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1、1124/11242009年3月全国公共英语考试二级笔试真题及答案 (总分75, 考试时间90分钟)第一部分 听力理解(略) 第二部分 英语知识运用从A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。第一节 单项填空 1.-Why dont you come and play tennis with us this afternoon? AThats a great game BYes, I think so CThats a good idea DNo, let me see 2.-The cake is delicious, John. -Would you like to have

2、 _more? Amuch BlittleCfew Dsome 3.Many people prefer large cars, _ large cars are safer than small ones.Athink Bto thinkChaving thought Dthinking4.Betty saved her money _ she might buy an MP3 player. Aso as Bso that Ceven if Das if 5.We were ahead during the first half of the match, but we _ in the

3、last ten minutes. Alost Bhave lost Cwere losing Dhad lost 6.Some of the crops failed. _, the cotton did pretty well. AThen BBesidesCTherefore DHowever 7.You_have brought your umbrella for we are going by car. Awont Bmustnt Cneednt Ddont 8.The soup my mother makes is much more tasty than_that you can

4、 order in a restaurant. Ait Bthis Cthose Dthese 9._, but would you mind moving your bag? AWait a minute BThank you very much CExcuse me DNice to meet you 10.60% of those _ in the research thought the noise levels of the traffic had increased. Aquestioning Bquestioned Cquestion Dto question 11._ the

5、temperature going down so quickly, I dont think we are able to go on with our experiment. AFor BBy CFromDWith 12.Parents have to accept their children for _ they are and not _ they want them to be. Awho; what Bwhere; who Cwhat; why Dhow; when 13.Pay no attention to Susan-_. Ashes just showing off Bs

6、hes just shown offCshe showed off Dshe shows off 14.-Tina looks especially pretty tonight. -Yes, she always looks her best in _ dress of _ color.A/ ;that Ba; that Cthe; the D/; a 15.Without someone to _ for advice, making the best choice can be difficult for Tom. Aturn to Bturn up Cturn over Dturn o

7、n 第二节完型填空Lately I have been noticing the great number of electrical appliances (电器) on the market. It seems to me that there are (36) now than a few years ago. I m not really (37) why this is so; (38) I do have a few (39) . The first is that we are just too (40) to do things by hand (41) For every l

8、ittle job we once had to do there is now a (42) . The seconds that electrical appliance companies are just trying to make (43) out of peoples laziness.(44) all of these electrical appliances around for us to use now, I (45) how I would have lived fifty years ago. (46) , how would I have cleaned my f

9、loor? I guess I could have (47) one of those things called a broom , which I (48) see now.Im not trying to say I dont (49) electrical appliances; I certainly (50) . It is hard for me to imagine (51) I would do without my hair dryer! (52) , I do think a lot of modem appliances are needless and (53) m

10、ay become even lazier by using them. (54) well have a catastrophic (灾难的) electric failure some day and (55) just how much we really have been depending on our electrical appliances! 16.Afewer Btoo many Cmore Dno more 17.Asure Bhappy Cinterested Dsurprised 18.Athus Bbut Cwhen Dalthough 19.Aarguments

11、Bsuggestions Cchoices Dideas 20.Aslow Bclever Ceager Dlazy 21.Aany time Banywhere Canyhow Dany more 22.Amachine Bnew way Chelping hand Dchance 23.Aprogress Buse Cmoney Dtrouble 24.AFor BBy CWith DAmong 25.Aask Bwonder Cunderstand Dremember 26.AFor example BIn fact CBy the way DIn other words 27.Amad

12、e Bsold Cborrowed Dused 28.Aoften Bseldom Crecently Dcertainly29.Achange Bdepend on Cshare Dworry about 30.Aknow Bam Cagree Ddo 31.Awhy Bhow Cwhat Dwhich 32.AHowever BBesides CMeanwhile DThere 33.Athat Bothers Cit Dpeople 34.AMaybe BHopefully CHardly DExactly 35.Ago over Bforget about Ctalk about Df

13、ind out第三部分 阅读理解 AChristine was recently digging through old boxes in her storeroom preparing to move to a new house. In one box, she came across a magazine of June 2, 1986.Theres a reason Christine had saved the magazine for 20 years. In its pages, she was one of more than a dozen women reported in

14、 an article discussing the cruel reality of their poor marriage prospects (前景). At the time Christine was living in Chicago and greatly annoyed by the fact that her social life didnt seem to be progressing toward a trip down the aisle. I had a lot of girlfriends in the same boat, she says.But a funn

15、y thing happened. At age 40, she married; a few weeks ago she and her husband celebrated their 10th anniversary (周年纪念). Today she s the happy mom to two children from her husbands first marriage. Looking back on her single days, she remembers her unhappiness. I had the same feeling that many women h

16、ave, which is that youre not considered a whole person unless youre married with children, she says. But as I reached my 40s, I realized that was totally wrong . I could still have a very fulfilling life. It was only after she d come to peace with the fact that she might never marry that she met her

17、 future husband while shopping in a supermarket.To mark the 20th anniversary of this story, reporters sought out as many of the women in the story as they could find. Out of 14 single women in the article, 11 were found. Among them, 吨ht ended up marrying, and three remain single. Several had childre

18、n. None divorced(离婚) . For her part, Christine isnt surprised. Ive watched a lot of people, married while young, get divorced, she says. I think that if you do wait until Mr. Right comes along, you have a much better chance. 36.How old was Christine 20 years ago? A20 B30 C40 D50 37.We learn from the

19、 text that twenty years ago, Christine Astarted her hobby by collecting magazines Bhad a lot of girlfriends visiting her Cwas worried about her marriage Dwas in an unhappy marriage 38.Why had Christine saved the magazine for so many years? AAn article about her was printed in i BIt described her soc

20、ial life in Chicag CAn article written by her was published in i DIt helped women like her to find their MRigh 39.The underlined phrase a trip down the aisle (line 5, Para. 2) probably means_. Agetting married Bbecoming famous Ctravelling by plane Dgoing on a honeymoon 40.What was Christines idea ab

21、out marriage and life when she was going on 40? AOne cannot be a whole person without marriage and childre BOne can live a happy life whether married or unmarrieCShe might meet her future husband in a supermarke DShe will never think of divorce once marrieBArt Without LimitArt should not be limited

22、to a museum. Art and creative elements (创造性元素) can be mixed into daily life, said Professor Cheng of the Fine Arts Department.Public art can be seen as a realization of Professor Chengs words above. It is simply artwork presented in the public space, where one could walk by any day. Connie Yu, a bus

23、inesswoman, likes the idea of public art. I like the idea of bringing art to people, rather than people to art. However, the idea of public art is not very well developed in Hong Kong. A walk through the central area only presents one with a limited number of public art pieces. Most of them seem to

24、be more for the purpose of decoration (装饰) than presenting art to the public. Also, people do not pay much attention to them.Alex Chan, a 34-year-old Hong Kong artist, said, Public art is a great way to express yourself as an artist, to give something to people who dont normally go to the museums, a

25、nd to give them a break from their daily life. It is just a shame that its not so common in Hong Kong. 41.What is public art according to the text? AFine art pieces in museum BArt exhibitions for the artist. CArtwork by ordinary peopl DArt pieces in public place 42.Which of the-following best explai

26、ns Connie Yus words? AArt piece should be sold at low price BArt pieces should be brought to peopl CPeople should be persuaded to come to the museumDMore artwork about ordinary people should be produce 43.According to the author, public art in Hong Kong Ais warmly received by artists Bhas attracted

27、the museum-goersChas much room for improvement Dis strongly supported by the governmentCIf you could give anything in the world to your child, you might want to give a love of words. Young children who can express their feelings dont have as many temper tantrums (发脾气). They also learn to control the

28、mselves using words. A two -year -old child reaches toward the oven (烤箱) door, then stops, tells herself, Hot, hot, and turns away. Researchers call this self -directed speech. It s one of the ways children learn to do what s right and not to do whats wrong.With each new word, a child gains a broade

29、r view of the world. Early on, all four -legged animals are dogs or maybe cats. But new words change them into horses, cows, elephants, and zebras. Children who have a wealth of words have a wealth of ideas.By age four, the number of words a child understands tells us how easily that a child will le

30、arn to read in school. It even tells us how well shell be able to understand what she reads, and to express her ideas in writing later on.So, how do you give your child this wonderful gift? First of all, talk a lot. Talk when youre feeding or preparing a bottle; talk when youre doing the dishes or w

31、alking down the street. Second, do a lot of listening. Even before your child can speak clearly, ask questions and listen for answers. Assume(设想) that your child has ideas, and try to figure out what they are. Researchers have found a direct connection between the number of words a child knows and t

32、he number of words he hears, and especially the number of questions he is invited to answer.Third, read aloud every day. There are many reasons for reading aloud, but maybe the best is that books contain words; lots of new, different, interestil1g words. Heres an exciting thing that happens when you

33、 read aloud every day: You begin to hear book words in your childs speech. Youre walking down the street, and you see a pretty flower. Look, you say, a pretty flower. Actually, your child corrects, its beautiful. Actually? Beautiful? Thats when you know youve truly given your child a love of words.

34、44.A two-year-old child uses the word Hot, hot (line 4-5, Para.I) Ato prevent herself from being hurt Bto learn a new wordCto warn her parents of the danger Dto show her large collection of words 45.In the authors opinion, who should do a lot of listening? AThe book writers BThe researchers CThe par

35、ents DThe child 46.What is the main subject discussed in the text? AValue of reading aloud children BPower of words in childrens growthCMind development of young children DWays to develop a love of reading in children 47.When the child uses beautiful to respond to the mother, it shows that Athe chil

36、d loves certain words better than others Bthe word beautiful is used more by children Creading has improved the childs language Dthe child has the ability to correct parents HYPERLINK /pets/ 来源:考试大-公共英语考试DThey first arrived on British ships almost 200 years ago, with the aim of cutting back a rapid

37、growth of rat (鼠) population. Then the cats themselves became the problem. After dealing with the rats, they turned to birds-and now hundreds of them have been killed in a move to protect rare (稀有) birds. Even cat lovers have been persuaded to back the move, after being told that there was no other

38、choice.When British sailors took control of Ascension Island in 1815, they found nobody living on it but that it was overrun with rats which had escaped from sinking ships. They introduced cats to kill the rats-and were soon overrun by cats. By 1820 they were sending back to England for dogs to kill

39、 the cats, but that didn t work. Ever since the wild cat population has been attacking the birds.Man introduced these cats, and it has disturbed the balance. Ascension Island is a most important seabird gathering place. We have to undo man s mistake in bringing cats here. Action has been taken to ki

40、ll off wild cats for the protection of birds. Only cats raised as pets are allowed. Since they are micro-chipped (加电子芯片的), if they get caught they can be sent back to their owner. The action can be considered rather successful. The cat population is down to the last few-theyre the most difficult one

41、s to catch. 48.The best title for the text would be _. AKilling Cats to Save Rats BProblems with Shipping Cats CFighting between Cats and Rats DKeeping the Rat Population Down 49.Which of the following fust came to the island? AThe cats BThe rats CThe sailors DThe birds 50.People on the island have

42、been taking action to _. Aforbid having cats as pets Bstop the killing of birds Ccatch and kill all the cats Dsend all cats back to England 51.What does the author mean by saying, We have to undo man s mistake in bringing cats here (Paragraph 3 ) ? AFriendly animals such as dogs should have been int

43、roduceBMen should remove the bad effect caused by cat CMan should have a better understanding of cat DCats are not as valuable as other rare animal EThe Petronas Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia were completed in 1998. Each tower is 452 meters high and has 88 floors. Designed to serve all flo

44、ors, the four executive lifts(公务电梯) in each tower transport passengers from the underground car park to the top floor in 90 seconds. The towers are joined 170 meters up by a two-level bridge on the 41st and 42nd floors.The Sears Tower in Chicago in the United States was the tallest building in the w

45、orld for more than 20 years. Completed in 1973, the tower is 442 meters high. It has 110 floors and 14,771 square meters of space. Its non -stop lift goes up to the top floor at a speed of 487 meters per minute.At 421 meters high. Jin Mao Tower in Shanghai is the tallest building in China. Completed

46、 in 1999, it has 88 floors and has the worlds highest hotel rooms. This building was made to be strong-it can stand typhoon (台风) winds of up to 200 kilometers per hour.Burj Dubai is a modern building presently under construction in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. Because of the strong desire to b

47、uild the worlds tallest building, much information about Burj Dubai is kept secret. However, experts expect the tower to have 162 floors and go up to 808 meters high. Its lifts will be the fastest in the world, traveling at 18 meters per second. It is due to be completed in 2008 or 2009. 52.What joi

48、ns the Petronas Twin Towers 170 meters up? AA flat floor BA non-stop liftCA long passage DA two-level bridge53.One can get to the top floor of the Sears Tower by its non-stop lift in _. A30 seconds Babout 1 minuteCnearly 2 minutes Da minute and a half 54.In the text, the tallest tower that has been

49、completed in the world is _. AThe Petronas Twin Towers Bthe Sears Tower CJin Mao Tower DBurj Dubai 55.Which of the following could be the bestc title for the text? AFastest Lifts in Tall Towers BTallest Buildings in the World CTourist Attractions in the World DHigh Costs of High Construction第四部分 写作第

50、一节 短文改错短文改错 (76-85略)第二节 书面表达 56.假定你是李明。最近某英文报纸开展了一个关于“如何克服学习压力和紧张情绪”的讨论,请你给报纸编辑写一封英文短信,谈谈你的建议并叙述理由。 要点: 1读笑话,听音乐; 2做运动; 3与好友交谈。 参考词汇: 压力 stress 焦虑 anxiety 注意:1词数100词左右;开头已为你写好;2009年公共英语三级考试试题Part I Reading Comprehension (30%)Directions: There are three passages in this part. Each passage is followed

51、 by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through center.Passage 1Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage:After

52、a busy day of work and play, the body needs to rest. Sleep is necessary for good health. During this time, the body recovers from the activities of the previous day. (76) The rest that you get while sleeping enables your body to prepare itself for the next day.There are four levels of sleep, each be

53、ing a little deeper than the one before. As you sleep, your muscles relax little by little. Your heart beats more slowly, and your brain slows down. After you reach the fourth level, your body shifts back and forth from one level of sleep to the other.Although your mind slows down, from time to time

54、 you will dream. Scientists who study sleep state that when dreaming occurs, your eyeballs begin to move more quickly (although your eyelids are closed). This stage of sleep is called REM, which stands for rapid eye movement.(77)If you have trouble falling asleep, some people recommend breathing ver

55、y slowly and very deeply. Other people believe that drinking warm milk will help make you drowsy. There is also an old suggestion that counting sheep will put you to sleep!1. A good title for this passage is .A. Sleep B. Good Health C. Dreams D. Work and Rest2. The word drowsy in the last paragraph

56、means .A. sick B. stand up C. asleep D. a little sleepy3. This passage suggests that not getting enough sleep might make you .A. dream more often B. have poor healthC. nervous D. breathe quickly4. During REM, .A. your eyes move quickly B. you are restlessC. you dream D. both A and B5. The average nu

57、mber of hours of sleep that an adult needs is .A. approximately six hours B. about eight hoursC. around ten hours D. not stated herePassage 2Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage:Obviously television has both advantages and disadvantages.(78)In the first place, television is not only

58、a convenient source of entertainment, but also a comparatively cheap one. With a TV set in the family people dont have to pay for expensive seats at the theatre, the cinema, or the opera. All they have to do is to push a button or turn a knob, and they can see plays, films, operas and shows of every

59、 kind. Some people, however, think that this is where the danger lies. The television viewers need to nothing. He does not even have to use his legs if he has a remote control. He makes no choice and exercises, no judgment. He is completely passive and has everything presented to him without any eff

60、ort on his part.Television, it is often said, keeps one informed about current events and the latest developments in science and politics. The most distant countries and the strangest customs are brought right into ones sitting room. It could be argued that the radio performs this service as well; b


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