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1、Unit 7 On Japans Position on TradeVocabularyTerminology (Technical Expressions)Language PointsUnit 7 On Japans Position on Vocabularytarget:t:git 1)n. objective (set for saving, production, etc.) total which it is desired to reach (储蓄、生产等的目标;欲达到的总数、指标)Sales targets shall be arranged in accordance wi

2、th the production objectives contained in the Joint Proforma. 销售目标应根据联合估算表中所含的产品对象进行安排。Vocabularytarget:t:git target:t:git 2)v. set the objectives or aims in business 定指标A company may decide to target several market segments and design separate offers for each. 一家公司可决定把数个市场分区作为自己的目标,并为每一部门设计单独的报价。ta

3、rget:t:git 2. meet v. satisfy 满足Our Sales Manager will make sure that the delivery date is met. 我们公司的销售经理会确保按规定日期交货。These instruments are issued by major corporation to meet their short-term borrowing needs.这些有价证券是一些大公司为了满足他们的短期借贷的需要而发行的。2. meet3. approach:prut 1) v. go to (sb.) with a request or of

4、fer 与(某人)接洽或交涉We were approached by a Japanese businessman with offers of assistance in purchasing Chinese products. 有位日本客商来我公司接洽,表示愿意协助采购中国商品。3. approach:prut 3. approach:prut 2) n. way; method 办法,方法This approach can help to keep a business healthy growing and clear of financial difficulties.此方法有助于

5、企业健康发展,并免于金融困难。Energy conservation, coupled with audits, is the best double barreled approach to cost savings.节能与审计双管齐下,是最佳的双重节支措施。3. approach:prut 4. tariff:trif n. 1) list of taxes on goods imported or (less often) exported; tax on a particular class of import goods 进出口货物(较少指出口货物)课税表;某一类货物进口税或关税Un

6、der trade agreements, certain goods from certain countries may be exempt from some of the tariffs. 根据贸易协定,来自特定国家的特定商品可免征部分关税。Some countries raise tariff walls against foreign goods.有些国家建立关税壁垒以抵制外国商品。4. tariff:trif 4. tariff:trif 2) n. list of fixed charges 价格表We shall be glad if you will take not of

7、 the enclosed tariffs and trust soon to be forwarded with your kind instructions. 注意所附运费表,并请早日批示为盼。4. tariff:trif 5. access:kses n. 1) entry to a place 进入Acquisitions provide a quick a quick and easy way to gain access to new markets. 企业兼并提供了一条进入新市场的捷径。 2)right, opportunity or means of reaching 接触、接

8、近的权利Such goods are typically granted unrestricted tariff free access.这些商品获得不受限制、免征关税进口的特别待遇。5. access:kses 6. reckon:rekn v. calculate; estimate 计算;估计Hire charges are reckoned from the date of delivery. 租金是从交货之日开始计算的。Our variable costs are reckoned to be 2 per unit. 我公司可变成本据核算为每件2美元。6. reckon:rekn 7

9、. diminish:dimini v. reduce, make or become less 减少,降低This subcontract shall not diminish any of the right of the First Party. 这种分包合同不得减弱甲方的任何权利。Unforeseen expenses diminished her savings. 未预料到的费用使她的积蓄减少。7. diminish:dimini 8. advocate:dvkit 1) n. person who speaks in favor of sb. or sth. 提倡者,倡导者,拥护者

10、Free trade advocates want to eliminate protective tariffs. 自由贸易的拥护者要求取消保护性关税。Most university students are advocates of equal pay for man and woman. 大多数学生都是男女同酬的拥护者。8. advocate:dvkit 8. advocate:dvkit 2)v. support, speak publicly in support of 提倡,主张We passionately advocate economic reforms. 我们热烈拥护经济改

11、革。America advocated “fair trade” instead of free trade openly. 美国公开主张“公平贸易”而不是自由贸易。 8. advocate:dvkit 9. market share n. the percentage of the total sales of a product in a particular area or country obtained by one company 市场占有率The computer company has a 25% market share. 该计算机公司拥有25%的市场占有率。The food

12、 and drinks company was forced to reduce price to keep its market share. 食品和饮料公司被迫以降价来保持其市场占有率。9. market shareTerminology (Technical Expressions)White Paperfiscal packagesindustrial commoditiesthe business cycle managed tradeexport-driven trade balancetrade sanctionstrade reprisalfree trade白皮书财政一揽子计

13、划技术产品;耐用消费品商业周期 管理贸易以出口为目的 贸易差额贸易制裁贸易报复自由贸易Terminology (Technical ExpressLanguage PointsPara.1 从前,日本面对外来压力时,要么会勉强屈服,要么会保持平静、希望那些谴责逐渐消失。但日本似乎今非昔比。克林顿政府坚信这种压力的作用。其政策是用设定进口指标的方法打开日本的一些(它认为是未开放的)市场一种被支持者称为“注重后果”的贸易方式。这一令人厌恶的词语预示了后果的不可预测性。日本非但不向美国推行的这一贸易新政策屈服,反而坚定自己的立场,这种做法可能会导致跨太平洋的贸易冲突。Language PointsP

14、ara.12. Para. 3, 3rd - end 今年的白皮书除了有好像以往的直截了当的分析外,还要提出日本的态度,而以前则是美国和欧洲的评论占主导地位。此前,在本周日本通商产业省曾发布了另外一份报告,谴责美国、欧共体和其他主要贸易伙伴采取了“不公平的贸易做法”。两份报告都认为贸易应由多边贸易规则管理并呼吁完成乌拉圭回合贸易谈判。2. Para. 3, 3rd - end 3. Para.5, 1st sentence 正是也仅仅是由于持续的贸易顺差,而非其他什么东西,激起了华盛顿的愤怒。克林顿说:“想要真正获得日本市场,甚至是进入日本市场都很遥远。”3. Para.5, 1st sent

15、ence4. Para. 9 在提出华盛顿对贸易顺差的错误批评后,日本通商产业省即将发布的报告接着预测这种贸易顺差的规模和重要性将自动地逐渐缩减。4. Para. 95. Para. 7 Haraoka所在部门的分析解释了近期日本贸易顺差增长的原因:由于日本国内经济衰退,昂贵的奢侈品的进口有所下降,而这些场频在20世纪80年代后期却是十分流行的。另外,由于其他地区的经济增长放缓,日本工业所依赖的国际商品的价格下落,由此使日本贸易顺差更为明显。另一方面,由于购买日本机械产品的亚洲国家经济的持续高速增长,日本机械产品出口仍可经受经济疲软而保持持续增长。5. Para. 76. Para. 15 在

16、贸易及其他问题上,日本以前已经向外界压力屈服了无数次,而且可能会再次屈服。白宫似乎在指望这一点。但美国政府和国会最好集中精力考虑如何降低美国的预算赤字。这样,无论日本的贸易政策如何,贸易逆差都会降低。用贸易报复来威胁,即使迫使日本屈服,也不会降低贸易逆差。6. Para. 15Unit 8 South Korea & Other Fast-developing Asian Countries - Their Progress and ProblemsVocabularyTerminology (Technical Expressions)Language PointsUnit 8 South

17、Korea & Other FasVocabularycorporate:k:prit adj. of or belonging to a corporation; of or shared by all the members of a group of persons 法人团体的;公司的,共同的The company has the corporate power to own its properties and to carry on its business. 公司具备拥有自己的财产、开展自己的业务等法人权限。Corporate profits play several roles

18、besides providing income to the owners.公司利润除了给所有者提供收入之外,还起很多作用。Vocabularycorporate:k:prit2. surge:s:d vi. Move forward and upward, roll on, in or like waves 急剧上升;激增,猛冲The stock market surged today. 股票市场今天上涨。The surging economy in China is apparent in recent years. 近些年来中国的经济呈明显上升趋势。2. surge:s:d 3. he

19、adquarters:hedkw:t n. place from which an organization is controlled 总部,总机构The firms headquarters are in London. 总公司设在伦敦。4. edge:ed n. advantage 优势Because of the high exchange rate, our products lost their competitive edge. 由于汇率过高,我公司产品失去了竞争力。Her superior fitness has given her the edge over her oppo

20、nent. 她的健康体魄使其胜于对手。3. headquarters:hedkw:t 5. hover:hv n. remain in the air in one place; wait in a timid and uncertain manner 盘旋;徘徊 There was a helicopter hovering overhead. 有一架直升机在头顶盘旋。He hovered about outside, too afraid to go in.他在外面犹豫徘徊,因过于胆怯而不敢进去。5. hover:hv 6. force 1) n. person, thing, belie

21、f, etc. with such strength or power; influence 具有此种能量的人、事物、信仰等;影响Prices are left to the determining forces of supply and demand. 价格取决于供求的决定性力量。Management prepares the programs and simply mails them to the sales force.管理人员编制计划然后寄给销售人员就完事了。6. force 6. force 2) v. compel, oblige 强迫,迫使Competition forces

22、 firms to seek the lowest cost method of production. 竞争迫使企业寻求成本最低的生产方式。Smaller competitors, whose margins were squeezed, were forced out of the market.利润萎缩了的小竞争厂商被挤出了市场。6. force 7. power v. give energy or force to 提供动力,驱动Two million car-owners use vehicles powered by sugar-cane alcohol. 200万汽车拥有者使用甘

23、蔗酒精为动力的车。Electricity powers all our appliances. 电给我们所有的设备提供了动力。7. power8. vulnerable:vlnrbl adj. easily hurt or harmed physically or emotionally 脆弱的;易受到伤害的;易损坏的Infant industries are particularly vulnerable to competition. 幼稚工业格外承受不住竞争的打击。You are in a fairly vulnerable position yourself. 你自己处于一个相当脆弱的

24、位置。8. vulnerable:vlnrbl 9. share 1) n. part or division which sb. has in, receives from, or gives to 份额A large share of the repair cost will be borne by the manufacturers. 大笔的修理费应由制造商支付。There are nine major passenger car manufactures in Japan continuously competing for large shares in the world mark

25、et.日本有9家小客车制造商,它们不断地为在世界市场上取得大的份额而竞争。9. sharego share 分担We propose that we go shares with you in the total amount of the differences on a 50/50 basis to settle the dispute. 为了解决争端,我们建议你我双方各负担这几次差额总金额的50%。2)n. form of security that represents the shareholders stake in a business 股份,股票Shares in the ho

26、lding company go on the market soon. 控股公司的股票很快就要上市。Mr. Brown holds fifty percent of the shares in the company. 布朗先生持有该公司股份的50%。3)v. give a share to others; divide and distribute 分担,分享Preferred shareholders do not share in firms rising value. 优先股股东不能分享公司的增值。 go share 分担10. siphon:saifn n. draw (a liq

27、uid) from one place to another using a siphon; transfer sth. from one place to another 用虹吸管吸出(或输送);抽取,分出 siphon gasoline from a tank 用虹吸管从油桶中吸出汽油He siphoned off large sums of money from his personal bank account.他从他的私人账户中提取了大笔的钱。10. siphon:saifn affiliate一个企业 与另一个企业在管理上有一定的联系,如一个公司是另一个公司的“少数股东”,或两公司有互兼董事的关系等,两者 之间互为“联号”affiliate一个企业 与另一个企业在管理上有一定的联系Terminology (Technical Expressions)microprocessoraffiliatedumpinglicenser insolvencymarket force a hermit nationfledgling industriessubsistence level 微信息处理系统联号倾销转让人无偿还能力的,资不抵债的市场力量一个闭关自守的国家新兴工业勉强糊口的生活水平T


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