1、PartI标准Myopinionshas now o a craze. Just randomly ask a student what he or she ng,ispreparingfor ofsomekind.So,whystheThereasonbehindthisphenomenonPartI标准Myopinionshas now o a craze. Just randomly ask a student what he or she ng,ispreparingfor ofsomekind.So,whystheThereasonbehindthisphenomenoniscomm
2、on theenormousoffinding ajob. Faced harshjobmarket, moststudentshavenobuttoseekstoparlaytheirqualifications.Anotherfactordiploma s still weighsermsofsignifyingones For the sake of increasing their odds of landing a better job, the students are compelled to run from one exam to another.ThoughIhaveano
3、penmindtowardthecrazeon students shouldbemorerationalwhenitcomes tos,Ited in andcapabilityboosting,thus,opportunitieswouldcomequiteRecently thephenomenonof the public. It is also a new craze activity on c us, fordecentcrazeeabigconcernhe university, which seems like a sdoplayavitalrolewhenstudentslo
4、okforAdmittedly, there are different es behind this phenomenon. people aim s because of the employment prere. With the itistcanmakethemcompetitive. However, some oth important standards by whicheffort to get they qualified in a certain field. Moreover, there are those who just want to their life by
5、preparing for s because they really enjoy From my s,of view, we should be more rational when it comes to sdonotsarilyproveonesability.Beingin getting certifications blindly is nothing but wasting time. To conclude, shouldfocuson improvingourability butnotmerelygetting.The job market today is increas
6、ingly sophisticated, requiring workers have lized heir fields. As a ing certified is trend among todays job seeking youth. More and more people, lly,lookatobtainingcertificationasameanstogettingabetterjoband, therefore, enjoying brighter future.Thereareassastherearefieldsofstudy.Lawyerswillthe LSAT,
7、 businessmajors will take theGMATtofurther their study he US, and those who study a foreign language, like English, might take the TOEFL, TOEIC, or any number of English certification exams.Is this ne sary? Or, is the “certification craze” just a trend t will eventually pass? I myself have obtained
8、two different certifications: one (N2) and eaching English as a foreign language Both of these certifications have been benefilingettinggoodjobs. Therefore, it is my opiniont, trend or not, the results ofcertifiedarerealandcanbeinvaluableinopeningupfuturePartIIReading(Skimmingand1.B.Thelowgraduation
9、ratesofminorityD.itsincreasedenrollmentofminorityC.FifteenB.theyrecruitthebestA.UniversitiesaretoB.Theycannotaffordthehightthey arelessBePartIIIListeningD.itsincreasedenrollmentofminorityC.FifteenB.theyrecruitthebestA.UniversitiesaretoB.Theycannotaffordthehightthey arelessBePartIIIListening M:Ileft2
10、0pageshere tocopy.HereistheW:Imsorry,sir.Butwerea litt Q:Whatdoesthewoman ehind.Couldyoucomebackinafew:C.She hasnotgotthe manscopies12. W:Ihopeyourenottooputoutwithmeforthedelay.Ihavetost pick up a book on my way here.yfriendshomeM:tsnota bigdeal.Butyouleastphone ifyouknowyoure goingtoQ:Whatdowe lea
11、rnaboutthewomanfromthe:B.Shewaslate forthe13.W:Markisthebestcandidateforchairmanofthestudentunion,isntM:tguywontbeable toheelectionunlesshegetssomemajorityvotewomenstudents.AndImnotsureabout Q: What does the man mean?:C.ItwontbeeasyforMarktohe14. M:Sorrytohavekeptyouwaiting,Madam.Ivelocatedyourlugga
12、ge.Itwasleftbehind in Paris and wont arrive until later this evening.W:Oh,Icantvethis.Haveitdelivertomythen,IQ:ppenedtothewomans:A.Itfailedtoarriveatits15. W: I dont think we have enough information for our presenion,butwehavetogiveit tomorrow. There doesnt seem to be much we can do about it.M:Yeah,
13、atthisweallhavetomakedowithwhatweveQ:Whatdoesthe mansuggestthey:A.Justmakeuseofwhateverinformationis16. M:Iamtakingthis greatcourse-PsychologyofLanguage,its really you are a psychology major, you should sign up for it.eresting.W:ActuallyItriedtot,buttheytoldmeIhavetotakelanguage .Q:Whatdowe learnfro
14、mthe:D.Thewomanisntqualifiedtotakethecoursetheman17. W: Can you bevethewayLarrywastalkingtohisroommate?Nowondertheydont get along.M:Well,maybe Larrywasjustreactingtosomethinghisroommate said.Thereare twosides to every story you know.Q:Whatdoesthe manimplyaboutLarryandhis:A.Theyarebothto18. M:Wevethe
15、tostopthosepeoplefrombuyingusoutunlessa happens.ThismayofW:Istillhavehopewecangethelpfromthe.AfterallwedonttQ:Whatdowelearnaboutthespeakersfromthe:A.Theyareindesperateneedoffinan ConversationOnelQuestions19to22arebasedontheconversationyouhavejustW:YouknowIveoftenwonderedwhypeoplelaughatctureofabigbe
16、llyonabananaskinandfallingonhisbottom.WearetofeelsorryforM:Actually,Laura,Ithinkwe laughbecauseweare gladit ppento us.Butof there is also a kind of humorous satisfaction in seeing somebody self-important making a fool of W: Yes, and there are a lot of jokes about people who are too fat or physically
17、 youknow,deaf,orshort-sightedthingst.Afteronabananaskinandfallingonhisbottom.WearetofeelsorryforM:Actually,Laura,Ithinkwe laughbecauseweare gladit ppento us.Butof there is also a kind of humorous satisfaction in seeing somebody self-important making a fool of W: Yes, and there are a lot of jokes abo
18、ut people who are too fat or physically youknow,deaf,orshort-sightedthingst.Afterall,itsnotreallyfunnytobe M: Oh, I ts because were embarrassed. We dont know how to cope with situation.Perhapsweareevenabitfrightenedwemaygett,sowe M:WhataboutthecustardpieW:WhatdoyoumeancustardpieM: You know,allthoseo
19、ld where someone getssooutragedwiths, cks a custardpieandplastersitallovertheersonst never makes me laugh much, because you can guess whats going to happen. But lot of people still find it laughable.It must because of the sort of the thing wedall love todoonce in a while and never quieve the courage
20、 to.M: I had an old aunt who used to throw cups of tea at people when she was particularly ed. She said it reved her feelings.W:Itvecomea bitM:Notreally.Shetookcarenevertothrowherbest19. Why does the man say we laughed when we see some self-important people making of 20.Whydosomepeople jokeaboutthos
21、ewhoarefatorhandicappedaccordingtothe:B)Theydontknowhowtocopewiththe21. Why do many people find it funny to see someone throwing a custard pie on their :A)Theythemselveswouldliketbutdontdare 22.Whydothe manddropcupsofteaatpeopleveher W:YournameSanjayKumaris M: Yes, madam.tW:Youclaimyouaretravelingon
22、ascholarshipfromDelhitsW:Nowitseems M: Yes, buttahandgunwasfoundinyour luggage.DoyouW:According tothe ement you made,you hadnever seen the handgun before it found in your bag. Do you still maM: But its true. I swear it.W:Mom,youdorealizeMr.Kumar authorization is a serious offense.ttobringa handowith
23、outM:ButIdidntbringit.IImeanIdidntknowanythingaboutit.ItwasnttherewhenIDelhi.Mybagsweresearched.ItwaspartoftheairportsecurityW:Maybeso,butsomeonemanagedtoget been there.M:Someone butnotndgunontotheaircraftor itlme,wherewasalbagduringtheM:Ihaditdownbymyfeetnmeandthe he nextM:Hewastheonly been him.who
24、couldhaveopenedmybagwhileIwasasleep.ItW:Isee.Have youanyideawhothismanM: He told me his name, Alfred Foster. He was very friendly, after I woke t is. hadntspokenW:AlfredFoster,wecantonthepassengerM:Hesaidhehadacarcomingtomeethim.He offeredmeaW:Oh,WhyshouldheM:Sohecangethishandguntswhy.Pleasefindhim,
25、Questions23-25arebasedontheconversationyouhavejust23.WhatisSanjay:D)Bringinga24.WhatdoweknowaboutAlfred:D)HespectedofhavingslippedoKumars25.WhatdoesSanjayKumaraskthe womantodoM:Sohecangethishandguntswhy.Pleasefindhim,Questions23-25arebasedontheconversationyouhavejust23.WhatisSanjay:D)Bringinga24.Wha
26、tdoweknowaboutAlfred:D)HespectedofhavingslippedoKumars25.WhatdoesSanjayKumaraskthe womantodoSection B Everyone is looking for a good investment these days. And with stocks, currencies companies allcrashing, some are ttaking the trip of a lifetime uallya smart right now. are good,crowds arefewer and
27、the dividends like expanded worldview, memories, and the satisfaction of boosting the global economycant be easily snatched away. Sylvia and Paul Custer son, a retired couple from Cambridge, England, recently took a 16-vacation to Namibia, where they went on bird-watching s. Later this year, they pl
28、anninga tripto Patagonia. Wereusing our capitalnow, saysSylvia, Andwhynot?Were getting he . If its a place we really want to go, then we will go. We may welltravelwhilewerefitandhealthy.Some travelagents are thriving in spite of the economy. Weve had more ooking quarter of this n last, says Hubert M
29、oniteau, founder of Solana Travel, which planning roduce a new program of longer adventure trips, including polar expeditions he Galpagos. Were hearing things like, We dont know what the situation will be sixmonthssoletstravelnow,AshleyTuft,managingdirectoroftheU.K.touroperatorhasbeen surprised tose
30、e an increase in last-minute bookingsof high-priced tripstosuch , Bhutan and Nepal. It seems people would rather give up something n the big hesays.Travelea sity.ItsjusthowwetisQuestions26to28are basedonthepassageyouhave just26. According to the speaker, why are some people willing to spend their mo
31、ney on these:B)TheythinktravelgivesthemtheirmoneysWhatisSolanaTravelplanningtodo,accordingtoits:D)Launchanewprogramofadventure According to Ashley Tuft, managing director of Explore, what is changing now with regard to travels?:B)ThewaypeoplePassageSomehow the old male and female stereotypes no long
32、er fit. Men and his havent been fulfilling their traditional roles for some time now. And there seem to be fewer fewer n the sexes. For instance, even though more n men are homemakers without paying jobs, women have been taking over more responsibility in businessworld,earninghigherneverbeforeand en
33、teringfieldsoft usedto exclusively male areas. At office meetings and in group s, they might speak up often,express strong opinionsand come up with more creative and practical n their colleagues. Several days ago, my 23-year-old daughter came to me with some important Notonlyhadshefoundthe highestpa
34、yingjobof hercareer,butshedalsoaccepte most charming men shed ever met.tewith“Really?”Ilmeabout“Receptionist in an attorneys office and a onstruction site.” She answered in ct way. erestingthing is my daughtersdate is the receptionist and my is the welder. The old stereotypes of mens and womens work
35、 have been changing more neverbefore,exceptyown“Whosgoingtomowthe lawn?”Iaskedmyhusbandthis“Oh,Iwill,”heanswered y.tsmens“What?” Irried,Iraisedmyvoice.“ do the best job on the lawn.”tsaridiculousstereotype.IllshowyouwhoTheworktook3hoursandIdiditallQuestions29to32are basedonthepassageyouhave justWhat
36、isthespeakermainlytalking:B)ThechangingrolesplayedbymenandWhatmightwomendoatofficemeetingsnowadaysaccordingtothe:A)Offermorecreativeandpracticaln31.Why“What?” Irried,Iraisedmyvoice.“ do the best job on the lawn.”tsaridiculousstereotype.IllshowyouwhoTheworktook3hoursandIdiditallQuestions29to32are bas
37、edonthepassageyouhave justWhatisthespeakermainlytalking:B)ThechangingrolesplayedbymenandWhatmightwomendoatofficemeetingsnowadaysaccordingtothe:A)Offermorecreativeandpracticaln31.Whydidthespeakermowthelawnt:C)Toshow PassageThreetwomenarecapablengwhatmenFlorence Hayes is a journalist for the Green Vil
38、le Journal, the daily r in Specifically she covers crime in the Green Ville area. This responsibility takes her too different kion, the court and the hospital. Most of the t she writes about o two groups: violent crimes and crimes against property. There much violent crime in a small town like Green
39、 Ville, east not as much he large areas. But assaults often occur on Friday and Saturday nights, near the bars downtown. also one or two s on us every semester. Florence is his type of and tries to write a long article about each one. She expects careful when they walk around Green Ville alone at ni
40、ghttthis will make women y, there were usually no murders in Green Ville. Crimesagainst property make most of Miss Heyse reporting. They range from minor cases of deliberate damaging of things ore serious offenses, such as car accidents involving drunk drivers or robberies Florence has to report all
41、 of these violations from the thief who took typewriters from unlockhe dormitoryto thethief who stoleonemillion dollarsworthofartwork from university museum. Miss Hayes enjoys working for a r but she sometimes gets about all the crime she has to report. She would prefer to start writing about someth
42、ing more eresting and lenpleasant such as local news or politics, maybe next yearGreen VilleQuestions32to35are basedonthepassageyouhave justWhatisFlorenceHayesmainresponsibilityasa:B:ReportingcriminaloffensesinWhatdoesthespeakersayaboutsecurityin:D:sfewerviolentnbig34.WhatdowelearnrimesagainstheGree
43、nville:A:Thereareawiderange of35.WhatwouldFlorenceHayespreferto:A.WriteaboutsomethingSectionCCompoundIn America, people are faced with more and more s every day, whether its one of thirty-one icecreamflavors, or decidingwhetherand whento gettsoundsa great thing, but as a recent study has shown, too
44、many can make us confused, even paralyzed with . ts particularly true when it comes to the work place, Barry Schwartz, an author of six books about human behavior. Students are graduating with a variety of skills erests, but often find themselves overwhelmed when it comes to an ultimate career goal.
45、 In a study, Schwartz observed -making among college during their senior year. Based on answers to questions regarding their ting strategies careers,hedividedtheotwoizes,whoconsideroption, and satisfiers who look until they find an t is good enough. You might t the student who had undertaken the mos
46、t exhausted search would be the most satisfied their final , but it turns tsnot true. Schwartz t izes ended with aying n satisfiers age, they werent as happy with their . reason why these peoplefeel less satisfied ta world sibilities may also bea world missed opportunities. When you look at sible op
47、tion, you tend to focus more on was given nwhatwas gained. After surveying every rson is more y oftheopportunitiestheyhadtoturndowntomissed opportunities. When you look at sible option, you tend to focus more on was given nwhatwas gained. After surveying every rson is more y oftheopportunitiestheyhadtoturndowntopursuejustone36 flavors 37 confused 38 particularly 39 behavior 40 variety 41 overwhelmed 42 senior strategies44whohadundertaken the mostexhaustedsearchwouldbethemostsatisfiedwith final 45 why these people feel less satisfied t a world sibilities
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