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1、Unit 6 Chinese Heritage 授课人:高洁Unit 6 Chinese Heritage Questions:How many Chinese heritage do you know?Step 1Lead-inQuestions:How many Chinese herTreasure(财宝)Treasure(财宝)Beijng OperaBeijng Opera语文版中职英语(拓展模块)Unit-6Chinese-Heritageppt课件1Questions:Do you like to watch Beijing Opera? Are you interested i

2、n Beijing Opera?2. Do you know anything about the history of Beijing Opera?Questions:Do you like to watchBeijng OperaStep 2 Beijng OperaStep 2 Beijing Opera in Our Daily LifeCommemoration Coin纪念币Beijing Opera in Our Daily LifBeijing Opera in Our Daily LifeBeijing Opera in Our Daily LifBeijing Opera

3、in Our Daily LifeBeijing Opera in Our Daily LifBeijing Opera in Our Daily LifeMany songs like:李玉刚新贵妃醉酒 梦青衣黄阅 折子戏后弦 西厢余少群 戏梦人生Beijing Opera in Our Daily LifIntroduction of Beijing OperaIntroduction of Beijing Opera The Background of Beijing Opera 京剧是我国的国粹,是流行于全国的重要剧种之一。清乾隆五十五年(1790年)江南久享盛名的徽班三庆班入京为清高

4、宗(乾隆帝)的八旬万寿祝寿。徽班是指演徽调或徽戏的戏班,清代初年在南方深受欢迎。继此,许多徽班接踵而来,其中最著名的有三庆、四喜、春台、和春,习称四大徽班。他们在演出上各具特色,三庆擅演整本大戏;四喜长于昆腔剧目;春台多青少年为主的童伶;和春武戏出众。 The Background of 1828年以后,一批汉戏演员陆续进入北 京。汉戏又名楚调,现名汉剧,以西皮、二黄两种声腔为主,尤侧重西皮,是流行于湖北的地方戏。由于徽、汉两个剧种在声腔、表演方面都有血缘关系,所以汉戏演员在进京后,大都参加徽班合作演出,且一些成为徽班的主要演员,如余三胜即是。徽调多为二黄调、高拨子、吹腔、四平调等,间或亦有西

5、皮调、昆腔和弋腔;而汉调演员演的则是西皮调和二黄调。徽、汉两班合作,两调合流,经过一个时期的互相融会吸收,再加上京音化,又从昆曲、弋腔、秦腔不断汲取营养,终于形成了一个新的剧种-京剧。第一代京剧演员的成熟和被承认,大约是在1840年左右。 1828年以后,一批汉戏演员陆续进入北 京。汉戏又名楚调Beijing Opera is a historical art form, traditional music and singing are used to tell a story on stage. The rhythm plays a part in telling the story. I

6、t can get faster and louder, or make sudden stops to go with the action.Beijng OperaBeijing Opera is a historical The Clothes of Beijing Opera-costume The Clothes of Beijing Opera-唆呐笙月琴 三弦京二胡京胡唆呐笙月琴 三弦京二胡京胡板大锣单皮鼓小锣堂鼓板大锣单皮鼓小锣堂鼓They have very little in common. Peking Opera is much more than mere opera

7、. Peking Opera combines(结合) many art forms. Apart from singing(歌唱) and recitation(朗诵), it includes traditional Chinese music, poetry(诗歌), dancing, pantomime(哑剧), elaborate costumes(戏服) and make-up(化妆), acrobatics(杂技) and martial arts(武术).Is Peaking Opera anything like Western Opera?They have very li

8、ttle in commo语文版中职英语(拓展模块)Unit-6Chinese-Heritageppt课件1群英会打渔杀家空城计贵妃醉酒三岔口霸王别姬四郎探母玉堂春长坂坡 将相和穆桂英挂帅杨门女将海瑞罢官曹操与杨修沙家浜红灯记智取威虎山骆驼祥子 Some famous Beijing Opera群英会将相和Some famous Beijing 穆桂英挂帅 剧本描写北宋时,西夏犯境。辞朝隐居的佘太君闻讯,遣曾孙杨文广、曾孙女杨金花去汴京探听。杨文广在校场比武,刀劈兵部尚书王强之子王伦,夺得帅印归来。穆桂英深感朝廷刻薄寡恩,不愿再为它效力。佘太君劝她以抵御西夏侵扰为重,穆桂英乃挂帅出征。集中塑造

9、了穆桂英的英雄形象。穆桂英挂帅 剧本描写北宋时,西夏犯境。辞朝隐居的佘打渔杀家原剧讲梁山英雄阮小七(易名萧恩)获得一颗宝珠,顶在头上入水,可以避水开路。后来成为萧恩的女儿萧桂英订亲的信物。萧恩与众兄弟分手后,带女儿在江边打鱼为生。遇故人李俊携友倪荣来访,同饮舟中。因天旱水浅,打不上鱼,欠下了乡宦丁士燮的渔税,丁自燮催讨渔税,李、倪斥之,得罪了丁府。丁府派教师爷率家丁锁拿萧恩,萧恩忍无可忍,将众人打得落花流水。萧恩愤恨之下大发英雄神威,带着女儿黑夜过江,以献宝珠为名,夜入丁府,杀了渔霸全家。 图:梅兰芳饰萧桂英、周信芳饰萧恩打渔杀家原剧讲梁山英雄阮小七(易名萧恩)获得一颗宝珠,顶群英会剧情: 取

10、材于三国演义,曹操率军南下攻吴,周瑜故友蒋干过江访瑜,诱蒋盗去假造之曹营水军都督蔡瑁、张允之反书。蒋干自以为聪明,曹操果中计,怒斩蔡、张二人。 群英会剧情: 取材于三国演义,曹操率军南下攻吴,周瑜空城计三国时期,魏国派司马懿挂帅进攻蜀国街亭,诸葛亮派马谡驻守失败。司马懿率兵乘胜直逼西城,诸葛亮无兵迎敌,但沉着镇定,大开城门,自己在城楼上弹琴唱曲。司马懿怀疑设有埋伏,引兵退去。等得知西城是空城回去再战,赵云赶回解围,最终大胜司马懿。 空城计三国时期,魏国派司马懿挂帅进攻蜀国街亭,诸葛亮派马沙家浜抗战时期,江南新四军浴血抗日,某部指导员郭建光带领十八名新四军伤病员在沙家浜养伤,“忠义救国军”胡传魁

11、、刁德一假意抗战暗投日寇,地下共产党员阿庆嫂依靠以沙奶奶为代表的进步抗日群众,巧妙掩护了新四军安全伤愈归队,最终消灭了盘踞在沙家浜的敌顽武装,解放了江南大好河山。 沙家浜抗战时期,江南新四军浴血抗日,某部指导员郭建光带领语文版中职英语(拓展模块)Unit-6Chinese-Heritageppt课件1Sheng (male) 生Dan (female) 旦Jing (painted face)净Chou (clown)丑The Roles of Peking OperaSheng (male) 生Dan (female) 旦JThe role of ShengSheng are the lea

12、ding actors who portray schoolars, officials, warriors, etc. Sheng can be divided into three categories: the old, the young and the kungfu experts.The role of ShengSheng are th老生武生小生老生武生小生The role of DanDan , or female actors, include the young, the middle-aged, and old women. Traditionally, female

13、roles were played by male actors.The role of DanDan , or female青衣刀马旦老旦花旦花旦与青衣的区别:北方剧种多称青衣,南方剧种多称正旦。青衣在旦行里占着最主要的位置,所以叫正旦,扮演的一般都是端庄、严肃、正派的人物,大多数是贤妻良母,或者是贞节烈女之类的人物。如秦香莲、王宝钏等。 花旦:多表演性格活泼的女子,也有一部分悲剧和反面人物。如:红娘 青衣刀马旦老旦花旦花旦与青衣的区别:梅兰芳程砚秋荀慧生尚小云梅兰芳程砚秋荀慧生尚小云Master Mei Lanfang梅兰芳(1894年-1961年),1894年生于北京,他出生于京剧世家。

14、10岁登台在北京广和楼演出天仙配,工花旦。1908年搭喜连成班。1911年北京各界举行京剧赏评选活动,张贴菊榜,梅兰芳名列第三名探花。代表作品:五花洞贵妃醉酒嫦娥奔月霸王别姬黛玉葬花等Master Mei Lanfang梅兰芳(1894年-19贵妃醉酒剧照贵妃醉酒剧照霸王别姬剧照霸王别姬剧照五花洞剧情:宋代,五大郎与潘金莲夫妻俩因年月不好,离家去寻兄弟武松。蜈蚣、蝎子、壁虎、蛤蟆、毒蛇等在五花洞修炼成精,因恨仙道张天师与它们作对,前往京都作乱。路遇武大郎携妻潘金莲寻访其弟武松,见二人一矮丑、一娇媚,相映成趣,遂幻化成二人模样相戏。真假武大郎、潘金莲相貌言语一般无二,难辨真伪,乃互相扭至阳谷县衙

15、申告。知县吴大炮难以判识,五毒精又变出一假知县与之哄闹。恰逢包拯(另有版本为张天师)巡视至此,以照妖镜辨出真伪,又请来天兵天将降服了众妖。 五花洞剧情:宋代,五大郎与潘金莲夫妻俩因年月不好,离家去The role of Jing主要扮演性格、品质或相貌不同于一般、有突出特征的男性人物,俗称花脸张飞关羽包拯The role of Jing主要扮演性格、品质或相貌正净副净武净 Jing are the painted-faced roles, and they represent warriors, heroes, statements and bad men. The painted faces

16、 are symbolic and exaggerated, and are used to represent a characters personality.正净副净武净 Jing are the painted-fThe role of ChouChou are basically the clowns marked by a small square-shaped white color on their noses. They are sometimes positive, kind-hearted and humorous, but at other times negative

17、, bad or silly.The role of ChouChou are basi文丑武丑茶衣丑文丑武丑茶衣丑丑婆子褶子丑袍带丑丑婆子褶子丑袍带丑 Types of facial makeup Types of facial makeup The facial patterns of Peking Opera由于每个历史人物或某一种类型的人物都有一种大概的谱式,就像唱歌、奏乐都要按照乐谱一样,所以称为“脸谱”,约定俗成,渐成定例 。 脸谱对于不同的行当,情况不一。“生”、“旦”面部化妆简单,略施脂粉,叫“俊扮”、“素面”、“洁面”。而“净行”与“丑行”面部绘画比较复杂,特别是“净”,都是

18、重施油彩的,图案复杂,因此称“花脸”。戏曲中的脸谱,主要指“净”的面部绘画。而“丑”,因起扮演戏剧角色,故在鼻梁上抹一小块白粉,俗称“小花脸”。 The facial patterns of Peking What does each mark of painted faces represent? This painted face is used to represent a loyal and courageous character. This painted face is used to represent a clown, or a kind-hearted and humoro

19、us man, but sometimes, it is negative, bad or silly. This painted face is used to represent a bad man or a traitor. This painted face is used to represent a young man who portrays a scholar, an official, or warrior, etc.What does each mark of paintedThe color of facial make-up 京剧脸谱色彩十分讲究,看来五颜六色的脸谱品来

20、却巨细有因,决非仅仅为了好看。不同含义的色彩绘制在不同图案轮廓里,人物就被性格化了。红色-表现忠贞,英勇的人物性格,如:关羽. 蓝色-表现刚强,骁勇,有心计的人物性格,如:窦尔敦. 黑色-表现正直,无私,刚直不阿的人物形象,如:包公. The color of facial make-up 京剧白色-代表阴险,疑诈,飞扬,肃煞的人物形象.如:曹操,司马懿 . 绿色-代表顽强,暴躁的人物形象.如:武天虬. 黄色-代表枭勇,凶猛的人物,如:宇文成都. 紫色-表现刚正,稳练,沉着的人物,如荆柯. 金,银色-表现各种神怪形象,如孙悟空等 白色-代表阴险,疑诈,飞扬,肃煞的人物形象.如:曹操,司马The

21、 Patterns of Facial Make-up脸谱图案非常丰富,大体上分为额头图,眉型图,眼眶图,鼻窝图,嘴叉图,嘴下图。每个部位的图案变化多端,有规律而无定论,如:包拯黑额头有一白月牙,表示清正廉洁。 孟良额头有一红葫芦,示意此人爱好喝酒。 杨戬画有三眼,来源于古典传说。 The Patterns of Facial Make-up 杨七郎额头有一繁体“虎”字,显示其勇猛无敌。 赵匡胤的龙眉表示为真龙天子。 雷公脸谱中有一雷电纹。 姜维额头画有阴阳图,表示神机妙算。 夏侯惇眼眶受过箭伤,故画上红点表示。 窦尔墩,典韦等人的脸谱上有其最擅长的兵器图案。 Color types of f

22、acial makeup in OperaRed faces have positive meanings, symbolizing loyal ,brave, faithful, and wise men,such as Guan Yu.红脸的关公战场沙Color types of facial makeup 语文版中职英语(拓展模块)Unit-6Chinese-Heritageppt课件1Black, usually have neutral meanings, symbolizing brave(勇敢), criticized(刚烈) integrity(正直 ) and even re

23、ckless(鲁莽 ), they also represent uprightness(正直).黑脸的张飞叫喳喳Black, usually have neutral meYellow types of facial makeup in operas symbolize vicious brutality(残忍), such as Dian Wei.黄脸的典韦Yellow types of facial makeup Blue or green have neutral meanings that symbolize the hero of the bush, with the former

24、 also hinting at strength(力量) and intrepidity(刚勇,大胆).绿脸的魔鬼斗夜叉Blue or green have neutral meaWhite faces have negative meanings that symbolize treacherous(不忠,奸诈), insidious(奸诈) and crafty(狡猾的) men, such as Cao Cao. 白脸的曹操White faces have negative meanCaoCao曹操CaoCaoPurple is a positive color, which sign

25、ifies wisdom(智慧) and bravery(勇敢).紫色的天王托宝塔Purple is a positive color, wh Gold and silver faces symbolize mysteriousness(神秘), and stand for monsters(怪物) or gods. Gold and silver faces symbolStep 3 ReadingExtensive ReadingBeijng OperaStep 3 ReadingExtensive ReadiSome Key words opera n. 歌剧 combine v. 使结

26、合,合并 character n.(书、戏中的)人物;品格;特征 characterize v.以为特征;塑造人物 theme n.主题;话题 costume n.服装;剧装;戏装 warrior n.武士;战士 painted-faced 彩绘脸谱的 personality n.人格,品格 clown n. 小丑;丑角 symbolism n.象征意义;象征性 performer n.表演者;艺人Some Key words opera nThe general idea of each paragraph. Paragraph 12 Paragraph 3 Paragraph 47 Par

27、agraph 8 Paragraph 9 Paragraph 10The character and theme of Beijing Opera.The four types of roles in Beijing Opera.The origination of Beijing Opera.The significance of Beijing Opera.The symbolism in Beijing Opera.The performers in Beijing Opera.The general idea of each paragBeijing OperaAn important

28、 part of the Chinese culturetimeIt is originated in the _ _century.formIt is characterized by its combination of _, _,_, _ and _.themesThe themes are usually _,_and _. Many have their sources in _and_._types of rolesSheng, the _actors.Who portray _,_,_,ect.It has _categories: _,_and _.Dan, _actors.I

29、ncluding the _,_and_.Jing, _roles.Representing_,_,_and_.The painted faces used to represent_.Chou, are basically the _.It is marked by _on their noses.Characters of Chou are sometimes_, _ and_, but at other times_, _or_.symbolismA whip indicates_.Lifting a foot means_.Walking in a circle around the

30、stage indicates_.famous male actorsIncluding _,_and _.famous female actorsIncluding _and _.Beijing OperatimeIt is originaBeijing OperaAn important part of the Chinese culturetimeIt is originated in the _century.formIt is characterized by its combination of _, _,_, _ and _.themesThe themes are usuall

31、y _,_and _. Many have their sources in _and_.late18thsingingdialogueacrobaticskungfupantomimediasterslove storieslife in the royal palacefairy talesstories in historyBeijing OperatimeIt is originaBeijing OperaAn important part of the Chinese culture_types of rolesSheng, the _actors.Who portray _,_,_

32、,ect.It has _categories: _,_and _.Dan, _actorsIncluding the _,_and_.Jing, _rolesRepresenting _,_,_and_.The painted faces used to represent_.Chou, are basically the _It Is marked by _on their noses.Characters of Chou are sometimes_, _ and_, but at other times_, _or_.4leading malefemalepainted-facedcl

33、ownsscholarsofficialswarriors3the oldthe youngkungfu expertsthe middle-agedyoungthe old womenwarriorsheroesstatesmenbad mena characters personality a small square-shaped white colorpositivekind-heartedhumorousnegativebadsillyBeijing OperaWho portray _Beijing OperaAn important part of the Chinese cul

34、turesymbolismA whip indicates_.Lifting a foot means_.Walking in a circle around the stage indicates_.famous male actorsIncluding _,_and _.famous female actorsIncluding _and _.riding a horsegoing through a doora long journeyTan XinpeiYang XiaolouZhou XinfangMei LanfangShang XiaoyunBeijing OperasymbolismA whip iExamples of symbolismCircling the stage, whip in hand, suggests riding a horse.Riding in a carriage(马车) is


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