1、摘 要PAGE PAGE I摘要本次毕业设计主要阐述了高炉喷煤喷吹自动化控制系统,不包括制粉过程的控制,控制范围是从煤粉仓、中间罐、喷吹罐、喷吹总管、由炉前煤粉分配器到喷吹支管的自动控制过程。本次毕业设计只考虑了一个喷煤喷吹序列作为控制对象。本次设计包含:课题本身的背景、由来、意义、主要工艺类型、国内外高炉喷煤喷吹技术的发展现状以及对未来发展的展望;阐述了所需传感器、阀、开关等硬件设备,主要进行了煤粉从煤粉仓到中间罐倒罐控制,煤粉从中间罐到喷吹罐倒罐控制,煤粉从喷吹罐喷到高炉风口中的控制,停喷控制,中间罐和喷吹罐的压力控制,煤粉仓、中间罐及喷吹罐温度、压力的安全连锁控制,喷吹风压力的自动测量等
2、控制项目;本设计主要选用的PLC控制系统的选型、硬件配置选择、I/O表编写、硬件接线图的绘制的工作。关键词:PLCC;高炉喷煤;传传感器AbstractPAGE XVIIIAbstracctThe graaduatiion prrojectt focuused oon thee autoomaticc conttrol oof blaast fuurnacee coall injeectionn systtem, does nnot inncludee coall grinnding proceess coontroll. Cntrrol thhe proocess of auutomatti
3、on aand coontroll, inccludinngo coal ppowderr storrage wwarehoouse, the miiddle tank,the iinjecttion tank, injecttion EExplorrer, front-end ffrom tthe bllast ffurnacce coaal injjectioon powwder ddistriibutioon devvice tto thee brannch piipe. The ggraduaation projeect, aa PCI only consiider aas a cco
4、ntroolled injecction sequeence. Thee desiign inncludees: Thhat thhe isssue off backkgrounnd, orrigin, meanning, the mmain ttype oof tecchnoloogy, aat homme andd abrooad PCCI jett techhnologgy devvelopmment pprospeects aand thhe futture ddeveloopmentt of. On thhe neeed forr the sensoors, vvalvess, sw
5、iitchess and otherr harddware equippment.Mainlly carrried out ccoal ppowderr fromm the coal powdeer possitionn to ccontrool thee midddle off the tank,pulverrized coal injecction in thhe midddle ttank tto tannk cann backk conttrol ffrom tthe puulveriized ccoal iinjecttion iinto bblast furnaace tuuyer
6、e sprayy canss of ccontrool, sttop thhe injjectioon conntrol, the middlle tannk andd the injecction presssure ccontrool tannk, cooal sttores, inteermediiate aand sppray ccans bblow ttank ttemperraturee and presssure ccontrool of the ssecuriity chhain, hair sprayy, succh as autommatic measuuremennt o
7、f the ppressuure coontroll projjects; the desiggn of the mmain sselecttion oof thee PLC contrrol syystem selecction, harddware confiigurattion ooptionns, I / O ttable prepaared mmappinng harrdwaree wiriing woork.KeyWordds:PLCC; blaast fuurnacee pulvverizeed coaal injjectioon; seensor详细摘要详细摘要高炉喷煤技术始始
10、规枪喷吹等各种形式的喷吹。简介描述了几种较成熟的工业性生产流程:1、德国KvTTNER流程;2、美国阿姆科(ARMCO)流程;3、日本住友流程;4、日本川崎流程;5、卢森堡Paul Wurth流程;6、混合型流程;7 英钢联粒煤喷吹流程。再后简要介绍了几种新喷煤工艺,包括:1、富氧大喷煤量技术;2、利用等离子大量喷吹煤粉;3、复合喷吹技术;4、粒煤喷吹技术。在第一部分最后介绍了我国喷煤喷吹技术现状,进十几年这项技术在国内的进步和存在的问题,还包括对我国高炉发展前景的展望。第二大部分主要要阐述了高炉炉喷煤喷吹自自动化控制整整体方案。首首先对喷吹工工艺及检测点点布置进行了了讲解,其中中包括了所选选
12、),最后详详细说明了具具体操作过程程。中间罐加加料:中间罐罐加料前的条条件为中间罐罐必须为“空信号”, 压力必须小小于0.022MPa,放放散阀处于“打开”状态,充压压阀、流化阀阀、上锥阀和和下锥阀处于于“关闭”状态、中间间罐与喷吹罐罐之间的均压压阀处于“关闭”状态;满足足上述条件后后在进行倒罐罐操作开煤粉粉仓下锥形阀阀,开中间罐罐上锥形阀,关关煤粉仓放散散阀,开煤粉粉仓流化阀,中中间罐“料满”信号发出时时再进行以下下操作,关煤煤粉仓流化阀阀,开煤粉仓仓放散阀,关关煤粉仓下锥锥形阀,关中中间罐上锥形形阀,煤粉从从煤粉仓到中中间罐倒罐顺顺序结束,中中间罐处于“料满”位置。喷吹吹罐加料:喷喷吹罐内
13、煤量量显示下限,自自动发出允许许加料信号,喷喷吹罐内压力力达到设定值值,中间罐“料满”; 倒罐,关中中间罐放散阀阀,开中间罐罐充压阀,中中间罐与喷吹吹罐压差小于于设定值时,关关闭充压阀,打打开两罐间均均压阀,开中中间罐下锥形形阀,开喷吹吹罐上锥形阀阀,开中间罐罐流化阀,中中间罐“料空”信号来后,进进行下列操作作,关中间罐罐流化阀,关关中间罐下锥锥形阀,关喷喷吹罐上锥形形阀,关中间间罐充压阀,关关中间罐与喷喷吹罐间均压压阀,开中间间罐放散阀,煤煤粉从中间罐罐到喷吹罐倒倒罐顺序完成成。喷吹控制制:前提条件件得到高炉“允许喷吹”信号,喷吹吹罐内料位不不低于下限,满满足安全连锁锁要求,检查查喷煤管路上
14、上手动阀门的的状态,人工工输入正常;喷吹控制,开开喷吹风阀,开开安全阀,开开喷吹罐下煤煤球阀,开喷喷吹罐流化阀阀,启动给料料器。最后是是停喷控制(发发出停喷指令令终止各“倒罐”操作,关喷喷吹罐下煤球球阀,停给料料器,关安全全阀,关喷吹吹风阀)和对对三罐及喷吹吹管道的压力力、温度的安安全连锁控制制。第三部分主要阐阐述了所用的的各种测量设设备(包括料料位、压力、温温度、氧含量量、一氧化碳碳含量和重量量测量设备)的的选型和其技技术指标的说说明,所选用用控制设备采采用SIEMMENS公司司的SIMAATIC SS7系列的SSIMATIIC S7-300通用用型PLC的的CPU(66ES7 3315-2
15、AAG10-00AB0),模拟量I/OO模块(6ES7 331-77KF02-0AB0),数字量输入入I/O模块(6ES7 321-11EH01-0AA0),数字量输出出I/O模块(6ES7 322-11HH00-0AA0)的选型和详详细数据说明明。关键词:PLCC;高炉喷煤煤;传感器Detailed SummaryDetaileed SummmaryBlast ffurnacce pullverizzed cooal innjectiion teechnollogy iin 18440 at S. M. Bankks on the iinjecttion oof cokke andd ant
16、hhracitte ideea; thhe worrlds firstt induustriaal appplicattions are bbased on thhe ideea thaat in 1840 18445 in the FFrenchh proviince oof Bollogna near the iiron wworks to acchievee the Isle of Maan. Thhis baackgroound lleads to thhe toppic off gradduatioon PCII desiign auutomattion ccontrool injj
17、ectioon tecchnoloogy. TThe maain toopics of thhe blaast fuurnacee pulvverizeed coaal injjectioon sysstem tto conntrol the iinjecttion pprocesss, dooes noot incclude the mmillinng proocess. In thhe tecchnoloogies used to prroducee moree thann one hundrred yeears, the ddeveloopmentt is rrelatiively sl
18、ow, the basicc lackk of pprogreess; tthe 200th ceenturyy untiil thee earlly 60s, Euurope, Chinna, thhe Uniited SStatess befoore soome off the factoory sttartedd in tthe bllast ffurnacce pullverizzed cooal innjectiion onn the test. 7O aat thee end of thhe seccond ooil crrisis in thhe emeergencce of t
19、he bblast furnaace puulveriized ccoal iinjecttion ttechnoology to sppeed uup ressearchh and devellopmennt, esspeciaally iin Eurrope aand Jaapan iis in the ppractiical aappliccationn has been made a majjor brreakthhroughh. Forrewordd to tthe fiirst ppart oof thee defiinitioon of a blaast fuurnacee pu
20、lvverizeed coaal injjectioon is from the bblast furnaace tuuyere direcct injjectioon to the ggroundd of tthe cooal (aanthraacite, bituuminouus coaal, orr bothh, as well as a mixtuure off pulvverizeed liggnite), to replaace thhe cokke to the bblast furnaace too provvide hheat aand reeducinng ageent.
21、LLed byy the definnitionn of tthe meeaningg of tthe usse of this technnologyy, it replaaces tthe loow-cosst coaal andd incrreasinngly sscarcee expeensivee metaallurggical coke, cokiing reeducedd so tthat tthe coost off blasst furrnace substtantiaally rreduceed. Itt is aa meanns of regullatingg the s
22、tatuus of furnaace, bbut allso woork too imprrove tthe heearth, and is sttable anteggrade blastt. Andd thenn intrroduceed thee basiic proocess technnologyy usedd, undder thhe millling devicce to the ddistannce frrom thhe blaast fuurnacee, coaal stoores, injecction tank placeement diffeerencees in th
23、e tthicknness ppipeliine innjectiion, iinjecttion ppressuure iss highh or llow cooncenttratioons off the size of trransmiissionn as wwell aas diffferennt forrms off spraay, yoou cann havee a diirect injecction, indiirect injecction; striing innjectiion caans annd canns of injecction; Expllorer injec
24、ction, multti-braanch iinjecttion; high-presssure iinjecttion, presssure iinjecttion; densee phasse injjectioon, diilute coal injecction and ooxygenn injeectionn machhine, injecction machiine annd othher coonventtionall formms of injecction. Proffile ddescriibes ssome oof thee moree matuure inndustr
25、rial pproducction proceesses: 1, GGermanny KvTTTNER proceess; 22, thee Unitted Sttates armcoo (ARMMCO) pprocesss; 3, Japaans SSumitoomo prrocessses; 44, floow Kawwasakii, Jappan; 55, Luxxembouurg Paaul Wuurth pprocesss; 6 , mixxed-tyype prrocesss; 7 BBritissh Steeel Unnion CCoal pparticcle innjectii
26、on prrocesss. Agaain affter aa brieef inttroducction of seeverall new coal technnologyy, inccludinng: 1, the volumme of oxygeen-ricch larrge cooal teechnollogy; 2, thhe usee of aa largge nummber oof plaasma ppulverrized coal injecction; 3, ccompouund innjectiion teechniqques; 4, taabletss coall inje
27、ectionn techhnologgy. Fiinallyy, in the ffirst part of thhe staatus qquo off Chinnas ccoal iinjecttion ttechnoology, moree thann ten yearss intoo the technnologyy proggress in Chhina aand prroblemms, buut alsso thee deveelopmeent prrospeccts off Chinnas ooutloook forr blasst furrnace. The ssecondd m
28、ostt of tthe maajor ccoal iinjecttion oon blaast fuurnacee autoomatioon conntrol packaage. FFirst pointt of iinjecttion aand deetectiion prrocesss carrried oout onn the layouut, inncludiing thhe chooice oof thrree caans off striing emmissioon reqquiremments can iinjecttion vvalve, fluiid vallve, cch
29、argee presssure valvee are presssure vvalvess, firre nittrogenn valvve, coonicall valvve undder , the ccone vvalve, undeer thee coall feedder annd thee disttributtion oof thee balll valvve werre commparedd and descrribed in deetail on thhe insstallaation drawiings iindicaate thhe loccationn, butt al
30、soo all the nnecesssary mmeasurring eequipmment (such as prressurre, teemperaature, weigght, ggas coontentt, etcc.) , the rrequirred nuumber, a deescripption of thhe insstallaation locattion. And tthen iin thee grapph on the bbasis of thhe conntrol proceess deescribbed innjectiion. FFirst introoduce
31、dd the basicc modee of ooperattion: fullyy autoomaticc operrationn, mannual ooperattion, and mmainteenancee operrationns, annd theen is a majjor opperatiion caarriedd out by Ovvervieew (inncludiing cooal frrom thhe coaal invvertedd posiition to thhe inttermeddiate tank can ccontrool, too the pulveer
32、izedd coall injeectionn in tthe miiddle tank cans cans back contrrol frrom thhe injjectioon of pulveerizedd coall to bblast furnaace tuuyere sprayy canss of ccontrool, sttop thhe blaast fuurnacee pulvverizeed coaal injjectioon conntrol, secuurity contrrol prroceduures ffor thhe chaain), and ffinalll
33、y a ddetailled deescripption of thhe speecificc operrationn. Tannk feeeding the mmiddlee: thee midddle off the pre-ccondittions can ffeed ttank ffor thhe midddle mmust bbe an emptty siggnal, the presssure mmust bbe lesss thaan 0.002MPa, emisssion valvees in the open stattus, ffillinng preessuree val
34、vve, flluid vvalve, conee valvve andd the valvee undeer thee conee in tthe ooff sstate, inteermediiate bbetweeen thee canss and the ccans aare innjectiion vaalve iin thee offf staate; tto meeet thee abovve connditioons caan opeerate in oppen cooal waas undder thhe conne vallve poositioon, oppen thhe
35、 midddle oof thee conee-shapped taank vaalve, Bleedding vvalve clearrance warehhouse coal, the coal flow posittion oof vallve, tthe miiddle tank fulll feedd siggnal wwhen tthe foollowiing cllosingg of ccoal fflow vvalve posittion, the vvalve emisssion ccoal wwarehoouse, custooms waarehouuse unnder t
36、the coone off pulvverizeed coaal vallve offf thee midddle off the cone-shapeed tannk vallve, ccoal ffrom tthe cooal waarehouuse caans doown too the middlle of the oorder of thhe endd canss, canns in the mmiddlee of full feed posiition. Feedd tankk injeectionn: injjectioon vollume oof thee tankk show
37、wed thhat thhe lowwer liimit oof coaal, too alloow auttomatiic feeeding signaal injjectioon tannk preessuree setttings to reeach tthe miiddle tank fulll feedd; innverteed canns, Blleedinng Tunndish valvee cleaarancee, thee tankk fillling tthe miiddle presssure vvalve, inteermediiate ppressuure taank
38、 annd thee injeectionn tankk is lless tthan sset vaalue, the ffillinng vallve shhut doown, oopen tthe twwo canns werre preessuree betwween tthe vaalve aand oppen thhe nexxt amoong thhe tannk vallve coone, tthe coone-jeet on the ttank vvalve, openn the middlle fluuid taank vaalve, the mmiddlee tankk
39、feeed airr siggnals, the folloowing operaationss, cleearancce of middlle-tannk floow vallve, cclearaance uunder the mmiddlee of ttank vvalve cone, the cone-shapeed tannk cleearancce injjectioon vallve, ffillinng tannk cleearancce inttermeddiate presssure vvalve, inteermediiate cclearaance bbetweeen
40、tannk andd tankk-presssure injecction valvee, thee valvve emiissionn Tunddish, pulveerizedd coall injeectionn in tthe miiddle tank to taank doown thhe ordder caan be complleted. Injeectionn conttrol: a preerequiisite for bblast furnaace too be alloww injeectionn siggnal iinjecttion ttank oof nott le
41、sss thann the minimmum leevel tto meeet thee secuurity requiiremennts off the chainn, cheeck thhe PCII manuual coontroll valvves onn the road, and enterred innto thhe norrmal; injecction contrrol , the iinjecttion vvalve, the safetty vallve, tthe innjectiion off coall undeer thee tankk balll valvve,
42、 oppen vaalve iinjecttion ffluid can sstart to feeed. FFinallly, thhere iis cesssatioon of injecction contrrol (iinjecttion iinstruuctionns isssued tto stoop thee termminatiion off the antii-tankk to operaate, cclearaance uunder the ccoal iinjecttion ttank bball vvalve, stopp feedder offf saffety vv
43、alve, injeectionn valvve cleearancce) annd thee threee canns andd the injecction pipe presssure, tempeeraturre conntrol of thhe seccurityy chaiin. Thee thirrd parrt maiinly uused oon a vvarietty of measuuring equippment (inclludingg leveel, prressurre, teemperaature, oxyggen coontentt, carrbon mmono
44、xiide coontentt and weighht meaasurinng equuipmennt) seelectiion annd desscripttion oof itss techhnicall indiicatorrs, thhe usee of ccontrool equuipmennt sellectedd by SSIEMENNS commpanys SIMMATIC S7 seeries of SIIMATICC S7-3300-siize-fiits-PLLC-CPUU (6ESS7 3155-2AG110-0ABB0), aanalogg I / O moddule
45、 (6ES7 331-77KF02-0AB0), Diggital Inputt I / O moddule (6ES7 321-11EH01-0AA0 ), diigitall outpput I / O mmodulee (6ESS7 3222-1HH000-0AAA0) thhe sellectioon andd detaailed data. Keywoords: PLC; blastt furnnace ppulverrized coal injecction; senssor目 录目录TOC o 1-6 h z HYPERLINK l _Toc232407334 摘要 PAGERE
46、F _Toc232407334 h I HYPERLINK l _Toc232407335 Abstracct PAGEREF _Toc232407335 h II HYPERLINK l _Toc232407336 详细摘要 PAGEREF _Toc232407336 h IIII HYPERLINK l _Toc232407337 Detaileed Summmary PAGEREF _Toc232407337 h V HYPERLINK l _Toc232407338 1 前言 PAGEREF _Toc232407338 h 1 HYPERLINK l _Toc232407339 1.1
47、 高炉喷喷煤技术背景景 PAGEREF _Toc232407339 h 1 HYPERLINK l _Toc232407340 1.2高炉喷煤煤的意义 PAGEREF _Toc232407340 h 1 HYPERLINK l _Toc232407341 1.3高炉喷煤煤基本流程 PAGEREF _Toc232407341 h 2 HYPERLINK l _Toc232407342 1.4喷吹技术术的发展 PAGEREF _Toc232407342 h 3 HYPERLINK l _Toc232407343 1.4.1富氧氧大喷煤量技技术 PAGEREF _Toc232407343 h 4 H
48、YPERLINK l _Toc232407344 1.4.2利用用等离子大量量喷吹煤粉 PAGEREF _Toc232407344 h 4 HYPERLINK l _Toc232407345 1.4.3复合合喷吹技术 PAGEREF _Toc232407345 h 4 HYPERLINK l _Toc232407346 1.4.4粒煤煤喷吹技术 PAGEREF _Toc232407346 h 4 HYPERLINK l _Toc232407347 1.5我国喷煤煤喷吹技术 PAGEREF _Toc232407347 h 5 HYPERLINK l _Toc232407348 1.5.1我国国喷
49、煤喷吹技技术现状 PAGEREF _Toc232407348 h 5 HYPERLINK l _Toc232407349 1.5.2我国国高炉喷煤技技术的进步 PAGEREF _Toc232407349 h 6 HYPERLINK l _Toc232407350 1.5.3我国国高炉喷煤存存在的问题 PAGEREF _Toc232407350 h 6 HYPERLINK l _Toc232407351 1.5.4我国国高炉发展前前景 PAGEREF _Toc232407351 h 7 HYPERLINK l _Toc232407352 2 高炉喷煤煤喷吹自动化化控制整体方方案 PAGEREF
50、_Toc232407352 h 9 HYPERLINK l _Toc22324077353 2.1 喷吹吹工艺及检测测点布置 PAGEREF _Toc232407353 h 9 HYPERLINK l _Toc232407354 2.2 工艺流流程示意图 PAGEREF _Toc232407354 h 9 HYPERLINK l _Toc232407355 2.3 喷吹控控制过程描述述 PAGEREF _Toc232407355 h 10 HYPERLINK l _Toc232407356 2.3.1 喷喷吹系统操作作方式 PAGEREF _Toc232407356 h 10 HYPERLIN
51、K l _Toc232407357 2.3.2 喷喷吹过程描述述 PAGEREF _Toc232407357 h 11 HYPERLINK l _Toc232407358 3 设备选型型 PAGEREF _Toc232407358 h 14 HYPERLINK l _Toc232407359 3.1 所用测测量设备选型型 PAGEREF _Toc232407359 h 14 HYPERLINK l _Toc232407360 3.1.1 料料位测量设备备选型 PAGEREF _Toc232407360 h 14 HYPERLINK l _Toc232407361 3.1.2 温温度测量设备备选
52、型 PAGEREF _Toc232407361 h 16 HYPERLINK l _Toc232407362 3.1.3 压压力测量设备备选型 PAGEREF _Toc232407362 h 16 HYPERLINK l _Toc232407363 3.1.4 氧氧含量测量设设备选型 PAGEREF _Toc232407363 h 17 HYPERLINK l _Toc232407364 3.1.5 一一氧化碳测量量设备选型 PAGEREF _Toc232407364 h 18 HYPERLINK l _Toc232407365 3.1.6 重重量测量设备备选型 PAGEREF _Toc232
53、407365 h 19 HYPERLINK l _Toc232407366 3.2系统硬件件配置方案 PAGEREF _Toc232407366 h 20 HYPERLINK l _Toc232407367 3.2.1 总总体配置方案案 PAGEREF _Toc232407367 h 20 HYPERLINK l _Toc232407368 3.2.2 SIMATTIC S77-300通通用型PLCC简介 PAGEREF _Toc232407368 h 20 HYPERLINK l _Toc232407369 3.2.3 CPU PAGEREF _Toc232407369 h 21 HYPER
54、LINK l _Toc232407370 3.2.4 PS 3007 电源模模块5A 66ES7 3307-1EEA00-00AA0 PAGEREF _Toc232407370 h 25 HYPERLINK l _Toc232407371 3.2.5 模模拟量输入模模板 SM 3331 AI 8 112 位(6ES77 331-7KF022-0AB00) PAGEREF _Toc232407371 h 26 HYPERLINK l _Toc232407372 3.2.6 数数字量输入模模板 SM 3221;DI 161220 VACC(6ES7 321-11EH01-0AA0) PAGEREF
55、 _Toc232407372 h 29 HYPERLINK l _Toc232407373 3.2.7 继继电器输出模模板SM 3322 DOO 16继继电器1200VAC(6ES7 322-11HH00-0AA0) PAGEREF _Toc232407373 h 30 HYPERLINK l _Toc232407374 3.2.8 PLC接线图图(见附录DD) PAGEREF _Toc232407374 h 33 HYPERLINK l _Toc232407375 结 论 PAGEREF _Toc232407375 h 344 HYPERLINK l _Toc232407376 参考文献 P
56、AGEREF _Toc232407376 h 355 HYPERLINK l _Toc232407377 致 谢 PAGEREF _Toc232407377 h 366 HYPERLINK l _Toc232407378 附录A模拟量量I/O表 PAGEREF _Toc232407378 h 37 HYPERLINK l _Toc232407379 附录B数字输输入量I/OO表 PAGEREF _Toc232407379 h 39 HYPERLINK l _Toc232407380 附录C数字输输出量I/OO表 PAGEREF _Toc232407380 h 41 HYPERLINK l _T
57、oc232407381 附录DPLCC接线图 PAGEREF _Toc232407381 h 431 前言PAGE 811 前言1.1 高炉喷喷煤技术背景景高炉喷煤技术始始于18400年SMBankss关于喷吹焦焦炭和无烟煤煤的设想;世世界最早的工工业应用即是是根据这一设设想于184401845年间间在法国博洛洛涅附近的马马恩省炼铁厂厂实现的。但但此后的一百百多年,发展展却相对缓慢慢,基本无进进展;直至220世纪60年代初,欧欧洲、中国、美美国的一些工工厂才陆续开开始在高炉上上试验喷煤。7O年代末,第第二次石油危危机的出现,加加快了高炉喷喷煤技术的研研究和发展,特特别是欧洲和和日本更是在在实际
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