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1、WOOLWORTHS LIMITED澳大利亚沃尔沃斯有限公司Qualityy Manaagemennt andd Ethicall Audiit Proogram质量管理和伦理理审计程序Vendor Pack供应商材料包内容TOC o 1-3 h z u HYPERLINK l _Toc24836 What wee requuire ffrom yyou 概述述 PAGEREF _Toc24836 3 HYPERLINK l _Toc746 1.0 IIntrodductioon to the EEthicaal Souurcingg Poliicy & Auditt Proggram关于于道

2、德采购政政策&审计程程序的介绍 PAGEREF _Toc746 4 HYPERLINK l _Toc23077 2.0 SSuppliier Reesponssibiliities供供应商职责 PAGEREF _Toc23077 12 HYPERLINK l _Toc12514 3.0 AAudit Proceess 审计计过程 PAGEREF _Toc12514 13 HYPERLINK l _Toc7630 3.1 Suppplierr Prepparatiion供应商商准备 PAGEREF _Toc7630 14 HYPERLINK l _Toc12368 3.2 Auddit Scch

3、edulling审查查时间进度表表 PAGEREF _Toc12368 16 HYPERLINK l _Toc9960 3.3 Connductiing thhe Auddit进行审审计 PAGEREF _Toc9960 17 HYPERLINK l _Toc19189 3.4 Auddit Ouutcomee审计结果 PAGEREF _Toc19189 18 HYPERLINK l _Toc20673 4.0 CCertifficatiion Boodies认认证机构 PAGEREF _Toc20673 24 HYPERLINK l _Toc3374 5.0 CConfiddentiaali

4、ty机机密 PAGEREF _Toc3374 26 HYPERLINK l _Toc17254 6.0 AAppenddix附件 PAGEREF _Toc17254 27 HYPERLINK l _Toc8050 Appendiix A Crittical Non-CConforrmancees附录A -关键的不不符合项 PAGEREF _Toc8050 28 HYPERLINK l _Toc2977 Appendiix B Pre-Auditt Quesstionnnaire附附录B -事事先审计问卷卷 PAGEREF _Toc2977 29 HYPERLINK l _Toc4301 App

5、endiix C Facttory CCheckllist附录录C -工厂厂检查表 PAGEREF _Toc4301 30 HYPERLINK l _Toc1042 Appendiix D Addiitionaal Conntactss for Approoved CCertifficatiion Boodies附附录D其他认认证机构 PAGEREF _Toc1042 36What wee requuire ffrom yyou 概述述Below iis a ccheckllist tthat ooutlinnes whhat wee requuire ffrom yyou wiithin 2

6、 weeeks off receeivingg thiss suppplier pack:以下是一份份清单概括了了收到这份供供应商材料包包后你需要在在两个星期内内做的Action to taake我们需需要做以下内内容Read thhe conntent of thhe pacck阅读材料料包内容 FORMCHECKBOX Contactt Certtificaation Bodiees to negottiate auditt feess and paymeent prrocesss (reffer too secttion 44 for the llist oof appprovedd C

7、erttificaation Bodiees)联系认认证机构协商商审计费用和和付款程序(参参考章节4关关于已经批准准的认证机构构名单) FORMCHECKBOX Finalisse Cerrtificcationn Bodyy seleectionn敲定认证机机构 FORMCHECKBOX Complette Pree-Audiit Queestionnnairee for EVERYY facttory / faciility used to prroducee finiished goodss for Woolwworthss Limiited (Appenndix BB)完成过去曾为沃沃

8、尔沃斯生产产过最终产品品的每个工厂厂/设备的预预审问卷(附附件B) FORMCHECKBOX Email ccompleeted fforms to thhe Wooolwortths Quualityy Assuurancee Depaartmennt将完成后的完整整表格通过邮邮件发送到沃沃尔沃斯的品品管部PRE-AUDDIT QUUESTIOONNAIRRE DUEE DATEE: 2 wweeks from date of isssue oof suppplierr packk & prre-auddit quuestioonnairre预审问卷截止日日期:供应商商材料包&预预审问卷签发

9、发之日起两周周内邮件地址: HYPERLINK mailto:consumergoodsquality.au coonsumeergooddsquallity.aau FORMCHECKBOX Preparee docuumentaation for aaudit usingg the encloosed FFactorry Cheecklisst (Apppendiix C)准备预审使用的的文件另附上上工厂清单(附附件C) FORMCHECKBOX Certifiicatioon Boddy willl be in coontactt withh you to coonfirmm audii

10、t datte认证机构构会与你联络络确认审计日期Contactt detaailsShould you hhave aany cooncernns reggardinng youur speecificc circcumstaances, pleaase coontactt HYPERLINK mailto:consumergoodsquality.au conssumerggoodsqqualittywooolwortths.coom.au or yoour reelevannt Wooolwortths bbusineess unnit buuying contaact foor furr

11、ther assisstancee. 联系细节:如果您有任何关关于您具体情情况的问题,请请联系以下邮邮箱: HYPERLINK mailto:consumergoodsquality.au connsumerrgoodssqualiitywooolworrths.ccom.auu或者联系沃沃尔沃斯的相关业务务单位来获得得进一步的帮帮助。We lookk forwward tto youur suppport in heelpingg us aachievve theese immportaant sttandarrds.我们期望能够得得到您的支持持以贯彻这些些重要标准的的实施。The Wooo

12、lwortths Etthicall Audiit Teaam沃尔沃斯伦理审计小小组:Email: HYPERLINK mailto:consumergoodsquality.au consuumergooodsquualityym.au HYPERLINK .au/ www.wooolwortths.coom.au1.0 IIntrodductioon to the EEthicaal Souurcingg Poliicy & Auditt Proggram关于于道德采购政政策&审计程程序的介绍At Woollworthhs Limmited, we wwant tto enssure ww

13、e souurce oour prroductts ressponsiibly, encouurage our ssuppliiers tto impprove theirr sociial annd envvironmmentall praccticess, andd prottect oour coorporaate reeputattion aand thhat off our indivviduall busiinessees andd brannds.在沃尔沃斯公司司,我们希望望确保我们可可以对我们采采购的产品负负责,鼓励我我们的供应商商提升他们的的社会责任感感,从而保护护我们的公司

14、司名誉以及我我们的企业和和品牌In respponse to thhis, WWoolwoorths Limitted annd itss subssidiarry commpaniees (inncludiing Wooolworrths aand Saafewayy Supeermarkkets, Big WW, Proogresssive EEnterpprisess Limiited (NZ), Dick Smithh Whollesalee and DSE (NZ) LLimiteed) haave inntroduuced aan impportannt chaange tto o

15、urr termms of supplly witth thee intrroducttion oof ourr Ethiical SSourciing Poolicy.为了应对这些问问题,沃尔沃沃斯公司和他的的附属子公司司(包括Wooolworrths 和 Safeeway SSupermmarketts, Biig W, Progrressivve Entterpriises LLimiteed (NZZ), Diick Smmith WWholessale 和和 DSE (NZ) Limitted)从供给的角角度引入道德德采购政策这这一重要变化化。The Pollicy, whichh

16、is aa livee docuument that will be reevieweed andd updaated, has bbeen ddevelooped tto enssure tthat tthe prroductts supppliedd to WWoolwoorths Limitted arre prooducedd in aa mannner thhat uppholdss humaan rigghts, fair workiing coonditiions aand ennvironnmentaal prootectiion. IIn addditionn we wwan

17、t tto enssure tthat aall prroductts supppliedd meett the requiired qqualitty staandardds.这个政策是一个个不断自我检检讨和更新的的有生命力的的文件,已经经发展成为确确保沃尔沃思思公司引进的的产品都是产产自于鼓励人人类权利,公公平的工作环环境和环境保保护中来的,另另外我们想要要确保这些供供应的产品都都是符合需要要的质量标准准的。As Ethiical SSourciing apppliess to aany prroductt suppplied to uss irreespecttive oof wheet

18、her it iss sourrced oor mannufacttured locallly, ooverseeas orr in aany coombinaation, somee leveel of inquiiry wiill bee requuired. Whillst inndividdual pproduccts arre quaality assurrance testeed andd, in some casess, insspecteed, itt is iimporttant ffor uss to ccheck at thhe outtset tthat eeach m

19、manufaacturiing faacilitty hass robuust quualityy proccessess in pplace. Woollworthhs hass priooritissed ceertainn cateegoriees of supplliers and pproduccts whhich mmay reesult in a greatter leevel oof inqquiry to asssure us off comppliancce. 作为道德采购适适用于任何提提供给我们的的产品,无论论它是在本地地采购或制造造,海外采购购或制造或两两者兼而有之之,

20、都将被要要求一定程度度的调查,有的个别的产品品拥有质量保保证。在一些情况况下,它对于于我们检查每每个生产设备备都有到位的的质量流程是是非常重要的的,沃尔沃斯斯已经优先考考虑某些可能能导致更大程程度的调查类类别的供应商商和产品,以以确保我们合合规。The greeater levell of iinquirry willl priincipaally cconsisst of an Etthicall and Qualiity auudit cconduccted bby an indeppendennt thiird paarty CCertifficatiion Boody. TThe au

21、udit pprograam hass beenn desiigned to deemonsttrate a suppplierrs coompliaance tto thee Ethiical SSourciing Poolicy. Thiss packk has been develloped to innform supplliers of thhe Wooolwortths Liimitedd audiiting progrram.更大程度的调查查将主要由一一个独立第三三方认证机构构来进行道德和和质量的审计计,设计的审计程程序用来证明供应商的的合规的道德德采购政策,这这个材料包已已经发

22、展成为为用来告知沃沃尔沃思供应应商审计程序序的一部分。Woolworrths ffully appreeciatees andd it iis cleearly stateed in our PPolicyy, thaat anyy busiiness changge mayy requuire aa trannsitioon perriod tto meeet thee Poliicy sttandarrd. Whhilst our PPolicyy willl be eeffecttive iimmediiatelyy, we will work in paartnerrship with

23、 our ssuppliiers tto hellp youu achiieve ccompliiance. 沃尔沃斯完全赞赞赏并且很清楚地地表明我们的政政策:任何商业变变化都可能需要一一个过渡时期期以满足政策策标准,虽然我们的的政策将立即即生效,但我们将与我我们的供应商商进行合作,帮助你实现现合规。Please referr to ppages 5 88 of tthis ddocumeent foor a ccopy oof thee Ethiical SSourciing Poolicy. You can aalso ddownlooad thhe Pollicy ffrom oour

24、weebsitee in sseveraal lannguagees. Pllease ensurre youu downnload the PPolicyy and displlay itt cleaarly iin youur facctory for aall emmployeees too readd. Traanslattions incluude: MMandarrin, CCantonnese, Vietnnamesee, Thaai, Hiindi, Urdu and BBanglaa.请参阅关于文件件副本5 - 8页面的的道德采购政政策,你也可以从从我们的网站站下载这些政政策

25、,请保证证您下载了这这些文件然后后将它们非常常清晰的展示示在您的工厂厂里以便所有有员工可以阅阅读,有以下下几种译文可可供选择:普普通话、广东东话、越南、泰泰国、印度语语、乌尔都语语和孟加拉语语。Ethicall Sourrcing Policcy道德采购政策Introduuctionn介绍Woolworrths LLimiteed aimms to proviide itts cusstomerrs witth quaality produucts aand vaalue ffor mooney. In toodayss globbal maarket, thiss meanns souurc

26、ingg prodducts from a varriety of loocatioons naationaally aand innternaationaally.沃尔沃斯有限公公司的目标是是为客户提供供了物有所值值的产品,在在当今全球市市场,这意味味着,需要从从世界各地采采购产品。In receent yeears, conceerns oover ppoor wworkinng connditioons annd envvironmmentall degrradatiion inn deveelopinng couuntriees andd emerrging markeets haav

27、e seeen coompaniies immplemeent sppecifiic soccial aand ennvironnmentaal criiteriaa for the pproducction facillitiess fromm whicch theey souurce pproduccts. 近些年,由于担担心恶劣的工工作条件和环环境退化,在发展中国国家和新兴市市场已经看到到公司对他们们采购的产品品实现特定的的社会和环境境标准。In ordeer to addreess thhese cconcerrns, WWoolwoorths Limitted iss intrrod

28、uciing itts Ethhical Sourccing PPolicyy to eensuree it iis:sourcinng itss prodducts in a respoonsiblle mannner,workingg withh its supplliers to immprovee theiir soccial aand ennvironnmentaal praacticees, providiing cllear gguidannce too its buyinng staaff, aandprotectting iits coorporaate reeputatti

29、on, the rreputaation of itts inddividuual buusinessses aand thheir bbrandss. 为了处理这些担担忧,沃尔沃沃斯公司引进了了道德采购政政策以确保:采购产品是一个个需要负责任任的行为。同供应商一起工工作以提高他他们的社会和和环境责任感感。对于员工有清晰晰的指导意见见保护公司的名誉誉,包括保护护公司的业务务和品牌。Our Commmitmeent我们的的承诺Woolworrths LLimiteed is commiitted to uppholdiing huuman rrightss, faiir worrking con

30、diitionss and envirronmenntal pprotecction. 沃尔沃斯公司承承诺鼓励人类类权利,公正正的工作环境境和环境保护护。In accoordancce witth thee expeectatiions oof ourr custtomerss, thee commmunityy, andd the requiiremennts off the Law, we enndeavoour too alwaays opperatee respponsibbly wiithin the ccommunnity aand wee expeect thhe samme f

31、room ourr suppplierss.按照我们客户的的期望,社区区和法律的要要求,我们总总是努力在社区内内运作负责,我们期望我我们的供应商商也是同样如此。Maintaiining a repputatiion foor thee highhest llegal, moraal andd ethiical sstandaards iin ourr deallings with our ccustommers aand otther kkey sttakehoolderss is ccriticcal foor ourr ongooing ssuccesss. Thhe Pollicy hh

32、as beeen deevelopped too compplimennt ourr coree valuues off inteegrityy, truust annd actting rresponnsiblyy. 在我们与我们的的客户的交易易以及和其他关关键利益相关关者之间维护最高高法律的声誉誉,道德和伦伦理标准对我我们的持续成成功至关重要要,这项政策已已开发,以赞赞美我们的核核心价值观诚诚信、信任和和尽责。We are commiitted to woorkingg withh our supplliers to heelp immprovee theiir labbour aand

33、ennvironnmentaal praacticees.我们致力于与我我们的供应商商一起,以帮助助改善他们的的劳动和环保保实践。Expectaationss期望We expeect ouur suppplierrs to suppoort thhe ethhical standdards set oout inn thiss Poliicy wiith reegard to woorkplaace saafety, enviironmeent, aand faair paay andd emplloymennt connditioons. 我们期望我们的的供应商支持持道德标准中中列出的关于于

34、工作场所安安全、环境和和公平的工资资和就业条件件政策。The Pollicy ssets oout thhe staandardds thaat we expecct alll of oour suupplieers too compply wiith whhen prroduciing annd suppplyinng prooductss for Woolwworthss Limiited, no maatter wheree theyy operrate iin thee worlld. Wee recoognisee thatt fulll comppliancce witth the

35、ese crriteriia mayy takee timee for some supplliers, and we arre commmitteed to workiing wiith ouur suppplierrs to impleement improovemennt plaans annd hellp theem achhieve complliancee. 我们希望为我们们沃尔沃思公公司生产和提提供产品的所有供应商商都遵守该政策策设定的标准,无论他他们是在世界界的哪个角落运作作着,同时我我们认识到,一些供应商商要完全符合合这些标准需需要一些时间,我们将致力于与我我们的供应商商一起

36、实施改善善计划以帮助他们实实现合规。Our suppplierrs musst commmit tto commplyinng witth thee folllowingg requuiremeents, many of whhich aare drrawn ffrom tthe Etthicall Tradding IInitiaative (ETI) and Interrnatioonal LLabourr Orgaanisattion (ILO) Conveentionns. Thhese rrequirrementts reppresennt minnimum standdards b

37、asedd on tthe prrincipples oof thee Unitted Naationss Univversall Decllaratiion off Humaan Rigghts. 我们的供应商必必须承诺遵守守以下要求,其中许多是是来自道德交交易计划(EETI),国国际劳工组织织(ILO)的约定,这些要求代表了了最低标准原原则基础上的的联合国人权权宣言。1.Bribbery aand Coorrupttion贪污污和受贿Supplieers shhall nnot enngage in accts off bribbery aand coorrupttion aand shh

38、all nnot faalsifyy docuumentss and recorrds 供应商不得从事事贿赂和腐败败行为,不得得伪造文件和和记录2.Laboour Riights劳劳动权益Employmment iis freeely cchosenn就业有自由由选择权There is noo forcced, bbondedd or iinvoluuntaryy prisson laabour没没有强迫,保保税或无意识识的监狱劳工工Workerss are not rrequirred too lodgge deppositss or ttheir identtity ppaperss wi

39、thh theiir empployerr and are ffree tto leaave thheir eemployyer affter rreasonnable noticce 工人不需需要向他们的的雇主提供存存款或证件,工人在在合理通知后后可以自由的的离开。3. Freeedom of asssociaation and tthe riight tto colllectiive baargainning aare reespectted结社自自由和集体谈谈判的权利,是受人尊敬敬的Workerss, witthout distiinctioon, haave thhe rigght t

40、oo joinn or fform ttrade unionns of theirr own choossing aand too barggain ccollecctivelly工人,没没有区别,有有加入或组成成自己选择的的工会和集体体谈判的权利利 The eemployyer addopts an oppen atttitudde towwards the aactiviities of trrade uunionss and theirr organnisatiional activvitiess雇主对于他们的工工会活动和组织活动采采取开放的态态度。Workerss reprresent

41、tativees aree not discrriminaated aagainsst andd havee acceess too carrry outt theiir reppresenntativve funnctionns in the wworkpllace 员工代表表不受歧视并并有权执行他们们在工作场所所的职能Where tthe riight tto freeedom of asssociaation and ccollecctive bargaainingg is rrestriicted underr Law, the emplooyer ffaciliitatess, an

42、dd doess not hindeer, thhe devvelopmment oof parrallell meanns forr indeependeent annd freee asssociattion aand baargainning被限制在法律下下的正当的结结社自由和集集体谈判权,雇主促进,不阻碍,工工人有发展独独立自由协会会和讨价还价价的权利4. Worrking Condiitionss 工作环境境A safe and hhygiennic woorkingg enviironmeent shhall bbe proovidedd, beaaring in miind th

43、he preevailiing knnowleddge off the indusstry aand off any speciific hhazardds. Addequatte steeps shhall bbe takken too prevvent aaccideents aand innjury to heealth in thhe worrking envirronmennt 应该提供供一个安全卫卫生的工作环环境,牢记行行业的流行知知识和一些特特殊危害,在在工作环境下下应该采取足足够的措施来来避免事故的的发生和对健健康的危害Workerss shalll recceive regu

44、llar annd reccordedd heallth annd saffety ttrainiing, aand suuch trraininng shaall bee repeeated for nnew orr reasssigneed worrkers工人应定期接受受和记录健康康和安全培训训,对于新人人和重新分配配的工人这样样的培训应重重复进行。Access to cllean ttoilett faciilitiees andd to cclean and ddrinkaable wwater and, if appproprriate, saniitary facillities

45、s for food storaage shhall bbe proovidedd拥有干净的卫生生间设施和清清洁可饮用的的水,在适当当的情况下,卫生设施应应提供储存食食物的功能。Accommoodatioon, whhere pprovidded, sshall be cllean, safe, and meet the bbasic needss of tthe woorkerss 提供的住宿宿,应清洁、安安全,满足工工人的基本需需要Supplieers wiill ennsure that persoonal pprotecctive equippment is avvailabble a

46、nnd worrkers are ttraineed in its uuse. SSafeguuards on maachineery muust meeet orr exceeed loocal llaws供应商应确保个个人防护设备备是可用的和和培训工人其使用方方法。机器设备上上的保障设施施必须满足或或超过当地法法律Supplieers shhall aassignn respponsibbilityy for healtth andd safeety too a seenior managgementt reprresenttativee供应商应为高级级管理人员指指定专人负责责卫生和安全全

47、5. Chiild Laabour 童工Woolworrths LLimiteed suppportss ILO Conveentionn 138 with regarrd to the aapproppriatee age of woorkerss and will not wwork wwith ssuppliiers wwho usse chiild laabour.沃尔沃斯公司支支持国际劳工工组织公约1138条关于聘用适当年龄龄的工人和不不会同使用童童工的供应商商合作。Child llabourr refeers too workk thatt:Is menttally, physsi

48、callly, orr moraally hharmfuul to childdren; Can neggativeely afffect theirr menttal, pphysiccal, oor soccial ddeveloopmentt, andd Interfeeres wwith ttheir schoooling:by deprrivingg themm of tthe oppportuunity to atttend schoool; by obliiging them to leeave sschooll premmatureely; oor by requuiringg

49、 themm to aattemppt to combiine scchool attenndancee withh exceessiveely loong annd heaavy woork. In shorrt: chhild llabourr is wwork tthat ddeprivves chhildreen of theirr chilldhoodd, theeir pootentiial annd theeir diignityy, andd is hharmfuul to theirr physsical and mmentall deveelopmeent. 童工是指在这些

50、些情况下工作作:精神上,身体上上,或者是精神上上有害于儿童童会影响他们的心心理、生理或或社会发展,干扰他们的的教育: 剥夺了他们们上学的机会会; 迫使他们过过早的离开学学校; 要求他们尝尝试减少学校出勤勤率和承担过长和繁繁重的工作。6. Livving WWages最最低生活工资资Wages aand beenefitts paiid forr a sttandarrd worrking week meet, at aa miniimum, natioonal llegal standdards or inndustrry bennchmarrk staandardds, whhichevve

51、r iss highher. IIn anyy evennt wagges shhould alwayys be enouggh to meet basicc needds andd to pprovidde somme disscretiionaryy incoomeAll worrkers shalll be pprovidded wiith wrrittenn and underrstanddable inforrmatioon aboout thheir eemployyment condiitionss in rrespecct to wagess befoore thhey enn

52、ter eemployyment and aabout the pparticcularss of ttheir wagess for the ppay peeriod conceerned each time that they are ppaidDeductiions ffrom wwages as a disciiplinaary meeasuree or aany deeductiions ffrom wwages not pprovidded foor by Law sshall not ooccur withoout thhe exppresseed perrmissiion of

53、f the workeer conncerneed. Alll disscipliinary measuures sshouldd be rrecordded一个标准工作周周支付的工资资和福利需要要至少符合,国家法律标准或行业基准标准,以较高者为准。在任何情况下工资总是应该足以满足基本需求,并提供一些可自由支配的收入。所有员工在被雇雇用之前应该该提供关于他他们就业状况况的书面和易易于理解的信信息和每一次次的工资细节节支付问题。作为纪律措施扣扣工资或者任任何不是法律律规定的的扣扣减工资在职职工没有了解解并表示同意意的情况下不不能发生,任任何纪律措施施应该被记录录在案。7. Worrking Ho

54、urss工作时间Workingg hourrs commply wwith aany Laaw andd bencchmarkk induustry standdards, whiccheverr affoords ggreateer prootectiionIn any eventt, worrkers shalll not on a regullar baasis bbe reqquiredd to wwork iin exccess oof 48 hourss per week and sshall be prrovideed witth at leastt one day ooff f

55、oor eveery 7 day pperiodd on aaveragge. Ovvertimme shaall bee voluuntaryy, shaall noot be excesssive, shalll nott be ddemandded onn a reegularr basiis andd shalll alwways bbe commpensaated aat a ppremiuum ratte工作时间应遵守守法律和基准准行业标准,不论供应商商是否提供了了更多更好的保护。在任何情况下,员工不得经经常被要求每每星期工作超超过48小时时和应配备平平均7天里至至少一天假期。加班

56、应应是自愿的,不应过度,不应定期要求,员工加加班后总是可可以得到很好好的补偿。8. Disscrimiinatioon歧视There iis no discrriminaation in hiiring, comppensattion, accesss to trainning, promootion, termminatiion orr retiiremennt bassed onn racee, casste, nnationnal orrigin, reliigion, age, disaabilitty, geender, mariital sstatuss, sexxual oori

57、enttationn, uniion meembersship oor polliticaal afffiliattion不得在基于种族族、阶级、国国籍、宗教、年年龄、残疾、性性别、婚姻状状况、性取向向、工会会员员和政治面貌貌等问题上存在招招聘、薪酬、培培训、晋升、访访问终止或退退休方面的歧歧视。9. Reggular Emplooymentt固定雇用 To everry exttent ppossibble woork peerformmed muust bee on tthe baasis oof reccognissed emmploymment rrelatiionshiip estt

58、ablisshed tthrouggh nattionall law and ppractiiceObligattions to emmployeees unnder llabourr or ssociall secuurity laws and rregulaationss arissing ffrom tthe reegularr emplloymennt rellationnship shalll not be avvoidedd throough tthe usse of labouur-onlly conntractting, sub-ccontraactingg, or home-

59、workiing arrrangeementss, or throuugh appprentticeshhip scchemess wherre theere iss no rreal iintentt to iimpartt skillls orr provvide rregulaar empploymeent, nnor shhall aany suuch obbligattions be avvoidedd throough tthe exxcessiive usse of fixedd-termm conttractss of eemployyment对于每个工作的的任用都应该该建立在

60、国家家法律和惯例例认可的基础础上。在劳动和社会保保障法律法规规下雇佣者的的义务出现于于常规的雇佣佣关系下所产产生的不可避避免的劳动力力承包,外包包分包及在家家工作的安排排的使用,或或者通过学徒徒计划没有真真正意图传授授技能或定期期提供就业也也没有如此的的义务去避免免固定期限合合同的就业的的过多使用 。 10. Harrsh orr Inhuumane Treattment苛苛刻及不人道道待遇Physicaal abuuse orr discciplinne, thhe thrreat oof phyysicall abusse, seexual or otther hharasssment a


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