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1、Unit 3 The National English CurriculumUnit 3 The National English CuObjectives:l Get the students to know about the background of the design of the National English Curriculum.l Make the students clear about the designing principles for the National English Curriculum.l Get the students to know abou

2、t the goals and objectives of English language teaching.l Make the students aware of the challenges English teachers may face under the New National English Curriculum.Objectives:English Curriculum Standards (ECS) was one of the products of the curriculum reform in basic education. In the National E

3、nglish Curriculum, eight parts are presented: nature of the curriculum, basic principles in curriculum reform, design of nine-band goals system, curriculum goals and their descriptions, teaching suggestions, evaluating suggestions, development and utilization of curriculum resources, and the writing

4、 and use of textbooks.English Curriculum Standards (Our study on the English Curriculum Standards will be centered around six major points:(a) The nature of the curriculum(b) Basic principles in curriculum reform(c) Curriculum goals, including the nine-band goals system; (d) Curriculum resources, in

5、cluding development and utilization of curriculum resources and the writing and use of textbooks;(e) Curriculum teaching, including teaching suggestions;(f) learner assessment, including suggestions on evaluation (Chapter Twelve).Our study on the English CurriThe nature of the curriculumThe English

6、curriculum is not only a process in which students gain command over linguistic knowledge and language skills and use the English language in real life communication, but also as a process in which they temper their willpower, widen their vision, enrich their life experiences, develop their thinking

7、 and reasoning, improve their personalities and enhance their qualities.The nature of the curriculumThThis definition indicates that English teaching should not only aim to help students with the learning of the English subject matter, but also aim to enhance their all-round personal development, as

8、 illustrated in the following diagram:This definition indicates that A brief history of foreign language teaching in ChinaAsk the students to read through the sub-titles in this part and then get a general idea about the topic. A brief history of foreign laDesigning principles for the National Engli

9、sh Curriculum (1) Aim for educating all students, and emphasize quality-oriented education. (面向全体学生,注重素质教育)(2) Design overall goals, and allow flexibility and adaptability.(整体设计目标,体现灵活开放)(3) Promote learner-centredness, and respect individual differences.(突出学生主体,尊重个体差异)Designing principles for the N

10、(4) Pay close attention to the learning process, and advocate experiential learning and participation. (采用活动途径,倡导体验参与)(5) Attach particular importance to formative assessment, and give special attention to the development of competence.(注重过程评价,促进学生发展)(6) Optimize learning resources, and maximise opp

11、rotunities for learning and using the language. (开发课程资源,促进学生发展)(4) Pay close attention to theGoals and objectives of English language teachingThe new curriculum is designed to promote students overall language ability, which is composed of five interrelated components, namely, language skills, langu

12、age knowledge, affects, learning strategies and cultural understanding. Each component is further divided into a few sub-categories. Language teaching is no longer aimed only for developing language skills and knowledge, but expanded to developing learners positive attitude, motivation, confidence a

13、s well as strategies for life-long learning along with cross-cultural knowledge, awareness and capabilities.Goals and objectives of Englis英语教学法教程课件03 Perspective of the curriculum goalsIn the new Engish Curriculum Standards, the curriculum goals are more comprehensive than those specified in the pre

14、vious syllabuses or curriculum standards. It includes five specific goals, ranging from English subject matter learning and cross-cultural adaptation to the development of learning strategies and good emotions and attitudes. Perspective of the curriculumLinguistic knowledge: Phonetics; Vocabulary; G

15、rammar; Functions; TopicsLanguage skills: Listening; Speaking; Reading; WritingCultural awareness: cultural knowledge; cultural understanding; cross-cultural communicationLinguistic knowledge: PhoneticEmotion and attitude (affective factors): motivation and interest; self-confidence and willpower; c

16、ooperation; patirotism; international visionLearning strategies: cognitive, monitor, communicative, and resourcing strategiesEmotion and attitude (affectivEvaluation of the curriculum goals(1) A good mastery of basic linguistic knowledge and proficiency in language skills enable students to build up

17、 their confidence, cultivate good habits, and facilitate their motivation in learning. Obviously, the mastery of the two “basics” proves to be vital in fulfilling the goals of English curriculum. Evaluation of the curriculum g(2) Cultural awareness also plays an important role in English language le

18、arning. Language is the expression of culture. It develops as culture develops. Knowledge of the target culture can minimize the scope for misunderstanding in English language communication. Knowledge of the mother culture can not only help language learners in their understanding of the target cult

19、ure, but also facilitate foreign exchanges.(2) Cultural awareness also pl(3) By “emotion and attitude” specified as one of the curriculum goals in the English Curriculum Standards, we mean that language teaching is a complicated process, and it involves human beings rather than machines. Human being

20、s are emotional creatures, and their emotions vary from person to person and from time to time. (3) By “emotion and attitude” (4) The new English Curriculum Standards emphasizes on the training of learning strategies, which proves effective in yielding twice the result with half the effort. Equippin

21、g students with learning strategies is also effective in their lifelong education after graduation.(4) The new English CurriculumAll these goals above are closely related to one another. The overall goal of helping students in their actual use of English in real life can be achieved on the basis of

22、the development of the five specific goals. All these goals above are closAmong the specific goals, linguistic knowledge and language skills are the foundation of language ability; cultural awareness can ensure the appropriate use of the language; emotion and attitude are the decisive factors in stu

23、dents English learning achievement and their personal development; and lastly, learning strategies function in the students learning efficiency and their learning autonomy. Among the specific goals, lingNine-band goals systemAccording to this system, English teaching should start from the third year

24、 of primary school. Students should fulfill the requirements described in the second band when they graduate from primary school. They should achieve Band 5 at the end of the ninth year, ie when they finish junior high school. Band 8and 9 are designed for those students who show special interest or

25、special talent in language teaching. One thing worth noticing is that the bands do not directly correspond with school years.Nine-band goals systemAccordinCurriculum resourcesDefinition of curriculum resourcesCurriculum resources refers to anything that is used by teachers or learners to facilitate

26、the learning of a language. Curriculum resources can be classified into 4 categories: textbook resources, recorded-media resources, internet resources, natural resources.Curriculum resourcesDefinitionDevelopment of curriculum resources(English Curriculum Standards, 2003: 46-47)Development of curricu

27、lum resoCurriculum teaching suggestionsIn the English Curriculum Standards, nine teaching suggestions are proposed as follows:Teaching all the students and building a foundation for the students all-round development and their life long education;Giving attention to students emotions and establishin

28、g a carefree, democratic and harmonious learning environment;Curriculum teaching suggestionAdvocating Task-Based Language Teaching and promoting students integrated language communicative competence;Streesing learning strategy training for students life long education;Widening students cultural visi

29、on and enhancing their cross-cultural communicative competence;Advocating Task-Based LanguageMaking good use of modern educational technology and other enriching curriculum resources and language use opportunities.Organizing active and varied extracurricular activities and promoting students language learning.Renewing teachers knowledge for the social re


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