Fill in Johns Ask and answer questions about Johns calendar.PairworkWhen is Sallys birthday party?Its on October 5th.A: When is the basketball game?B: Its on O
42、ctober 2nd.Ask and answer questions aboutFree talkTalk about the events that you often have in your school life and their dates.A: What events do you have in your school?B:We often have the sports meeting.A: When is it? B: Its in November or December.Free talkTalk about the eventsWritten work. 将下面的短
43、语翻译成英语1. 生日聚会 _2.学校郊游 _3. 英语考试 _4.篮球比赛 _birthday partyschool tripEnglish testbasketball gameWritten work. 将下面的短语翻译成英语1. 生. 根据横线后的标点提示,将所给单词连成完整正确的句子。Alices, in, birthday, fathers, is October_2. is, when, volleyball, your, game_?3.is, meeting, class ,your ,week ,this, week._?When is your volleyball g
44、ame4. how, are, your, old, and, friends, Kate, Jack_?Alices fathers birthday is in October.Is your class meeting this weekHow old are your friends Kate and Jack/How old are your friends Jack and Kate. 根据横线后的标点提示,将所给单词连成完整正确的句子。basketball gamepartyschool tripEnglish testRevisionbasketball gamepartysc
45、hool triPresentationsoccer gameEnglish DaySports DaySchool Daybook sale/a:t/ /festvl/ art festivalPresentationsoccer gameEnglishMemory ChallengeMemory Challenge英语节英语晚会学校开放日图书特卖 足球赛艺术节 体育节学校郊游根据箭头指向的汉语,说出英语。English partybook saleSports Dayschool tripart festivalsoccer gameEnglish DaySchool DayGame英语节
46、英语晚会学校开放日图书特卖 足球赛艺术节 在你们学校常组织的活动后打勾。Check () the activities you have at your school. soccer game school trip School Day book sale English Day art festival Sports Day party 2a 在你们学校常组织的活动后打勾。Check () thWe have some interesting and fun things for you this term .We have a school trip tomorrow (明天).Have
47、 a good time!We have some interesting and fRead the passage and answer the question. Dear students, We have some interesting and fun things for you this term. On September 21st, we have a school trip in the afternoon. October is a great month. On the 12th and the 15th, we have two ball games, soccer
48、 and volleyball. School Day is on October 22nd. Your parents can come to our school. Next month, we have an art festival. Its on November 3rd. We have an English party on November 30th. And on December 3rd, we have a book sale in the school library. This is a really busy term! Have a good time!Is th
49、is a busy term?2bRead the passage and answer thIs this a busy term?Yes, it is.Is this a busy term?Yes, it isRead the school notice again and list the activities and the date. Reading skills: (1)浏览表格,确定阅读任务。根据Dates和Activities, 找出活动及举行日期。(2)带着任务快速阅读短文,找出关键信息。(3)细读,按时间的先后顺序,将日期与活动一一列出。 如:由句子“Next month
50、, we have an art festival. Its on November 3rd.”可知,在November 3rd这天,举行的活动是art festival。 2bRead the school notice again aSeptember 21stOctober 12thOctober 15thOctober 22ndNovember 3rdNovember 30thDecember 3rd school tripsoccer gamevolleyball gameSchool Dayart festivalEnglish partybook sale September 2
51、1stOctober 12thOctoThe students have a school trip on the afternoon of September 21st. October is a boring month.We have three ball games this term.They have an art festival in November. They have a book sale in the classroom. True or False (阅读短文判断对错)TFFTFScanning The students have a school triClose
52、-Reading1) How many months are there in a term?2) Why are the students busy this term?3) Do they like their school life(学校生活)? Why?Because they have many activities.There are four months in a term.They like my school life because they have many interesting school activities.Close-Reading1) How many
53、montBe active in school activities!And love your school life!积极参加学校活动热爱学校生活Be active in school activities9月21日Gameschool trip10月12日soccer game10月15日volleyball game10月22日School Day11月3日art festival11月30日English party12月3日book sale9月21日Gameschool trip10月12日soccTry to retell the letter in 2b. Dear Jenn
54、y, I am very busy on Friday. Try to retell the letter in 2b1. Next month, we have an art festival. have v.“举行;举办”,后面跟表示活动的名词,指“举办某种活动”。如: have a class meeting 开班会 have a music festival 举办音乐节 have tennis games 举办网球赛 have a book sale 举行减价售书活动 1. Next month, we have an art 【拓展】have的其他用法:1) have 有;拥有 e.
55、g. I dont have a soccer ball, but my brother does. _我没有足球,我弟弟有。【拓展】have的其他用法:我没有足球,我弟弟有。2) have v. 吃;喝 e.g. I usually have an apple and a hamburger for breakfast. _ 3) have用于某些短语中,如: have a look 看一看早饭我通常吃一个苹果和一个汉堡。 2) have v. 吃;喝早饭我通常吃一个苹果和一个汉堡。have a good time也是一个固定词组,意为“玩得高兴;过得愉快”,相当于have fun或enjo
56、y oneself (oneself 随主语的变化而变化)。2. Have a good time! 在课文中是一个表示祝福的句子,“祝你玩得高兴!”。have a good time也是一个固定词组,意为“玩得Eric has a good time there every day. = Eric _ there every day. = Eric _ there every day. 埃里克在那里每天过得都很愉快。 has funenjoys himselfEric has a good time there eve1. What do you think of this term?2.
57、What activities do you like? Why?3. What other activities do you like?Interesting / great/ fun/ busy1. What do you think of this tDear Alan,Do you _ sports? Do you have a _? Please come to _ next week. We have a basketball _. It is on _ 28th. See you there!Guo Peng Complete the note with the words i
58、n the box. my school game September like basketball September basketballgamelikemy school应是一动词应是一表事物的名词应是表地点的词篮球比赛应是表月份的词3aDear Alan,Complete the note wiHow to write a note?likemy school game basketballSeptember 开头:“Dear+收便条人的名字”正文结尾:写便条人的名字How to write a note?likemy schWrite your own note to a frie
59、nd. Invite him / her to an activity in your school. Use the questions to help you. What is your friends name? What does your friend like to do? What activity do you have in your school? When is the activity?3bWrite your own note to a frienDear _,_ Dear _,写作指导:这是一则邀请某人参加某项活动的便条,其内容须包含括号内提出的四个问题,即:参加人
60、的名字及爱好、活动名称及该活动举行的地点与时间。写作过程中可能用到的句型如下: 1. Do you like (have) ? 你喜欢(有)吗?写作指导: 1. Do you like (have) ?2. Please come to next week/this Friday. 请下周/这周五来(某地). 3. We have a (an) Its on 我们举行(活动)。它在(日期)。 4. On , we have a(an) in 在(日期), 我们在(某地)举行(活动)。 5. See you there!/Have a good time! 再见!/祝你玩得高兴。 2. Plea
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