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1、SQL server database management and maintenanceSQL server database management and maintenanceTo connect SQL Server databaseFirst we introduce the basic knowledge of the database,be regarded as the warmup exercise that study database weave distance front!1.warmup exerciseNeeding first avowal is relati

2、on database that database knowledge that we here introduce all point。 The so-called relation database is to mean data as that the form gather, passing to establish simple form an a kind of database for of relation to defining construction.Iignorethewatchathowsavingwayinphysicsinthedocumentindatabase

3、it can see to make an a line for with row, with electronics form is similar with the Inrelationthelinewerecalledtherecordbuttherowtheniscalled wordsegment。This form inside each an all in formations for is a record, it including particular customer, but each record then included the same type with th

4、e word segment of the quantity:Customers number, name etc 。Form is logic set that a kind of related information that press a line ofarranging with row, similar in single form in work.Each row of the word a database form inside calls a word segment. Watch is from every kind of word a definition of it

5、s containment of, each word a data for describing its implying。 While creating to set up a database , the beard assign for each word segment a the piece belongs to the sex with the other according to the type,biggest length。The word segment can include every kind of word sign, arithmetic figure even

6、 sketch.An information of relevant customer deposits in the line of the form, is called record。By any largearbitrarily two records for database form to create set up cant be same.Key be a certain word or several words segment) of the form forfastinspectbutdriveThekeycanbeuniqueandalsocanthenthe righ

7、t and wrong is unique, being decided by it() whether admission repetition. Unique key can specify for main key , using each one that come to unique marking form。The norm turns the database design of mission be method that the data of buildup,but the data of buildup, should can dissolve otiose repeti

8、tion, and for have the necessary information offering to check to seek the path quickly 。 For attaining this kind of target but separate information to the process gone to in every kind of independent form, be called the norm turn.It is complicated process to use many appointed rules to proceed the

9、norm with the type of the different Class that norm turn. That process studies and discuss already beyond the reach of textual scope 。But,the norm of the simple database in majority turn and can use the simple experience in underneath rule completes: include the form of the information of repetition

10、 must be divided into independent a few forms dissolve repetition。If we have chosen to learn 12 curricular 1000 students, the each curricularelucidation will show with the teacher 100 many- to choose that curricular and eachstudent repeat once 。 To avoid this kind of low efficiency, should to turn t

11、he dichotomous and independent form in form to the norm,an is used to mean the student,the another uses mean the course.Now the form was turned by the norm, so, to changes the particular and curricularcoursedescribeordata,aslongaschangearecordallright 。Isabasic knowledge concerning database above,th

12、is is what study database plait distance must.Although the database technique is used as a course,its depth is not this space and can describe with the wide degree of,be used as the primer with simple database plaitthedistanceshouldbeallrightalready.Like,underneathwecanstart practicing.We usually me

13、et the database system is to registers the system ,ignoring you are in the attend what buildup,the register is to cans not help of,and it of the construction is more simple,we take a register system as an 。 The analysis is once a data forinvolving.2 。 understanding the elementsre,tenelfneplace、age、d

14、ate of birth、unit、address、postal service codestelephone、FAX. Certainly,can create to set up a form in brief ,make above each piece according to item to should a word segment.Need to point the form the main key in parties now, in order to unique marking each a record,increase register number conduct

15、and actions unique key respectively in register form,guarantee a two records like this all different.To the database after making an above analysis ,we can start establishing the database.set up the firm incampHere we study to establish the database how ,needing to make sure the type that to establi

16、sh the database first.Pass in Visual Basic the data interview control piece or data interview object ( DAO) can visit the following database:The database of JET, namely MicrosoftAccessThe database of such as: DBase, etc. ofFoxProThe database of follow the standard of ODBC customer/server database 。

17、Such as: Microsoft SQL ServerOracleBy any if develop the personal small scaled database system, use Access database comparison accommodation, todevelop thebigandmedium-sized database system uses the database of ODBC 。 But dBase with the database of FoxProbecauseofalreadyspecialnotuseotherwise。In our

18、 example, chose to use the database of Access certainly. Establish the database of Access contain two kinds of methods: While establishing the database in Microsoft Access 。 Click new set up button can establish the new form. Here we main introduction the second method: The usage can see to turn the

19、 data management machine, do not need to weave the distance and then can create to set up the database.Can see to turn the data management machine is the applied procedure of a great is a VB business enterprise version is supplementary with theprofessioninthecatalogue.DevastationvbsamplestheVisdata

20、is next, its interfaceisasfollowsthediagramClickthemenu”documentitemisnext” new set up son item” Microsoft ACCESS son item of edition 7.0 MDB” item. Input the new setting up the name of the database in flick window way open register, appear the underneath show the window way :Want the born and new f

21、orm, the single shot in right key database window way flicks the menu open, then the choice new form” ordinaries,establishing in watch construction dialog box appeared later on a word for wanting segment 。 The every time faces to join in the form new word segment, single shot increment word segment”

22、 button, will appear of” increment word segment dialog box.Increment word a type foroptionsinthe dialogbox,accordingtowordInourtheregisterdatabasethatestablish, the type of the each word segment.Want to notice of is, because the word segment registers the number be used unique marking record of, the

23、refore, it cant be inputted by customer. So while defining the words segment need to be defined for Long data type, the ” automatic born word segment item is valid ,and picks out thisitem。Bethecustomerlikethistoinputtorecordwithotherthedifferentvalue every input a new system would on the words segme

24、nt 。In ACCESS database, the key word realizes with the index of, conduct and actions plait distance personnel at gather to weave the distance to the record of the form to adjust to use index.While technique of Rushmore usestheindexinformationtheexcellentturningthesearchautomatically。Aftercompleting

25、the form definition, click” increment index button, flick such aspen figure 5 show the window way.In window way the right side contain three optioned, its meaningsuch as the index dialog box options.After completingsuchasfigure6Certainlytheacademicassociationdatabaseestablishes too not a dynasty the

26、 business of the one night, the reader no harm much practices once.Visit databases design and the development of the application procedures of MS Visual Basics of the databases of the SQL Server 。 When design a system, the customer still needs to comprehend to use to come to visit the plait distance

27、 of ask the data of SQL Server to connect. The origin was detailed to elaborate that the usage open typedatabaseconjunction(the Open Database Connectivity, ODBC) adjusts to connect the objects to connect with the class, still having the data interviews object (the Data Access Objects , the DAO) and

28、the long range data objects.Design and weave to write large and complicated and applied procedures database design for the software developer is a need to choose to weave the distance language and tools , do an accommodation for the SQL Server, choose the calculate way and the data structures , stil

29、l need to design the sketch customer interface and the application procedures to connect. The decision within the most important software design is applied fixed position of the procedure. In otherdesign must specify the system of which parts are data, business rule, and the data entrance procedure

30、and used for circulating the code of other part 。 The MS Visual Basic supports the plait distance that some databases manage the systems connect, especially SQL Server. Adjust to connect to include the ODBC and DB-Libraries to connect the, object to connect to include the data interview object (DAO)

31、 longrange data object (the RDO), the OLE DB and the ActiveX Data Objects (ADO)with the class, the SQL that returns the capable SQL Server to manage the mission distributestomanagetheobject(theSQLDistributedmanagementObjects, SQL-DMO) to connect 。 Connect the oculars right choice can improve the who

32、le function of system and the development speed biggest 。 Design the large data warehousesystem needstochoosetheappliedmodelproperly 。 Traditional customer/ services model depends on to join in the center layer but get the improvement to become three layer models. These three layers divide the line

33、system as three parts: each layer is responsible for providing theservice:(1) Data service( the Data Service) contain the maintenance data and theoperationdatesuchastheincrementmodificationdeletionandbackupsThese services maintenance data relation and contact , support backup and Usuallythedataservi

34、ceismanagedthesystemusagebythe database.(2) business service( the Business Service) is handled the logic by the businessruleanddatatoconstitute,suchasthedatalegitimacyrule,thebusiness processing support and the record backup logics. The main purpose of these services provides the data maintenance to

35、ward the application procedureLogic.(3)expressionthe Presentation or the customer service) supportcustomer interface, control the customer data to input to express with data。(Output)Noticeincustomer/servicestechnicalterm,sometimesexpress eenasserd ,eaerr (rafter,tesesnerer (middle layer) 。 But impor

36、tant comprehend any two layers 。 The data service business service expresses the logic support GUI that the service maintenance database business rule and the processing data need, data importation and manifestation thecorrespondences canthinktocarryonbetweencustomers machineandservers。Forexample,in

37、thecenterthelayercanthinkisa。Server The physics realization of the system can carry on through manydifferentpaths.The underneath wills discuss three layer logic models three kinds of to carry out the method:1.Fat customer machine realizationMany layer (the multi tier) realizations of fat customer th

38、e machine realization three layer models of a kind of carry out the options is in the customers on board movement business and expression services. This probably writes the most common path in the Visual Basic application procedure for the SQL Server. This kind of carries out the physics up only two

39、 layers:The server provides the data service only, this kind of method contain 2:00 shortageFirstwas the applied procedure to compute the on board increment at the customer, customers calculators need to be stronger, this will increase the system expensebecause the system usually takes several custo

40、mersWhen the system takes to have the number with thousand million of customers machine, this kind of method will become too expensive. Another 1:00 shortage is a possible increment maintenance expenses Move to the change of legitimacy logic and thebusiness rule of the system and will cause upgrade

41、customers machine procedure eachtime。Ifthesystemcontaincustomersmachineofthe equalquantity,thisisa problem. The biggest advantage of the machine realization in fat customer is to reduce the network discharge, if the legitimacy and the business rules need not be decidebythedatabase。Underthiskindofcir

42、cumstance,onlypassthedataofthe legitimacy logic and can spread toward server 。 Be the example of the importation data legitimacy,suppose the reader to have a small form (for example nationalform of name) to put in customers machine. If the data entrance mold piece checks the native watch but is not

43、a more national name inmaindatabase, then will reduce the network discharge obviously 。 Another an important use is in the development process of the 。 If the head developer was limited to the interview carry behind, for example, cant pass the data in the database to verify to input the legitimacy,s

44、o, this kind of method can make it right processing 。2 。 Thin customer machine realizationIn thin customer the machine realization, business the service locates the server, the business logic usually expresses for saving process.The Server, the saving process usages T-The SQL plait write. This kind

45、of realization is like fat customers machine to carry out the similar physics up only two layers.Theadvantageofthiskindofmethodistoreducethesystemexpensebecause thin customers machine needs the less system resources, this have very important manysystemsofcustomersmachinestoAndsupporttheexpensestoals

46、o compare the fat customer the machine system is a little less, because the code carries the concentrated control in the server 。 If the business rule is depend on in the data of the database, thin customer the machine realization reduces the network discharge 。 The main shortage of this kind of met

47、hod is a saving process to lack the vivid. The Visual Basic provide stronger than the T-SQL the plait distance ability that have to have another. Notice three the thin customer of the layer model the machine physics realization sometimes is called the fat server (the fat Server) model to confusewith

48、thincustomersmachine/servercalculationmodelbyavoidthelatter points a kind of thin customer the machine hardware equipments and techniques are for example theCitric.3. Many layer realizationMostinbriefmanylayerrealizationsarethreelayermanypossible three a kinds of the layer model physics realizations

49、. In this kind of realization, Link the SQL Server usage data service business to serve the ” thin” customer of the machine expression service data service business service of fat customer from the Visual Basic the machine expression service data business the service be an alone the progress circula

50、te. That progress can install for serve in the data same set server of theplaceoratanotheroneserverofthedissimilarity。Thekeycharacteristicsofthis kindof realization is the data service, business to serve the different from expression serve to can do for separation of progress movement in calculator.

51、 Three layerrealizations.连接 SQL Server 数据库我们先介绍一下数据库的基本知识,算是学习数据库编程前的热身运动吧!1。 热身运动.所谓关一种数据库。表 是一种按行与列排列的相关信息的逻辑组,类似于工作单表.字段 ,据类型、最大长度和其它属性。字段可包含各种字符、数字甚至图形.记录 各个客户有关的信息存放在表的行,被称为记录。一般来说,数据库表创建时任意两个记录都不能相同。键 就是表中的某个字段,或多个字段,它们为快速检索而被索引。键可以是唯一的,也可以是非唯一的,取决于它们是否允许重复。唯一键可以指定为主键,用来唯一标识表的每行。例如,在前面的例子中,客户标

52、识号()表的主键,因为客户号唯一地标识了一个客户。关系 数据库可以由多个表组成,表与表之间可以以不同的方式相互关联. ,分离到各种独立的表中去的过程,叫做规范化。:包含重复信息的表必须分成独立的几个表来消除重复。如1000 100 多次 ,一个用来表示学生,一个用来表示课程。现在表被规范化,.的结构比较简单,我们就以一个登记系统为例吧.分析一下该系统所涉及到的数据。2。磨刀不误砍柴功地址、邮政编码、电话、传真当然,可以简单地创建一个表,使得上述的每个数建营扎寨在这里我们学习怎样建立数据库,首先需要确定要建立数据库的类型.VisualBasic 中通过数据访问控件或数据访问对象(DAO)可以访问

53、下列数据库SQL server database management and maintenanceSQL server database management and maintenanceJET 数据库,MicrosoftAccessISAM 数据库,如dBaseFoxPro等ODBCODBC标准的客户/:Microsoft SQLServer、Oracle一般来说,如果要开发个人的小型数据库系统,用Access 数据库比较合适,要开发大中型的数据库系统用ODBC 数据库更为适宜而dBase 和FoxPro数据库由于已经过时,除非特别的情况,否则不要使用.在我们的例子中,当然选用Access 数据库了。建立Access数据库有两种方法:一是在MicrosoftAccess 中建立数据库。点击“新建”按钮就可以建立新的表了。这里我们主要介绍第


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