



1、Rich byy Thirrty A Youngg Adullts GGuide to Fiinanciial Suuccesss by Leslley Sccorgiee給年輕人的理財財課 - 330歲變有錢錢分類: Buusinesss / Perssonal FinanncePublishher: Key PPorterr Bookks / 22008頁數: 1776審閱資料: 電電子手稿版權已售: UK / USS /French / Korrean【簡介】 HYPERLINK htttp:/ httpp:/wwww.ricchbythhirty.ccom/作者Lesleey Scoo

2、rgie 17歲時就就參加歐普拉拉的節目,暢暢談個人經驗驗並和時下年年輕人討論如如何理財,如如何成功致富富。大多數的的年輕人只知知道花錢,其其實趁年輕時時就因該學會會投資理財。就就像Leslley,十歲歲開始存款並有自己己的戶頭,到了220歲出頭她已經累累積百萬存款款,而這本書書就是她分享享自己成功的的秘密。Lesley曾曾經於全加拿拿大最賺錢、最成功的加加拿大皇家銀銀行(全球第11大銀行、全球500大企業業之一)服務務,並是儲蓄公公債部門的發發言人,現在在為加拿大金融服服務相關產業工作。本書中中她分享包含含如何投資、如何安排花花費預算、如何避免掉掉入信用卡的的陷阱、如何何選擇正確的的投資工具

3、等等等,書中也也提供各項資資源,給年輕輕人實用的理理財規劃。Contentts1 Get MMotivaated:WHY MONNEY MAATTERSS 2 Get OOrganiized:FILE FOOLDERSS, BANNKS, AAND YOOU 3 Get SStarteed:THE JOYYS OF BUDGEETING 4 Get OOut frrom Unnder:AVOIDINNG THEE CREDDIT CRRUNCH 5 Get SSavingg:RIGHT HHERE, RIGHTT NOW 6 Get IInvestting, Part I:THE BASSIC

4、S 9907 Get IInvestting, Part II:OPTIONSS AND STRATTEGIESS 1088 Get SSpeciffic:HOMES, KIDS, AND STUFFF LIKEE THATT 136DescripptionMost yooung aadultss spennd morre timme thiinkingg abouut whaat to wear each day tthan aabout theirr finaances. Itss too bad, becauuse tiime reeally is onn theiir sidde wh

5、een it comess to iinvestting. The eearlieer theey staart, tthe moore suuccesssful ttheyll bee. Jusst askk Lesllie Sccorgiee. By 10, sshe haad herr own savinngs acccountt. Noww 23, shes welll on her wway too becooming a milllionaaire. In thhis prracticcal guuide wwritteen in a friiendlyy, acccessibbl

6、e vooice, the aauthorr sharres thhe seccrets of heer succcess. Richh by TThirtyy offeers yooung ppeoplee praccticall adviice annd sollid innformaation on a wealtth of finanncial topiccs, inncludiing thhe diffferennces bbetweeen savving aand innvestiing; wwhy a youngg persson shhould invesst; leearni

7、nng howw to bbudgett; avooidingg creddit caard trraps; the ddangerrs of unreaalistiic exppectattions; and how tto chooose tthe riight iinvesttment vehiccles. The bbook aalso ffeaturres woorksheeets, a ressourcee secttion, and aa glosssary of mooney tterms.About tthe Auuthor LESLEY SCORGGIE haas beee

8、n wriiting and sspeakiing abbout yyoung adultt finaances for ssix yeears. She hhas maade nuumerouus tellevisiion apppearaances, inclludingg The Oprahh Winffrey SShow aand Moontel Williiams , and her ffinanccial wwritinng hass appeeared in puublicaationss suchh as TThe Caalgaryy Sun , Maccleans , aan

9、d Coosmo GGirl . She has wworkedd at tthe Rooyal BBank oof Cannada aand ass a sppokesppersonn for Canadda Savvings Bondss. In 2005, Leslley Sccorgiee gradduatedd fromm the Univeeristyy of AAlbertta witth an honouurs baacheloors deggree iin marrketinng andd finaance. She nnow woorks iin thee Canaadian finannce


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