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1、Unit 4 Period 4 Reading for WritingUnit 4 Period 4 Reading for W1. Whats the writing style(体裁) of the article?Headline 2. Thinking: When you see this headline, what information would you like to get from the news report?Pre-readingA news reportWhat caused the tsunami?Did it influence China? 1. Whats

2、 the writing style(体裁Lead(导语) A tsunamiCaused by an earthquakeMore than 6500 people On 26 December 2004In Asia/Crashed into coastlines and killed Six elementsWhatHowWhyWhoWhereWhenLead(导语) A tsunamiCaused by anBody(主体)Q:What is this part served for?Para. 1Para. 2Body(主体)Q:What is this part se重点词汇1.F

3、ishermen,tourists,hotels,homes,and cars were swept away by huge waves caused by the strong earthquake that reached a magnitude of 9.0.渔民、游客、旅馆、房屋和汽车被震级达到9.0的强烈地震所引起的巨浪冲走了。【词汇精讲】句中的sweep away意为“消灭;彻底清除”,句中使用的是被动语态。We would like to be able to sweep away those harmful rumors.我们要清除那些有害的传言。Mother told To

4、m to sweep away the fallen leaves in the yard.妈妈要汤姆打扫庭院里的落叶。He helplessly watched the wave sweep his cap away.他眼巴巴地看着帽子被海浪卷走了。重点词汇【词汇拓展】 【词汇拓展】 2.The undersea quake struck around 7:00 a.m.,Sunday off the west coast of Indonesias Sumatra Island.印尼苏门答腊岛西海岸周日上午7点左右发生了海底地震。【词汇精讲】strike vt. & vi.(struck,

5、struck/stricken) 侵袭;突击;击打n.罢工;罢课;袭击句中的strike意为“侵袭;突击”,是及物动词。A huge forest fire broke out after the lightning struck.闪电过后,突然发生了一场森林大火。The man struck him on the face.那个人打在了他的脸上。A good idea struck me while I was walking along the river.我在河边散步时突然有了一个好主意。2.The undersea quake struck arWe were all struck b

6、y his speech the other day.我们都被他那天的演讲打动了。The clock was striking ten as we went into the supermarket.当我们进入超市时,十点的钟声正好敲响了。It is hard to say how long the strike will last.很难说罢工还要持续多久。We were all struck by his spee【词汇拓展】 We are on strike.我们正进行罢工。 go on strike“举行罢工”,表示动作,是非延续性动词短语,不能和表示一段时间的状语连用。【词汇拓展】 W

7、e are on strike. 英语必修一unit-4-natural-disasters-reading-for-writing写英语必修一unit-4-natural-disasters-reading-for-writing写3.However,dangerous conditions and damaged roads will make it difficult to deliver food and supplies.然而,危险的条件和损坏的道路将使运送食物和补给品变得困难。【词汇精讲】deliver vi.& vt.递送;传达vt.发表句中的deliver意为“递送”,是及物动

8、词。The newspaper has just been delivered.报纸刚刚送达。Our teacher delivered a speech at the meeting yesterday.我们的老师在昨天的会上发表了讲话。3.However,dangerous conditions【词汇拓展】 Did you deliver my message to my father?你把我的信息传给我父亲了吗?【词汇拓展】 Did you deliver my mes英语必修一unit-4-natural-disasters-reading-for-writing写4.effect【词

9、汇精讲】effect为名词,意为“影响;结果;效果”。Rainforests have a great effect on the world environment.雨林对世界环境有很大影响。【词汇拓展】The radiation leak has had a disastrous effect on/upon the environment.辐射泄漏对环境造成了灾难性的影响。4.effectThe radiation leak has英语必修一unit-4-natural-disasters-reading-for-writing写重点句式1.I was having breakfast

10、with my three children when water started filling my home.我正和三个孩子吃早饭,这时水灌进了我家里。【句式剖析】be doing.when.“正在做这时(突然)”,when 为并列连词,表示“这时;突然”,相当于and at this/that time。John was studying in his room when he heard screaming.约翰正在房间里学习,突然听到了一声尖叫。I was making a phone call when the door was blown open.我正在打电话,突然门被风吹开

11、了。重点句式【句式拓展】 He was about to go home when the teacher came.他正要回家,这时老师来了。I had just finished my exam paper when the bell rang.我刚做完试卷,下课铃就响了。【句式拓展】 He was about to go home英语必修一unit-4-natural-disasters-reading-for-writing写2.However,dangerous conditions and damaged roads will make it difficult to delive

12、r food and supplies.然而,危险的条件和损坏的道路将使运送食物和补给品变得困难。【句式剖析】本句是“主语+make+it+adj.+for.+to do.”句式,意为“使得做某事”。其中it是形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的动词不定式短语。This produced a chain reaction,which made it possible for life to develop.这就产生了一系列的反应,使得生命有了发展的可能。In the last decades,advances in space technology have made it possible for

13、people to grow vegetables in space.在过去的几十年间,太空技术的进步已经使得人们在太空种植蔬菜成为可能。2.However,dangerous conditions【句式拓展】用it作形式宾语的句子I think it important that we should learn English well.我认为我们学好英语很重要。【句式拓展】I think it important tha2,4981,9001,870254Map of killing more than 6,500 peopleEpicenter(震中)2,4981,9001,870254

14、Map of kilEnding3. Foreign aid is being organized, but dangerous conditions and damaged road is making it difficult for rescue work.1. Thousands of people are missing. 2. The number of deaths is expected to grow.Q: What are talked about in this paragraph? (key words)Q: Whats the purpose of writing t

15、he last paragraph?To show concerns and prediction of the disaster.missing peopledeathsrescue workEnding3. Foreign aid is being Whats your understanding?Q: Where do main points often lie in a news report?Write a summaryOnly one paragraphJust main points( main ideas and the most important information)

16、Your own language.Q: Where do main points often Who WhyHowSix elementsA tsunamiCaused by an earthquakeMore than 6,500 people On 26 December 2004In Asia?(Crashed into coastlines and killed)LeadEnding3. Foreign aid is being organized, but dangerous conditions and damaged road will make it difficult fo

17、r rescue work.1. Thousands of people are missing. 2. The number of deaths is to grow.Main pointsIn Southeast & South Asiamissing peopledeathsrescue workPairwork: Write a summary for the news report.WhereWhenWhat Who WhyHowSix elementsA tsu2,4981,9001,870254Map of Epicenter(震中)2,4981,9001,870254Map o

18、f EpiPossible version: _(what) _(why) killed more than 6,500 people in _(where) _(when). Thousands of people are _, and more people will be found _. Though foreign aid is on the way, _ are making trouble for rescue workers.A tsunamiwhich was caused by an earthquakeon 26 December 2004Southeast and So

19、uth Asia missingterrible conditionsdeadPossible version: A tsunFollow the steps below to write a summary for the text on P50.1). Find out main ideas of each para. 2). Write down the main idea of each para in your own words.3). Organize the ideas and draft your summary. PracticeFollow the steps below

20、 to writTHE NIGHT THE EARTH DIDNT SLEEPA terrible _ (what?) happened in _ (where?) on _ (when?) and caused great _(what result?) to people.earthquakeTangshan28 July 1976destructionTHE NIGHT THE EARTH DIDNT SLEPara 1 :Para 2 :Para 3 :Para 4 :Para 5 :Warning signs before the earthquake.The happening o

21、f the deadly earthquake.The rescue work.The revival of the city.The immediate effects of the earthquake. key words of each paras main idea. Para 1 :Warning signs before tOriginal sentencesParagraph 1 : Paragraph 2 : Paragraph 3 : Paragraph 4 : Paragraph 5 : Strange things were happening in the count

22、ryside of northeastern Hebei.happenedoccurredfor several days.(what, when, where)(great destruction)(rescue work)(a new Tangshan)Original sentencesParagraph 1 3). Organize the ideas and draft your summary. Pay attention to the following:Write down the key supporting points for the topic.Write down i

23、n your own words.A summary should be only one paragraph. 3). Organize the ideas and dra Strange things occurred in the countryside of northeastern Hebei for several days. A deadly earthquake happened in Tangshan, China at 3:42 a.m., on 28 July, 1976. The earthquake was so destructive that nearly one

24、 third of the whole nation felt and nearly everything in the city was destroyed. But hope was not lost, many rescue workers and doctors came to Tangshan to save people. With strong support from the government and the tireless efforts of the citys people, a new Tangshan was built upon the earthquake

25、ruins. - 108 俞家琦 Strange things occurred in Strange things happened in the countryside of northeastern Hebei for several days. At 3:42 a.m, on 28 July, 1976, an earthquake hit Tangshan which caused more than 400,000 people killed or injured. The city was in ruins, various buildings were gone and mil

26、lions of animals were dead. The government sent rescue workers to help. Slowly, the city began to breathe. After peoples unity, a new Tangshan was rebuilt. - 107 齐雨桐 Strange things happened in For several days, strange things occurred in the countryside of northeastern Hebei. Then, on 28 July 1976,

27、an earthquake hit Tangshan city. The city was greatly affected and nearly destroyed. Many people were killed or injured. The rescue work began soon after the quakes. Soldiers and medical workers arrived to find survivors and help the people who had lost everything. With strong support from the gover

28、nment and the tireless efforts of the people, a new Tangshan was built.Summary For several days, sFishermen, tourists, hotels, homes and cars were swept away by huge waves caused by the strong earthquake that reached a magnitude of 9.0. (para1)I was having breakfast with my three children when water

29、 started filling my home. (para2 the last sentence )The number of death is expected to grow even higher over the next few days. (para3)Dangerous conditions and damaged roads will make it difficult to deliver food and supplies. (para3)Fishermen, tourists, hotels, hFishermen, tourists, hotels, homes and cars were swept away by huge waves caused by the strong earthquake that reached a magnitude of 9.0. (para1)I was


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