1、PAGE PAGE 9中国经济研究中心研究生经济转型课程提纲2004秋季本课程以培养学学生运用现代代经济学的规规范方法,独独立进行理论论和实证研究究转型经济,尤其是中国国经济转型问问题的能力为为目标。我将将和各位同学学交流我自己己对运用现代代经济学的方方法来研究经经济问题的心心得体会。学期安排分成22个单元:前前一个单元主主要讨论我指指定阅读的文文章,每位同同学还必须在在这段时间里里选定一个学学习论文题目目并于10月月31日前提提交一个一页页纸的选题报报告。第2单单元从12月月5日开始到到学期末,安安排同学逐个个报告自己所所写的论文内内容,全班同同学一起参加加讨论。论文文修改稿在春春季开学时提
2、提交。同学自愿组成学学习小组,学学期成绩分组组的学习心得得占30%,个个人的论文质质量占70%。课程安排:1. 课课程介绍经济学研研究方法与中中国经济学科科发展” 经济研研究20001年第4期期。林毅夫“学问问之道”。Perkinns, Dwwight, “The CChalleenge CChinas Ecoonomy Posess for Chineese Ecconomiists,” Chinaa Econnomic Revieew, Vool. 133 (Deccemberr 20022), ppp. 4122-8.2Econoomic AApproaachmMnehofi o, y
3、tEm avt ar .r hocr uBic eyhos7hree nc Suun uuiEme M )-研界:经法国学研文 年话划经济体系形成成和特征Gregoryy, Pauul andd Robeert Sttuart, Russsian aand Sooviet Econoomic PPerforrmancee and Struccture, 7th ediition, New York: Adddison Wesleey, 20001, CChapteers 4 ,5.Ericsonn, Ricchard, “The CClassiical SSoviett-Typee Econn
4、omy: Naturre,of the SSystemm and Impliicatioons foor Refform,” Journnal off Econnomic Persppectivve, Suummer 1991.林毅夫, 蔡昉昉,李周, 中国奇迹: 发展战略略和经济改革革 (增订版版), 上海海:上海三联联和上海人民民出版社, 2002, 第2、33章。 4IInformmationn, Inccentivve andd Farmming IInstittutionnsSen, Ammartyaa K. Labouur Alllocatiion inn a Coooperaat
5、ive Enterrprisee, Revview oof Ecoonomicc Studdies, Vol. 33 (OOctobeer 19666): 3361-711.Alchiann, Armeem A. and HHaroldd Demssetz, Prodductioon, Innformaation Costss, andd Econnomic Organnizatiion, Ameriican EEconommic Reeview, Vol. 62 (Decemmber 11972): 777-95.Lin, Juustin Yifu. Thee Housseholdd Res
6、pponsibbilityy Systtem inn Chinnas AAgricuulturaal Refform: A Theeoretiical aand Emmpiriccal Sttudy, Econnomic Devellopmennt andd Culttural Changge, vool. 366 (Aprril 19988): S199-S224.Liu Minnquan. “The EEffortt-Workkpointt Funcction and EEffortt Suppply inn the Chineese Prroducttion TTeam.”(Memiio
7、 19996).5Colleectiviizatioon andd Agriicultuural CCrisiss Telser, L. GG. A Theorry of Self-enforrcing Agreeementss. Joournall of BBusineess 533 (19880): 227-44.Lin, Juustin Yifu. “Colllectiivizattion aand Chhinass Agriicultuural CCrisiss in 11959-661,” JJournaal of Polittical Econoomy, VVol. 998. No
8、o. 6 (Decemmber 11990), pp. 1228-52.Dong, XXiao-yyuan aand Grregoryy K. DDow, Does Free Exit Reducce Shiirkingg in PProducction Teamss? Joournall of CComparrativee Econnomicss 17 (June 1993): 4722-484.Kung, JJames Kaisiing TTransaactionn Costts andd Peassants Choiice off Insttitutiions: Did tthe Rii
9、ght tto Exiit Reaally SSolve the FFree RRider Probllem inn Chinnese CCollecctive Agricculturre? JJournaal of Compaarativve Ecoonomiccs 17 (Marcch 19993): 4485-5003.Lin, Juustin Yifu Exitt Righhts, EExit CCosts, and Shirkking iin Agrriculttural Coopeerativves: AA Replly, Joournall of CComparrativee E
10、connomicss 17 (Marchh 19933): 5004-5211.6Softt Budgget CoonstraaintKonai, Janoss, “The SSoft BBudgett Consstrainnt,” Kykloos, 399 (1), 19866, pp. 3-300.Dewatriipont, Mathhias aand Erric Maaskin, “Crediit andd Effiicienccy in Centrralizeed andd Deceentrallized Econoomies,” Revieew of Econoomic SStudi
11、ees, 622 (4), Octoober 11995, pp. 5541-555.Shleiffer, AAndreii, Vishhny, Roberrt W. “Poliiticiaans annd Firrms” Quartterly Journnal of Econoomics, 109(4), Novemmber 11994, pagess 995-1025.Kornai, J. EE. Masskin, and GG. Rolland, HYPERLINK /users/groland/pubs/understanding.pdf Underrstandding tthe So
12、oft Buudget Consttraintt, witth J. Kornaai andd E. MMaskinn, Jouurnal of Ecconomiic Litteratuure, fforthccomingg 20033Lin, Juustin Yifu and TTan, GGuofu, “Policcy Burrdens, Accoountabbilityy, andd the Soft Budgeet Connstraiint,” Ameriican EEconommic Reeview, 89 (2), ppp. 4226-31.林毅夫 李志赟赟“政策性负担担、道德风险
13、险与预算软约约束”经济研究究20044年第2期林毅夫 刘明兴兴 “政策性负担担、道德风险险与预算软约约束” 管理理世界20004年第88期 SOE RReformmsFama, EEugenee F. “Agenccy Prooblemss and the TTheoryy of tthe Fiirm.” Journaal of Polittical Econoomy, 888 (2), Aprril 19980, ppp. 2888-3077.Boycko, Maxiim, Anndrei Shleiifer, Roberrt W. Vishnny, “A Theeory oof Priiv
14、atizzationn,” Econoomic JJournaal, Vool. 1006, Maarch 11996, pp. 3309-199.Djankovv, Simmeon aand Peeter MMurrelll, “Enterrprisee Resttructuuring in Trransittion: A Quaantitaative Surveey,” Centter foor Ecoonomicc Poliicy Reesearcch, Diiscusssion PPaper No. 33319, 20022.Nellis, Johnn, “Time to Reethi
15、nkk Privvatizaation in Trransittion EEconommies?” IFC Discuussionn Papeer No. 38Lin, Juustin Yifu, Fangg Cai and ZZhou LLi, “Compettitionn, Pollicy BBurdenns, annd Staate-owwned EEnterpprise Reforrm,” Ameriican EEconommic Reeview, 88, No. 22, Mayy 19988, pp. 422-7.8Decenntraliizatioon andd Fedeerali
16、ssmWeigastt, Barrry R. “The EEconommic Roole off Poliiticall Insttitutiion: MMarkett-Presservinng Fedderaliism annd Ecoonomicc Growwth Grrowth,” Jouraanl off Law, Econnomicss, andd Orgaanizattion, 11: 11-31, 1995.Qian, YYingyii and Barryy R. WWeigasst, “Federralismm as aa Commmitmennt to Markeet Inc
17、centivves,” Journnal off Econnomic Persppectivves, 111, Noo. 4(FFall 11997): 83-992, .Qian, YYingyii and Barryy R. WWeiggaast, “Chinaas Traansitiion too Markkets: Markeet-Preeserviing Feederallism, Chineese Sttyle,” Journnal off Poliicy Reeform, 1: 1149-855, 19996.Berkowiitz, DDaniell and Wei LLi, “
18、Decenntraliizatioon in Transsitionn Econnomiess: A TTrageddy of the CCommonns?” Jourrnal oof Pubblic EEconommics, 2000.Lin, Juustin Yifu and ZZhiqiaang Liiu, “Fiscaal Deccentraalizattion aand Ecconomiic Groowth iin Chiina,” Econoomic DDeveloopmentt and Cultuural CChangee, 499, No. 1 (OOctobeer 20000
19、): 11-21.9. CorrruptioonBardhamm, Praanab, “Corruuptionn and Devellopmennt: A Revieew of Issuees.” Jourrnal oof Ecoonomicc Liteeraturre, 355 (Sepptembeer 19997): 11320-446.Shleifeer, Anndrei and RRobertt Vishhney, “Corruuptionn ,” Quarrterlyy Jourrnal oof Ecoonomiccs, Auugust, 19933.Sheleiffer, AAnd
20、ressi andd Robeert Viishneyy, “Pervaasive Shorttages underr Sociialismm,” RANDD Jourrnal oof Ecoonomiccs, 19992.10Trannsitioon andd a Crritiquue of Neocllassiccal EcconomiicsMurphy, Keviin, Anndrei Schleeifer, and Roberrt Visshny, The Tradiition to a Markeet Ecoonomy: Pitffall oof Parrtial Reforrm,
21、QQuarteerly JJournaal of Econoomics, Vol. 107, No. 3 (Auugust 1992), pp. 889-906.Peter Murreell, “The TTransiition Accorrding to Caambriddge, MMass,” Jourrnal oof Ecoonomicc Liteeraturre, 333 (1), Marcch 19995, ppp. 1644-178.Peter MMurrelll, “Can NNeoclaassicaal Ecoonomiccs Undderpinn the Reforrm of Centrrally Plannned Ecconomiies?” The JJournaa
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