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1、语法点集中攻坚单元要点大本营单元一法练写作 My NeighbourhoodUnit 4语法点集中攻坚单元要点大本营单元一法练写作 My Neighbecause引导的原因状语从句语法点集中攻坚考点 1【重点】 状语从句指在句中起状语作用的从句,可以表示时间、原因等意义。由because引导的是原因状语从句。 由because,since和as引导的原因 状语从句考向 辨析because,since和asbecause引导的原因状语从句语法点集中攻坚考点 1【重点because因为表示直接原因,回答由why引导的问句;一般放在主句之后,也可单独存在。eg:We didnt go out bec

2、ause it rained.因为下雨,我们没有 出去。since 因为,既然侧重主句,从句表示显然的或已知的理由。eg:Since it is late, I shall go home now.由于时间晚了,我现在 要回家了。because因为表示直接原因,回答由why引导的问句;一般as 由于,因为主从并重;从句说明原因,主句说明结果。eg:As you were out,I left a message.你不在,所 以我留了一张字条儿。这三个词所表达的语气为:becausesinceas。as 由于,因为主从并重;从句说明原因,主句说明结果。这三个考点 2because和so beca

3、use和so不可连用。eg:Because he was ill,he didnt come to school. 因为他病了,所以他没来上学。 He was ill,so he didnt come to school. 因为他病了,所以没来上学。考向考点 2because和so because和so不可连用。典例 1Mark isnt coming to the concert _ he has got too much work to do.(辽宁大连)Aso BuntilCalthough DbecauseD【点拨】考查连词的用法。句意为“马克将不来参加音乐会,因为他有太多的工作要做。

4、”故选D。典例 1Mark isnt coming to the c典例 2There are no buses,_ youll have to walk.(北京)AsoBorCbutDforA【点拨】考查连词的用法。句意为“没有公共汽车了, 所以你将不得不步行。”故选A。典例 2There are no buses,_ y考点 3 because和because of辨析 because和because of考向 because后通常接句子,用来表明比较具体的原因。I didnt go to Beijing because I had the flu.因为感冒了,我没有去北京。because

5、 of后常接名词、代词或动名词。I didnt go to Beijing because of the illness.因为疾病,我没有去北京。考点 3 because和because of辨析 beca一、根据句意用合适的连词填空1. _everybody is here, lets begin our meeting.2. _ you are in poor health, you should not stay up late.3. I asked her to stay here, _I had something to tell her.4. We didnt have a pic

6、nic _ the weather was bad.5He might have gone to bed, _the light went out.SinceAs becausefor because一、根据句意用合适的连词填空SinceAs because二、单项选择6We have to put off (推迟)_our sports meeting _the bad weather. Ahold; because Bhold; because of Cholding; because Dholding; because of D【点拨】本题运用语法判定法解答。短语put off中off为

7、介词,后跟名词、动名词形式;the bad weather为名词短语,前用because of。故选D。二、单项选择D【点拨】本题运用语法判定法解答。短语put o【点拨】本题运用句意分析法解答。句意:_鲍勃生病了,_他不能去上学。句意前后为因果关系,但because不与so连用。故选D。 7_ Bob is ill, _he cant go to school. AThough (虽然); but B/; but CBecause; so DBecause; / D【点拨】本题运用句意分析法解答。句意:_鲍勃生8(青海)I dont like TV series _ its boring.

8、AbutBandCbecause【点拨】本题运用句意分析法解答。句意:我不喜欢电视剧_它是令人厌烦的。句子前后为因果关系,故选C。9(中考佛山) I am writing to you _ Im afraid to talk about it face to face. Abecause Bthough CuntilCA8(青海)I dont like TV series _10. (张家界)I didnt go surfing _ it was too cold. AthoughBso thatCbecause【点拨】本题运用句意分析法解答。句意:我没去冲浪_天太冷了。句子前后为因果关系,故

9、选C。C10. (张家界)I didnt go surfing _三、按要求完成下列各题11He couldnt walk because his leg was broken.(改为同 义句) He couldnt walk _ _ his _leg.12. Amy hopes to be a singer because she is good at singing. (改为同义句) Amy is good at singing _ she hopes to be a singer.because ofso broken 三、按要求完成下列各题11He couldnt walk13. I

10、didnt attend your party because I was busy(对画 线部分提问) _ _ you attend my party?14. He cant buy a car. He doesnt have much money. (连成一句话) _ _ _Why didnt Because he doesnt have much money, he cant buy a car. / He doesnt have much money, so he cant buy a car. 13. I didnt attend your party单元要点大本营根据汉语提示补全短

11、文 _1 Li Ming _2(两者都) Wang Mei are drawing a map of a _3 (完美的)neighbourhood. Li Ming needs a big park so he can _4(打) basketball. Wang Mei will draw three bookstores. Li Ming thinks it has _5(如此多的) bookstores. But Wang Mei likes to buy _6(许多的) books. _7(在对面) the bookstore is a market. Bothandso many

12、play lots of/a lot of/manyperfect返回 Across from单元要点大本营根据汉语提示补全短文 Bothandso mWang Meis mother can buy vegetables and fruits there. She wont _8(不得不) go far. Wang Mei _9(加)a Canadian restaurant to _10(完成) her map. They are happy.have to返回completeaddsWang Meis mother can buy vege单元一法练写作返回三步法介绍周围环境步骤一:首先

13、要确定所要介绍的对象。步骤二:对所要介绍的地点进行详细的描述(包括地 理位置、人们可以在此进行的活动等)。步骤三:最后写出对所介绍对象的整体评价和自己 的感受。单元一法练写作返回三步法介绍周围环境假如你是Li Mei,你刚搬了新家的时候,经常迷路。两周后,你对自己的社区有了一些了解:社区里有个购物中心,里面有咖啡厅、杂货店、银行及音像店;妈妈常在杂货店购物,你有时同去。请以My Neighbourhood为题,写一篇90词左右的短文,把你的社区介绍给大家。My Neighbourhood_假如你是Li Mei,你刚搬了新家的时候,经常迷路。两周后,My Neighbourhood My fam

14、ily moved to a new house. I am very happy. But its not easy to live in a new place. I often got lost at first. Two weeks later, I got to know about my new neighbourhood. There is a big shopping centre in my neighbourhood. There is a coffee shop, a grocery store, a bank and a video store in it. My mother often shops at the grocery store in the shopping centre. Sometimes I go with her. Then I ask her to buy me some food there. My neighbourhood is beautiful and full of friendly people. I love it.范文:My Neighbourhood范文:本文运用了介绍周


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