1、2013年 12 283(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. Writing 2. Listening Comprehension 3. Reading Comprehension 4.TranslationPart IWriting1 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay based on thepicture below. You should start your essay with a brief account of the picture, giverelevant examples, and
2、 then explain what you will do to solve the problem. Youshould write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.正确答案:As is portrayed in the picture, humansliving space is decliningin modern cities with the high-rises springing up. On the top of a glass-and-steel highbuilding, four athletes are co
3、mpeting with each other in a long-distance running race,who are surrounded by stretches of skyscrapers. The race is special in that all therunners could only run on the running machines due to the limited activity space ofurban residents.More examples could serve as proofs of the serious problem. Th
4、eexpansion of urban construction narrows down open space, leaving city-dwellersfewer opportunities to appreciate colorful natural landscape. Moreover, the ecosystemhas been lashed with the development of modern cities. The modern world is deprivedof joy for the lack of birdstweet.The only way out is
5、 to carry out the strategy ofsustainable development Firstly, it is time to increase the investment of landscapedesign and construction in order to increase the rate of urban landscaping. Secondly,environment-friendly architectures and transportation systems could be promoted tobuild a sustainable s
6、ociety.解析:第一段:第三段:提出建议:实施城市可持续发展计划。Part IIListening ComprehensionSection A听力原文:W: I was working on a paper about the differences between womenand men. I have been thinking about it all these days, but no satisfactory results comeout M: Ah, you may not realize re working on a complicated philosophica
7、lissue.W: I know exactly that men and women are different. They sometimes dontunderstand each other at all. M: I agree. Men and women are interested in differenttopics when they are talking. Last weekend, John and I went to a ball game. Whenre at the game, we talked about the players and what s goin
8、g on in the game andnothing else. I think women wouldn t do that. W: You bet! Yesterday, a friend and Isat at a cafe and talked about nothing, and everything! Urn. about my sister s newbaby. and about when she could go back to work. and you know, who should takecare of the baby. things like that. M:
9、 When a woman talks with a man,3she ll oftenfeel as though he wasnt really listening or that he wasnt really having a conversation,right? W: Yeah, that sounds very familiar to me.M: And I think a man doesntunderstand what the woman really wants from him. W: I guess he probably wonderswhats her point
10、?, wheres this conversation going?”M: To speak from experience,for a man, talking is generally more straightforwardits about giving and gettingfacts. Men generally dont base their friendships on talking, but on doinggettingtogether with buddies, playing sports or hanging out. W: Well, for me, a best
11、 friend issomeone I can be close with and talk to. I can talk with her in detail about everydayevents in our lives. We share feelings and secrets. This offers a chance to betterunderstand our world and ourselves.1 What is the woman doing recently?2 What willmen probably talk about in a ball game?3 H
12、ow does a woman probably feel in aconversation with a man?4 According to the woman, what role does touting play inwomens friendship?2Looking for a person to talk to.Working on a troublemaking talking.CTrying to understand the two genders.Trying to understand friendship between women.正确答案:C解析:选项形式均为
13、,可以预测问题是问某人在做什么。对话刚C 的 two genders“两性”是原文 women和 men 的概括,为答案。3Their favorite players.Their careers.CTheir family.Their recent life.正确答案:A“他们喜欢的球员”与对话内容相符,为答案。4Enthusiastic.Doubtful.CPeaceful.Cautious.正确答案:B解析:选项均为表达情绪、感受的形容词,话题又是男女之间的比较,故性交谈时会怀疑男性是否真的与她在交流,故选 。5An effective tool to help form s frien
14、dship.A way to understand and appreciate friends.CAn access that a woman can express her troubles.An effective way to achieve something from s friends.正确答案:A解析:选项为名词短语,中心词是 tool、way等,说明是问某物的作用。女士的最后一轮话说明了 talking 的作用:朋友就是可以拿来亲近和倾诉的,“帮助女性朋友建立友谊的有效手段”符合题意。听力原文:W: Honey, could you come here for a secon
15、d. We need to talk. Myparents are coming to visit next week and I want to get this place clean. Besides, it isalmost April and it is time for some spring cleaning anyway. M: I hate cleaning. Cantwe just tidy up a bit the night before your parents get here? W: No! This place is apigsty! We cant just
16、tidy up the house. We need to do a deep cleaning. The upstairs isa disaster area. Lets start by cleaning out your bedroom closet You have a lot of junkin there. M: My closet? Your parents aren t even going to go in the closet. I say wewipe down the kitchen counter and maybe vacuum the rug in the liv
17、ing room. That sall we need to do. W: No way. The house is trashed and I am too embarrassed to havemy parents see it like this. You never pick up after yourself and the kids never do theirchores. What happens is I end up doing all the cleaning.8Today you are going to dosome of the dirty work. The up
18、stairs toilet is blocked. I want you to fix that and cleanthe entire bathroom with bleach. Make sure to air it out when you are done. Nobodylikes that bleach smell. M: That sounds horrible! What are you going to do? W: I mgoing to pick up all of the dirty clothes in the kids room and do the wash. I
19、will comeupstairs in one hour to check on you M: OK. I ll get started upstairs.W: Now that isthe right attitude! You are such a great husband. M: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Let s just getthis over with. I want to watch the game this afternoon at 4:00.5 What is the man sattitude towards housework?6 What do we
20、 learn about the mans bedroom closet?7What does the woman say about the house?8 What does the man decide to do?6Reluctant.Positive.CAmbitious.Indifferent.正确答案:A 。7No one wants to look at the closet.The man has already cleaned it up.CIt has gradually become a trash can.It is occupied by lots of usele
21、ss stuff.正确答案:D些没用的东西(junk)D的 useless stuff对应对话中的 junk,故为答案。8The stairs to upper floor are broken.The upstairs toilet is full of bleach smell.CIt should be entirely cleaned up.It is often tidied up by the s parents.正确答案:C解析:女士对房子的整洁很有意见,她认为“我们要做个大扫除 (a deepcleaning) C 是正确答案。9Pick up dirty clothes.Fi
22、x the upstairs toilet.CWatch the game.Do the wash.正确答案:B B的 upstairs toilet 士修理 toilet,因此男士很可能会去清理洗手间,选 。Section B听力原文:The advantages and disadvantages of a large population havelong been a subject of discussion among economists. It has been argued that thesupply of good land is limited. To feed a l
23、arge population, inferior land must becultivated and the good land worked intensively. Thus, each person produces less andthis means a lower average income than could be obtained with a smaller population.Other economists have argued that a large population gives more scope forspecialization and the
24、 development of facilities such as ports, roads and railways,which are not likely to be built unless there is a big demand to justify them.Oneof the difficulties in carrying out a world-wide birth control program lies in the factthat official attitudes to population growth vary from country to count
25、ry, depending onthe level of industrial development and the availability of food and raw materials. In adeveloping country where a vastly expanded population is pressing hard upon thelimits of food, space and natural resources, it will be the first concern of governmentto place a limit on the birthr
26、ate, whatever the consequences might be.11A decreasingbirthrate may lead to unemployment, because it results in a declining market formanufactured goods. When the pressure of population on housing declines, pricesalso decline and the building industry is weakened. Faced with considerations such asth
27、ese, the government of a developed country may well prefer to see a slowlyincreasing population, rather than one which is stable or in decline.9 What has longbeen a topic of discussion among economists?10 What is one of the difficulties incarrying out a world-wide birth control program?11 What conse
28、quence may adecreasing birthrate result in?10The merits and drawbacks of a large population.The disadvantages of a large population.CThe advantages of a small population.The rapidly growing world population.正确答案:AA中的merits对应文中的drawbacks对应disadvantages,故本题的答案为 。The level of education varies around th
29、e world.The economistsattitudes to population differ greatly.CThe living standard varies from country to country.The countriesattitudes to population differ greatly.正确答案:DD表达的正是此义,故为答案。12Great pressure on housing.Rising demands of goods.CThe prosperity of the building industry.A declining market for
30、 manufactured goods.正确答案:D 。听力原文:Those who use solar energy help us save our precious fuel. Asyou know, our supplies of oil and gas are very limited. There is just not enough onhand to meet all our future energy needs. And when Mother Nature says thats all,thats all. The only way we can delay hearin
31、g those words is by starting to save energynow and by using other sources, such as the sun.We wont have to worry aboutthe suns running out of energy for another several billion years or so. Besides beingan endless source of energy, the use of the sun has other advantages as well. Forexample, the sun
32、 does not offer pollution as other energy sources.Furthermore,owners of solar homes will have extra protection against rising fuel costs. They willalso have some protection against fuel shortage. When utility costs go up, owners ofsolar homes wont have to face the burdens brought about by increased
33、costs.With all these good points, why don t we see more of solar power? There are manyreasons for this. The biggest reason is money. Until now, it was just not practical for ahome owner to put in a solar unit. There were cheaper sources of energy around. Solarcosts are starting to equal the costs of
34、 oil and electricity. And experts say that gas willtriple in cost in the next few years. In fact, gas is in such short supply right now that,in some places, it is not sold to new customers. Some customers are even having theirsupplies cut back.12 What is the only way to delay hearing Mother Nature s
35、 wordsabout energy shortage?13 What will owners of solar homes not worry about?14 Whatis the biggest reason for not using more solar power now?15 How will the price of gasmost be likely to change in the next few years according to experts?13Rising fuel costs to limit the use of it.Saving energy and
36、use other sources.CHaving protection against fuel shortage.Putting in a solar unit in every house.正确答案:B省能源并使用其他能源,如太阳能。B符合文意。14The disadvantages of solar energy.The pollution of other energy sources.CThe rising fuel costs and fuel shortage.The costs of solar energy system.正确答案:C他们也不必担心能源匮乏。因此,本题选 C
37、。15There is no space to put in solar units.It is decided by Mother Nature.CIt is not the right time to use it.It costs too much to use it.正确答案:DD表达的正是此意,故为本题答案。16It will go up.It will come down.CIt will go up and down.It will stay the same.正确答案:A解析:由选项可知,本题问 It 在未来的发展趋势。It 在此处指代的是 theprice of gas。短文
38、提到,专家们说在接下来的这些年里 gas的价格会增至三倍(triple)之高。即其价格将上涨,因此本题选 。Section C听力原文:M: At every stage of our lives we make decisions that will profoundlyinfluence the lives of the people we re going to become, and then when we becomethose people, re not always thrilled with the decisions we made.W: So youngpeople p
39、ay good money to get tattoos removed that teenagers paid good money to get.Mid-die-aged people rushed to divorce people who young adults rushed to marry.Older adults work hard to lose what middle-aged adults worked hard to gain. On andon and on. The question is, why do we make decisions that our fut
40、ure selves so oftenregret?M: I think one of the reasons ll try to convince you todayis that we havea fundamental misconception about the power of time. Every one of you knows thatthe rate of change slows over the human lifespan, that your children seem to changeby the minute but your parents seem to
41、 change by the year.W: But what is the name ofthis magical point in life where change suddenly goes from a gallop to a crawl? Is itteenage years? Is it middle age? Is it old age?M: The answer, it turns out, for mostpeople, is now, wherever now happens to be. What I want to convince you today isthat
42、all of us are walking around with an illusion, an illusion that history, our personalhistory, has just come to an end, that we have just recently become the people that wewere always meant to be and will be for the rest of our lives. Let me give you somedata to back up that claim. So heres a study o
43、f change in peoples personal valuesover time. Here are three values pleasure, success and honesty. Everybody hereholds all of them, but you probably know that as you grow, as you age, the balance ofthese values shifts.W: So how does it do so?M: Well, we asked thousands of people.We asked half of the
44、m to predict for us how much their values would change in thenext 10 years, and the. others to tell us how much their values had changed in the last10 years. And this enabled us to do a really interesting kind of analysis, because itallowed us to compare the predictions of people, say, 18 years old,
45、 to the reports ofpeople who were 28, and to do that kind of analysis throughout the lifespan.16 Howdo we feel about the decisions made at every stage of our lives?17 What accounts forpeoples regret about their decisions according to the man?18 What do we learn aboutthe three values mentioned by the
46、 man?17We tend to be satisfied after a second thought.We are not always thrilled with them afterwards.CWe always regret the hasty ones we made.We are mostly happy with whom weve become.正确答案:B解析:选项都与我们对某事的感受有关。录音开头,男士提到,我们在B为该处录音的同义概括,故为正确答案。18Their misconception about the power of time.Their ignoran
47、ce about the rate of change in life.CTheir fantasy that the youth change more slowly.Their belief that adults change faster than babies.正确答案:A之前所做的决定后悔的其中一个原因是我们对时间的力量的错误理解,故 A 正确。19They are of the same importance all through ones life.They will not change at least in the next 10 years.CThe balance
48、of them will shift as time goes by.They change more in teenage years than in elder years.正确答案:C 3 随着你年龄的增长而变化,C 与此相符,为正确答案。听力原文:Grocery has so far resisted the rise of online shopping. That maybe about to change. There is a huge difference between being late and being toolate,”said Dalton Philips, t
49、he boss of Morrisons, on November 21st, as he announcedthe launch of the British grocer s online-shopping service.heart will be noticed beyond Britain. Grocery is the biggest category in retailing butthe most resistant to the advance of online shopping. Grocers have held back forMorrisonschange ofgo
50、od reasons. Like many physical-store merchants they are worried that onlinecommerce will reduce sales in stores but not the costs associated with them. Grocery,with its tiny profit margins, adds complications. Virtual shopping-carts contain dozensof low-value items, which must be stored at different
51、 temperatures. Retailers caneither get in-store staff to pick them off the shelves, which becomes disruptive asvolumes rise, or build dedicated warehouses, which is costly. So are home deliveries:even in thickly settled Britain each one costs grocers around 10, but shopperstypically pay little more
52、than 3.Consumers are also cautious. Many want toexamine fresh produce before they buy it. They dont want to buy again when onlinegrocers deliver substitutions instead of what they ordered. Many shoppers try grocerywebsites but get discouraged,” says David Shukri of the Institute of GroceryDistributi
53、on in London.half the British market, is profitable.However, Tesco claims its online operation, with nearlyPeapod, the biggest American online grocer,has shown a flair for innovation: Peapod s customers can buy by scanning images ofproducts on delivery lorries and coffee cups with their mobile phone
54、s. LazyManhattan residents have been ordering Thanksgiving feasts from FreshDirect, thesecond-largest online grocer, which is partly owned by Morrisons. Both venturesprosper because they cater to well-off families, largely in cities.Amazon beganfresh-food deliveries in Seattle a few years ago and in
55、 Los Angeles last year. It isexpected to add maybe 20 cities abroad. Traditional grocery chains will respond.They are determined not to repeat the mistakes other sorts of retailers made at theturn of the century, when they were too afraid of Amazon,” says Robert Hetu ofGartner, a technology-research
56、 firm.Walmart Labs in Silicon Valley has importedmany of the people who developed the online-grocery business at its Britishsubsidiary. On November 25th Walmart said that its new chief executive would beDoug McMillon, who as head of the international operation is responsible for itsBritish subsidiar
57、y. He may speed s halting American effort.If a bigAmerican retailer plunges in, others will take it seriously and the market will expandrapidly, says Mr. Biggs.19 What is the grocerys attitude to online shopping?20 Whatis consumers attitude to online grocery shopping?21 What do we know aboutTesco?22
58、 How do the traditional grocery chains respond to online shopping?20It will still resist online service for some time.Its eager to launch online service soon.CIt might not resist online service anymore.s still hesitant about offering online service.正确答案:C解析:从选项中的 online 、resist、eager、hesitant 等关键词来看
59、,制提供网购服务的态度可能将会改变,这说明他们可能不再抵制提供网购服务,故 C 正确。21They are eager to try grocery websites.They are very cautious about trying it.CThey resist buying fresh produce online.They find it convenient and satisfactory.正确答案:B客对网购的顾虑,B与录音所说的 Consumers are also cautious意思一致,为正确答案。22It is the biggest American online
60、 grocer.It can make a profit from its online operation.CIts customers are mainly from Manhattan.It will do some innovation on online service.正确答案:B解析:录音提到食品杂货店提供网购服务能盈利的第一实例就是 ,它的网络服务覆盖了近半个英国市场,它也宣称它从中获得了盈利,故 B正确。23They are too afraid of Amazon to offer online-grocery service.They wont take Walmarts
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