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1、Module 2 My familyUnit 1 Is this your mum?第一课时 Getting ready & vocabularyModule 2 My familyUnit 1 Is 课前导学核心单词1. _ n. 姨母;伯母;婶母;舅母;姑母 2. _ n. 兄弟3. _ n. 家,家庭4. _ n. 父亲,爸爸5. _ n.母亲;父亲6. _ n. 照片,相片7. _ pron.这些8. _ n.左边,左侧 adj.左边的,左侧的9. _ n. 成年女子;妇女10. _ n.前面;正面11. _ pron. 那些auntfamilyfatherparentphotothe

2、seleftwomanbrotherthosefront课前导学核心单词auntfamilyfatherparent常考短语1. _ 在左边,在左侧 2. _ 在右边,在右侧3. _ 在旁边,紧挨着 4. _ 在的前面典型句子1. Is this your family?_2. My mums parents are on the left, and my dads parents are on the right._ on the lefton the rightnext to这是你的家庭吗?in front of我妈妈的父母在左边,我爸爸的父母在右边。常考短语on the lefton t

3、he rightnex要点梳理重点词汇精析family的用法【教材例句】 Is this your family?这是你的家庭吗?(教材第9页)【要点思维导图】【举例】My family is very rich. 我的家庭很富有。 My family all like playing table tennis. 我的家人都喜欢打乒乓球。 要点梳理重点词汇精析【应用】()1. Do you know about(了解) Lilys family? Of course. Her family _ a big one. A. are B. is C. be D. can()2. How _ you

4、r family? Fine, thank you. A. am B. is C. are D. be()3. His family _ big. A. am B. are C. is D. beBCC【应用】BCC易混词 (组) 辨析in front of与in the front of的区别【教材例句】 Who are the boy and the girl in front of Paul? 在保罗前的男孩和女孩是谁?(教材第9页)【要点思维导图】 【举例】 The girl is in front of the classroom. 这个女孩在教室前面。(在教室外) The girl

5、 is in the front of the classroom. 这个女孩在教室前部。(在教室内) 易混词 (组) 辨析 He stands in front of the bus. 他站在公交车前面。(公交车外) The driver sits in the front of the bus. 司机坐在公交车的前面。(公交车内)【应用】()1. There is a football _ the door. A. behind B. in front C. in the front of D. next()2. There is a tree _ the classroom. Ain t

6、he front of B.in front of C.on front ofBA He stands in front of the 常用句型精讲what引导的感叹句的用法【教材例句】 What a big family!真是一个大家庭啊!(教材第9页)【要点思维导图】 【举例】What a fine day it is! 多么好的天气啊! What kind women they are! 多么善良的妇女啊!常用句型精讲 What nice music it is! 多么好的曲子啊! How hard the workers are working! 工人们工作得多努力啊! How cle

7、ver the girl is! 多么聪明的女孩啊!【应用】()1. _ good book it is! A. How B. What C. What a D. How an ()2. _ hot the weather is!Yes. Lets go swimming. A. What B. How C. What a D. How a()3. _ bad weather it is!Lets stay at home and watch TV. AHow B.What C.What a D. How aBCB What nice music it is! 多么好课堂练习一、根据句意及首字

8、母或中文提示完成单词1. He has a s_ called David. 2. There is a _ (相片)on the table.3. My f_ is a worker, he works very hard. 4. The whole(整个)_ (家庭)like playing the piano.5. They are my p_, they both work in the hospital.二、根据汉语意思补全下列句子,每空一词1. 这是你的家吗?_ this your _?2. 真是一个大家庭啊! What _ _ _! onatherfamilyphotoafami

9、lyfamilyIsbigarents课堂练习一、根据句意及首字母或中文提示完成单词onather3. 我的妈妈在左边,爸爸在右边。 My _ _ _ _ _, and my dad is _ _ _. 4. 她旁边的那位女士是我爸爸的姐姐(妹妹),我的姑姑利兹。 The woman_ _ her is my dads_, my_ Liz. 5. 谁在你的前面?Who is_ _ _ you?motherauntnextsisterleftrighttotheonisontheoffrontin3. 我的妈妈在左边,爸爸在右边。motherauntnex三、单项填空()1. _ is my s

10、ister, and _ are my cousins. A. This; that B. This; these C. That; that D. Those; those()2. Are these your brothers? Yes, _. A. he is B. theyre C. they are D. those arent()3. This is _ family photo. A. Kate B. Kates C. of Kate D. of KatesBCB三、单项填空BCB()4. A dog is sitting in front _ the house. A. on

11、B. of C. to D. in()5. I am _ my sister. And my dog is _ my right. A. next; on B. to; in C. next to; on D. next; inBC()4. A dog is sitting in froModule 2 My familyUnit 1 Is this your mum?第二课时 Listening & speakingModule 2 My familyUnit 1 Is 课堂练习一、听对话 听教材Activity 3 Listen and read的对话录音,回答13小题。()1. Who

12、is Linda? A. Tonys sister. B. Tonys mother. C. Tonys cousin.()2. Does Tony have an aunt? A. Yes, he is. B. No, he doesnt. C. Yes, he does. ()3. Who are Pauls cousins? A. Mike and Helen. B. Mike and Linda. C. Liz and Helen. AAC课堂练习一、听对话AAC二、听填信息 听教材Activity 3 Listen and read的对话录音,完成下列信息表。newnumberfro

13、ntNext torightleftsister二、听填信息newnumberfrontNext torig三、跟读单词和词组5遍,然后翻译成汉语1. aunt _ 2. brother _ 3. cousin _ 4. daughter _ 5. family _ 6. father _ 7. grandfather _ 8. parent _ 9. these _ 10. on the left _ 11. on the right _ 12. woman _ 13. next to _ 14. in front of _ 在右边家庭伯母;舅母;姨母;婶母;姑母这些父亲;母亲女儿父亲;爸爸

14、堂兄弟;表兄弟;堂姐妹;表姐妹兄弟在左边妇女;成年女子(外)祖父在旁边在的前面三、跟读单词和词组5遍,然后翻译成汉语在右边家庭伯母;舅母;Module 2 My familyUnit 2 These are my parents.第一课时 Getting ready & vocabularyModule 2 My familyUnit 2 The课前导学核心单词1. _ n. 公共汽车 2. _ n. 站;车站3. _ n. 医院4. _ n. 警察5. _ n. 司机,驾驶员6. _ n. 护士7. _ n. 男警察8. _ n. 工作9. _ adj. 相同的,同一的10. _ n. 农场

15、busstationhospitalpolicedrivernursefarmsamejobpoliceman课前导学核心单词busstationhospitalpoli常考短语1. _ 公交车站2. _ 一家剧院的经理 3. _ 警察局4. _ 一名公交车司机 典型句子Whats your fathers job?_ bus stationthe manager of a theatrepolice station你父亲是做什么的?a bus driver常考短语bus stationthe manager of 课堂练习一、根据句意及首字母或中文提示完成单词1. They are twin

16、s and they look the s_. 2. Janes aunt is a nurse and she works in a h_. 3. My father is a _ (警察). 4. Its getting dark. Lets find a _ (宾馆)to live in. 5. We often see film in the Jing Du _ (剧院)near our school. 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空 1. My father is a bus_ (drive). 2. What are _ (they) names?amepolicemanospita

17、ldrivertheatrehoteltheir课堂练习一、根据句意及首字母或中文提示完成单词amepoli3. These are my_ (parents) photos. 4. His father is a _ (farm), and he works on the farm. 5. There are two _ (policeman) here. 三、根据汉语意思补全下列句子,每空一词 1. 那是杰克的女儿和儿子吗?_ _ Jacks _ and son?2. 这是大明的妈妈。她是一名医生。 This is _ mother. She is a _. 3. 你哥哥是干什么的?他是一

18、名旅馆经理。_ your _ _?He is a _ _. parentsWhatsjobDamingsArefarmerpolicemendaughterhoteldoctorbrothersthosemanager3. These are my_ (parenarentschoolisadriversbusatan4. 贝蒂的父母不是公交车司机。Bettys parents _ _ _. 5. 我的妈妈是一所学校的英语老师。My mother _ _ English teacher _ _ _.arentschoolisadriversbusatan4Module 2 My familyU

19、nit 2 These are my parents.第二课时 ReadingModule 2 My familyUnit 2 The要点梳理重点词汇精析same的用法 【教材例句】 She and Damings mother are at the same hospital. 她和大明的妈妈在同一家医院工作。(教材第11页)【要点思维导图】 要点梳理重点词汇精析【举例】We are in the same class.我们在同一个班。 Your pen is the same as mine, but it is different from Kates. 你的钢笔和我的一样,但和凯特的不

20、同。【应用】根据汉语意思补全下列句子,每空一词1. 贝蒂和凯特一样大。Betty is _ _ age _ Kate. 2. 上海的天气与北京的很不相同。The weather in Shanghai _ very _ _ that in Beijing. 3. 我的电脑和你的一样。My computer is _ _ _ yours.assamethefromdifferentisassamethe【举例】We are in the same class.我常用句型精讲句型“What be sb.s job?”的用法【教材例句】 Whats your fathers job?你父亲是做什么工

21、作的?(教材第11页)【用法】 句型“What be sb.s job?”是用来询问某人从事的职业,job是一个可数名词,意思是“工作”。【举例】What are your parents jobs? 你父母是做什么工作的? What is your uncle? 你的叔叔是做什么工作的?【拓展】当我们询问某人的职业时,还可以用What be sb.?或者What do/does sb.do?来提问,意为“某人是做什么工作的?”常用句型精讲【举例】 What is your sister? 你姐姐是做什么工作的? What do you do? 你是做什么工作的?【应用】()1. Whats

22、your job? _. A. Im a teacher B. Im twelve C. Im fine, thank you D. Im from England2. 根据汉语意思补全下列句子,每空一词 你的朋友是做什么工作的? Whats your _ _?3. 她是做什么工作的? What _ _?Asheisjobfriends【举例】 What is your sister? 你姐姐是课堂练习一、根据课文内容,完成下列问题1. Where are Bettys parents from?_ 2. Whats Damings fathers job?_ 3. Whats Tonys m

23、others job?_ 4. Whats Linglings mothers job?_ They are from America.He is a policeman.She is an English teacher at a school.She is a nurse.课堂练习一、根据课文内容,完成下列问题They are fr二、单项填空()1. Tom lives _ Shanghai with his parents. A. at B. in C. to D. on ()2. The two boys are at _ school. Athe same B.same C.dif

24、ferent D.the different()3. _ my parents. A. This is B. That is C. These are D. This are()4. Marys skirt is the same as her _. A. sisters B. brother C. brothers D. sisters BACD二、单项填空BACD()5. Whats your mothers job? _. A. She is reading B. She is 40 years old C. She wants to be a teacher D. She is a m

25、anagerD()5. Whats your mothers j三、课文语篇短文填空 Betty Kings parent are American. His _1._ is an actor,and his mother is the 2._ of a theatre. Li Damings parents are 3. _. His fathers job is at a 4. _ station. His 5._ is a nurse. Tony Smith is English. His mother is an English 6._ at a school. His father

26、is a 7. _ manager. Wang Linglings mother is a 8. _. She and Damings mother are at the 9. _ hospital. Her father is a bus 10. _ in Beijing. motherhotelnurseChinesepolicesameteacherdriverfathermanager三、课文语篇短文填空motherhotelnurseChinModule 2 My familyUnit 3 Language in use.第一课时 Language practiceModule 2

27、My familyUnit 3 Lan语法聚焦指示代词this,that,these, those一、概况 考点介绍:指示代词的区别、疑问句及答语语法聚焦指示代词this,that,these, those二、指示代词的用法 1this 用来指在空间上离说话者位置近的人或事物。例如: This is my mother. 这是我妈妈。 2that用来指在空间上离说话者位置较远的人或物。例如: That is my father. 那是我爸爸。 3these是this的复数形式,those是that的复数形式。this,that和is连用,而these,those和are连用。this is,t

28、hese are,those are不存在缩写形式,只有that is有缩写形式,即thats。例如: These are my friends. 这些是我的朋友。 Thats his father. 那是他父亲。二、指示代词的用法4指示代词的一般疑问句形式是直接将be动词提至句首,把第一人称变成第二人称,回答用yes或no。而在回答主语为this,that,these,those的疑问句时,问句中的this,that在答语中要用it代替,these,those要用they代替。例如: Is this his father?这是他的爸爸吗? Yes, it is./No, it isnt. 对

29、,他是。/不,他不是。【举例】1. This is a blackboard. 这是一块黑板。(指近处物品) 2. What is that? 那是什么?(指远处物品) It is a marker. 它是一枝记号笔。 3. This is a pencil. That is a book. 这是一枝铅笔,那是一本书。 4指示代词的一般疑问句形式是直接将be动词提至句首,把第一 4. Is that his pencil? 那是他的铅笔吗? Yes, it is./No, it isnt. 是的,它是。/不是,它不是。 5. These are my cousins. 这些是我的表兄妹。 6.

30、 Those trees are very tall. 那些树很高。 7. Are these your books? 这些是你的书吗? Yes, they are./No, they arent.是的,他们是。/不是,他们不是。 4. Is that his pencil? 那是名词所有格一、概况 考点介绍:名词所有格的构成、用法二、名词所有格的构成 1. 一般情况下在名词词尾加“s”,表示“的”。 例如:Marys mother 玛丽的妈妈 2. 若复数名词词尾已有s,只加“”。例如:the teachers office 教师办公室 3. 不以s或es结尾的复数名词加“s”。例如:Chi

31、ldrens Day 儿童节名词所有格 4. 表示无生命物体的所有格一般要用of。例如:a map of China 一张中国地图 5. 表示时间、距离的名词的所有格也在词尾加“s”。例如:three days holiday三天的假期三、使用名词所有格应注意的问题 1如果两个并列名词后分别有“s”,则表示“分别所有”;若只有最后一个名词后有“s”,则表示“共有”。 2在表示店铺、诊所、教堂或某人的家时,名词所有格后面常常省略它所修饰的名词。【举例】This is Marys sister.这是玛丽的妹妹。 There is a cup of tea.这里有一杯茶。 These are Joh

32、ns and Marys rooms.这些是约翰的房间和玛丽的房间。(分别拥有) Is this John and Marys room?这是约翰和玛丽的房间吗?(共有) We are at Uncle Wangs.我们在王叔叔家。 4. 表示无生命物体的所有格一般要用of。例如:a 课堂练习一、用be动词的适当形式填空 1. _ (that) are my friends. 2. There are thirty students in _ (David) class.3. Are _ (this) your father and mother? Yes, they are.4. This

33、_ (be) my English teacher.5. Is he your _(uncle) son? Yes. He is my cousin.ThosetheseDavidsisuncles课堂练习一、用be动词的适当形式填空 ThosetheseD二、单项填空()1. This _ a blackboard and those chairs. A. is;are B. is; is C. are; is D. are; are()2. Look! Whats _ in the sky? It looks like a kite. A. this B. that C. those D.

34、 these()3. _ my parents. They are workers. A. This is B. These are C. Thats D. There areABB二、单项填空ABB()4. _ are Susans parents. Theyre doctors. A. This B. That C. He D. These()5. _ is a picture of my family. A. These B. This C. Those D. Thats()6. This is a photo _ Mr Wangs family. A. of B. in C. on D

35、. to ()7. _ sister is a bus driver. A. Sally B. Sallys C. Sally is D. Sallys()8. Look at the man over there. He is _ uncle. A. Jims and Tims B. Jims and Tim C. Jim and Tim D. Jim and TimsDADBB()4. _ are Susans paModule 2 My familyUnit 3 Language in use.第二课时 WritingModule 2 My familyUnit 3 Lan美文鉴赏功能话题家庭、朋友与周围的人(中考话题项目表2)一、学会写介绍家庭成员的文章 My name is John Smith. Im twelve years old. Im in Class 3, Grade 1. I have a big family. There are five people in my family. They are my grand


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