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1、PAGE 57文件号DOCUUMENT NOBAVILANNGSEN-A01修订号 REEV. NOO0日 期DATTE2013-033-20 Mar.20,2001320112-7-22420133-02-118 Jully 24,2012FFeb. 118,20113类 别TYPPE受 控 本CCONTROOLLED COPPY非受控本UNNCONTRROLLEDD COPYY手册编号MANNUAL NNO.质 量 控 制制 手 册用于按照ASMME第VIII卷第第1分册进行车间生产的的压力容器和和部件QUALITYY CONTTROL MMANUALL FORSHOP COONSTRUU

2、CTIONN & FIIELD AASSEBLLY OF PRESSURRE VESSSELS AND PPARTS INACCORDAANCE WWITH AASME CCODE SSECTIOON VIIII, DIIVISIOON 1生效日期:20012 年 7 月24日日2013 年32 月1820日EFFECTIIVE DAATE: JJuly.224 , 22012 Mar. 20 , 2013FFeb.188 , 20013 江苏巴威工程技技术股份有限限公司上海朗朗森热工设备备有限公司 江江苏省扬中经经济开发区港港隆路5666号,邮编22122000Jiangsuu BAVII

3、Eng.&Techh. Co., Ltdd.Shannghai Langssen Thhermall Equiipmentt Co., Ltd上海市嘉定工业业区朱桥世盛盛路760号号,邮编2112200001815No.760,Shishheng RRoad, Jiadiing Inndustrrial ZZone, Jiadiing Diistricct, Shhanghaai 2001815,P.R.CChinaNoo.566,Gangllong RRoad, Yangzzhong Econoomyic Devvelopmment ZZone, Yangzzhong City, Jiann

4、gsu PProvinnce, 22122000 P.R.C.LANGSENN质量控制手册QUALITYY CONTTROL MMANUALL章号Sectiion Noo.A修订号Rev. No.0总经理授权声明明STATEMEENT OFF AUTHHORITYY共1页Pagee第1页1 of 1总经理授权声明明 为制造造ASME规范范项目,根据据“ASME”锅炉和压力力容器规范第第卷第1分册的要求求,制订并贯贯彻这套质量量控制体系。 总工质质检经理负责建立立质控体系,编编制并维护质质控手册,以以确保质控体体系的有效运运转。 所有参参与ASMEE压力容器质质量活动的人人员必须熟知知本手册中与

5、与本部门和本本人有关的各各项规定,并并认真执行。 授权总总工质检经理鉴定质量量管理中的问问题,并授权权他着手处理理,提出建议议或提供解决决问题的办法法以及核实实实施情况,他他将向我报告告质控系统的的状况和效能能。 总工质质检经理与其它部部门的负责人人之间发生任任何分歧,将将由本人通过过全面考虑AASME规范范和设计要求求以及质控手手册予以仲裁裁。质量控制手册的的中文版,同同样是质量控控制体系的执执行文本。但但中文与英文文如有差异,须须以英文本为为准。 STATEMEENT OFF AUTHHORITYYIn ordeer to consttruct ASME Code Itemss, thii

6、s Quaality Contrrol Syystem has bbeen eestabllishedd and will be maaintaiined bbased on thhe reqquiremments of thhe ASMME Boiiler & Presssure Vesseel Codde Secction VIII, Diviision 1. Thee Chieef EnggineerrQualiity Maanagerr is aassignned thhe ressponsiibilitty of estabblishiing a Qualiity Coontroll

7、 Systtem, ffor prrepariing annd maiintainning tthe Quualityy Conttrol MManuall and for eensuriing thhe efffectivve exeecutioon of the SSystemm. Alll perssons pperforrming activvitiess affeectingg the qualiity off ASMEE Codee Itemms shaall unndersttand aand immplemeent thhe speecificc provvisionns of

8、 the QQualitty Conntrol Manuaal. Thee Chieef EnggineerrQualiity Maanagerr is ggiven organnizatiional freeddom annd thee respponsibbilityy and authoority to iddentiffy anyy quallity ccontrool prooblemss and to innitiatte, reecommeend orr provvide ssolutiions aas welll as to veerify the iimplemmentatt

9、ion oof sollutionns. Hee shalll repport tthe sttatus and eeffecttiveneess off the Qualiity Coontroll Systtem too me. Anyy confflict betweeen thhe Chiief EnngineeerQuallity MManageer andd otheer Mannagerss shalll be resollved bby me, conssideriing coomplettely tthe ASSME Coode reequireementss, dessig

10、n jjustifficatiion annd thiis Quaality Contrrol Maanual. Thee Chinnese ttransllationn of tthis QQualitty Conntrol Manuaal may bbe useed forr impllementtationn of tthe Quualityy Conttrol SSystemm. Howwever, in eevent of a dispuute reegardiing diiffereences in innterprretatiion beetweenn the Engliish

11、teext annd Chiinese transslatioon of Manuaal, thhe Engglish text sshall take preceedencee.Generall Manaager:_Date:_ _July 24,20012Febb. 18,2013_BAVILANNGSEN质量控制手册QUALITYY CONTTROL MMANUALL章号Sectiion Noo.B修订号Rev. No.0总目录TABLE OOF CONTEENTS共1页Pagee第1页1 of 1章号Sectionn No标 题Title修订号Rev. Noo.日期Date封面Cove

12、r SSheet020137-2420113-02-18A总经理授权声明明Statemeent off Authhorityy020137-2420113-02-18B总目录Table oof Conntentss020137-2420113-02-18C定义和缩略语Definittions and AAbbrevviatioons020137-2420113-02-181质控体系的建立立和维护Establiishmennt andd Mainntenannce off QC SSystem

13、m020137-2420113-02-182组织机构及其职职责权限Organizzationn, Autthoritty andd Respponsibbilityy020137-2420113-02-183图纸,设计计算算和规程管理理Drawinggs, Deesign Calcuulatioons annd Speecificcationn Conttrol020137-2420113-02-184材料管理Materiaal Conntrol020137-2420113-02-185检验

14、、试验和检检查管理Examinaation, Testt and Inspeectionn Conttrol020137-2420113-02-186不一致品管理Controll of NNonconnformiities020137-2420113-02-187焊接管理Weldingg Conttrol020137-2420113-02-188无损检测Nondesttructiive Exxaminaation020137-2420113-02-189热处理Heat Trreatmeent

15、020137-2420113-02-1810测量和试验装置置仪器的校验验Calibraation of Meeasureement and TTest EEquipmment020137-2420113-02-1811记录保持Record Retenntion现现场安装控制制 Site Instaallatiion Coontroll020137-2420113-02-1812授权检查Authoriized IInspecctor记录录保持Record Retenntion020137-24

16、20113-02-1813样表Sample Formss授权检查Authoriized IInspecctor020137-2420113-02-1814样表Sample Formss02012-7-24编制人: 日 期: 年 月 日Prepareed by: Date: 批准人: 日 期: 年 月 日Approveed by: Date: AI认可: 日 期: 年 月 日Accepteed by AI: Date: 编制人: 总工工质检经理 日 期: 20122年7月24日20113年2月118日Prepareed by: Thee Chieef Enggineer

17、rQualiity Maanagerr Datee: Jully 24,2012FFeb. 118,20113 批准人:总经理理 日 期: 20122年7月24日20113年2月118日Approveed by: Genneral Managger Datte: Juuly 244,20122Feb. 18,20013 审核人: 授权权检验师 日 期: 20122年7月24日20113年2月118日Accepteed by: Autthorizzed Innspecttor Datee:Jully 24,2012FFeb. 118,20113BAVILANNGSEN质量控制手册QUALITYY

18、 CONTTROL MMANUALL章号Sectiion Noo.C修订号Rev. No.0定义和缩略语DEFINITTIONS AND AABBREVVIATIOONS共3页Pagee第1页1 of 3定义规范 ASMME锅炉和压压力容器规范范第VIIII卷第1分册及规范范的有关卷本本。规范项目 是指按按规范进行制制造,检查和和评审的压力力容器、容器器部件和材料料。授权检验师 长期受受雇于由ASSME委托并并授权的检验验机构,即美美国的州或市市、加拿大的的省的检验机机构,授权压压力容器保险险的保险公司司的检验师,持持有美国锅炉炉压力容器检检验师总部颁颁发的带有EEndorssementt “

19、A”的的任命证书。主任授权检验师师长期受雇于授权权检验机构(AIA)并并持有美国锅锅炉及压力容容器检验师委委员会颁发的的带有B授权的个人人。授权检查代理机机构 是指根根据最先版QQAI-1的的要求,经AASME鉴定定并授权的检检验机构,即即美国的州或或市、加拿大大的省的检验验机构,授权权锅炉压力容容器保险的保保险公司。第一授权检查代代理机构 是指和和BAVILAANGSENN签有检验合合同并且负有有审核工厂质质保手册的职职责且显示在在ASME申申请表上的授授权检查代理理机构。合格证 本名词词泛指认可的的材料试验报报告,合格证证书以及部件件数据报告和和其它用于证证明符合规范范要求的相应应表格。买

20、方指客户,包括业业主,用户、用用户代理商和和从BAVIILANGSSEN有限公公司订购规范范项目者。DEFINITTIONSCodeThe ASMME Boiiler aand Prressurre Vesssel CCode SSectioon VIIII, Diivisioon 1 aand reeferennced CCode SSectioons.Code Ittems Generall termm for presssure vvessells, prressurre vesssel pparts and mmateriials, whichh are consttructeed i

21、n accorrdancee withh the Code.Authoriized IInspecctor (AI)An Insppectorr who iss reguularlyy emplloyed by ann ASMEE accrrediteed Autthorizzed Innspecttion AAgencyy holdding aa valiid Nattionall Boarrd Commmissiion Caard wiith ann A Endorrsemennt for ccode iitems.Authoriized IInspecctor SSupervvisor(

22、AAIS)An indiividuaal whoo is rregulaarly eemployyed byy an AAIA annd hollding a vallid Naationaal Boaard Coommisssion CCard wwith aa B Endorrsemennt.Authoriized IInspecction Agenccy (AIIA)An authhorizeed insspectiion aggency accreeditedd by tthe ASSME inn accoordancce witth thee requuiremeents iin t

23、hee lateest edditionn of AASME QQAI-1.Authoriized IInspecction Agenccy (AIIA) of RecorrdThe AIAA withh whicch BAVVILANGGSEN hhas siigned an Auuthoriized IInspecction Agreeement or Coontracct, whho acccepts the QQC Mannual oof BAVVILANGGSEN aand whhose nname sshall be inndicatted onn the ASME Appliic

24、atioon forr Accrreditaation/Certiificattion.CertifiicateGenerall termm usedd for the CCertiffied MMateriial Teest Reeport, the Certiificatte of Complliancee, thee Manuufactuurerss Parttial DData RReportt and the aapproppriatee formms whiich ceertifyy confformannce wiith thhe reqquiremments of thhe C

25、odde.CustomeerGenerall termm for cliennts, iincludding oowner, userr, andd userrs deesignaated aagent who oorderss the Code Itemss fromm BAVIILANGSSEN .BAVILANNGSEN质量控制手册QUALITYY CONTTROL MMANUALL章号Sectiion Noo.C修订号Rev. No.0定义和缩略语DEFINITTIONS AND AABBREVVIATIOONS共3页Pagee第2页2 of 3买方技术要求 由买方方提供的按照照预计操

26、作条条件要求而提提出的一套详详细的资料,它它将作为规范范项目按规范范要求选择材材料、设计、制制造和规定检检验项目提供供充分的依据据。不一致品 凡有不不符合规范的的要求、质量量手册和程序序要求的任何何文件或工件件,都称不一一致品。在已已经完成的部部件被认为符符合规范要求求前,不一致致品必须被更更正。协作服务 由江苏苏巴威工程技技术股份有限限公司上海朗朗森热工设备备有限公司以以外的协作单单位所承担的的与质量控制制有关的活动动,如设计、检检验或试验等等活动。SNT-TC-1A 测与大SNT-TC-1AA的最新版本本。供方 凡提供给给江苏巴威工工程技术股份份有限公司上上海朗森热工工设备有限公公司材料,

27、零零部件的单位位。 分包商 提供服服务给江苏巴巴威工程技术术股份有限公公司上海朗森森热工设备有有限公司的公公司。焊工 泛指手手工焊工和焊焊机操作工。批准 对某项项文件表示认认可和/或授权认可可并予以贯彻彻的手续。批批准时须签名名和注上日期期。审查 为确定定某项工作符符合要求,所所采用的核查查和检验的作作业。审查时时须签名并注注上日期。Customeers SSpecifficatiionA set oof doccumentts proovidedd by tthe Cuustomeer whiich seets foorth rrequirrementts as to thhe intten

28、dedd operrationnal coonditiions iin succh dettail aas to consttitutee and proviide ann adeqquate basiss for seleccting materrials, desiigningg, fabbricatting aand innspectting tthe Coode Ittems aas reqquiredd by tthe Coode.NonconfformittyA noncoonfoA rmityyNoncoonformmity iis anyy condditionn whicch

29、 doees nott compply wiith thhe appplicabble ruules oof thee Codee, thiis QC Manuaal or otherr speccifiedd requuiremeents. Noncoonformmitiess shalll be correected beforre thee comppletedd compponentt can be coonsideered tto commply wwith tthe Coode.ServiceesActivitties rrelateed to qualiity coontroll

30、 (succh as desiggn, exxaminaationss or ttestinng) whhich wwill bbe perrformeed by Subcoontracctors.SNT-TC-1ARecommeended Practtice NNo. SNNT-TC-1A (LLatestt Codee acceepted Editiion annd adddenda) for Persoonnel Qualiificattion aand Ceertifiicatioon in Nondeestrucctive Testiing.VendorA compaany prro

31、vidiing maateriaals, pparts for BBAVILAANGSENN .SubconttractoorA compaany prrovidiing seervicees forr BAVIILANGSSEN WelderGenerall termm usedd for a wellder aand/orr weldding ooperattor.ApprovaalThe actt of eendorssing aand/orr authhoriziing, oor botth, inndicatted byy signnaturee and date.ReviewThe

32、 actt of iinvesttigatiing annd exaamininng to confiirm coonformmance to thhe reqquiremments indiccated by siignatuure and date.BAVILANNGSEN质量控制手册QUALITYY CONTTROL MMANUALL章号Sectiion Noo.C修订号Rev. No.0定义和缩略语DEFINITTIONS AND AABBREVVIATIOONS共3页Pagee第2页3 of 3资格证 以签名和日期期作证的关于于资格、合格格性报告的书书面证件。证证明上须有签签名和签名

33、日日期。缩 略 语语AI/AIS: 符合规范范定义的授权权检验师/主主任授权检验验师AIA:符合规规范定义的授授权检查机构构。BAVILANNGSEN:江苏巴威工工程技术股份份有限公司上上海朗森热工工设备有限公公司永洋石化化NDE:无损检检测JIC:焊缝缝识别卡CL:流转卡WPS:焊接工工艺规程PQR:焊接工工艺评定报告告WPQ/WOPPQ:焊工评评定/焊接操作工工评定RIR:入厂检检验报告NB: 锅炉压压力容器检验验师总部MR:材料请购购单PO: 订单MDR:制造商商数据报告MPDR:零部部件数据报告告MTR:材料检检验报告MR:物料申请请单RT:射线探伤伤PT:液体渗透透探伤NON:不一致

34、致品处理通知知单注释: 在本质控控手册中,凡凡是提到部长长经理时,也将将包括被他所所指定的代理理人。部长经理可以指定定人员履行部部长经理的一些职职责并向他汇汇回报,但相关关责任仍由部部长经理承担。CertifiicatioonWrittenn testtimonyy of qqualifficatiion annd repports, indiicatedd by ssignatture aand daate.ABBREVIIATIONNSAI/AIS: Authhorizeed Insspectoor/Autthorizzed Innspecttor Suuperviisor aas def

35、fined in thhe Codde.AIA: Auuthoriized IInspecction Agenccy as definned inn the Code.BAVILANNGSEN: Jianngsu BBAVI EEng.&TTech. Co., Ltd.SShanghhai Laangsenn Therrmal EEquipmment CCo., LLtdNDE: Noondesttructiive Exxaminaation.JIC: Jooint IIdentiificattion CCards.CL: Cheeck LiistWPS: Weeldingg Proccedu

36、ree Speccificaation.PQR: Prroceduure Quualifiicatioon ReccordWPQ/WOPPQ: Weelder Perfoormancce Quaalificcationn/ Wellding Operaator PPerforrmancee Quallificaation.RIR: Reeceiviing Innspecttion RRecorddNB: Nattionall Boarrd of Boileer andd Presssure Vesseel InsspectoorsMR: Matteriall RequuisitiionPO:

37、Purrchasee OrdeerMDR: Maanufaccturerrs Daata ReeportMPDR: MManufaactureers PPartiaal Datta RepportMTR: Maateriaal Tesst RepportRT: Raddiograaphic ExamiinatioonPT: Liqquid PPenetrrant EExaminnationnNON: Nootice of NoonconfformittyNote: In tthis QQC Mannual wwhenevver a Managger off Depaartmennt is me

38、ntiioned it shhall aalso iincludde hiss desiignee. Manaagers of Deepartmments may ddesignnate ppersonns repportinng to him tto perrform some of hiis funnctionns; hooweverr the respoonsibiility remaiins wiith thhe Deppartmeent Maanagerrs.BAVILANNGSEN质量控制手册QUALITYY CONTTROL MMANUALL章号Sectiion Noo.1修订号

39、Rev. No.0质控体系的建立立和健全ESTABLIISHMENNT ANDD MAINNTENANNCE OFF QC SSYSTEMM共3页Pagee第1页1 of 31 范围 本手册规规定了公司负负责质量的机机构及其进行行ASME规范范项目质量控控制的程序和和方法。 本手册适适用于按ASSME规范第第卷第1分册要求(以以下简称“规范”)制造的压压力容器及零零部件。只要买方合同或或监督机构的的额外质量要要求不与“规范”要求相抵触触亦可作为本本手册的增补补内容。2 手册的的编制 本手册由由总工质检经理组织编制制,公司总经经理批准。作作为见证,他他们应在“总目录和修修改状况”一章上签字字并注

40、明日期期。3 质控体体系的健全3.1 总工工质检经理应对质控控体系的健全全负责。3.2 遇下下列情况之一一,质检部长长经理应修订本本手册.3.2.1 AASME规范范版本以及其其它与规范相相关的标准的的修改。也就就是,在收到到规范新的版版本以后,且且应在新版本本发行6个月月以内,总工工质检经理应审阅任任何改变并填填写“规范新版本本阅读核对表表(表1-1)”,以修订质量量控制手册相相关部分;3.2.2公司司组织机构和和职责变化;3.2.3质控控体系的改进进。3.3 总工质质检经理应对中文文本(供那些些不能领会英英文本的员工工使用)译文文的准确性负负责。1 SCOOPE Thiis QC Manu

41、aal stiipulattes thhe quaality Systeem, prroceduures aand meethodss of ccontroollingg quallity iin BAVVILANGGSEN. Thiis QC Manuaal is proviided tto be used for ppressuure veesselss and theirr partts connstruccted iin acccordannce wiith reequireementss of AASME CCode SSectioon VIIII Divvisionn 1.Addi

42、tioonal qqualitty conntrol requiiremennts (ssuch aas Custoomer ccontraact coonditiions oor requirrementts of jurissdictiional authooritiees) shhall bbe reggardedd as aan adddendumm to tthis QQC Mannual bbut shhall nnot coonflicct witth thee requuiremeents oof thee Codee.2 PREEPARATTION OOF QC MANUAA

43、L Thiis mannual iis preeparedd by tthe Chhief EEngineeerQuaality Managger annd appprovedd by tthe Geenerall Managger. PPreparrationn and approoval sshall be inndicatted byy signnaturee and date of thhe Chiief EnngineeerQuallity MManageer andd the Generral Maanagerr and Qualiity Maanagerr on tthe TAA

44、BLE OOF CONNTENTSS pagee.3 MAIINTENAANCE OOF QC SYSTEEM3.1 Thee Chieef EnggineerrQualiity Maanagerr has respoonsibiility for tthe maaintennance of thhe QC systeem.3.2 Thhe Chiief EnngineeerQuallity MManageer shaall reevise or chhange the QQC sysstem sso as to coorresppond tto thee folllowingg:3.2.1

45、Reviisionss of tthe ASSME Coode Edditionn and otherr stanndardss refeerenceed in the CCode. (i.e., wheen a nnew Edditionn is rreceivved, iit shaall bee reviiewed for aany chhangess.). The Chiief EnngineeerQuallity MManageerThe Quaality Managger shhall ffill oout thhe Neww Codee Edittion Revieew Chee

46、ck Liist (FForm 11-1) wwithinn 6 moonths from issuee datee of nnew Coode Edditionn in oorder to reevise the QQC Mannual aaccorddinglyy; 3.2.2 Channge ofChannge Organnizatiionof Organnizatiion annd Ressponsiibilitty. 3.2.3 Improovemennt3.2.3 Imprrovemeent off the QC syystem.3.3 Thee Chieef Enggineerr

47、Qualiity Maanagerr shalll be respoonsiblle forr veriifyingg the accurracy oof thee Chinnese ttransllationn of tthis QQC Mannual.BAVILANNGSEN质量控制手册QUALITYY CONTTROL MMANUALL章号Sectiion Noo.1修订号Rev. No.0质控体系的建立立和健全ESTABLIISHMENNT ANDD MAINNTENANNCE OFF QC SSYSTEMM共3页Pagee第2页2 of 34 手册的的修订4.1 本手手册的修订以以用

48、章、节、表表为单元的修修订方式,即即在被修订的的章、节、表表所在的页上上标明新的修修订号,而在在被修订的条条文的左侧空空白处作已修修订标记,如如1、2等;并将生生效的有关章章、节、表的的修订号和生生效日期填入入“总目录和修修订状况”(章号B)。样表的的修改处应用用云线划出,修修改号和日期期应标在第1134章。4.2 本手手册的英文本本应同时修订订,修订的编编制和批准,必必须与原手册册的编制、批批准、认可程程序相同。4.3 手册册中文版应和和英文版本的的修订应同时时完成。AII接受英文版版本后中英文文版本同时生生效5 AI认认可5.1 总工工质检经理应将本手手册(包括修订本本)送AI认可后方方可

49、执行。5.2 作为为见证,AII认可后应在在”总目录和修订订状况”一章上签字字(并注明日期期)。6 手册的的发放6.1 所所有的手册复复印件分为“受控本”与“非受控本”两种,并在手册的的封面上标明明。6.1.1 受控本手册册用于与规范范产品有关的的质量活动,故故应通过受控控发放以保证证使用最新版版本。6.1.2 非受控本手手册仅用于参参考与查阅之之用,可不在在公司内发放放。4 REVIISION OF QCC MANUUAL4.1 TThe QCC Manuual shhall bbe revvised by eaach Seectionn or eeach FForm ffor Exxhib

50、itt. Thee new revission nnumberr shalll be indiccated on alll pagges off the Sectiion. TThe reevisedd paraagraphh shalll be identtifiedd by rrevisiion maark, (i.e., 1, 2 etcc.) inn the left margiin. Thhe efffectivve revvisionn numbber annd datte shaall bee listted inn the TABLEE OF CCONTENNTS (SSect

51、ioon No. B). Revissions to Saample Formss shalll be encloosed bby a ccloud. The revission nnumberr and date will be reecordeed on Sectiion 14413.4.2 RRevisiions tto thee Chinnese aand Ennglishh Textt shalll be complleted in thhe samme timme. Prreparaation, apprroval and aaccepttance for rrevisiion o

52、ff thiss QC MManuall shalll be contrrolledd in tthe saame maanner as thhat off the origiinal.4.3 Revvisionns to thhe Chiinese text oof thiis QC Manuaal shaall bee comppletedd at tthe saame tiime ass reviisionss to tthe Ennglishh textt. The Chineese annd Engglish text oof thiis QC Manuaal shaall beec

53、ome both effecctive on thhe datte of AIs accceptannce off the Engliish teext.5 AI ACCCEPTAANCE5.1 Prrior tto impplemenntatioon thee Chieff EngiineerQQualitty Mannager shalll submmit thhe QC Manuaal inccludinng neww reviision to AII for his aaccepttance.5.2 Evvidencce of AI accceptaance sshall be inn

54、dicatted byy signnaturee and date on thhe Tabble off Conttents and RRevisiion Sttatus. 6 DISSTRIBUUTION OF QCC MANUUAL6.1 AAll coopies of thhe QC Manuaal aree classsifieed eitther aas a “CCONTROOLLED COPY” or “UUNCONTTROLLEED COPPY”. TThe cllassifficatiion wiill bee indiicatedd on tthe coover ssheet

55、 of thhe QC Manuaal.6.1.1 “CONTTROLLEED” coopies shalll be pprovidded too applly to relatted acctivitties oof ASMME Codde Iteems annd shaall bee keptt currrent bby Controllled ddistriibutioon.6.1.2 “UNCOONTROLLLED” copiees appply foor refferencce andd reviiew onnly annd mayy not be distribbuted with

56、iin BAVVILANGGSEN.BAVILANNGSEN质量控制手册QUALITYY CONTTROL MMANUALL章号Sectiion Noo.1修订号Rev. No.0质控体系的建立立和健全ESTABLIISHMENNT ANDD MAINNTENANNCE OFF QC SSYSTEMM共3页Pagee第3页3 of 36.2 受控控本手册持有有人由总工质检经理确定,由由档案员负责责发放。6.3 每本本受控本手册册都应编号,并并在“发放表”(表1-2)上登登记。6.4 手册册修订后,新新封面和“总目录”应随修订页页一起按6.3条重新办办理登记、发发放手续。6.5 档案案员应立即将

57、将回收的过时时手册或被改改动页销毁。6.6 总工工质检经理应为AI保存一本本受控本手册册备用。6.2 TThe Chhief EEngineeerQuaality Managger shhall ddesignnate tthe hoolderss of “CCONTROOLLED” copiees. Thhe Cleerk shhall ddistriibute “CONTTROLLEED” coopies to thhe dessignatted hoolderss.6.3 EEach CCONTROOLLED COPY shalll bearr the copy numbeer andd

58、 be rregisttered on thhe Disstribuution List (Formm 1-2). 6.4 Whhen thhe QC Manuaal is revissed, a neew covver shheet aand Taable oof Conntentss shalll be distrributeed aloong wiith thhe revvised QC Maanual pagess in aaccorddance with 6.3 oof thiis Mannual6.5 TThe Cllerk sshall colleect annd desstro

59、y obsollete QQC Mannuals or thhe revvised pagess of QQC Mannuals exceppt onee obsoolete copy left for aarchivve whiich iss markked “Obsollete” on iits coover ssheet.The Chiief EnngineeerQuallity MManageer shaall maaintaiin onee CONTTROLLEED COPPY forr the AI.BAVILANNGSEN质量控制手册QUALITYY CONTTROL MMANU

60、ALL章号Sectiion Noo.2修订号Rev. No.0组织机构及其职职责权限ORGANIZZATIONN, AUTTHORITTY ANDD RESPONSSIBILIITY共2页Pagee第1页1 of 21 组织机机构公司“规范项目目”质控体系的的组织机构和和管理、联络络关系如图22-1。2 职责与与权限2.1 公司司总经理对”规范项目”的设计、制制造负有最高高的责任与权权力。2.2 总工工质检经理不受成本本费用和计划划进度的制约约,对质量控控制问题有权权组织如下的的事:2.2.1 组织鉴定质质量控制问题题;2.2.2 推荐或提供供解决问题的的方法;2.2.3 核实解决问问题的情况


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