1、Traininng Proogram of Grreat SStrateegy Taaxpayeers CClub 22011The topp brannd in termss of ffinanccial mmanageement trainning iin ChiinaThe larrgest and mmost pprofesssionaal traainingg provvider in thhe areea of finanncial managgementt in CChinaLeadingg the trendd withh new trainning pprograamsand
2、 neww apprroacheesTargetiing thhe finnanciaal mannagemeent peersonnnel frrom vaariouss comppaniess Augustt 20111As the top bbrand in teerms oof finnanciaal mannagemeent trraininng in Chinaa, Greaat Strrategyy has been leadiing thhe treend off finaanciall manaagemennt traainingg withh new trainning p
3、prograams annd neww apprroachees, annd hass becoome thhe larrgest and mmost pprofesssionaal traainingg provvider of fiinanciial maanagemment iin thee counntry. As for each trainning ccoursee, Greeat Sttrateggy willl orgganizee the facillitatoors too preppare ffor thhe lesssons one yyear iin advvance
4、 and ffinaliize thhe texxts too be ppublisshed bby thee presss. Ennsurinng thee goodd quallity oof thee courrses iis thee consstant pursuuit off Greaat Strrategyy.So far, Greaat Strrategyy has set uup 47 officces accross Chinaa. Affiliaated iinstittutionns undder Grreat SStrateegy:1. Beijjing FFinan
5、cce andd Taxaation Instiitute2. Beijjing Acadeemy off Quallificaation Examiinatioons foor Taxxationn Manaagers and AAccounntantss3. Yunnnan Taxattion Colleege4. Jourrnal oof Q&AA on TTax Paaymentt5. Greaat Strrategyy Taxppayerss Cluub Co., Ltdd.6. Gri Dingttai Taaxatioon Mannagerss Traiining Co., Lt
6、d.7. Beijjing DDingluuar Finanncial Reseaarch CCo.,Lttd. Advisorrs: Cheng FFaguanng: meember of thhe Tennth NPPC Finnanciaal andd Econnomic Commiittee, formmer Deeputy Direcctor GGeneraal of Statee Admiinistrrationn of TTaxatiionLu Baiffu: meember of thhe Tennth NPPC Finnanciaal andd Econnomic Commi
7、ittee, formmer Deeputy Direcctor oof Devvelopmment RResearrch Ceenter of thhe Staate Coouncill, preestigiious eexpertt on ffinancce andd taxaationLi Yongggui: formeer Chiief Ecconomiist off Statte Admministtratioon of TaxattionXu Shannda: PPresiddent oof Chiina Ceertifiied Taax Ageents AAssociiation
8、n, forrmer DDirecttor Geenerall of SState Adminnistraation of TaaxatioonThe mosst proofessiional trainning pprograam on finanncial managgementt in CChina Five coore trraininng couurses proviided bby Greeat Sttrateggy Taxxpayerrs Cllub:1. Corpporatee finaanciall manaagemennt2. Corpporatee inteernal f
9、inanncial contrrol 3. Saviing taax witth toools4. Finaanciall manaagemennt forr reall estaate coompaniies5. Finaal setttlemeent annd payyment of ennterprrise iincomee taxCorporaate fiinanciial maanagemment:presccribedd traiining coursse of the CChinesse Insstitutte of Certiified Finanncial Plannners
10、 ffor thhe quaalificcationn testt of ccertiffied ccorporrate ffinanccial pplanneers;a core trainning ccoursee of PPekingg Univeersityy in 22011Corporaate innternaal finnanciaal conntrol: the best trainning ccoursee on ffinanccial mmanageement in 20010 reecogniized bby thee induustrySaving tax wwith
11、ttools: presscribeed traainingg courrse off the Chineese Innstituute off Certtifiedd Finaanciall Plannners for tthe quualifiicatioon tesst of certiified finanncial and ttaxatiion maanagerrs. Itt can help the eenterpprisess legaally rreducee theiir taxx burdden byy 10-330%. Financiial maanagemment ff
12、or reeal esstate compaanies: Greaat Strrategyy is tthe fiirst oof itss kindd thatt has launcched tthe trraininng couurse oon finnanciaal mannagemeent annd conntrol in alll thee proccessess fromm projject aapprovval too setttlemennt Final ssettleement and ppaymennt of enterrprisee incoome taax: thhe
13、mosst welll-knoown trraininng couurse oof Greeat Sttrateggy Taxxpayerrs Cllub, wwith mmore tthan 880,0000 traiinees/timess eachh yearrI. Corrporatte finnanciaal mannagemeentAmid thhe rissing CCPI annd tigghteniing moonetarry pollicy iin 20111, Grreat SStrateegy Taaxpayeers CClub hhas inntroduuced ss
14、even practtical modulles onn corpporatee finaanciall manaagemennt thaat aree urgeently needeed by enterrprisees. This trraininng couurse, targeeting presiidentss and finanncial managgers oof thee enteerprisses, hhas allso beeen inncludeed as a corre traainingg proggram oof Pekking Univeersityy. The
15、texxtbook for tthe trraininng couurse, approoved bby thee Chinnese IInstittute oof Cerrtifieed Finnanciaal Plaannerss, hass beenn presscribeed as the oonly ttextboook foor thee quallificaation test of ceertifiied coorporaate fiinanciial pllannerrs (CCCFP) iin thee counntry. Its sevven mooduless incl
16、lude:Financiial sttyles and finaanciall manaagemennt moddels of chhief ccorporrate leadeers Corporaate fiinanciing opperatiionCreatinng vallues iin corpoorate operaation with finanncial toolss The finnanciaal skiills oof cappital operaationThe appplicattion oof stoocks, futuures aand opptionss in cc
17、orporrate ffinanccial mmanageementHow to use rresourrces oof bannk to reducce thee costt of ffirmsThe appplicattion oof finnanciaal toools inn six businness ccyclessThe traaineess who have complleted the aabove trainning mmodulees cann partticipaate inn the qualiificattion ttest oof cerrtifieed corr
18、poratte finnanciaal plaannerss (CCFFP) organnized by thhe Chiinese Instiitute of Ceertifiied Fiinanciial Pllannerrs.(picturre of the ttextboooks)Corporaate innternaal finnanciaal conntrolThe besst traainingg courrse onn finaanciall manaagemennt in 2010 recoggnizedd by tthe inndustrryThe mosst praact
19、icaal traainingg courrse onn inteernal finanncial contrrol foor thee enteerprissesIt conssists of thhe folllowinng sevven mooduless: Establiishmennt of the ffinanccial rrisk ccontrool sysstem ffor thhe entterpriisesThe finnanciaal strrategiies annd appproachhes off effeectiveely reeducinng thee cost
20、tsFinanciial annalysiis andd the effecctive use oof asssetsCash fllow maanagemment: risk contrrol annd vallue crreatioonPracticces annd opeeratioon of new ccompreehensiive buudget managgementtTechnollogiess of ccorporrate ffinanccial rreviewwStrateggies aand appproacches oof conntrollling tthe taax
21、payyment(picturre of the ttextboooks)III. SSavingg tax with toolssSaving tax wwith ttools is knnown aas thee mostt effeectivee way to heelp ennterprrises reducce theeir taax burrden.It can help the eenterpprisess legaally rreducee theiir taxx burdden byy 10-330%.The texxtbookk for the ttrainiing coo
22、urse has bbeen pprescrribed by the Chiinese Instiitute of Ceertifiied Fiinanciial Pllannerrs as the oonly ttextboook foor thee quallificaation test of ceertifiied coorporaate fiinanciial pllannerrs (CCCFP) iin thee counntry. It iincluddes thhe folllowinng ninne moddules:Strateggic maanagemment oof t
23、axx paymment ffor thhe entterpriisesDesign of taax payyment managgementt systtem foor thee enteerprissesDesign of saaving taxess for remunneratiionsTax payyment handlling aand appplicaation of asssets and eequitiiesHandlinng of tax-rrelateed isssues iin thee concclusioon of econoomic ccontraactsDeve
24、loppment of taax-rellated systeem forr the enterrpriseesTax payyment assesssmentt and risk contrrol foor thee enteerprissesReducinng taxx burdden wiith fiinanciial tooolsTax payyment self-checkking aand addjustmment oof thee enteerprissesThe traaineess who have complleted the aabove trainning mmodul
25、ees cann partticipaate inn the qualiificattion ttest oof cerrtifieed finnanciaal andd taxaation managgers organnized by thhe Chiinese Instiitute of Ceertifiied Fiinanciial Pllannerrs.(picturre of the ttextboooks)IV. Finnanciaal mannagemeent foor reaal esttate ccompanniesIts sixx moduules ccan syyste
26、maaticallly soolve tthe isssue oof finnanciaal conntrol for tthe reeal esstate compaanies in Chhina.It willl provvide aa systtematiic andd in-ddepth trainning oon finnanciaal mannagemeent annd conntrol in alll thee proccessess fromm projject aapprovval too setttlemennt forr the real estatte entterpr
27、iises.The sixx moduules iincludde: 1. Projject ffinanccing aand fuund maanagemment aand coontroll for the rreal eestatee enteerprisses2. Compprehennsive budgeet manaagemennt forr the real estatte proojectss3. Straategicc manaagemennt on the ttax paaymentt of tthe reeal esstate enterrprisees4. Tax-re
28、latted syystem desiggn andd conttract managgementt for the rreal eestatee enteerprisses5. Tax-relatted pooliciees intterpreetatioon andd prevventioon of auditt riskks forr the real estatte entterpriises6. Tax-relatted haandlinng forr the settllementt of rreal eestatee projjects and oof lannd vallue-
29、addded ttaxV. Finaal setttlemeent annd payyment of ennterprrise iincomee taxThe mosst welll-knoown trraininng couurse oof Greeat Sttrateggy Taxxpayerrs Cllub, wwith mmore tthan 880,0000 traiinees/timess eachh yearrThe traainingg conttents and aapproaaches have been copieed by many otherr traiining p
30、roviiders.This trraininng couurse ddifferrentiaates iitselff fromm its compeetitorrs duee to: a compllete ttrainiing coourse systeem;2)up-too-datee conttents and ppractiical mmethodds;3)a widde rannge off suppportinng toools.The fouur suppplemeentaryy traiining coursses of GGreat Strattegy TTaxpayye
31、rs Clubb incllude: 1. Finaanciall manaagemennt forrum2. Videeo-bassed trraininng couurse oon dirrect aaccesss to ttax-reelatedd laws3. Videeo-bassed trraininng couurse bby secctor4. Videeo-bassed trraininng couurse oon bassic fiinanciial tooolsI. Finaanciall manaagemennt forrumIn 20111, Greeat Sttra
32、teggy Taxxpayerrs Clubb willl orgaanize finanncial managgementt foruums naationwwide iin tenn citiies, wwhich are aaimed to shhare mmanageement ideass, proomote the eexchannge ammong mmemberrs, annd enhhance the ccorporrate ffinanccial mmanageement skillls witth varrious paralllel ssessioons. IIts s
33、cchedulle is stateed as folloows:DatePlaceTopics/SectoorsMarchHainanThe Eigghth BBoao Coonfereence oon Corrporatte Finnanciaal Mannagemeent Innnovattion aand OpperatiionAprilNanjingg, JianngsuThe Firrst Coonfereence oon Taxx-relaated IIssuess Setttlemennt forr the Consttructiion annd Insstallaation
34、CompaaniesMayLijiangg, YunnnanThe Thiird Coonfereence oon Corrporatte Intternall Conttrol aand Riisk MaanagemmentJuneHuhhot, Inneer MonngoliaaThe Fouurth CConferrence on Taax-rellated Probllems SSettleement for EEnergyy ComppaniessJuly Changchhun, JiliinConfereence oon Taxxationn Insppectioon Rissk
35、Preeventiion annd Ressponsee Straategiees 20111AugustYinchuaan, NiingxiaaThe Seccond CConferrence on Coorporaate M&A, Reestruccturinng andd Capiital OOperattionSeptembberXian, ShaannxiThe Seccond CConferrence on Fiinanciial Innnovattion aand Coorporaate Innvestmment aand Fiinanciing Sttrateggies Oct
36、oberrGuilin, GuanngxiThe Fouurth CConfereence oon Corrporattions Finaanciall Manaagemennt andd ConttrolNovembeerShenzheen, GuanngdonggThe Sixxth Coonfereence oon Taxx-relaated PProbleems Seettlemment ffor Maanufaccturinng CommpanieesDecembeerBeijinggThe Sevventh Confeerencee for Year-end TTax-reelat
37、edd Probblems Settllementt and Risk Avoiddance for RReal EEstatee ComppaniessRate foor thee Confferencce: 1. 5,6000 Yuaan/perrson-ttime (incluuding confeerencee fee, accoommodaation fee, materrial ffee annd stuudy toour coost) aand 2,800 YYuan/ppersonn-timee if tthe paarticiipant is reesponssible fo
38、r mmakingg his/her oown arrrangeement for bboard and llodginng(inccludinng connferennce feee, maateriaal feee and lunchh costt) foor thee non club membeers;2. 2,5000 Yuaan/perrson-ttime (incluuding confeerencee fee, accoommodaation fee, materrial ffee annd stuudy toour coost) aand 5000 Yuaan/perrson
39、-ttime iif thee partticipaant iss respponsibble foor makking hhis/heer ownn arraangemeent foor boaard annd loddging(incluuding confeerencee fee, mateerial fee aand luunch ccost) for the cclub mmemberrs;II. Viddeo-baased ttrainiing coourse on diirect accesss to tax-rrelateed lawwsThe Proogram of Diir
40、ect Accesss to Tax-rrelateed Lawws is a viddeo-baased ccoursee for the ttaxatiion offficerrs andd membbers oof Greeat Sttrateggy Taxxpayerrs Clubb to bbe upddated the nnewly issueed reggulatiions oon taxx paymment, as weell ass the tax-rrelateed hott topiics. IIt noww has more than 50,0000 subbscrib
41、bers. The Proogram has bbeen uuniverrsallyy recoognizeed forr its authooritattive aand prracticcal coontentts. So farr, it has bbeen iincludded ass an iintegrral paart off the trainning wworkshhops oof thee taxaation adminnistraationss at tthe prrovinccial llevel, suchh as GGuangddong, Jianggsu, Fuj
42、iian annd Hunnan, iin traainingg the taxattion oofficeers. WWith tthe prromotiion off netwwork-bbased trainning ssystemm of tthe taaxatioon admministtratioons (bbureauus) accross Chinaa, thee Proggram iis exppectedd to bbe graaduallly madde avaailablle nattionwiide.The Proogram is liive brroadcaast
43、att 3:000-5:000 pm eeach WWednessday. It cann be rrebroaadcastt on ddemandd at aany tiime wiithin one yyear. Rate: 11,600 yuan/subsccriberr/yearrIII. Viideo-bbased trainning ccoursee by ssectorrVideo-bbased progrrams oon twoo secttors, i.e., reall estaate annd mannufactturingg secttors, are ppresenn
44、ted iin 20111. Itt is aavailaable oon a mmonthlly bassis, wwith eeach pprograam lassting two aand a half hourss, foccusingg on tthe laatest tax-rrelateed polliciess and hot iissuess eachh montth.Video pprograam on real estatte secctor: 9:00aam-11:30am, Tuessday aat thee secoond weeek off eachh montt
45、hVideo pprograam on manuffacturring ssectorr: 14:30pm-17:000pm, TTuesdaay at the ssecondd weekk of eeach mmonthRate: 8800 yuuan/suubscriiber/yyear, free of chharge for tthe meemberss of GGreat Strattegy TTaxpayyers ClubbIV. Viddeo-baased ttrainiing coourse on baasic ffinanccial ttoolsTo meett the ac
46、tuaal neeeds off the enterrprisees in day-tto-dayy finaanciall manaagemennt, Grreat SStrateegy Taaxpayeers Clubb has recorrded sseven videoo-baseed couurses on baasic ffinanccial ttools and mmade tthem aavailaable oonlinee for the ffinanccial sstaff of thhe memmbers of thhe Cluub. These coursses inn
47、cludee: Preparaation and pproducction of fiinanciial reeportssUsing EExcel to deevelopp the finanncial analyysis ssystemm for the eenterpprisessHow to use EExcel to prreparee and trackk the budgeetFunctioon usee of EExcel and ccreatiing off hypeer-linnksDeveloppment of thhe temmplatee for corpoorate
48、 contrrol prrocesss floww diaggram Handlinng thee diffferencce bettween the aaccounnting systeem andd taxaation lawDeveloppment and ddesignn of iincomee tax accouunt boookRate: 3300 yuuan peer couurse, free of chharge for tthe meemberss of GGreat Strattegy TTaxpayyers ClubbServicees forr the Membeer
49、s off Greaat Strrategyy Taxppayerss ClubbI. Jourrnal oof Q&AA on TTax PaaymenttThe Jouurnal of Q&A on Tax PPaymennt is the oonly ppubliccationn on QQ&A off tax-relatted prroblemms in Chinaa. Liuu Zuo, direector of Taaxatioon Sciience Reseaarch IInstittute oof thee Statte Admministtratioon of Taxatti
50、on, acts as itts Ediitor-iin-Chiief, wwhile Jin DDongshheng, deputty dirrectorr of tthe Innstituute, sservess as iits asssociaate Edditor-in-Chhief. The joournall is oonly ddistriibutedd amonng thee membber orrganizzationns of the CClub, proviiding signiificannt advvice ffor thhe entterpriises iin d
51、eaaling with tax-rrelateed isssues. II. Inqquiry on taax payyment We willl helpp the membeers adddresss the tax-rrelateed prooblemss in wwork aand leearninng thrrough telepphone, inteernet and vvideo . Throughh teleephonee: 8:330am-111:30aam, 144:00pmm-17:000pm, from Moonday to Frriday, Tell: 0100-5
52、12669879Throughh inteernet: can ask qquestiions aand bee answwered at anny timme exccept tthe hoolidayys Throughh videeo: 8:300am-111:30amm, 14:00pm-17:000pm, from Moonday to FrridayWebsitee:mIII. Reecruittment serviice onn finaanciall manaagers for tthe meember enterrpriseesThe plaatformm of ppublisshing recruuitmennt infformattion iis madde avaailablle forr the membeer orgganizaationss of Grreat SStrateegy Taaxpayeers Clubb on HYPERLINK http:/wwww.nsrjjlb.coom m. Memmber oorganiizatioons caan sennd thee job vacanncy innformaation to HYPERLINK mailto:hr hrrnsrjjlb.coom
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