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1、第三学时Using Language:Reading,Listening and SpeakingUnit 1 A land of diversity第三学时Using Language:Unit 1 A l语篇理解Task 1快速阅读课文“Georges Diary 12th14th June”,以约30词写出文章的段落大意。温馨提示:作者George以日记的形式记叙了自己在旧金山的3日之旅。写摘要时,以时间为线索,写出作者的几个主要活动即可。 _In Georges diary,he had a threeday trip during June 12th14th to San Franc

2、isco. Fishermans Wharf also visited Angel island,which is a famous immigration station,feeling excited,although tired.(30 words)语篇理解Task 1快速阅读课文“Georges DiarTask 2仔细阅读 “Georges Diary 12th14th June ”,根据课文内容选择正确答案。1. The main purpose of Georges arrival is to _A. write a report on the touring spotsBgo

3、on a holiday thereCtake photos of different spotsDtake care of Peter and TerriB 语篇理解 口语训练 要点讲与练 栏目链接Task 2仔细阅读 “Georges Diary 12t2On Tuesday George did all the following things except _A. touring around the city in a carBtaking photographs at the touring spotsCvisiting art galleries and the museum i

4、n ChinatownDenjoying a good meal in Chinatown C2On Tuesday George did all th3Andrew Hallidie invented the cable car system in order to _A. make moneyBattract more touristsCoffer a safer way of transportDsave the horses that slipped down the hillC3Andrew Hallidie invented the4. Angel island was famou

5、s because _A. it was surrounded by swift and freezing cold waterBit was an immigration stationCmany people escaped from itDthe conditions there was attractiveB4. Angel island was famous bec5. George joined a couple and hired a car with them possibly because_A. the couple were familiar with the place

6、Bthey were friends and came togetherChe didnt know how to drive a carDthey wanted to save money and keep accompany with one anotherD5. George joined a couple and 口语训练Part ARole Play情景介绍:Alice与George谈论他的旧金山之旅。角色: Alice and George任务: (1)请根据中文提示提出问题。(2)请你的同学根据课文内容回答你的提问,然后你们互换角色进行口语练习。Q1:星期一上午到达旧金山后你做了

7、什么?_Q1:What did you do after you arrived in San Francisco early on Monday morning? A1:I dropped my luggage in the hotel and went exploring at Fishermans Wharf.口语训练Part ARole Play情景介绍:AliceQ2:第二天你做了什么?_Q2:What did you do on the next day you stayed there?A2:I hired a car with a couple to share the cos

8、t and spent all day driving around the city to have a good idea of what the city was like.Q2:第二天你做了什么?Q2:What did you doQ3:晚上你去了哪里? 看到些什么? 做了些什么?_Q3:Where did you go in the evening? What did you do and see there?A3:I went to Chinatown, went to markets, visited temples, museums and art galleries. I h

9、ad a delicious meal and then walked back down the hill to my hotel.Q3:晚上你去了哪里? 看到些什么? 做了些什么?Q3:WhQ4:星期三你去看了什么地方?_Q4:Where did you go on Wednesday?A4:I took ferry to Angel island from the port in San Francisco Bay and on the way there, I had a good view of Golden Gate Bridge. Q4:星期三你去看了什么地方?Q4:Where

10、did yoQ5:天使岛为什么著名?_Q5:Why is Angel island famous?A5:It was a famous immigration station or a prison where many Chinese people applied for right to live in the USA and died hopelessly. Q5:天使岛为什么著名?Q5:Why is Angel isPart BRetelling请用自己的话复述课文, 你可以参照上述问题及其答案。关键词:exploreteam up withChinatownvisitAngel is

11、landimmigration station_After arriving in San Francisco early in the morning by bus on Monday 12th, June, George dropped his luggage in the hotel and went exploring at Fishermans Wharf. In order to have someone share the cost and accompany him, he teamed up with a couple from his hotel and hired a c

12、ar spending all day driving around the city the next day. Part BRetelling请用自己的话复述课文, 你可In the evening, he went to Chinatown where visitors can eat in Chinese restaurants, go to markets, visit temples, museums and art galleries, and he had a delicious meal and had a good time there.On Wednesday morni

13、ng, on his way to Angel island in San Francisco Bay by ferry, he had a good view of Golden Gate Bridge. Angel island was a famous immigration station or prison where many Chinese people applied for the right to live in the USA and died there hopelessly.In the evening, he went to Chi要点讲 与 练1It has bl

14、ue and white signs with seagulls on them to show the way to go. (p.8)沿途有蓝白相间的标志牌, 上面有海鸥,标明该走的路线。with seagulls on them 是 “with宾语宾补”结构。这个结构在句中可作定语或状语。要点讲 与 练1It has blue and white即学即练用“with宾语宾补”结构完成下列句子,说出其句法作用。(1)The professor came in _(很多学生跟在后面)(2)_(解决了这个问题), we all feel very happy.(3)_(有莉莉帮我们), we

15、can finish the work in an hour. with a lot of students following him(状语)With the problem solved (状语)With Lily to help us(状语)即学即练用“with宾语宾补”结构完成下列句子,说出其句(4)He likes to sleep _(开着门)(5)_(儿子不在家), she felt very lonely.(6)_(背着个背包), the girl went home happily.(7)We came to a hall _(里面有各种美丽的鲜花)with the door

16、 open(状语)With her son away from home(状语)With a bag on her back (状语)with all kinds of beautiful flowers in it(定语)(4)He likes to sleep _2. Its a 79km roundtrip that takes in all the famous tourist spots. (p.8) 环游所有的著名旅游景点需要79千米的旅程。2. Its a 79km roundtrip that词语链接take in 包括;收容;欺骗take off 起飞;脱掉take on 聘

17、用;呈现;承担take up从事;占据(时间、空间)take over接管;接收词语链接take in 包括;收容;欺骗即学即练选用上述词语完成下列句子。(1)The British Empire once _ a quarter of the world.(2)The kind lady offered _ the poor homeless children.(3)Dont let yourself _ what they were saying.(4)The big piano _ too much of the small room.took into take inbe taken

18、in took up即学即练选用上述词语完成下列句子。took into tak(5)Thanks to the good policy, my hometown _ a new look. (6)The plane _ at three thirty according to the timetable.has taken ontakes off(5)Thanks to the good policy, 3Saw some interesting temples here, a number of markets and a great many restaurants. (p.8)(这里)

19、有很多有趣的寺庙、市场和餐厅。 注意下列“许多”的表达方式及其谓语动词的数。a great many可数名词复数复数谓语a good many 可数名词复数复数谓语many a/an 可数名词单数单数谓语a good/large number of可数名词复数复数谓语3Saw some interesting temples即学即练用所给动词的适当形式填空。(1)A good many men _(believe) the story. (2)Many a man _(believe) this story.(3)A great many good books _(write) for chi

20、ldren.(4)A good many of the students_ (visit) the museum since last month. believebelieveshave been writtenhave visited即学即练用所给动词的适当形式填空。believebeliev4Although some boys in his situation might have turned to crime to get money for food and clothing, Louis never did.(p.51)尽管处于他的情形下,一些男孩可能会做一些诸如偷钱买食物和衣

21、服之类的犯罪行为,但路易斯从来没有这样做。4Although some boys in his si词语链接注意情态动词与完成时连用的意义:might/may have done 过去可能做了某事 should have done (过去)本来应该做而没做shouldnt have done (过去)本来不应该做而做了must have done (过去)一定做了(用于肯定句)can/could have done 本来能够做而没做cant/couldnt have done (过去)不可能做了neednt have done (过去)不必要做却做了词语链接注意情态动词与完成时连用的意义:即学

22、即练A 完成下列句子。(1)He _(不可能去了那个市镇). (2)He _(一定去过上海). cant have been to that townmust have been to Shanghai即学即练A 完成下列句子。cant have been t (3)He _(本来应该完成这项工作) by now. (4)You _(本来不需要浇花), for it is going to rain. (5)He_(可能没做完作业)should have finished the workneednt have watered the flowersmight not have finishe

23、d the homework (3)He _词语链接turn to crime (to get money)借助犯罪(来赚钱) turn to sb./sth.求助于turn up上升,出现,被找到,发生turn over 翻转;移交(管理权等) turn (sb.) against sb. (使)与某人为敌 turn around转过脸turn (sb./sth.)down 拒绝;使减弱,关小(音量)词语链接turn to crime (to get moneturn sth. off关闭turn on 打开;使(某人)感兴趣turn out (to be)(结果)证实是turn sth. off关闭即学即练B选用上述词语完成下列句子。(1)We politely _ the invitation. (2)Several old friends _ at the reunion.(3)How did your p


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