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1、29/29光华园 HPRLINK ” 光华园学习网 HYPERLINK orexampl , fo instance, sch as ;acase in point; e shfor exampeinthe same ;on e otary ; te nehd;o theoth hand;hor; likes; u to, oin to, as a result; dueotheact tatterfore; so; thus;cnseqntly; o thireas; intha;to bgi with ;o tat wit/moreovr,fialy, evetualy; t ;lautn

2、t la; firs of all; net;for ne thigforanoher ;i the first pac, in t second placealtg,in ste; despite; evnif/even tough; egardlesof;Iconclsion ;to sump; shrt;irie; n aword;n tefinal lysis; in umry.1 对立观点型论说文hs bcoe a hot opic amg people rcenty Opions va ro erson to ern。Diffent peol haeifferent ie/piio

3、nsoSome ople hold t opinionthtBut/Howeve othe eoleod a diffeet ont o viwAs t , Asar aI am cncrned, Fo my part; Id e to agreeto theormer。Iagree te atte opniontoome xent。So pol tink Othe pele thinMy opnonhnit comeo _ ,pepe pinionvay fompeon person Somepeplehk tha _,bt som ote peple dno agrewit hem, he

4、y thin tht _.Thepeople think hat_ bevetha _.Wh is more,_ .But ers a otagree_ They hold hat_.Fr e thng,_。Fr nohe,_.a bt otlat_ 。In y opini, w shl _.Ony y _ cn we_。s Failur Bad Thing?an Mny uy Hapines?Shouldirerackers Beaned?What Is ore Imprtant ,Weah or Heth?Do “uy umbrs ”Rlly Brin Good Luk?M w n Job

5、Hoppg1有些人喜欢始终从事一种工作,因为2。有些人喜欢经常更换工作,因为3.我的看法 Diffrent peopehave difrent attitdestowarsobhoppi。omepople thik htthe will do ne ob untl retirment. Thy oftensay :Takeupnhig ,ejo don t ae god t it。 Tey think ony wen they are evot to one o can hy ditwll. nthecora, omeoterpeplelie tchan teir obs at tims. I

6、n the opinn, h amofdoing a s nly to get mremney., hen ey ve a hnce toget berpai job, ertainheywil get old f the hanc Myviw onob-hppigis acombnt of the two opiinI thik iI havejob hrell ftsme , ll d i al myli。 Noother jobcan tratmemtte ha he eiis。 Bt if I dont haveapope jo, Illchange it until Ifin a s

7、aisfactoy one.I a word, I nttind jobtht its me , and mney an othr tings ar nm chifconcern。2。 问题解决性论说文引出话题的常用句式owas oea more pople re cncernabo e prolem ( fr ,nrgy, raffc prvte cs, opulaio, eduction ,ld-offworkrs )Nowday oe nd morepple come to elze theimportno Altugh has bougcneiet us, mnypople ave b

8、eun o ralzethat it is heouc oftruble swell.分析原因的常用句式There are man evral nmbr f rasos (ause) r t ist, . Sond, FialyTh easos ca belite as fllows. For ne thin, Fr notheuber offacos culdacutforntribut to ( the rffic accdent/thincraing sefcomuters。)提出解决方案的常用句式Tere are man soluon to deang with h pobl. irt

9、,cond,Thn, howshould e ole his poblem? He areome sugestio, which ybe o soe hlp.ire acident in BgCtesPesent stateCauss f the ccentsSuggestions in regar to theprevetn o rsn rcen yea_ 描述火灾发生率日趋上升Fies_火灾造成的严重后果ha aused s prbem? Ithink hecauses ofie acidet can isted s follows. Firstly_原因一Scond ,_原因二 n re

10、rto inime fi acdents w shold ,fistof all,_解决办法之一 The _解决办法之二Filly _解决办法之三employment f Lidf orks。下岗工人再就业问题待解决解决方法有重视发展第三产业和为下岗工人进行再就业培训等解决问题的动力来自政府和下岗工人双方h nergy Poblem能源短缺的问题已经引起人们的关注解决办法之一:实行节能解决办法之二:开发新的能源3. 说明利弊性论说文说明事物优点的常用句式Therae sver adantge of /in。The first/bggest avantage ishhs positiv impa

11、t/nflence/effect n peole lives说明缺点的常用句式owever,ut li athng els, hasts atve side a el.owever, jus veryhing astw sides,. alhan isadanages。erytin atwo sides, s noexcetiAs thoverb goe, very coin has ts two sie. is n tion.表明事物利大于弊的句式As to m, Ihikthe avantgesouweigh disadvantaes.Anay, till belie .s more dt

12、ag thn disvantages广告的利与弊。养宠物的利与弊.Intrnt的利与弊。吃药减肥的利与弊。出国学习的利与弊。电子词典的利与弊。Poitiv An Ngtive Aspcs of sports体育运动的好处体育运动可能带来的副作用我参加体育运动的体会Sportcahave a lot f oodects on us。Partcipatingn sprs an make s stoge an e moreinelent. Proper physical training can as ake feeenergetic o o。 Forexmle, f youpay footall,

13、or usles exrcis andboe stronr ad strnger f you pla che, your brain ha o work uil That s gofohe develoent of ou iteligene. Onthe ot hnd,sorsmaylso causesome il effects. o will eel exhauted ifu exercse oo muh。Andold people aye hurt y takingpart isometruous sports. Frtermore, portsmen diedi suh porss b

14、oxing and long-ditanceruni。 A fome,Iprefer to pay foal。 Wn Iplay, I ee excited, andaft it,I eel elaxed。 Footblpayi ha rely done muchgood o m helt Cpute NtwrkComputerntwor has beeplyinan inresing rolen r ay-oday lifeComutr newks have enabled us d a ot of tngs moe esilyand qicklHoevr ,if nt aged poerl

15、y , ompte netwo nceae many robes ooAl n all,w anotlive tht compue ntwors now。阐述主题性论说文揭示一种现象- 分析其中原因-结论或者我的看法-t goes wihout syng tht (goo)case in poin i Takeor exame。Ne candnythe fac tat结论性结尾的句式:From what have ben dsussd abov, we maycome o the oncuson haTakinint accou al th factr, wemaysafely arrive

16、at conclusio tatersonaly As far s I concerne, am nfaor of th frmerhttr。 My View nDiscoun打折是商家吸引顾客的一种手段近年来人们对商家打折的兴趣日趋减少打折不是市场的万能药Dicout a usiess an aratin cutomer ad stimlatingthir esre o pras B nowdiont islosingtappeal ftryeas cze bou it. Ther hve ben several reason for it. For onehin, cumers arema

17、tr n sensible 。They areore aeful out their mnyadhave a mre resblebdgt. So it s not s easy forselle to pesade temtpurca someuseless tigs fr th saeof iscunt。For ather, utome begin uectwhaibhndthe aactiv aparanc ofdsount As w ans, moststescim thyarferia iscou amos every ay Ho mucmoneymay he ele arn if

18、th sellatorgin pri ?herefoe discn emstothemmor like decetion a good brgan。 m view, discunt isnt a curellor selles A cstome d the market ecoe ireasgly mtr,te sellrshave toadttemselves to the change r a cusomer-oried poin f vie。5图表作文As an see fro theat graph adiagram,ccordingto h chart gap ale iagra,.

19、dhearges ecentage portonf.ccon(s) or20%.take(s)p0。Thembe of 。Inceasd shrplrapidly from .o。.here was sligh w icreeise i te numbr ohe numbr of 。decraefll roped rmained teady remainedcnstan fro oMy derleaders, colesn is: I amispathing y ti eilto eprss my heartfelt hnks o forl thes yr sppt , hl and care

20、 reevd and I also appreciteour udesanding of m leaving yourcopuer company an of rnsferring tothe pnt machney mrt and eport mpany s yo know,I aer ambtous young man and I always ope t putmy ptentia and energy t fll plalthough enjoedworkig asa ireor n the deprtmen ofte ubi Retions with ou ,I stlelhat,

21、with mybili,with myrativitnd my wrking eperiene, I m aeto d better jobnd thucontributmo tote ocity. Besids, Ienythefedm f ing my own dciions. Thahy I am here tok a manger nthsomny。 I ave nidea hter yu have found the suitle (right) cadiae for te vat poition。 If t, Iould lke to ecomend r Li Ming totak

22、e my plae becuse,to th best of my knwledg, h is ve relablean competent pesn ,and am postiv tha everythigwll gohead (on ) smoothly under his guidance。In addition, I oe al o you will give imas muc support souon gvme. B th ay,mytelehone number has ben hnd o 61661 nd I hope totine to et in tuch withyuTh

23、ank you all o again foryr support andundtndingIwilalways misyu icerl urs an Bing Sdy AroTese dys many collesdentslike tosudy abrd, esecilly inhe nite Sttes and Greatrtan Cerailytheare any dantages rsudng abroa. irst, heycneasily ein touch ith te ltet developmns insiec ndtecnoogy。 Tey ill be able to

24、lrwh is th st avancei oeig coutrs。Seod, theywillb ble to improv thei Englishvery uickl。 n anEnglis pki untry, it i easy for e toearn he oeign lanuge.inall,they anmke soe fied r, and e expose to a or culure。Eythn ha tw sies Te follig are me antages. Thy wll mss tir fily and theifriensat hoe。 An t wll

25、in thcunicion inot easy, andlague brierkeps em frm getng nto that culturenmy opinion , college udents soul wk in our conty fr afw yasfirst fte graation beor goi o tdy broad. isay, they can bcom matue ndill geta clear ie abo hat ln in foegn cunties. eopl often ay hat gold an ilverrth most vabletgs n

26、th orldu I ustsaythattored oksi more valuabe tha anyhing else, because boo giv ukowledge d knoledge gvs powe toearn mny. ol san “ To oen aokiwas benecial” shows usho god s ed abook 。 Boo are ouriens。 heyintodue us diffeent kis of nledge They lad ne he road to scces .Ty tel s stris of ever cuntry in

27、th worldand f al ages。 Books r our tacers. The each us ut, cec, ietur ,nd phlsophyof fe ,if youlyto ke up a oo an strt ursuing urthermore, teyinceased o knowledge ,nlareour expeiene,strengten rhracter and d many otethi hi we cn o wiout them Therfoe to rea book is te best policy fo alo u。 Chsinga Job

28、人们对择业的不同考虑我对择业的考虑我为什么这样考虑 When cedwih he choic f jos, dferent peoplehave dfferentconsideatios. Sme peoplewill askabot the saary of eob andbenefit aong wihi firt ; ters wi consider he sttus othe obto bemre imrtat ;sill other re cocrndwiththe loato ofhe o ,dinefrom home,trapotatin cs or thworking surr

29、oundigs。 s ar I amoceed, din ccepto to turn wn a job, interest i the jb omes beor nytig lse.Ocurse, al eed csider he lary r staus of ,dstnefrom hom, raspoaton servc and workg suroundings, t c thigs do notplaya dciive part n any fina che he reason fosh sieraio aetha I elieve it isgrt plsur to d ht on

30、 njo doingand would e a grat in to work o smin one oes not lik .Besides, it intr ndethusiam i the job hat sues success n it 。 A m sucessfulnwrkwillsoonror latr b regizd byth ociey,whhi turmaesis lie mor joyable ng i Our Lifeanyhanen our lieTemst importan chagMy aitues towardte anges Eesic hina a opn

31、ed up o te utsd wrld,we he seechanes in ur lfe 。High buili sprinupeverywhere, forig prodcslke Ccao pour ino ourmarket, faer floo in citis ,and comperae sado revolutinizing our lif. Praps the mosimportantchanes is tewywelook a hings aron。ou dono avet be doig the same jo ll our lie ndvertisin as becom

32、e n ineabe prto our day life。 think at we hua bens as par f naure ee chngs i or life .ne sto oold bktese hanges。 The most iortn thng isthat we should earnt adustad aap ourseveo er-changig ord Nowaayor and mr eopl are coernedabou (eduai).Wat accunt orte ppulaty o prt-ime eduton? thik te reaso a be so

33、llows。 Frs of all, . Advertisingowadys advertisng plsaimportt rol inhe distributin o goos frm mauacturs toconse. I pros an efectiv way or selers oforbuyrs about proct. Advetising ts elps manfacturers sl their podct nd enf consuer b provingthemwthppinginformtin。Adertising elps the econo grow by tilat

34、ingdmand for nw produt。dverisn al suprsthe mas mdiauch as tlevisi ,aio ,nspaes nd maginesetWthoutadvetisig,oplewod ha tpay hger price forthem。oweer, evryhn hastw sides ndadvertisng so exepton. Smetmes commecias on TV willbote viewers rm wtcing TV。 Sometimes, advrisnpersuades peopleo buy products the

35、ydo nt ned or want a ths rouce a waste Whn young child ee tysr othrtigs n TV, tey would wnt therares o uye.Inmynion,weol lear o becoe seble couers ,formrret judmnts and ways be n guagans coercal cheating.Ol i tis wa cn ekeepa balane etwe adveti and cosumpion dertisemnAdversemt, (which ppear veyhre m

36、dernsociety,)hae many advantage.Te irsne ists iciency. drtisementdesie th uliies o prducts vvdly, such asthe ics, futns an sevces Cosmers ca chooe suitabl prodtsb hving a lokatavrtint。 (Te scond adntage is ha dvertieentsfo ubic intesareapat of blic duaton。Soeadvetsemnts rebeefcial to our societ. The

37、y usually tl us howt love and chrslefr ohers, w t behave properin blic ,how to ptet thenvionment and how t devoe urselvs to orsciety )However, advrtiseeso he tei sadvntages n orde t attractmore cnsumrs, detimnts will o o extrmes t show prus mre favorabln thy reall are.Falseand deptie dvising cacas p

38、eopleto b usuitle roducts, asting tm and ony。thoug I aree with tepurposeof advertn, we holdacesereuaions onit. Te cntent fadvertisg sholdberelible and tuwothy s that the rght ocosmrs canb roteted. Py to Be Honest当前社会上存在许多不诚实的现象。诚实利人利己,做人应该诚实. owadays, y wil oten hearpoe comain about peoes dshonesty

39、On cmpus ,people a tlk aboustudents heatingin exam ;ijob markt, the employsare troubd withofuin false lmas;d shpngaea, customers e wryiabout theman fake omodities . In a word, thris cein an dshoestpactice in every wl of our fe。 h dishosyorevaing? Ther are ,omy mnd ,many factors( rasns).ist, optioni

40、lwy sfire veywher, from campu tocompy, and fom ob marketto uprarke。econd , eopl a atainggratmportance t heimrovemenfir atellie thattheynegttedevelopt ofthe spiituaand morlvue,d consequently ,hy do a o ofthings illealy It pay t e hnet inte loru,adhotywill bringyu fends nore sss artners ,and thu bring

41、 you happins ndortune。 Beside, o bevoselves s obehave an onestway Theefore,leremember tha“honest s e bes plcy.” 或者:“Honest isth et poliy。This prverbto ichwe mustpay ttentio.reare somay ptatins socet hat trugh alttlecarelesnss wemago stra Bt f e r honest ,we wl n fries。 s Filr a oodTn r a Ba hn?Falri

42、s a comonthi in or daly life. Eveon ay fail at o ti r anhr in hislife time , nd almstever on ou ha sh expinces ofaure .Fr intnce, a tudensmeimes fai to e gh pit in his eam。 n y opio, falure is gothing Hwer, popes attitudes towards fiure vry frompern o son。 eple wll losehrt, getfrsate and ve commit u

43、icide henthey fail,whil e orear fro tir ailurs ,pick their ourag , go aha ad tus ontinue to cee ife n concuon, wha rallcounts i not filure elf,tha wehinkout ailuad wat w do ater failure So Ia nt afrad ofailure an Ibeliee ailres notaba thn。 Rter, “ Falreiste oteosucess。” ( ontant frusrati mayausesero

44、s enalprobe. hrm o ,resortto violeneor s; oe retto ) ( Howver, oters hl dfere view。 Tey maintain tt i rather beneficia to people。 It oes sde by ie wit uccess。 It inpirespeople toorcom harsip nddifficulties and ahevesth final ucss。 People withthisveweven o soar at sy hat nofrustati ,n uccess. heyofen

45、 cteThmaEdsn as cae in on。)范文: PayteHns Tday, i ses that peple have come to a time whih ful o chaos eand more poe begi to igor oraity aspetdisonstytudts chat in examinaions, businssmenexggeate i adversements and employees m useo fe achieveenfor pomoti. t i rue hthey beneitrm dihoest for a il. Howev,

46、 I stil sisthat honesty s tbasic moral forourhuman eing andwemutkeponet. hereare sevareaon or ipays e honst. Firt of all, he canav any fins。 ts hoest ht connect n eart to another ecd,ake cmoditi ay ule peple teporary。Fo long, ope can disinguish th goodomodtsfrm the a。Last bt nt least, honety i very

47、ueul fr one toster good caractr。 God aacter is of portace tons if。 t an leadonefrom scceeto greatsccee nconclusion, i pas t e honest。 onesty is a vrue tat t is very usefl our soiety。 ut onl all the sets of t ocietare fllf honestya it lead to beautiful ne. Challene forTdays Sudets :Educao and roesin当

48、今学生面临的挑战:教育与求职Usefl rdsad xronsnurture: 培养peer:同龄人nowledeeconmy:知识经济voaioal ne:职业意识a dierse wrld: 多样化的世界jobhune:求职者ard-earnd:辛苦得到的iky: 挑剔的brd hoizo:开阔的视野s as must:将某事视为必须brig the ga:消除差距to ones ma:令人沮丧的是ithe g trm:从长远的观点看a ratioal hice:理性的选择ucation:g hih scors ; gt nt n ida school (unes) ; goaobd pr

49、ofessol: knowldgeecomy;skiled ,mul-oientd ;maketable ,voctona ;value of anivsitydegre ; cpettiobeee : bridge teap; providea dvers ord ; euonal experince nsocial ploymen ;dcationalad professioal niy estons sr:ha oes urentducatin bng tote tdens?hatkd o halenges do th sudents face today?Whatkn of prfes

50、sional challenges te stunts have?Wat s “nwle cooy” ?Hwcanw bride heap betwe edcaionl; exeince and pofesial caee?英语四六级考前最好要背的六篇作文 3. ourism in Cina eet yars hve eena endency in Chin ta torism is gow aster。 Acording toa recenuey mebyse eperts, abou 4 urbaneidnts rve reularly, and 28% rural residetsals

51、omke ter tou cros e ountry. e survey also how htor epl are nteresein touris,an wll joint aryinth fuur。Facngtstndeny, wcnhelp eplin some ndengfactors htareresponsible. n the very irst plae, te poliy of refor pgup,Chinese poes liing stna has ee gealyimproved, an theref,most o hem cnafortravl round. ha

52、ts mr, i is beleved that peopl nw more positive attiude t turm, ad regrd it as a lifestle。 Inaddin, tourim facilties aeomig ettnd ette。 Fr exaple, tnportion delops st, and mny senic sot are aailble nowhuhe are illsmpoblems wih touism, I persoly beleetha touri shoud playig a keyroein ourlife I aso ho

53、ptat rgvernmntwil makpoliieso creat btr nviroent for touists 4. IncmeGap The hsbeen heateddcussn ver he growing icome gapn。 mepol at th a i natulcause eflcs ifferen contributontaiffrt eole ae in eir work. Inhei iew,tose ople wh gh incom ork adnd long. Besides, hee ppl bri high effcency, crete moreea

54、lth。 ccoigly, they dsrve hihay。 Onhether had, thee re lwys ome pople woiew tis ganegatively. hey blevetta t of crmeshappena a rult of thiicomegap。 Som eope ke so tlefomheir work that isk takng imin acsto get rich. n t, expr havelong foud otthat ostse ofrm are directlyreled low ncom。Ther i aothe pint

55、 o ac anegatve iewagainsicoe gap. or motpeole, income gap may destroythe satisfaction ta thyoba from ork。 As nyting as w side, oas therblem of icoe gap. Persaly, I eleve that thsap maymotivate opeo ompete betrin j markt hen this ga is grwoo wide, howv,orgovernment shold ake soepolesto ge rid is neat

56、ivenseuenes。 5Knowlegei ower s a poplarsayig goe, knowe i por. Withur country eeping fst, temrtaceofkowld is bcming m an moreobius o 。 In te vryfirstplace,withnoledge, necanasily nd bs.Itis oftn said that we are neina e e formt, nd knoledgepaya e rolin thisage.Fr xape,ifoe watt wrk inT field, one nd

57、 to impv his koledge onsaty tsmore, kwledgeabl peole cangetuick prootion in the work. isoften he case, a person in chrg of a oraniaion sthoe who h mos knowldge Iaddti,morknoledg is aoneed to ake our le c and fulflled。 ccdngl, we mst tr ard o acquire a uh knowledg ae can Lukily,a t o measmenableuodo

58、so。 mon ohe thngs, b provsteest and fasestay tog fmaon。. Sanimls There san undeniable act that th numbroanimal isdecliing faer than ever before。 Accorinto a recent ury mae b sexprts,abt 7secie disapper r o eah very yar. It i obious hat th prblem has bcoe seiou oe worth our concern Whe weexplrethi pr

59、oblem, sme unerlyin facs mege。 Inthever firt plae, human beings hae lad a bigpar With te fst dvelpment hma socety, the eniromn is much dstroye,d aials ls their hme. cordingly, some speci eoeetinc。Whas ore, peopl hut animas orf nd skin.Aood cse n point is thatthe aasehaekillea l fhaesbuse thylie to e

60、a the et。 In ditio, human beings re arely responsibefrthe polltion f natur evionment,and oson animas n mny ways。 Th unt problem, I lve, shold be soledimmiatl。 Firstofal, ou governmenthould lay aeole inakingrelevnt rulesanprottig animal. enra pblc souldaso eduaedto value th existenc of ths animas our


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