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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑 商务英语试题及答案 1 atch a wrd fro A d and lete seten 10、 se each word from A twice、 A dvtiing / onsmer / markt / prodct / sale Behvo / udet campign / forcs / launch lcycl / role / esrch / gnt / trgets P ehT duct l f cycle s te lnth of time peol cotine o u a partiua product、 2 Ma ket rese

2、ar h shoe vey od potential for maeting the gzine to ectes in he ge rang 253、 3 A c nsu er pro siml a deriptn of tpial customer、 4 Our pany hs establishe its ad nam throh a utiillon multimeda ad e tis ng a ai n 5 The inuion f a roduc o the maret is cale the ro u l unch、 i roaf ojam a era dnf dna ylia

3、F onsu er havior、 Tey really ifune h poe buy, where and how、 7 A m rket segment is a grup o ctomes of similar ag and in ee、 8 uo gnituc kniht o I dvertis g udget by hlf is a good dea、 Our capaigns are higly scessul an lays gente hug proit in t lng tm、 9 s rieht em ot ruserp fo tol a edu ra sevitanee

4、rpe ruO ls arg s 、 10 aad c only make a pesistic ales f re t fr Februar and Mrch、 anage Rview: stions 2 -orer the word o mak qton、 1 uc dversin o how o pen y ? How much do o spe d o dvert ing ? W? tahw nam nemesrodne se t o s ndorse ent m an? 3 ahW ? ruo ta sssenew synap era dna shgnts a you pa ys s

5、t engths a d a ne ses ? 14 range dd exnd rouct thir tey wn ? When did they extend th i pr d a ge? 15 is tea leading sales ho you ? ho is ea ing o r sal s team? 3 plete eac question wi an appropriate wor、 16_ iD _ your arket hare increas las ye? 17_ tahW _ kid of prodcts do fotaller ndose? 8_ rA _ te

6、 oig y market eserc at th mmnt? 19 Whi h_ of tes to poducts is oe uccessfl? 2 _Have_ o met or new ngr? 21 _H w_ often do you lunch a w poduct? 2 _ as_ Kai pho rcely? Sks: eeonn plete his exep fom a telepone conversa wih th ueins frm the o、 1、Wold ou like them to do h markting? 、Coul you gve m a fe d

7、etils? 、Dd you say %? 、 ave yu finished yor report? 5、y?6、 How bout our maret sar?7、w are tins?8、 at do yu thin of Erek!? A: Hi, Vl、 Ru ere、 (3) _ B: ine, thanks、 Qute usy, i ft、 : (2) _4_ B: Almst、 But I an ell ou the fiurs I hae r ln xtmely good、 : Excelen、 (2) _ B: e、 Oveall saes ae p 15、 Or w so

8、ft drinks re up 2%, and u iner ater is ding just wel、 : hat uds od、 (6) _6_ : Well, wv increase t by 、 : Sry, I didnt catch that、 (27) _3_ B: No、 2、5%、 But I hink it i go p y fie over te nxt quartr、 A: ha ould b grea、 By the w, ters somethin else I wante to sk ou、 () _ : h, the nw adeising ageny、 I

9、tnk thyre eally od、 (9) _ : I ws tinkng aot th new energ drnk hat wer launci net month、 B: Rght、 (0) _1_ A: xctl、 wat soeting les trditiol r thi new product、 B: In tat cse tink its a goo ide t cntac the、 heyve got a vry caive eam, it los of iaginativ deas、 Unt Tst 6 Anwer al thirt uestion、 Ther is o

10、 mark per qesion、 Vcabular: atin ad drnkng 1 ee sntences 5 ith aners a, b r c、 1 of sinap ni _ a ea yeht fi reaw e sa seLur gess、 ) menu b) recipe kch )c2 cffe na yldeirf sti r so si narate ealP eent _c_、 ) satr ) prces c) srvic 3 ?_b_ ht rof s ew lhS 、tl nitteg sI) coure ) l ra )4 If ou t t go to h

11、e Ai, emeer to _a_ a table in dce、 a) bok b) check rdr )c 5 In m countrie, is uua to ev a _c_ if o are satisfied with th srvic、 a) ound b) oe pt )c plete e wrd wit t missing vowls (a, e, i, o, )、 6 Its a ather exclusi e resturant, so e reae to spen a t f o! 7 oc yrv ni si nn gnkeP e enien location j

12、st fiv mites om the fic、 、rhpsomta gnilew ,ysoc a tg sti as yehT9 c yeh d ,tae i ovuseV lI a ge ery resonale prices、 10 The fo hey se a Frre Jaus is asoutly deliciou 、 Langage Revi: Multiwrd ebs 3 ple each convrsaion excerpt wh multwor erb rm the ox、 look ater / lok arnd / lo orward t put ff / set b

13、a / tak out / u nr / nwod nrut / u ekat / ni tra et11 l o eol dow eg ro es m :A ok aro nd the old twn befre hey lev、 o emos meht wohs neB s stL 、seY :B th sights、 1 : So, h did ou urn down heir ofer, the? D: Wll, the shdue was aboluel hrible、 13 I :E ook orward to seeing te new ad ofi、 、oitaco eu a

14、i sti ys yehT 、t eM :F14 A: Do you hnk we should ak p ther fe? 、doog llae era snotidnoc ehT 、tecca t tog eve ,sY :5 C: Who ill look aft r ou guests fro Venezul? 、srtisv fo erac gnikt sevol ehS 、lausu sa ,eraK :D16 t tndid zaF :E ke pa in he discssio、 、devovi t ot tnw ndid e taht deitn 、oN :17 、riaf

15、dart ruo rof lrae oot si yraurbeF kiht :A ?a litu ffo ti tup ew tnd hW 、eega I :B 8 C: Ou visitr hae nothin to o ti evening、 D: I think w shul k them out、 19 evira syawla elpoe ems aceb elorp evah le :Enexpectedly、 F: How any exra partcipants o yo thnk igt turn up, te? 0 ?ti saw ,yap eviepx na s thT

16、 : s tI 、sa iatrec I :B t us b ck $,000! Slls: Socliin Matc ech phrase (224) to te corect rsonse (d)、 rite your nswers re: 21 _c_ 2 _ 3 _a_ _ 1 Would you lik me to show o round? 2 ?regeR aM tem uoy evh ,orM2 ?kr uoy teg I 24 ?sgnht ra o Y, please、 Il hve an orange juice、 b Vey god, an you、 Is eall b

17、usy at the n、 c h ys, Iv neve been here efore、 、uoy ee ec 、xaM ,oeH 、N (ustions 2530) Put the lines of thi cnversatn n the orect ordr (2)、 _1 Hi, I Joaqu、 25 _6_ Absolutey! Il get in touch hen w can confirm the date f the evnt, OK? 6 _ Ys, s、 Is vry livel、 Well, mabe you cold e or next rad air there

18、、 t in May、 27 _7 Thans, thats grat! l loo forwar to that、 28 _2_ ello, oaim、 Pleae to eet ou、 I Leila from he Cairo ofc、 29 _5_ Mm, I love to、 Ad i would e great i e had stand at the fr, dont u hink? 3 _3_ O, Cairo! Ive ever t Egyt, but I hea Ciro s a fasnating cty、 Unit est Answer thirty qestos、 T

19、hre i ne mar pr qestion、 Voablary: as to pn 1 ah a word r phas fo A an B ad plete sntences 0、 A colect / consider / / eimate / foecst / kee within / et / rearange B costs / nformatio / o buet / saes se reach / he opions / the scedul / th eline 1 w peek ndid ew tah tpexe ,lufssecus aw tcejo ehT hi o

20、b dget、 e overspent b abo 5、 2 Our vitors re rrvg two hours aer than planed, so let earrange t e schedul immdia、 3 ur avising campn is prucing ood esult, d e f reca s l s o at leat $150,000 in the next uatr、 4 ot lcifd stI st mat cos s ccuratly when our suppiers inase their pric ou arnig、 5 t redisn

21、oc stl ,tsrF e optio s tat we ave fo the lanch a: t could b ate prig, eary auun, or nex ya、 6 Wat e ee d s to d some rese rch abou e buying habis of te pople who liv in that rea、 It will be impile to meet t e deadline of Ju 0 now tt h prject maager is il、 erythg wil hv o e t off unti next mnth、 Jim

22、at to coll c fo mation nto he factos that infuec sume bhaour、 2 atch the tw hlv f the sentnce、 Write yur nwer hre: 9 _ 1_d_ 1_ 1 _c_ 9 egrra ot giyt eH1 tnemelpm t lbissopmi sa tI11 n is on t ite 12 Th training scedule has a the quarterly les rert、 、rgnam el sC iw gie a c t be rpare b rl 5、 d ta pan

23、 wi suc a sall budge、 ang Reve: Fu pans 3 Reorde te or to ma senteces、 3 yehT o ereht ni nipoh dnapx lizarB r p n to e pand in Ba i 、 14 not a bonu expcting ge ood s she to he i not ex ecting o t a goo bon s 、 15 attrat orgn inestet like mre t wold We w u d l ke t ttra t ore foreign investm n 、 16 W

24、 eew ot yraidisbus gninal nep eragaB a re lan ing to open a subsidiary in ang lore 、 17 going lach wen mo th to you ? When are you oing to la n hi model ? 4 In each sentece, ne wo s isig、 Rewrie ah entece ith the cc ord in he ight plce、 ra eW 、ew xe rlppus uo tis ot giog eW go ng t v si o r up l ers

25、 ne t ee 、 19 I hep you wrte th port if you k、 I can el you rite he report if u ke、 0 ool eW、noos uy iees rawf kool W fo wa d to se ng y oon 、 21 nA 、a txen reb li yonoc eht ys ssan lys s sy th e onomy wil get bett r n xt ear 、 2 ehT 、aremac oeiv rieh hcnualr tnaw ehT an to r launch thir video camer

26、a 、 Skills: Meeti 5 plete thes phrase with a ord from th bo、 mt coul / inerupt / like / mean / momet / on / wha 2 _Culd_ I ay somethi? 2 Jt a _momet_, ps、 2 o _at_ yre sayg that eve oerspet? 6 How o y _mean_ excly? 27 Sorry, co I jut met_ on th? Id _lik_ to finis, if I ma、 9 orry _ntrrupt_, ut hat a

27、re the otions? 30 old _on_ a minu、 Un es 9 Answer all thrty uestions、 Tee i o mark per qustin、 Voabulay: Vebs and prepitions plee each senenc with a verb from he box、 believe / dal / deleg / invest rspond We i ves a lo in ani coure fo ur mlyes、 We know it oney ell pent、 2 Or new manar can al ith pro

28、lems very effctively、 o try o d evything on your wn、 You shold el g te task to r ssistnt mr e、 4 r o yrt eve did reana uoiver ruO spon t u concn、 5 Wh ou employ eel tha you beli v in ti blities, the often star o prform better、 plte h ntnce th a prpotio o th box、 for on / to / with / to 6 We ned t ae

29、e _on_ the dte of te relaunch of or new sris、 7 s n seti ynam o gnikam _rof_ desigoopa moTrport、 A god manager should listen _t_ suggestions from stff、 9 id eht _ot_ desglop ydaerla evah I 、wonk I ,ekasm ym sa tecor、 10 erew seilppus ro tht sret ht _hw_ eerga tndluo Irespnsibl、 Languge Revi: Repre s

30、pech 3 R-orer the word to ma repoed sttemens and questions、 11 I dlot o I mi d old hi to d it 、 12 we sid he she She aid t e ere w o g 、 13 sa eH oh ere et mae mem h eka ed who the t am member re 、 4 m ehT dot ot et eh ya ton em ganm ecioni er told me not la the nvoice 、 15 ase finih meeting se te t

31、 hat wuld e as ed wha tim he me i g would fini h 、 4 Rrit the setences bgnnng in he wy so、 16 、adana m si redael mae eh He sa d the e d r w from anada 、 17 isen to al suggestions from stf、 em dlot ehS o li te t all sugges ions from sta f、 18 ?netfo erom ranam uoy o klat o tod hW He aked e w y I didn

32、t ta k my man g mor ften、 1 you fnd it dffcul o deleate tsks? d ti dnuof I )rehtehw( fi m ksa H ficult to ele a e task 、 20 、xM llc t tego tnoD ton e lot hS o fo e to c ll ax 、 Skis: Socialsig Each phras ontais a msa、 Write the phrase corecly、 21 ll b n e toh so、Il be in t uch soon 、 Thak you for hi

33、g e roud the tow、Thank (Tha k you ) for s owing me o d th tow 、 23 Im realy njoe te meal lt night、I rea l e j yed h m a las nig t 、 24 jne yllaer I!cab yenroj eci a uoy eva !eB yed h al la night 、 Match prases 25 o rposs af、 Writ our aswers here: 25 _c_ 6 _e_ 2 _a_ 28 d_ 29 _f_ 0 _ 25 Wht do you usu

34、ally d the evnings? 2 ?thint ertaeht ht o su hi e ot ekil uo dluoW27 、seb ht llA 、iL ,ebooG8 、ruot et djn uo al mI29 C o tell e bot ny nterstig plces t visit? 0 、ytlatipsh roy rof hum yrev snahT 、gnihtreve rof ia ska d 、sauL ,eyB a 、noos niga e a u epoh I 、ele yev er uoY b 、VT hcaw I emiteoS 、eihc y

35、m ht emit dneps ot eil I c !hcum o o kahT 、lufrednow saw I 、did ylnitec I d e s ver id of yu, but nther time peras、 m qui tred、 Th old on i very rtt、 And u st see Librty Square、 Un est 1 nwer al tirt quton、 Tre is mark per questin、 Vocbulr: Wd uilin 1 lte the ecod senten in ac pair ih anothe for f t

36、he unerined r、 1 、tome yna swohs even ecaf reh ,noitaogen a gnirD u yletel me hS e tio 、 2 regnol on sw a fas si ot eil dah reana suoivrp eTcredib、 i la to dah eH r d bility、 、ew mih dnuof yeht euaeb h desicitirc eloeP sh o m dicitir elpoe eakness 、 A good manager hld away hae a lt patiene、 A goo an

37、ager shod neve be impati t 、 5 、la o sala aw hs esuace r dek ehT Wat thy lked about hr was r ca mn ss 、 2 plete these sentecs abu persa ualtis wit the mising word、 he first letter is ven、 6 hen someo tells ou abot heir poblems, try o sow some sympathy, b kind n sa soethng to make tem fe er、 7 e pele

38、 n or team alway up wih w ideas, new solutis、 Thir cre tivity ses endess、 8 The prticipns didnt eem vy e thusiastic bou the e popsal、 I at, mt of he dt sow ny intrs whatoeve、 ur spervisor is vry n onsi en 、 On day he tls ou o tings ti wy, and th net y e says y hould d hns another way、 Mn peole beiev

39、e hat orma meeting, whee paripants fl forabl and raed, re oen the most poucive ons、 anguage Rviw: Conditionals 3 Underin the corc for i itlics、 11 sil / snetil eh fI e to ll sies frs, e would fnd it eser to resolve conflcs、 2 luow eb lliw / si e be mor popular if rate peope wit respet、 13 Wuld yo ge

40、t involed if ou saw / would se to colleagus in an arumt? 4 f sh i s ill wn / woud win this onat, shl e pmoted、 15 Do ou tink he will / ould resign if h does get a ay ncrea? p hse setnces sng the ords i ackets、 For exmp: _ oy fi nev cerfnoc eht otinvited im、 (he not / e) H ouldnt e to he cnfrence eve

41、n if you nvtd hi、 16 fi efo awiaT uo ot evom uo luo o could? (u ca) 1 oh ,nosop m ni erw uoy f ul ou de l wih tis cris? (you dea) 1 n did yet fi u htiw sseisub od ndlow yhT t fi d our ters favourabe、 (not / fd) 19 uoy ,euolatc u a l uo fI l see ho much e hve exaned ou prdt range、 (see) 20 y fi raupp

42、 erom eb duoY u we e not nevous all the time、 (you / t be) Skills: Negotiating 5 lete thee phaes with word rom the ox、 del / oes / way / pins se iew 21 I can se yor pn of _view_、 、aga _io_ nam eht revo og tL23 R、 I hin that _coes_ erthig、 24 、ne ,_aed_ a o eveW 、ni5 、ra o tog evew taw _es_ steL6 Les

43、 ook a ts anthe _ay_、 Match te two hales o te phrases、 7 pmise coud be c 8 I dersand d b w tod yW30 Yu don hve o ory a 、toc tropar tuoba a b e bck t that ater? to pay hal the sum i olrs、 wt youre saying、 Unit Test 11 nswer all tiry qusins、 here i ne mak pe etion、 Vocabular: Eooi terms lete tese sent

44、ences it the word fo the x、 ueaucrac / exchange iflaon / intest ivestment / abur omestic / trae unmploymnt / incentivs 1 The fll n interest rt wil prably lead mr businss invesment、 2 ahcxe eyoue eh fo uaceB g rae, Jpase exoer ls hg aunts of moey that ar、 3 he number of peopl clamin enefit roe o 945,

45、000, ad the u employment rate cmbe o 5、 4 ni yrtnuc eht dna ,iga pu tnew sP l t o rat ro t 5、4 last onth、 5 fo ecnalab r wn os ,ylbredno esri evh toxEtrade is ositive gai、 Our coy is no ttractig podctio ro anes ooing or a highly skilled b ur forc、 7 xa nig dnemr ecre f rebm ehT nc n ives to oost pri

46、vte sect nvestment、 8 Th gross do st rodut s the nd measure the veall iz o t cnmy、 9 Too many rule and egulation a o much goenmnt bu eaucr c in genral hve a nega impact n ade、 10 rof tcarta na ynoc eht ever ot dra gniyr si tnemnreog hTig nve ment 、 Lanage Reie: Tim clae 2 Mtch the snten av t e meann

47、gful sentnces、 11 e ntekra f erhc ni mI12 c ,de ew sugif eht teg ew sa no s1 b ytoc tah ni yidibu epo tnc 14 a ,tnmtaped sht o de mI ehW5 efo yo ake teir ffer, d 、ninirt fft n temtsei evissm eb lliw reht a 、dvorpmi ea snitidnoc yirucs eht litnu 、roer eht eel llew 、cvda rof ksa dluh oy d 、r da ht awa

48、 si rega r eli 3 n ach sentenc, nerline te to pssible time wrds in italis、 16 r local rersentaive wil contact ou when / untl a oo as yu arrive、 17 feb nosid kam toD e / n il / while yove read e coract、 1 hw row eht esivrepu lliw aruaL le / wh n after I ay、 1 Bfore / Whe As so as yu rie orrow, Il ive

49、 you cop f the repo、 20 a gniud tnu tcdop ht iv leW so n as / w n we av tie、 Slls: umbers 4 ite the nderlined umers in these sntnces in wrds r as nmbes、 For examle: The me to Ne eand n 995、 nne nnety-ve Uelyment inreased y five ercen、 % 21 It costs 8、 sdnop thge22 、dnasuoht evif o crofrw rieh dede e

50、h 500 23 、stnapitrap 32 tcae re rehT ytrit derdnuh oTor 24 、derga ffas eh fo 3/ tbA sdih wT25 、5、1 yb p i notalfnI necrep ef owt tniop e2 Te pany os tree miion pous、 ,00,000 27 A qutr of he oos were amged、 28 Thy emloy abut 2,40 pepl、 drdnu uof dnasuoht owt29 、81 desaci foP terep netie3 、tadnudr eda

51、 rew lpop etfif denuh enO 11 Unit Test 12 se all thirty quetions、 here is one mak er quesion、 ocabulary: Describig products 1 te th ssing ajeiv i these sentces about pducs、 Each adjctiv s in two pars and the wo first lees ae given、 1 ol em inosana na noS g as i g batteries、 2 Louis Vitton bgs re well mad podct、 3 h serutcanm gh t ch uter prout、 4 Levi maes jeans tht are boh fshioable n hard wea ng、 5 Este Ladr and LOal have bot elod est-selling cosetic、 6 -hgih ecudrp tosi a elo ual ty watchs、 2 ple thse sences wih the correct rm of v


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