



1、、医学词汇翻译(20分)1、1、fibrosis纤维变性 splenopathy 脾病 arthropathia 关节病leucopenia白细胞减少 chololith 胆石 glossospasm 舌痉挛 laryngoplegia 喉麻痹 lymphocytorrhexis 淋巴纟田 胞破裂 myomalacia 肌软化 rhinedema鼻水肿 podalgia 足痛 hyperalgesia痛觉过敏 pleurodynia 胸膜痛 encephalocele 脑突出 chondritis 软骨炎 urorrhea 遗尿 dermatosclerosis 硬皮症 hepatomegal

2、y/hepatomega lia肝肿大 adenoncus腺肿大2、hemapoiesis 血细胞生 成,血生成vasodilation 血管扩 vasculitis 脉管炎 angiocyst成血管囊 lymphokine淋巴因子myocarditis心肌炎myelocythemia 髓细胞血症 neurasthenia 神经衰弱 urocyanin尿蓝质urinemia尿毒症uronophile 嗜尿的 crinogenic促分泌的adenocarcinoma 腺癌 thyrocele 甲状腺肿 hyperthyroidism 甲亢 genitoplasty 生殖器形成术 gonadoge

3、nesis 性腺发生 dermomycosis 皮真菌病 cuticle 表皮 osteectopia 骨异位3、cardiomegalia 心肥大encephalorrhagia 脑出血 pulmolith 肺石 pulmonology 肺脏学 pneumochysis 肺水肿 hepatatrophy 肝萎缩 hepa ti copulmonary 肝肺的 gastrocolotomy 胃结肠吻 stomachoscopy 胃镜检查 cholocyanin 胆青素 splenectopia 脾异位 pancreatopathy 胰病 nephredema 肾盂积水 tracheostomy

4、 气管造口术 bronchoplegia 支气管麻 esophagalgia 食管痛 mammatroph 催乳细胞 mastodynia 乳房痛 metromalacia子宫软化 uteropexy 子宫固定术4、osteoclast 折骨器 osteoclasis 折骨术 thermogram 温度记录图 thermograph温度记录图器 thermography温度记录图法 thoracometer 胸围计 thoracometry胸廓测量法 otoscope 耳镜 otoscopy 耳镜检查ophthalmostat眼球固定器 ophthalmostasis 眼球固定法 arthro

5、tome 关节刀 arthrotomy 关节切开术 angiotribe 血管压轧器 angiotripsy血管压轧术5、laryngotomy 喉切开术 myomectomy 肌瘤切除术 secocolostomy 盲肠结肠吻合术 cheiloplasty 唇形成术 syndesmorrhaphy 韧带缝合术 tendinosuture 腱缝术 romanopexy 乙状结肠固定术 arthrodesis 关节固定术 ut erofixa tion 子宫固定术arthrolysis关节松解术 celiocentisis腹腔穿刺术 venipuncture静脉穿刺术 tracheofissur

6、e 气管分裂术 bronchodila tion支气管扩张 sialectasia 涎管扩张 lymphangiectasis 淋巴管扩张 lithotripsy 碎石术 atresia 闭锁,无孔 ateriostrepsis 动脉扭转 术(止血) pleuroclysis 胸膜腔灌洗术6、natriuresis钠尿排泄potassemia 高钾血症 kaliopenia低钾血症calcitonin降钙素magnesite碳酸镁ferritin铁蛋白hydrogenase 氢化酶 oxylase 氧化酶 oxozone 双氧水 carbonuria碳酸尿症carbocyclic碳环的nitr

7、oglycerin 硝酸甘油 aminolysis氨解作用ammonirrhea 氨排泄 leukotriene 白三烯 glycerol甘油,丙醇acetone 丙酮 aciduria尿酸alkalosis 碱中毒 basocyte 嗜碱性粒细胞 7、astrocyte星状细胞coracoacromial 喙突肩峰的 coronavirus冠状病毒cricothyroid环甲软骨的 cyclohexane 环己六醇 cuneus 楔叶(大脑) reticuloendothelial 网状内皮细胞 discoblastula 盘形囊胚 mitosis 有丝分裂 flocculoreaction

8、 絮状反应globulinuria 球蛋白尿sphenocephaly 楔形头(畸形)styloid 茎状的spherolith 球状石 rhabdomyolysis 横纹肌溶解 cymbocephalia 舟状头(畸形)helicopepsin 螺蛋白酶 squamocellular 鳞状细胞的 staphylococcin 葡萄球菌素trochocephaly 轮状头(畸形)8、Monacid 一元酸质炎Mianserin 米安色林(抗抑Uniaural 单耳的Eosinophilia 嗜酸粒细胞郁药)Dicephaly 双头(畸形)增多Nitrazepam 硝西泮,硝基Biatrial

9、两心房的Rhodopsin 视紫质 视紫红安定(抗惊厥和催眠药)Ambiopia 复视(质)Amobarbital 异 戊 巴 比 妥Triacetate 三醋酸盐Purpura 紫癜(镇静催眠药)Teroxide 三氧化物Violaceous 紫 色的 青 紫Dibucaine 地布卡因,辛可Tetracycline 四环素色的卡因(局部麻醉药)quaritsternal 胸 骨 第 四11、Cefixime 头孢克肟节的Epicondyle 上髁Penicillin 青霉素Pentene 戊烯Hypernephroma 肾 上 腺 样Miconazole 咪康唑(抗真Quinquecusp

10、id 五尖的,五瘤菌药)尖牙Supermaxilla 上颌骨Tetracycline 四环素(抗Hexose 己糖Supralumbar 腰上的生素类药)Sextipara 六产妇Subpatellar 髌下的Nimodipine 尼莫地平,硝Heptanal 庚醛Hypoglossal 舌下的苯砒酯(血管扩张药)Septanose 七环糖Infraorbital 眶下的Sufentanil 舒芬太尼,噻Octapeptide 八肽Preretinal 视网膜前的哌苯胺(镇痛药)Nonapeptide 九肽Anteposition 前位Aminophylline 氨茶碱(平Decapod 十足

11、的 十足目动Postabortal 流产后的滑肌松弛药,利尿药)物Retro-ocular 眼后的Gentamycin 庆大霉素(抗10、leukemia 白血病Endotheliosis 内皮增生生素类药)Leucocytosis/leukocytosIntra-arterial 动脉内的Sulnidazole 舒硝唑,硫乙is 白细胞增多Ectoblast 外胚层,外胚叶硝唑(抗滴虫药)Albinuria 白尿,乳糜尿外膜Buprenorphine 布诺啡,叔Melanoma 黑素瘤Exocervix 外宫颈丁啡(镇痛药)Nigral 黑质的Exterogestate 宫 外 发 育Nor

12、floxacin 诺氟沙星Erythrocytin 红细胞素的 宫外孕胎Indoprofen 吲哚洛芬,印Rubriblast 原正成红细胞Extracerebral 脑外的酮苯丙酸(消炎镇痛药)原始红细胞Mesiolabial 近中唇(侧)Rifampin 利福平Chlorophyll 叶绿素的Sulfadiazine 磺 胺 嘧 啶Viridin 绿 啶 绿 胶 霉 素Centriole 中心粒(磺胺类药)Famotidine 法莫替丁(组胺H2拮抗药)Acyclovir 阿昔洛韦,无环 鸟苷(抗病毒药)9、Hemialgia 偏侧痛Semicanal 半管(抗真菌抗生素)Cyanosis

13、 发绀 青紫 Xanthoderma 黄肤 皮肤变 黄Lutein 黄体素 脂色素 Aflatoxin 黄曲霉素Glaucoma 青光眼 Polioencephalitis 脑 灰Intercostal 肋间的The nervous system 神经系统The nervous system - the brain, the spinal cord (脊髓)and the nerves 一 also controls body activities. The lower parts of the brain control basic functions such as breathing a

14、nd heart rate as well as body temperature, hunger, and thirst (口渴) . Above theseregions arethe centersfor sight, sound, touch, smell, andtaste, andtheregions that direct voluntarymuscular activities (肌肉自主活动) of the arms and legs.Performed here are the higher functions of integrating (结合)and processi

15、ng information.Thebrainreceivesandsendsinformationbymeansof (依靠) nerves,manyofwhich lie partly in the spinal cord. The spinal cord is protected by the spinal column (脊 柱).Nerves enter and leave (出入) the spinal cord at each level of the body, traveling to and from (进出) the arms, legs, and trunk (|躯干)

16、. These nerves bring information from the various sense organs (感觉器官). The information is processed by the brain, and then messages are carried back to (被传送回) muscles and glands (腺) throughout the body.The endocrine system 内分泌系统Thetwosystemsthatcontrolbodyactivitiesaretheendocrinesystemandthenervous

17、 system. The former exerts its control by means of chemical messengers (使者) called hormones. Hormones are produced by a variety of endocrine glands (多种内分泌腺), which release the hormones directly into the blood stream (血流).A major (主要的) gland is the pituitary (垂体), which is located under the brain in

18、themiddleofthehead.Itproducesatleasteighthormones,whichaffectgrowth,kidney function, and development of the sex organs (性器官). Because some of the pituitary shormonesstimulateotherglandstoproducetheirownhormones,thepituitaryiscalled the master gland.Anot her gland, the t hyroid (甲状腺),is loca ted bet

19、ween the collar bones(锁骨).Its hormones controls the rate of the body s metabolism. The sex organs ovaries(卵巢)and testes(睾丸)make the sex cells and also make hormones that control certain characteristics of males and females. Located on top of each kidney is the adrenal gland (肾上腺),which produces cort

20、isone (可的松)and adrenaline (肾上腺素).The pancreas produces not only digestive enzymes but also insulin (胰岛素)and glucagon (胰高血 糖素), which control the bodys use of sugar and starches (淀粉).The reproductive system 生殖系统The reproductive system is constructed differently for males and females. The male reproductive system is responsible for producing, transporting and maintaining viable(能生育的)sperm (精子)(the male sex cell). It also produces the male sex hor


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