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1、话题4理想打算【2021中考英语作文热门话题】话题4-理想打算命题探索教材链接三阶攻关目 录写作练兵写作技巧4巧用定语从句命题探索教材链接三阶攻关目 录写作练兵返回目录话题4 理想打算河南近10年中招真题书面表达未对“理想打算”类进行考查。 结合全国真题可知,“理想打算”类属于高频话题,该话题通常 有以下命题角度:介绍自己的梦想及如何实现梦想;对未 来职业的选择、理由及付出怎样的努力;如何规划高中学习生活或人生。命 题 探 索返回目录话题4 理想打算河南近10年中招真题书面表达未对“理返回目录话题4 理想打算教材 链 接八(上)Unit 6 Im going to study computer

2、 science. P41八(上)Unit 7 Will people have robots? P49返回目录话题4 理想打算教材 链 接八(上)Unit 6 I返回目录话题4 理想打算(2019贺州改编)人人都有自己的梦想,你的梦想是什么?请根据以下要点和要求用英语写一篇短文。典例剖析审主题:介绍自己的梦想 审人称:第一人称一 阶审 好 题二 阶写 好 句三 阶练 语 段 &成 篇 章2020 新变化返回目录话题4 理想打算(2019贺州改编)人人都有自己的梦返回目录话题4 理想打算2. 要求:1)文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称; 2)词数100左右。一 阶审 好 题二 阶写 好 句三 阶

3、练 语 段 &1. 要点:1)你的梦想是什么;审时态:一般现在时2)你为什么有这样的梦想;审时态:一般现在时3)你打算如何实现自己的梦想。审时态:一般将来时成 篇 章返回目录话题4 理想打算2. 要求:1)文中不得出现真实姓名返回目录话题4 理想打算角度1介绍梦想/职业一 阶审 好 题二 阶写 好 句三 阶练 语好句记背I am going to be a teacher.I think I am going to be a teacher because I like to communicate with children.My parents want me to be a player

4、.段 & 成 篇 章My parents want me to be a player, but Im not sure about that.返回目录话题4 理想打算角度1介绍梦想/职业一 阶审 好返回目录话题4 理想打算My friend and I would like to be singers.My friend and I would like to be singers. Were going to take singing lessons.Mydream is to be a scientist.My dream is to be a scientist in order to

5、 make contributions to一 阶审 好 题二 阶写 好 句三 阶练语 段 & 成 篇 章our country.返回目录话题4 理想打算My friend and I wo返回目录话题4 理想打算5. I decide to be a doctor.I decide to be a doctor. Not only can doctors save peoples lives but also they are doing a respectable job.亮点词汇替换:dream/goal;actor;actress;artist;dentist; engineer; l

6、awyer(律师); musician; policeman; policewoman一 阶审 好 题二 阶写 好 句三 阶练语 段 & 成 篇 章返回目录话题4 理想打算5. I decide to be 返回目录话题4 理想打算My parents want me to be a writer, but I dont know whether I have a gift for it.一 阶审 好 题二 阶写 好 句三 阶练句子扩写Id like to be a nurse.(扩写原因) Id like to be a nurse because Im very patient.My pa

7、rents want me to be a writer.(扩写自己的想法)语 段 & 成 篇 章 返回目录话题4 理想打算My parents want me返回目录话题4 理想打算3. I dream of being a reporter.(扩写具体计划)Idreamofbeingareporter.Imgoingtowritearticlesandsend them to magazines and newspapers.4. My dream is to be a basketball player.(扩写具体做法)My dream is to be a basketball pla

8、yer.Im going to practice basketball every day to be strong and energetic.语 段 & 成 篇 章一 阶审 好 题二 阶写 好 句三 阶练 返回目录话题4 理想打算3. I dream of bein返回目录话题4 理想打算can not only cookdelicious food for his parents but also take5. My good friend Lucy wants to be a dancer.(扩写具体做法) My good friend Lucy will try her best t

9、o learn more dancing skills in order to be a dancer.6. My brother decides to be a cook.(扩写原因)My brother is determined/decides to be a cook.He thinks he一 阶审 好 题二 阶写 好 句三 阶练语 段 & 成 篇 章good care of himself.返回目录话题4 理想打算can not only cook返回目录话题4 理想打算7. He wants to be a policeman. (扩写原因)He wants to be a po

10、liceman so that he can keep people safe fromdanger. 一 阶审 好 题二 阶写 好 句三 阶练语 段 & 成 篇 章 返回目录话题4 理想打算7. He wants to be 返回目录话题4 理想打算角度2规划高中学习与生活一 阶审 好 题二 阶写 好 句三 阶练 语 段好句记背Next year, or maybe sooner, I am going to take up a new hobby.Next year, or maybe sooner, I am going to take up a new hobby. I think s

11、inging is a great activity so I am going to learn to sing. 八( 上)Unit 6 P47Some resolutions have to do with better planning.Some resolutions have to do with better planning, like making a& 成 篇 章weekly plan for schoolwork.返回目录话题4 理想打算角度2规划高中学习与生活一 阶好返回目录话题4 理想打算Im going to enjoy myself in the sea of k

12、nowledge.Im going to enjoy myself in the sea of knowledge. Studying hard must be a good idea.Reading books is a good way to get knowledge.Reading books is a good way to get knowledge, so I want to read more books to improve myself.一 阶审 好 题二 阶写 好 句三 阶练 语段 & 成 篇 章返回目录话题4 理想打算Im going to enjoy返回目录话题4 理

13、想打算2. I decide to spend more time with my family. (扩写具体表现) I decide to spend more time with my family.I will share myclass.一 阶审 好 题二 阶写 好 句三 阶练 语 段 & 成 篇 章joy and tears with them.句子扩写1. I will work hard in the new year.(扩写具体做法) I will work hard in the new year.I will pay more attention in返回目录话题4 理想打

14、算2. I decide to spe返回目录话题4 理想打算4. Some people are going to develop a hobby.(扩写例子)Some people are going to developa hobby.For example, they3. I want to be healthier than before.( 扩 写 具 体 计 划 ) I want to be healthier than before, so I am going to eat healthyfood and do sports.一 阶审 好 题二 阶写 好 句三 阶练 语 段

15、& 成 篇 章will learn to paint or take photos. 返回目录话题4 理想打算4. Some people are返回目录话题4 理想打算5. I will give my classmates a hand when they need help.(扩写 想法)I will give my classmates a hand when they need help.I thinkI will be friendlier to them and be popular with them.一 阶审 好 题二 阶写 好 句三 阶练 语 段 & 成 篇 章返回目录话题

16、4 理想打算5. I will give my 返回目录话题4 理想打算A good beginning is half done. 良好的开端是成功的一半。No pain, no gain. 一分耕耘,一分收获。Nothing is impossible to a willing mind./Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者,事竟成。Great hopes make great man.伟大的抱负造就伟大的人物。速记俗语谚语一 阶审 好 题二 阶写 好 句三 阶练语 段 & 成 篇 章5. The future is what we mak

17、e it.未来是我们创造的。返回目录话题4 理想打算A good beginning i返回目录话题4 理想打算原因1).Besides,(原and做法1) IMy dream is to be a teacher/scientist/.(梦想). Because介绍梦想/职业 I like staying with students/I like science/.(.I have an interest in teaching/I think science is magical/.因 2). In order to make my dream come true, I will stud

18、yhard from now on/listen to teachers carefully in class/.(. read more books/read more science books/.(做法2).一 阶审 好 题二 阶写 好 句三 阶练 语 段练语段语段练习1& 成 篇 章hope my dream will come true.返回目录话题4 理想打算原因1).Besides,(返回目录话题4 理想打算原因).Second,ImId like to make some resolutions for my high school. First, Im going to ge

19、t up early in the morning/get up early to doexercise/.(计划1), because 规划高中学习与生活I used to stay up late and belate for school/I want to be energetic/. (have healthier food and exercise more/.一 阶审 好 题二 阶写 好 句三 阶练going to (计划2).语 段 & 成 篇 章语段练习2返回目录话题4 理想打算原因).Second,I返回目录话题4 理想打算Third, Im going to work h

20、arder in the new school/study harder at school/. (计划3), so I can do better at school/ I will go into a good university/.(目的)一 阶审 好 题二 阶写 好 句三 阶练语 段 & 成 篇 章返回目录话题4 理想打算Third, Im going t返回目录话题4 理想打算Im a middle school student now. When I grow up , Im going to be a reporter. Because being a reporter is

21、cool. Besides, my favorite subject is Chinese and Im good at it, too.How can I make my dream come true? Firstly, Im going to study Chinese harder by taking writing lessons and practising一 阶审 好 题二 阶写 好 句三 阶练成篇章语 段 & 成 篇 章writing articles.返回目录话题4 理想打算Im a middle schoo返回目录话题4 理想打算Secondly, if my articl

22、es are great, I will send them to magazines and newspapers. Lastly, I will never give up when I meet difficulties.Wherethereisawill,thereisaway.Imsuremydream will come true one day.一 阶审 好 题二 阶写 好 句三 阶练语 段 & 成 篇 章返回目录话题4 理想打算Secondly, if my ar返回目录话题4 理想打算(2019德阳改编)你的高中生活即将开始,你对你的高中生活有什么规划呢?请以 “Myplan

23、sforhighschoollife”为题,根据以下要求写一篇英语短文,谈谈你的高中计划。 要求:1. 文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称;2. 词数100左右。写 作 练 兵2020新变化返回目录话题4 理想打算(2019德阳改编)你的高中生活即将返回目录话题4 理想打算写 作 练 兵My plans for high school lifeImabouttostartmyhighschoollife.Inordertoliveagood and unforgettable high school life, I have made some plans.First of all, I am g

24、oing to be friendly to my new teachers andclassmates.I am willing to get along well with them at school.Inaddition,Iwillparticipateinvariousactivities,suchassports activities to strengthen my body.返回目录话题4 理想打算写 作 练 兵My plans fo返回目录话题4 理想打算写 作 练 兵Besides, I am going to read more, which can help broad

25、en my horizons. Whats more, Ill study hard and try my best to improve my grades.Inaword,Iwillmakemyhighschoolliferichandmeaningful.返回目录话题4 理想打算写 作 练 兵Besides, I 返回目录话题4 理想打算在定语从句中,从句在句子中作定语,修饰先行词。初中 阶段能掌握简单的由 which,that,who 引导的定语从句。先行词为人:who/that引导;先行词为物:which/that引导。巧用 定 语 从 句返回目录话题4 理想打算在定语从句中,从句在

26、句子中作定语,修返回目录话题4 理想打算先行词为人:I know the girl who/that has curly hair.A nurse is a person who/that looks after patients well.He is the one who has given me a lot of help.先行词为物:I like sports which/that are safe for me.This is the best gift that I have ever received.巧 用 定 语 从 句句式连接范例返回目录话题4 理想打算先行词为人:巧 用 定 语 从 句句返回目录话题4 理想打算2. I like to make friends. They give me courage.I like to make friends with people who/that give me c


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