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1、Module 5ShoppingUnit 1What can I do for you?Vocabularymarket n. 市场clothes shop 服装店biscuit n. 饼干lemon n. 柠檬 sausage n. 香肠;腊肠 strawberry n. 草莓 Mothers Day 母亲节What are you going to buy for your mother on Mothers Day? try on 试穿Match the words and expression from the box with the pictures. clothes shop m

2、arket supermarket132Now say where you can buy these things.Work in pairs biscuit lemon sausage strawberry T-shirt1. What is Lingling going to buy for her mother on Mothers Day?2. What is Betty going to make for her mother?4. When are they going to the shops?Listen and answer the questions.A T-shirt.

3、A cakeTomorrow afternoon.Listen and read(In the shop) What can I do for you? Id like to buy a T-shirt for my mum. What colour does she like? Purple. All right. What size does she take? Small. What about this one?(In the market) Ive got some food to buy too. Can I help you? Yes. Id like some sausages

4、. How much are they? Thirty-eight yuan a kilo. How much would you like? Half a kilo. OK. What else would you like? A kilo beans and two lemons. Thatll be thirty yuan. Oh, the strawberries look fresh. How much are they? Ten yuan a kilo. One kilo, please. Heres fifty-nine yuan.Now complete the table.T

5、-shirtsSausagesStrawberriesHow much /many do they buy?How much is it /are they?one 99 yuanhalf a kilo one kilo 19 yuan10 yuanComplete the sentences with the correct form of the words from the box.certainly everything fresh half price size1. The strawberries look very _ and the _ is only ten yuan a k

6、ilo. _ is so cheap!2. This is my _. Can I try it on? _. The clothes are _ price today.freshpriceEverythingsizeCertainlyhalf1. What are they?2. How much are they?3. How many do you take?1. What are they?2. How much are they?¥23.00/kg¥15.00/kg¥9.00/kgGuessing Game表示购物的习惯用语:May / Can I help you?How man

7、y / much would you like?What colour / size would you like?I want / Id likeHow much is it / are they?Thats too expensive, Im afraid.Do you have any other colours / sizes / kinds?Thats fine. Ill take it.2、Buy sth for sb 给某人买某物 玲玲给她妈妈买了一件新衣服。 Lingling buys a new clothes for her mother. 3. Thats too muc

8、h 那太贵了 too much+不可数n too many+可数n 桌子上有太多书了。 There are too many books on the desk. 学生们每天有太多试卷要做。 The students have too much paper to do.4、on today/tomorrow 具体到某一天用介词on.今天在公园有一个派对。There is a party in the park on today.5、half price 半价 half a kilo 半千克超市的柠檬今天半价。The lemons are half price in the supermarke

9、t today.我想要买半千克草莓Id like to buy half a kilo of strawberries.6、How much 多少钱,用来询问价格。 How much/many多少,用来询问数量 那些钱包多少钱? How much are those wallets? 你每天喝多少水? How much water do you drink every day?达标练习一、根据中文提示完成句子:1. I am going to buy for my mother on _ (母亲) Day2. My brother likes eating _ (草莓).3. Theres a

10、 _ (降价) on today.4. Everything is half _ (价格).5. What _ (别的) would you like?Mothersstrawberriessalepriceelse二、补全对话:1. _ can I do _ you? Id like to buy a T-shirt for my son.2. _ does he like? He likes white.3. _ do you like? Small.4. May I try it on? _.What forWhat colourWhat sizeCertainly / Sure / OK/ Of course5. _ wou


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