1、 HYPERLINK 南京工程学院期末考查报告书书成绩电气工程专业外外语B 院(系、部、中中心) 电力工程学学院 专 业 电气工程及及其自动化 班 级 电气071 学 生 姓 名名 褚楚 学 号 2060770819 任 课 教 师师 朱建建忠 2010年 77月 南 京 考查要求:对已学的课程内内容进行总结结, 节选4篇课题作为为报告的主题题。通过文献的搜索索(可借鉴Googlle、Yahoo和电子图书书馆的外文期期刊),查找找数篇与课程相相关的资料(一一定是经过选选择后的文献献,要最好的的)。通过已经掌握的的专业词汇和和课题背景对对已查找的文献进进行精心分析析,分析角度度可从词汇、语语法和
2、课题背背景等。对文献进行通篇篇翻译,翻译译最好可直译译,遇拗口的的语句可选择择意译。翻译后从文中选选出关键字。总结翻译成果,写写下中心思想想。考查报告总结(语语句需简洁)。Page1. The PProducction of Ellectriical EEnergyy(电能生产)1.Engliish teestFrom reeferennce 1In largge steeam poower pplantss, the tthermaal eneergy sstoredd in ssteam is coonvertted innto woork byy meanns of turbiines.
3、 A turrbine consiists eessenttiallyy of aa shafft or rotorr fixeed in beariings aand enncloseed in a cyllindriical ccasingg. The rrotor is maade too turnn smooothly by meeans oof jetts of steamm fromm nozzzles aaroundd the peripphery of thhe turrbine cylinnder. Thesee steaam jetts strrike bbladess a
4、ttaached to thhe shaftt. Cenntral powerr stattions emplooy conndensiing tuurbinees in whichh the steamm passses innto a condeenser afterr leavving tthe tuurbinee. Condeensatiion iss effeected by thhe cirrculattion oof larrge quuantitties oof colld watter thhroughh the tubess of tthe coondensser, tth
5、us iincreaasing the eexpanssion rratio of thhe steeam annd thee conssequennt effficienncy annd worrk outtput oof thee turbbine. the tturbinnes arre connnecteed dirrectlyy to llarge electtricitty genneratoors.In turbbines the aactionn of tthe stteam iis kinnetic. Theree is pprogreessivee expaansionn
6、of tthe stteam ffrom tthe hiigh prressurre andd relaativelly smaall voolume at whhich iit entters tthe tuurbinee to tthe loow preessuree and relattivelyy veryy greaat vollume aat whiich itt leavves.Steam iis madde by heatiing waater iin a bboilerr. The uusual boileer hass a fuurnacee in wwhich fuel
7、is buurned and tthe heeat giiven ooff duuring combuustionn is cconduccted tthrouggh thee metaal wallls off the boileer to generrate ssteam at a presssure wwithinn the boileer vesssel .In nuuclearr plannts, steamm is ggeneraated wwith tthe aiid of a reaator iin whiich thhe conntrollled fiissionn of u
8、uraniuum or plutoonium suppllies tthe neecessaary heeat foor thee vapoorizattion oof watter. Thus the rreatorr repllaces the ssteam generrator of coonventtionall plannts.Keywordds:turbiine, steaamFrom reeferennce 2Up untiil noww we hhave bbeen mmainlyy conccernedd withh miniimizinng thee costt of oo
9、peratting aa poweer sysstem. An oveerridiing faactor in thhe opeeratioon of a powwer syystem is thhe dessire tto maiintainn systtem seecuritty. Syystem securrity iinvolvves prracticces deesigneed to keep the ssystemm operratingg whenn compponentts faiil. For eexamplle, a genneratiing unntil mmay haa
10、ve too be ttaken off-lline bbecausse of auxilliary equippment failuure. By maaintaiining propeer amoounts of sppinninng resserve, the rremainning uunits on thhe sysstem ccan maake upp the deficcit wiithoutt too low aa freqquencyy dropp or nneed tto sheed anyy loadd. Simillarly, a trransmiissionn lin
11、ee may be daamagedd by aa storrm andd takeen outt by aautomaatic rrelayiing. IIf in commiittingg and dispaatchinng genneratiion prroper regarrd forr trannsmisssion fflows is maaintaiined, the rremainning ttransmmissioon linnes caan takke thee incrreasedd loadding aand sttill rremainn withhin liimit.
12、 Becauuse thhe speecificc timees at whichh inittiatinng eveents tthat ccause compoonentss to ffail aare unnprediictablle thee systtem muust bee operrated at alll timmes inn suchh a waay thaat thee systtem wiill noot be left in daangeroous coonditiion shhould any ccredibble innitiatting eevent occurr
13、. Sincee poweer sysstem eequipmment iis dessignedd to bbe opeeratedd withhin ceertainn limiits, most piecees of equippment are pproteccted bby auttomatiic devvices that can ccause equippment to bee swittched out oof thee systtem iff thesse limmits aare viiolateed. Iff any eventt occuurs onn a syyste
14、m that leavees it operaating with limitts vioolatedd, thee evennt mayy be ffollowwed byy a seeries of fuurtherr actiions tthat sswitchh otheer equuipmennt outt of sservicce. This is ussuallyy refeerred to ass a syystem blackkout.Keywordds:powerr systtem, ssecuriityFrom reeferennce 3System monittorin
15、gg provvides the ooperattors oof thee poweer sysstem wwith ppertinnent uup-to-date inforrmatioon on the ccondittions on thhe powwer syystem .Geneerallyy speaaking it iss the most imporrtant functtion oof thee threee. From the ttime tthat uutilitties wwent bbeyondd systtems oof onee unitt suppplyingg
16、 a grroup oof loaads, effecctive operaation of thhe sysstem rrequirred thhat crriticaal quaantitiies bee meassured and tthe vaalues of thhe meaasuremments be trransmiitted to a centrral loocatioon. Such systeems off meassuremeent annd datta traansmisssion, calleed tellemetrry sysstems, have evolvved
17、 too scheemes tthat ccan moonitorr volttages, curreents, powerr flowws, and tthe sttatus of ciircuitt breaakers switcches iin eveery suubstattion iin a ppower systeem traansmisssion netwoork. In addditioon, otherr crittical inforrmatioon succh as frequuency, generrator unit outpuuts annd traansforrm
18、er ttap poositioons caan alsso be telemmetereed. With so muuch inforrmatioon tellemeteered ssimulttaneouusly, no huuman ooperattor coould hhope tto cheeck alll of it inn a reeasonaable ttime fframe. For tthis rreasonn, digittal coomputeers arre usuually instaalled in opperatiions ccontrool cennters
19、to gaather the ttelemeeteredd dataa, proceess thhem, and pplace them in a data base from whichh operratorss can displlay innformaation on laarge ddisplaay monnitorss. More imporrtantlly, the ccomputter caan cheeck inncominng infformattion aagainsst preestoreed limmits aand allarm tthe opperatoors in
20、n the eventt of aan oveerloadd or oout-off-limiit volltage. State eestimaation is offten uused iin succh sysstems to coombinee teleemeterred syystem data with systeem moddels tto prooduce the bbest eestimaate (in aa stattisticcal)off the curreent poower ssystemm condditionns or “statee”.Keywordds:te
21、lemmeter, estiimateFrom reeferennce 4The maiin objjectivve of produuctionn conttrol iin powwer syystem is too miniimize the ccost oof gennerateed powwer whhile mmaintaainingg its qualiity annd sattisfyiing thhe sysstem ssecuriity coonstraaints. Thiss impllies ddirecttly thhat loosses in booth thhe g
22、enneratiion annd thee trannsmisssion oof eleectriccal ennergy must be ass smalll as possiible. All pparticcipatiing geenerattors aare ruun at high efficcienciies, tthe miix of produuctionn resoourcess is eexploiited eeconommicallly andd the energgy is transsmitteed opttimallly. Prroducttion ccontroo
23、l inccludess geneeral bboth aactivee and reacttive ppower. Howeever, the mmain iintereest inn thiss typee of aappliccationn has so faar beeen foccused mainlly on the aactivee partt. Thiis is the ccase iin thiis secction also. Howeever, interrest ffor thhe reaactivee partt is rrapidlly groowing and w
24、will ssoon gget a greatt deall of aactionn. The acttivitiies inn the produuctionn conttrol ffield have tradiitionaally bbeen bbased on pllanninng. Thhis iss stilll thee casee. The aiim is then to brreak ddown tthe ovveralll objeectivee intoo detaailed planss, norrmallyy on aan houurly bbasis, thatt
25、can be caarriedd out by thhe opeeratorr in tthe coontroll centter. TThus, severral stteps aare taaken iin a hhierarrchicaal schheme tto suppport the ooperattors ambbitionn alwaays too havee prodductioon ressourcees avaailablle to meet the lload ddemandd and guidee him to opperatee the generratingg u
26、nitts so that the mmost eeconommic allternaativess are choseen. Thhe seccurityy aspeects mmust aalso bbe connsisteed ,e.g. thhe sellectioon of produuctionn unitts musst nott resuult inn linee overrloadss, tooo highh bus voltaage ettc. Iff the systeem sufffers the ssuddenn losss of ggeneraation, it m
27、must bbe preeventeed froom gettting into the aalert statee for exampple byy actiivatinng prooductiion reeservees. Keywordds:produuctionn conttrol, securrity2中文翻译及分分析出自文献1: 在大型火电电厂中,蒸汽汽中储存的热热能通过汽轮轮机做功。汽汽轮机基本上上是由轴或者者固定在轴承承之间封闭在在圆柱形汽缸缸内的转自组组成。转子由由汽轮机汽缸缸周围的喷嘴嘴喷出的气流流推动而平稳稳转动。这些些喷射蒸汽流流冲击安装在在轴上的叶轮轮。中心发电电厂应
28、用凝汽汽式汽轮机,使使蒸汽离开汽汽轮机进入凝凝汽器,由凝凝汽器管束内内的大量循环环冷却水进行行凝汽,这样样就增加了蒸蒸汽的膨胀率率和效益,也也增加了汽轮轮机的输出。汽汽轮机直接连连接大型的发发电机组。 在汽轮机内内,蒸汽是运运动的,它有有一个逐渐膨膨胀的过程:进入汽轮机时,蒸蒸汽在高压下下有相对较小小的体积,而而离开汽轮机机时,在低压压下有相对较较大的体积。 蒸汽由锅炉炉内的热水生生成。一般锅锅炉有燃烧室室,燃料在燃燃烧室燃烧,燃燃烧过程中散散发的热通过过锅炉内的金金属壁传导,在锅炉内产生一定压力下的蒸汽。在核电厂,借助反应堆内铀或钚的裂变提供的热量来使水汽化产生蒸汽。这样,反应堆就取代了传统
30、的输电线路就就会承担相应应的负荷,而而电力系统仍仍处于安全。因为使电力系统统的设备发生生故障的始发发事件的特定定时间不可预预测,电力系系统必须一直直以下列方式式运行:任何何可信始发事事件发生时,电电力系统都不不会处于危险险状态。由于于电力系统的的设备设计成成在一定的限限度内工作,大大多数设备在在超出限度时时,自动保护护装置会使设设备与系统断断开而保护设设备。假设系系统内任何事事件使系统超超限运行,随随后会产生一一系列的反应应,使其他设设备停止工作作。如果这一一过程继续,整整个电力系统统或系统大部部分可能完全全瘫痪。这通通常被称为电电力系统断电电。关键字:电力系系统,安全出自文献3: 系统控制功
32、计算机机来收集、分分析遥测数据据并把数据存存入数据库。操操作人员也可可以把信息从从数据库调出出并显示在大大屏幕上。更更重要的是,计计算机可以把把输入数据与与之前存储的的限制数据进进行对比,并并在过载或超超限电压时向向操作人员发发出警示。 这样的系统统长应用状态态把遥测系统统数据与系统统模型相结合合,作出现在在电力系统状状态最佳的评评估(统计学学意义上的)。关键字:遥测,评评估出自文献4:电力系统内生产产控制的主要要目标是:在在维持电能质质量和满足系系统安全要求求的条件下,最最大限度地降降低生产电能能的成本。这这意味着生产产和输送电能能的损耗必须须尽可能小。所所有参与的发发电机组将高高效运转,并
34、统突然失去一一些发电能力力,必须启动动备用发电机机组以防止进进入警戒状态态。关键字:生产控控制,安全3 长难句分析析及专业词汇汇a). conntinuiity n. 连续性b). beaaring n. 轴承c). kinnetic a. 运动的d). vapporizaation n. 蒸汽,汽化化e). pellton wwheel n. 冲击式水轮轮机4 中心思想三相系统是目前前最常用的发发电和输电系系统。目前发发电的主要方方式是火力发发电,水力发发电,核电等等,其中火力力发电应用最最广泛。电力力系统运行时时,应使任何何始发事件发发生时,电力力系统都不会会处于危险状状态。系统的的控制功
35、能是是电力系统最最重要的功能能,运行中常常将采集到的的系统数据与与系统模型相相结合,以此此来评估系统统的运行状态态。5 列出文献1.王宏文等.自动化专业业英语教程.北京:机械械工业出版社社,19982.冯俊宝.电电力专业英语语基础.北京:中国国电力出版社社,20093.冯俊宝等.电力专业英英语基础学习习指南.北京:中国国电力出版社社,20084.刘然等.电电力专业英语语(第三版).北京:中国国电力出版社社,2010Page2. Generaators and MMotorss(发电机和电动动机)1.Engliish teestFrom reeferennce 1 The bbasic elec
36、ttricall prinnciplee undeerlyinng opeeratioon of dc geenerattors iis callled “generrator actioon”. If a llengthh of wwire iis movved thhorouggh a mmagnettic fiield iin succh a wway thhat thhe wirre cutts bettween the NNorth and SSouth poless prodducingg the magneetic ffield, an eelectrric vooltagee
37、willl be sset upp in tthe wiire. oof couurse, the vvoltagge sett up iin a ssinglee lenggth off wiree woulld be smalll. But iff a laarge nnumberr of wwires were conneected end tto endd and rotatted inn the magneetic ffield, the voltaage seet up in thhe serries oof thee wiree lenggths wwould be eqqual
38、 tto thee sun of vooltagees sett up iin thee indiividuaal lenngths wire. “Generrator actioon” is tthe efffect whereeby thhe volltage is seet up in a movinng connductoor. In dcc geneeratorrs, thhe connductoors arre wouund innto cooils aand moountedd in sslots on thhe armmaturee or rrotatiing ellement
39、t withhin thhe uniits houusing. The end oof eacch coiil of conduuctorss are brougght ouut to one eend off the armatture wwhere they are cconneccted tto inddividuual innsulatted baars inn a asssemblly of such bars, whicch is mountted arround the aarmatuure shhaft. This aassembbly iss callled thhe “co
40、mmuutatorr”, whiich iss requuired to prrovideed dirrect-ccurrennt outtput ffrom tthe geenerattor. TThe wiires tthat ccome oout off the generrator, one for tthe poositivve sidde of the ddc outtput aand onne forr the negattive sside, are cconneccted wwithinn the generrator to caarbon brushhes whhich r
41、ride oon thee commmutatoor. The brrushess pickk up tthe ellectriic currrent from the ccommuttator and ppass iit to the ccircuiit beiing feed by the ggeneraator. Keywordds:generrator, volttageFrom reeferennce 2An elecctric motorr can be reeserveed by reserrving the ddirecttion oof thee currrent iin e
42、itther iits arrmaturre or its ffield coilss. If both curreents aare reeserveed thee motoor conntinuees to turn in thhe samme dirrectioon, annd it folloows thhat thhe commmutattor mootors descrribed abovee willl workk fromm an AAC suppply. There are, howevver, ttwo sppeciall kindds of motorr thatt ca
43、n be ussed wiith ACC onlyy. The fiirst oof theese iss callled a synchhronouus mottor beecausee it ssynchrronizees itsself, that is, iit keeeps inn stepp withh the AC suupply. The mooving part, callled thhe rottor, iis a sstraigght baar maggnet mmounteed on a spiindle thoroough iits ceenter betweeen
44、thhe polles off an eelectrromagnnet. WWhen tthe ellectroomagneet is joineed to an ACC suppply itts maggnetissm resservess reguularlyy eachh timee the curreent chhangess direectionn, andd its poless becoome allternaately N andd S. TThe syynchroonous motorr is nnot seelf-sttartinng, buut if the rrotor
45、 is sppun roound bby hannd at the ccorrecct speeed, iits S pole is allways approoachinng thee uppeer polle of the eelectrromagnnet whhen thhis iss a N pole. And byy the same time electtromaggnet ccurrennt hass channged tthe uppper ppole tto a SS polee, thee rotoor hass turnned soo thatt the N polle
46、is approoachinng. The maagnetiic atttractiion beetweenn the oppossite ppoles of thhe rottor annd thee elecctromaagnet pullss the rotorr rounnd andd keepps it movinng. The cuurrentt, synnchronnous, speedd is wwhen tthe rootor rrevolvves onnce foor eacch commpletee cyclle of the AAC suppply, with a 50
47、 cyclee AC ssupplyy the synchhronouus mottors speeed iss 50 rrevoluutionss per seconnd, thhat iss 30000 revoolutioons peer minnute. This kkind oof mottor haas a pperfecctly cconstaant sppeed aas lonng as the ffrequeency oof thee AC ssupplyy stayys connstantt, andd becaause oof thiis it is ussed too
48、drivve eleectricc cloccks. Keywordds:electtric mmotor, rotoorFrom reeferennce 3 Synchhronouus macchiness can be cllassiffied aas cyllindriical-rrotor or saalientt-polee machhines. The cyylindrrical-rotorr consstructtion iis useed in high steamm-turbbine-ddrivenn geneeratorrs. The arrmaturre winnding
49、ss conssist oof lamminateed connductoors pllaced in thhe sattor sllots. They aare ussuallyy 3-phhase YY-connnectedd winddings, and voltaages oof aboove 133,800 voltss, linne to line, are commoon in sizess abovve sevveral thoussand kkilowaatts. The rootor ccarriees thee dc ffield windiings. Most oof
50、thee turbbine ggeneraators beingg buillt at preseent foor 60-cps sservicce aree 2-poole 3,600-rrpm maachinees. Becausse of the eeconommics oof higgh-speeed hiigh-teemperaature high-presssure ssteam turbiines, much studyy and some real pioneeeringg workk havee beenn devooted tto impprovemments in maa
51、teriaals annd dessign oof botth genneratoors annd turrbiness, andd the maximmum raatingss for whichh 3,6000-rpmm machhines have been builtt havee apprroximaately doublled duuring the ddecadee. The aadvanttage oof larrge unnits aare: ssomewhhat inncreassed effficieency, somewwhat llower capittal coos
52、t peer killowattt, andd the lowerr plannt opeeratinng cosst beccause of thhe greeater ease of opperatiing a generratingg stattion cconsissting of a relattivelyy few largee unitts as compaared wwith oone coonsistting oof manny smaaller unitss. Keywordds:Synchhronouus macchine, sizeeFrom reeferennce 4
53、 Becauuse off the high rotattionall streesses, the rotorrs of turbiine geenerattors mmust bbe dessignedd for as smmall aa diammeter as iss conssistennt witth othher reequireementss. At thee samee timee, limmitatiions aare immposedd on tthe axxial llengthh of tthe rootor bby vibbratioon connsiderrati
54、onns. Heence tthe deesign of thhe rottor iss indeeed a diffiicult probllem, aand thhe dessign oof thee wholle macchine is laargelyy deteermineed by it. SStressses arre higgh, opperatiing teemperaaturess are high, and spacee is ccrampeed. The inssulatiion iss subjjectedd to sseveree rotaationaal strr
55、essess, rellativeely hiigh teemperaaturess, andd seveere sttressees cauused bby theermal expannsion of thhe coiils. TThese factoors maake a low-vvoltagge rottor wiindingg desiirablee. Turbinne genneratoors ussuallyy are desiggned ffor exxcitattion aat volltage of 1225 to 375 vvolts. The fiield ccurr
56、ennt usuually is obbtaineed froom an excitter cooupledd to tthe shhaft oof thee geneeratorr. The aair gaaps off turbbine ggeneraators usuallly arre mucch lonnger tthan iin othher tyypes oof macchiness. A longg air gap rreducees thee reacctancee of tthe arrmaturre winngdingg and improoves vvoltagges
57、reegulattion aand sttabiliity. IIt is also necesssary for vventillationn. An obvvious advanntage of a long air ggap iss thatt it neccessittates a greeater fieldd mmf to prroducee a sppecifiied aiir-gapp fluxx. The ccoolinng prooblem in ellectriical aapparaatus iin genneral increeases in diifficuulty
58、 wwith iincreaasing size, becaause tthe suurfacee areaa fromm whicch thee heatt mustt be ccarrieed awaay inccreasees rouughly as thhe squuare oof thee dimeensionns, whhile tthe heeat deevelopped byy the lossees is roughhly prroporttionall to tthe voolume and tthereffore iincreaases aapproxximateely
59、ass the cube of thhe dimmensioons. BBecausse of theirr comppactneess, tthis pprobleem is a serrious one wwith llarge turbiine geenerattors.Keywordds:turbiine geenerattor, ddesignn中文翻译及分析析 出自文献11: 构成直流发发电机运行基基础的基本电电气原理被称称作“发电机行为”。如果一段段导线以切割割产生的磁场场的N极和S极的磁力线线方式通过这这个磁场,那那么这段导线线中就会产生生电压。当然然,在单独的的一段导线中中产
60、生的电压压是很小的。但但是,如果大大量的导线首首尾相连并在在磁场中旋转转,那么在这这一系列导线线中产生的电电压将等于在在单个导线中中产生的电压压的和。“发电机行为”可以解释为为何电压会在在移动导线中中产生。 在直流发电电机中,导线线缠绕成线圈圈,并安在电电枢线槽内或或电机壳内的的旋转部件上上。每个线圈圈导线的末端端连接到电枢枢一端的单独独绝缘的母线线上;这些母母线构成的汇汇流排安装在在电枢轴上。这这个装置叫“换向极”,用来为发发电机提供直直流输出。这这些从发电机机出来的导线线,一条用作作直流电输出出的正极,另另一条用作负负极,它们在在发电机内连连接到换向器器的电刷上。这这些电刷从换换向器获取电
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