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1、时间状语从句的防懵逼指南教学目标12掌握时间状语从句的引导词的含义及时态等用法;能区分时间状语从句和其他从句12022/9/28时间状语从句的防懵逼指南教学目标12掌握时间状语从句的引导词代表月亮消灭你;三大从句去了俩 宾语22代表月亮消灭你;三大从句去了俩 宾语22还剩最后一个靠花样多折腾人!状语从句Adverbial Clause3还剩最后一个靠花样多折腾人!状语从句3它统共有 种花样9分类让步42022/9/28它统共有 种花样9分类让步42022/9/26 今天,我们挑战一个最难的!Today,we will challenge the most difficult one!时间状语从

2、句Adverbial Clause of Time52022/9/28 今天,我们挑战一个最难的!TodaI met TFboys when I was in Beijing.修饰谓语动词、形容词、副词或句子 的 I met TFboys yesterday.时间状语主句时间状语从句引导词 概念状语从句62022/9/28I met TFboys when I was in Bei时间状语从句72022/9/28时间状语从句72022/9/26一、主从句位置主句从句可互换;从句在前逗号添8一、主从句位置主句从句可互换;从句在前逗号添8二、 连!词!= 引导词第一组:“当”家三胞胎when /

3、while / as92022/9/28二、 连!词!= 引导词第一组:“当”家三胞胎92022/92. 时态:主现从不限;主过从也过;主将从现。Iwasjustreadingabookwhenshecameintomyroom.DontlaughatmewhenImakeamistake.I willtellherthegoodnewswhenshecomesback.102022/9/282. 时态:主现从不限;主过从也过;主将从现。Iwas引导词含义从句动词其他含义when这时;突然while然而as随着;一边一边 三个“当”有异、同瞬间或延续性延续性瞬间或延续性“当”(时间点或段)“当

4、”(时间段)“当”(时间点或段)112022/9/28引导词含义从句动词其他含义when这时;突然while然而aMy mother came into my bedroom when / while / as I was playing games.My mother came into my bedroom when / as I turned on my computer.观察从句动词:延续性?瞬间性?122022/9/28My mother came into my bedroom引导词含义从句动词其他含义when“当”(时间点或段)这时;突然while“当”(时间段)然而as“当”(

5、时间点或段)随着;一边一边 三个“当”有异、同瞬间或延续性只用延续性瞬间或延续性132022/9/28引导词含义从句动词其他含义when“当”这时;突然while认真翻译:三个词,各不同He snored as he slept.As it get darker, it became colder.He likes sleeping while she likes eating.He was sleeping when the phone rang.142022/9/28认真翻译:三个词,各不同He snored as he sl引导词含义从句动词其他含义when“当”(时间点或段)while

6、“当”(时间段)as“当”(时间点或段)三个“当”有异、同瞬间或延续性只用延续性瞬间或延续性这时;突然然而随着;一边一边152022/9/28引导词含义从句动词其他含义when“当”while“当”as 第二组:一就 as soon as./ the moment / minute162022/9/28 第二组:一就 as He opened his eyes as soon as the phone rang.时态一致172022/9/28He opened his eyes as soon as 第三组:since 自从 / ever since 主现完从过去182022/9/28第三组:

7、since 自从 / ever since 返回3. Long time no see! Oh! It _ five years since we met last time. A. was B. were C. is D. have been特殊句型:It is + 时间段 + since (过去)19返回3. Long time no see!特殊句型:第四组:“一前一后”before / after 202022/9/28第四组:“一前一后”before / after 20202易错题1.I _(not see) such beautiful flowers before.2. Dan

8、ny went to England three days _. Really? Thats wonderful. Ive never been there _.A.ago; agoB.before; ago C.before; before D.ago;beforehavent seenD21易错题1.I _(not see) 第五组:两个直到 - till / until222022/9/28第五组:两个直到 - till / until22202He slept until / till the class began.他一直睡到开始上课。232022/9/28He slept unti

9、l / till the clasHe didnt enter the classroom until the class began.直到开始上课,他才进教室。242022/9/28He didnt enter the classroom 总结用法:主句动词可延续,两个直到都可用;主句动词瞬间性,只用not.until;252022/9/28总结用法:主句动词可延续,两个直到都可用;主句动词瞬间性,挑战中考!262挑战中考!262一、 填空。I will phone you as soon as Jack _ (come) back from London.2. The bell rang

10、while Lily _ (read) a magazine.3. We often _(go) home together after the school finished.4. He didnt stop to have a rest _ he finished his work.5. The boy _(do) his homework when his mother called him.6. She _(buy) me a CD if I like eswas readinguntilwas doingwill buywent27一、 填空。comeswas readinguntilwas7.I _(go) to Beijing for my summer holiday when this term _(be) over.8.He will be excited as soon as he _(get) t


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