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1、夹叙夹议类的完形填空一般有以下三种结构特点:1事例观点:先叙述一件事情,然后针对这件事情发表自己的看法,或揭示生活的真理。2观点事例:先提出一种观点或看法,然后围绕这一观点或看法用具体的事例来说明。一般是一个事例,有时也会用几个事例从不同的侧面加以说明。3观点事例观点:首先提出一种观点或看法,然后用事例说明,最后再进一步阐述或总结自己的观点。三夹叙夹议(一) 在做夹叙夹议类的完形填空时,应注意以下几点:1明确文章的组织方式看文章属于上述哪种结构,从而明白作者的思路。2体会叙述和议论的联系夹叙夹议中叙与议是一个有机的整体,叙是议的基础,而议是叙的升华。在读这类文章时,掌握议论部分的内容是关键,因

2、为叙述是为作者的议论而服务的。所以只有把故事和哲理联系起来,再结合人物心理和行为的描述,全面把握文章才能正确解题。3重视语境的作用叙述与议论的结合,使得此类文章常会出现事件与观点的交换,从而突出了对语境的依赖。这就要在理解上下文的基础上,通过语境,辨析词语,找到正确答案。(2011年高考天津卷)A Love Note to My Mom When I was a little girl, I would often accompany you as you modeled for fashion photographers. It was years later that I finally

3、understood what role modeling_1_in your life. Little did I know you were_2_every penny you earned to go to_3_school. I cannot thank you enough for_4_you told me one autumn afternoon when I was nine. After finishing my homework,I wandered into the dining room where you were buried_5_piles of law book

4、s. 语篇解读作者儿时受妈妈自强不息、顽强上进精神的感染。以妈妈为榜样,作者在人生路上取得了一个又一个的成功。妈妈成为作者一生的楷模。 I was_6_. Why were you doing what I domemorizing textbooks and studying for_7_? When you said you were in law school, I was more puzzled. I didnt know Moms_8_be lawyers too. You smiled and said,“In life,you can do anything you want

5、to do.” As young as I was, that statement kept_9_in my ears. I watched as you faced the_10_of completing your studies,starting companies with Dad,while still being a _11_and a Mom of five kids. I was exhausted just watching you_12_. With your words of wisdom in my_13_mind, 名师点评四步法理解作者意图或态度首先,完形填空是一个

6、完整的语篇,考生必须结合上下文语境综合考虑。其次,重视首句信息的提示作用,因为它是解题的突破口,同时也或多或少地暗示了作者的写作意图。再其次,要抓住描述作者思想情感的词,通常为形容词或副词。最后,疏通全文。考生应在理解大意和把握细节的基础上揣测作者的写作意图,通过作者的语气和用词来把握作者的情感和态度,切忌主观臆断。 I suddenly felt unlimited freedom to dream. My whole world_14_. I set out to live my life filled with _15_,seeing endless possibilities for

7、personal and professional achievements. Your words became my motto. I_16_found myself in the unique position of being either the first (woman doctor in Maryland Rotary)_17_one of the few women (chief medical reporters) in my field. I gained strength every time I said, “Yes,Ill try that.” Encouraged

8、by your_18_,I have forged ahead (毅然前行) with my lifes journey, less afraid to make mistakes, and_19_meeting each challenge. You did it, and now Im_20_it. Sorry,got to run. So much to do,so many dreams to live.疑难剖析I watched as you faced the challenges of completing your studies,starting companies with

9、 Dad,while still being a model and a Mom of five kids.我看到你面对完成学业、同爸爸开办公司的挑战,同时,你还做模特,又是五个孩子的妈妈。1. A. found B. played C. kept D. provided2. A. saving B. making C. donating D. receiving3A. business B. fashion C. law D. medical4. A. what B. that C. which D. where5. A. at B. to C. upon D. under6. A. amu

10、sed B. worried C. puzzled D. disappointed7. A. roles B. tests C. positions D. shows8. A. must B. ought to C. need D. could9. A. ringing B. blowing C. falling D. beating10. A. choices B. chances C. challenges D. changes本复合句的主句为I watched,as引导了一个时间状语从句;while still being.是一个省略了的状语从句,其完整形式为:while you are

11、 still.11. A. professor B. doctor C. reporter D. model12. A. in danger B. in action C. in trouble D. in charge13. A. weak B. powerful C. youthful D. empty14. A. came back B. closed down C. went by D. opened up15. A. hope B. hardship C. harmony D. sadness 16. A. constantly B. shortly C. hardly D. nearly17. A. and B. but C. or D. for1


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