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1、物业管理处待租房屋租赁合同 TENANCY AGREEMENT 本合同由以下双方于2008年【02】月【28】日在中国北京市签订。 Thiis Tennancy Agreeement is ennteredd intoo in BBeijinng, Peeoples Reppublicc of CChina on 288th Feebruarry 20008,by and bbetweeen Parrties heretto: 出租方方: (以下下简称“甲方”) Lannd Lorrd: 地址: Adddress: 电话: Phoone Noo.: 传真: Faxx No.: 承租方方: Te

2、nnant: 电话: Phoone Noo.: 甲方、乙乙方合称为“双方”。 Parrty A and PParty B of this Agreeement are ccollecctivelly refferredd to aas “thhe Parrties”. 根据中中华人民共和和国合同法及及其他相关法法律法规的规规定,就乙方方承租北京星星城国际大厦厦A座公寓事事宜达成以下下协议。 Thee Partties hherebyy enteered iinto tthe Aggreemeent ass folllowingg in rrelatiion too Partty B rrent

3、 tthe Appartmeent A of thhe staay-citty buiildingg undeer thee Agreeementt Law of Peeoples Reppublicc of CChina and oother relevvant llaws aand reegulattions. 一、租租赁标的 Thee Leassed Suubjectt 1.11 甲方方同意按照本本合同约定的的条件和条款款将附件1所所列的星城国国际大厦A座座公寓(以下下简称“公寓”)及附件22所列的设备备家具在良好好状态下租赁赁予乙方,乙乙方同意按照照本合同约定定的条件和条条款承租前述述

4、公寓及设备备家具。 Parrty A herebby agrrees tto leaase, aand Paarty BB agreees too rentt the aparttment as sttated in annnex 11 (herreinaffter ccalledd as “tthe prremisees”) wwith tthe faacilitty andd furnnituree as sstatedd in aannex 2 in good condiitionss accoordingg to tthe cllausess speccifiedd in tthis

5、aagreemment. 二、公公寓用途 Purrpose of thhe preemisess 2.11 双方方确认该公寓寓的使用用途途为法律法规规允许的用途途,乙方不得得将该公寓用用于前述用途途以外的目的的,否则甲方方有权提前解解除本合同,并不再返还还本合同约定定的押金。 Thee partties hherebyy conffirm tthat tthe puurposee of tthe prremisees shaall bee accoordancce witth thee lawss and regullationns. PParty B shaall noot usee the

6、 premiises ffor otther ppurposses; ootherwwise PParty A hass the rightt to rreleasse thee agreeementt earlly andd shalll havve no obliggationn to rreturnn the depossit. 三、租租赁期限 Terrm of the TTenanccy 3.11 乙方方承租该公寓寓的期限见本本合同附件11的约定。 Thee termm of tthe teenancyy is sspeciffied iin thee anneex 1. 3.22 乙

7、方可以以在本合同约约定的租赁期期限届满前三三(3)个月月向甲方提出出续租的书面面申请,届时时双方重新协协商相关的合合同条款,包包括续租期的的租金,但如如果双方未能能在租赁期限限届满前1个个月签订续租租协议,则甲甲方有权在租租赁期限届满满后将该公寓寓出租给其他他第三方。 Parrty B may ppresennt a wwritteen appplicattion ffor exxtensiion off the term of thhe tennancy threee (3) monthhs beffore tthe exxpiry of thhis Aggreemeent. TTerms

8、and ccondittions incluuding the aamountt of rrent sshall be neegotiaated bbeforee exteendingg the Leasee Agreeementt. If the ppartiees couuld noot siggn thee exteensionn agreeementt one monthh befoore thhe exppiry oof thiis Agrreemennt, Paarty AA has rightt to llease the ppremisses too otheer parrti

9、es afterr the expirry of this Agreeement. 四、租租金: Rennts 4.11 双方方同意乙方按按照本合同附附件1约定的的租金标准向向甲方支付租租金,该租金金包括物业管管理费、暖气气费,卫星电电视收视费。 Thee partties mmutuallly aggree wwith tthe reents aas staated iin annnex 1, the rentss inclludes managgementt feess, heaating fees and ccable TV feees. 4.22 双方方同意租金月月付,每月开开始前七日

10、内内乙方向甲方方一次性支付付本月的租金金,如乙方逾逾期支付租金金(包括未足足额支付租金金)在10日日之内,则乙乙方须按日向向甲方支付相相当于未付租租金0.5%的违约金;如乙方逾期期支付租金(包括未足额额支付租金)超过10日日,则视为乙乙方单方提前前解除本合同同,乙方应按按照本合同第第七条的约定定向甲方退还还该公寓,甲甲方无须向乙乙方返还押金金。 Thee Partties aagree the rrents is paayablee montthly, on orr befoore thhe 7thh day of eaach moonth. If Paarty BB has not ppai

11、d tthe reent foor tenn dayss due to itts ownn faullt, a penallty off 0.5% of tthe reent wiill bee charrged pper daay froom thee due date of paaymentt to tthe daate off actuual paaymentt. If the rrent hhas noot beeen paiid forr moree thann ten days, the Leasee is cconsiddered beingg termminateed autt

12、omatiicallyy, Parrty B shalll retuurn thhe preemisess to PParty A acccordinng to the cclausee 7 annd Parrty A shalll havee no oobligaation to reeturn the ddeposiit. 4.33 双方方确认本合同同约定的租赁赁期限内,租租金不予调整整。若续租,租金可适当当上调,但最最高不能超过过原租金的110%。 Thee Partties hherebyy conffirm tthat tthe reents sshall not aadjustt

13、duriing thhe terrm of the ttenanccy. Thhe exttendedd leassing tterm ccould increease tthe reent, bbut noot morre thaan 10%. 4.44 乙方方同意无论甲甲方或星城国国际大厦物业业管理公司(以下简称“物业管理公公司”)是否存在在违约情形,乙方均应按按照本合同第第四条的约定定支付相应的的租金,其它它事宜由双方方另行协商。 Parrty B agreees thaat Parrty B shoulld payy the rentss accoordingg to cclausee

14、 4 noo mattter whhat haappenss and the ddisputte bettween Partyy B annd Parrty A or thhe mannagemeent coompanyy shalll be negottiatedd by tthe Paartiess. 五、其其它费用: Othher feees 5.11 通讯讯费用:乙方方应按照电信信部门规定的的标准支付该该公寓发生的的所有通讯费费用,包括但但不限于电话话费、传真费费、宽带费、信信息费等。 Commmuniccationn feess: Parrty A shalll undeertake

15、e all the ccommunnicatiion feees acccordiing too the Teleccommunnicatiion Buureau standdard ttarifffs inccludinng butt not limitted too teleephonee fee, facssimilee feess, Brooad Baand feees annd infformattion ffees. 5.22 杂费费:乙方应按按照每月实际际使用的数额额按时支付相相应的水电煤煤气费(包括括污水处理费费),并承担担因使用该公公寓而发生的的其他费用。 Exttra fe

16、ees: PParty B shaall paay thee wateer feees, ellectriic feees andd gas fees and oother fees in reelatioon to usingg the premiises aaccordding tto connsumpttion. 六、押押金: Depposit 6.11 在本合同同签订之日,乙方应向甲甲方支付相当当于一(1)个月租金数数额的押金(具体数额见见附件1)。甲甲方收到押金金两日内,应应向乙方开具具押金收据。 Parrty B shalll pay the ddeposiit of perfoo

17、rmingg the Agreeement whichh amouunts tto thee rentt of ttwo moonths on thhe siggnaturre datte of this Agreeement (the amounnt seee the annexx 1). Partyy A shhall pprovidde thee receeipt oof thee depoosit iin twoo dayss afteer recceivinng thee depoosit. 6.22 在下下列条件全部部满足之日起起三十(300)日内,甲甲方无息向乙乙方退还本合合同6

18、.1条条款约定乙方方支付的押金金或押金余额额(如有): Parrty A shalll retuurn thhe depposit in fuull orr balaance tthereoof (iff any) to PParty B (exxcludiing innteresst) wiithin thirtty dayys aftter thhe folllowinng connditioons arre fullfilleed: 6.22.1 本合同约定定的租赁期限限届满; Thee termm of ttenanccy hass beenn expiired. 6.22.2 乙方按

19、照本本合同第六条条的约定向甲甲方完好退还还了该公寓及及家具设备; Parrty B has rreturnned thhe preemisess withh equiipmentt and furniiture in goood coonditiions aaccordding tto thee clauuse 6. 6.22.3 乙方向甲方方支付了所有有的款项(包包括因乙方未未遵守、履行行在本合同项项下其必须遵遵守、履行的的一切协议、条条文、规定、条条件而导致甲甲方产生的支支出、费用、损损失或损害赔赔偿金); Parrty B has ppaid aall thhe amoounts to

20、Paarty AA (inccludinng cosst, exxpensees, looss orr damaage suustainned byy Partty A aas thee resuult off any non-oobservvance or noon-perrformaance bby Parrty A of anny of the ssaid aagreemments, stippulatiions tterms or coonditiions). 6.22.4 乙方已经按按照本合同的的约定支付了了全部其他费费用。 Parrty B has ppaid tthe ennti

21、re utiliities fees such as waater, electtricitty, gaas andd teleephonee billl. 6.33 如乙乙方违反本合合同约定或没没有按照本合合同的约定履履行相应的义义务,则甲方方有权从乙方方支付的押金金中扣除由此此产生的支出出、费用、损损失或损害赔赔偿金,且不不影响甲方的的其他权利和和/或补偿。甲甲方亦有权从从乙方支付的的押金中扣除除乙方因使用用该公寓、相相关设施、甲甲方或其他方方不时向乙方方提供的服务务而应向第三三方支付的费费用。如果在在本合同期间间甲方依据前前述约定扣除除了相应的押押金,则乙方方应根据甲方方的要求补足足所扣

22、款项,否则甲方有有权单方解除除本合同并收收回该公寓。 Witthout prejuudice to anny othher riight aand/orr remeedy, PParty A hass the rightt to ddeductt fromm the said depossit anny cosst, exxpensees, looss orr damaage suustainned byy Partty A aas thee resuult off any non-oobservvance or noon-perrformaance bby Parrty B of anny

23、of the ssaid物业业管理处待租租房屋使用 agrreemennts, sstipullationns terrms orr condditionns. Paarty AA alsoo has the rright to deeduct from the ssaid ddeposiit anyy sumss incuurred by Paarty BB or bby Parrty A on beehalf of Paarty BB to aany thhird PParty A rissing ffrom PParty Bs uuse off the premiises, any oo

24、ther facillitiess or sservicces whhich mmay frrom tiime too timee be mmade aavailaable tto Parrty B whethher byy Partty A oor anyy otheer parrty. IIn thee evennt of any ddeducttion bbeing made by Paarty AA fromm the said depossit acccordaance hherewiith duuring the dduratiion off thiss agreeementt,

25、Parrty B shalll fortthwithh on ddemandd by PParty A makke a ffurtheer depposit equall to tthe ammount so deeducteed andd faillure bby Parrty B so too do sshall entittle Paarty AA fortthwithh to rre-entter uppon thhe preemisess and to deetermiine thhis aggreemeent ass hereein beefore proviided. 6.44

26、如果果因乙方的原原因导致本合合同提前终止止,则甲方无无须向乙方返返还押金,并并有权要求乙乙方支付剩余余租赁期的租租金。 If this agreeement is eaarly tterminnated for rreasonns of Partyy B, PParty A shaall haave noo obliigatioon to returrn thee depoosit aand shhall hhave tthe riight tto reqquire Partyy B too pay the rrent oof resst terrm of the ttenanccy. 七、公

27、公寓交付与退退还 Hanndoverr and returrn of the PPremisses 7.11 在乙乙方按照本合合同的约定向向甲方支付第第一月租金及及全部押金之之日起两日内内,甲方向乙乙方交付该公公寓及相关家家具设备,双双方签订本合合同附件3约约定的交接单单。 Parrty A shalll handd overr the premiises wwith eequipmment aand fuurnituure wiithin two ddays aafter Partyy B paays thhe rennt of the ffirst year and ffull ddepo

28、siit. Thhe parrties shalll signn the checkk in aand ouut lisst as stateed in annexx 3. 7.22 乙方方须在租赁期期届满之日(包括本合同同提前解除或或终止之日)将该公寓及及时清理干净净,并按本合合同的规定将将该公寓内原原有的附属物物、装置、附附加物(包括括钥匙等),在原交付使使用的状态下下(合理的损损耗除外)交交还给甲方。如如乙方在清理理该公寓过程程中对甲方或或第三方造成成损害和损失失,乙方应承承担一切责任任。甲方有权权从押金中扣扣除乙方给甲甲方造成的实实际损失。如如押金不足以以抵扣,则甲甲方有权继续续向乙方

29、追偿偿。 Parrty B shalll cleaan thee premmises upon expirrationn of tthe teerm (iincludding eearly releaasing or teerminaation of thhe agrreemennt), aand reeturn the ppremisses annd alll anciillaryy itemms (inncludiing keeys annd etcc) fittting and ffixturres inn theiir oriiginall condditionn as ddelive

30、ered ppursuaant too thiss agreeementt (exccept rreasonnable wear and ttear). Partty B sshall bear full liabiility if Paarty BB causses daamagess and lossees to Partyy A orr any thirdd persson duuring cleanning. Partyy A shhall hhave tthe riight tto dedduct ffrom tthe deepositt amouunt off actuual lo

31、osses causeed to Partyy A. PParty A hass the rightt to ddemandd indeemnifiicatioon if the ddeposiit is not ssufficcient. 7.33 乙方方在租赁期届届满时迁出该该公寓后,如如该公寓内有有乙方遗留下下的任何装饰饰、家具、装装备、物件或或其他任何物物品,均视为为乙方放弃前前述物品,甲甲方有权以任任何方式处理理前述物品,乙方不得异异议,也不得得追究甲方责责任和要求甲甲方赔偿;同同时,甲方亦亦有权向乙方方追讨因清除除、清理、处处理前述物品品所产生的所所有费用,或或从乙方所交交付的押金

32、内内先行扣除该该等费用,然然后将余款退退回给乙方,如乙方所缴缴付的押金不不足以支付该该等费用时,则甲方仍有有权继续向乙乙方追索不足足部分的款项项。 Aftter Paarty BB vacaates tthe prremisees upoon exppiratiion off the term or affter tthe exxpirattion oof thee termm, anyy decooratioon, fuurnituure, eequipmment, articcles aand anny othher ittem thhat leeft inn the premiises

33、sshall be deeemed abanddoned by Paarty BB and Partyy A shhall hhave tthe riight tto disspose of suuch ittems bby anyy meann and Partyy B shhall hhave nno rigght too objeect thheretoo or hhold PParty A liaable oor demmand ccompennsatioon theereforr. At the ssame ttime, Partyy A shhall hhave tthe riig

34、ht tto demmand ffrom tthe Paarty BB for expennses iincurrred duue to removval, ccleaniing annd dissposall of ssuch iitems, or sshall have the rright to deeduct such expennses ffrom tthe deepositt paidd by PParty B beffore rreturnning tthe deepositt to PParty B. Iff the depossit iss not suffiicientt

35、to ppay suuch exxpensees, Paarty AA reseerves the rright to deemand indemmnificcationn for any ddeficiiency. 7.44 如乙乙方延迟向甲甲方退还该公公寓及家具设设备,则每延延迟一日,乙乙方应向甲方方支付相当于于五倍日租金金的违约金,同时甲方无无须向乙方返返还押金。 If Partyy B deelays to reeturn the ppremisses wiith eqquipmeent annd furrniturre, Paarty BB shalll payy Partty A

36、tthe daaily lliquiddated damagges off fivee timees equual too dailly rennt froom thee due date of reeturn of thhe preemisess to tthe daate off actuual reeturn. Partty A sshall have no obbligattion tto retturn tthe deepositt. 八、甲甲方的权利和和义务 Rigghts aand Reesponssibiliities of Paarty AA 8.11 租赁期内内甲方不得无无

37、故收回房屋屋,如甲方中中途要求收回回房屋,乙方方可以拒绝。 Parrty A is noot perrmitteed to take back the ppremisses duuring the tterm oof thee agreeementt withhout ggood rreasonn. If Partyy A wiishes to doo so, Partyy B haas thee righht to objecct. 8.22 在双方均均摊任何适用用的印花税的的前提下,甲甲方应向政府府有关部门支支付所有根据据法律、法规规及地方性规规定就出租该该公寓而须由由甲方支付的的各种税费

38、。 Parrty A shalll pay to reelevannt govvernmeent deepartmments all ttaxes and ffees wwhich Partyy A iss requuired to paay in accorrdancee to tthe laaw, prrovideed thaat anyy appllicablle staamp duuty shhall bbe borrne eqquallyy by tthe paartiess. 8.33 在乙乙方按照合同同的约定支付付租金和其他他费用以及完完全履行合同同其他义务的的前提下,甲甲方或其

39、授权权代表非因紧紧急情况不应应干扰乙方在在租赁期间占占有、使用该该公寓。 To permiit Parrty B (dulyy payiing thhe rennt andd otheers feees annd obsservannce annd perrformaance oof nonn moneetary term that stateed in the aagreemment aand coomplyiing thhe agrreemennt) too havee quieet enjjoymennt andd posssessioon of the ppremisses duuri

40、ng the ssaid tterm wwithouut anyy unneecessaary innterruuptionn by PParty A or any ppersonns lawwfullyy claiiming underr or tthrouggh or in trrust oof Parrty A. 8.44 甲方方应敦促物业业管理公司(但甲方不承承担物业管理理公司的责任任)尽力保持持(I)屋顶顶、主结构、墙墙壁、水管管管道及电缆电电线处于良好好的使用状态态;(II)电梯、消防防及安全装置置、暖气及空空调处于正常常运转状态;(III)星城国际大大厦公共区域域、洗手间及及设施

41、处于清清洁状态。但但如因乙方自自行装修改造造该公寓造成成破坏的除外外。 Parrty A shalll insttruct (but shalll not be liiable for aany faailuree of mmanageement to doo so) managgementt comppany tto exeert itts besst effforts to maaintaiin (I) in ggood ccondittion ffor usse thee rooff, maiin strructurre, waalls, waterr pipees, ellectrii

42、cal ccable and wwiringg, (III) in a norrmal ooperatting ccondittion aany liifts, fire preveentionn and securrity aapparaatus, heatiing annd airr-condditionning, and (III) in cllean ccondittion tthe coommon area, lavaatoriees andd faciilitiees of the SStar CCity. Exceppt forr breaakage are rrisingg f

43、romm the fittiing-ouut by Partyy B. 8.55 甲方方有权在发出出合理通知(紧急情况无无须发出通知知)并尽量减减少对乙方妨妨碍的情况下下,为维护、修修理、更新、升升级或重置的的目的而暂时时终止空调、电电梯、电力、冷冷水、热水及及其他相关服服务,且不承承担任何赔偿偿或补偿责任任。 Parrty A have the rright from time to tiime onn giviing reeasonaable nnoticee to PParty B (suuch nootice not tto be requiired iin casse of emer

44、ggency or brreakdoown) aand caausingg as llittlee incoonveniient tto Parrty B reasoonablyy posssible to suuspendd the air-ccondittioninng sysstem, liftss, eleectricc poweer, waater ssupplyy, hott wateer suppply aand anny othher seervicee or ffaciliities proviided iin or serviing thhe saiid buiilding

45、g for the ppurposse of serviicing, mainntainiing, rrepairring, renewwing, improoving or reeplaciing thhe samme. 8.66 在租租赁期间,甲甲方有权处分分该公寓,包包括但不限于于转让、抵押押等。如甲方方将该公寓转转让给其他方方,届时该公公寓的受让方方将承继甲方方在本合同项项下的全部权权利和义务。 Parrty A has tthe riight tto disspose the ppremisses duuring the lleasinng terrm, inncludiing bu

46、ut nott limiited tto traansferr, morrtgagee and etc. If Paarty AA trannsferss the premiises tto othher paartiess, thee assiignee shalll obtaain Paarty AAs riights and oobligaationss undeer thee agreeementt. 8.77 在合合同终止前11个月内,甲甲方有权带领领潜在承租方方或购买方参参观该公寓 Onee (1) monthh befoore thhe endd of tthe aggreeme

47、ent, PParty A hass the rightt to bbring otherrs proospecttive llesseees or purchhaser to viiew thhe preemisess. 九、乙乙方的权利和和义务 Rigghts aand Reesponssibiliities of Paarty BB 9.11 乙方在征征得甲方同意意的情况下,可安排本公公司其他人员员入住本合同同中所提之房房屋,甲方不不得以无理理理由拒绝。 Parrty B may aarrangge othher peersonaal of its ccompanny to live i

48、n thhe preemisess withh the priorr writtten cconsennt of Partyy A, wwhich conseent shhall nnot bee unreeasonaably wwithheeld. 9.22 乙方方在该公寓内内进行的所有有居住使用活活动或其他一一切行为应遵遵守中国法律律和法规、政政府部门颁布布的其他规定定以及甲方和和物业管理公公司关于该公公寓的相关规规定,否则乙乙方应赔偿甲甲方的全部损损失。如乙方方收到政府有有关部门就该该公寓发出的的任何通知或或传票,则乙乙方应在488小时内书面面通知甲方。 To complly witth

49、 alll appllicablle Chiinese law aand reegulattions and ootherss issuued byy goveernmennt deppartmeents rrelatiing too the conduuct off Partty Bss liviing annd othher acctivitties iin thee premmises and wwith aany off Partty Ass or mmanageement compaanys ruless and regullationns reggardinng thee prem

50、mises; to iindemnnify PParty A witth resspect to anny vioolatioon theereof by Paarty BB; andd to nnotifyy Partty A iin wriiting withiin forrty- eeight (48) hourss afteer recceipt of anny govvernmeent nootice or suummonss withh resppect tto thee premmises. 9.33 在租租赁期间内乙乙方应自费对对该公寓的内内装修和各种种设备设施进进行维修保养养

51、,并保持该该公寓和其设设施处于良好好状态。 To repaiir andd mainntain the iinternnal fiittingg and varioous eqquipmeent innstallled byy Partty B aat Parrty Bs cosst durring tthe teerm annd maiintainn the premiises aand itts faccilitiies inn goodd condditionn. 9.44 一旦旦发生该公寓寓、A座公寓寓遭受毁损,或发生人身身伤害,火灾灾或其他意外外事件,乙方方应立即通知知甲方或物业业管

52、理公司。 To give immeddiate noticce to Partyy A annd Mannagemeent Coompanyy of aany daamagess thatt may be suuffereed to the ppremisses orr any part of thhe Apaartmennt A, any ppersonnal innjury, firee or aany emmergenncy. 9.55 乙方方应遵守国家家和北京市关关于消防和安安全的法律、法法规,并负责责该公寓的消消防和安全工工作。在紧急急情况发生时时,乙方应服服从物业管理理公司的安排排

53、。 Parrty B shalll abidde by relevvant llaws aand reegulattions of thhe Chiina annd Beiijing Municcipaliity onn the fire preveentionn and safetty rulles. PParty B shaall bee in cchargee of ffire pprevenntion and ssafetyy of tthe prremisees. Ass the emerggency occurrs, Paarty BB shalll folllow tthe in

54、nstrucction by thhe mannagemeent coompanyy perssonnell. 9.66 乙方方不得在该公公寓或A座公公寓内携带或或存放易燃易易爆物品,乙乙方应就其违违反消防和安安全的相关规规定或管理不不当产生的所所有后果承担担全部责任 Parrty B shalll not carryy or kkeep aany innflammmable and eexplossive ggoods in thhe preemisess or AApartmment AA. Parrty B shalll be rresponnsiblee for fire resull

55、ting from violaation by Paarty BB of tthe reelevannt firre preeventiion annd saffety rrules or itts impproperr manaagemennt. 9.77 乙方方同意甲方及及其代理人、承承包商、雇员员及其他授权权代表在合理理的时间内进进入该公寓提提供维修等服服务。在紧急急情况下,甲甲方或物业管管理公司无需需事先通知即即可进入该公公寓。乙方同同意甲方无需需就甲方(或或其授权代表表)因处理紧紧急情况而给给乙方造成的的损害承担责责任, 如该该紧急情况是是由乙方直接接或间接所致致,则乙方应应承担相关

56、费费用。前述紧紧急情况包括括但不限于煤煤气报警或火火灾警情、漏漏水现象、发发生严重的可可疑气味、有有被盗窃的可可疑情形以及及政府相关部部门的检查等等。 To alloww Partty A aand itts ageent, ccontraactorss, empployeee and all oother authoorizedd perssonal to ennter tthe prremisees at such reasoonablee timee to pprovidde serrvicinng, maaintaiining and rrepairring. In caase inn

57、 emerrgencyy Partty A oor thee Manaagemennt Commpany has tthe riight tto entter thhe preemisess withhout pprior notifficatiion. PParty B agrrees oon Parrty A shalll not respoonsiblle forr any damagge donne to Partyy B inn the eventt of PParty A (orr itss authhorizeed perrsonall) exeercisiing onn dea

58、lling wwith eemergeency. If suuch emmergenncy iss direectly or inndirecctly ccausedd by PParty B, Paarty BB shalll unddertakke thee releevant fees. The abovee-menttionedd emerrgencyy inclludes but nnot liimitedd to ccoal ggas orr firee alarrm, leeakingg of wwater, risiing seeriouss odorr or ggas, ss

59、hadinness ccase oof pillferagge, innspectted byy admiinistrrationn depaartmennt, ettc. 9.88 乙方方不得转让、抵抵押、转租该该公寓的全部部或部分区域域。乙方亦不不得批准或容容许任何安排排或交易,导导致任何第三三方获得使用用、占有、享享用该公寓的的全部或部分分区域的权利利,无论该第第三方是否为为此支付租金金或其他代价价。 Parrty B may nnot trransfeer, moortgagge, suubleasse, suubdiviide thhe preemisess or aany paar

60、t thhereoff, or approove orr permmit anny arrrangemment oor traansacttion wwherebby anyy thirrd parrty obbtain the rright to usse, occcupattion eenjoymment oof thee Premmises or anny parrt theereof, regaardlesss of whethher suuch thhird pparty pay aany reents oor othher exxpensees. 9.99 乙方方不得将其机机动车停


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