



1、单元/章/课:6A Unit5 signs(Story time 课能听懂、会说、会读:Public signs能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语:Whatdoesitmean?Itmeanslittering/parking/smoking/You can 能听懂、会说、会读词汇:litter, go in, take o, someone, smoke, smell能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇:sign, shop单元/章/课:6A Unit5 signs(Story time 课能听懂、会说、会读:Public signs能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语:Whatdoesitmean?Itme

2、anslittering/parking/smoking/You can 能听懂、会说、会读词汇:litter, go in, take o, someone, smoke, smell能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇:sign, shopcentre,careful,mean, 学 句型:Whatdoesitmean?Itmeans No littering/parking/smoking/You can 词汇:sign, centre, mean句型:Whatdoesitmean?Itmeans No littering/parking/smoking/词汇:litter,restaurant

3、,smoke,careful(包括:主要教学流程、重难点处理过程与方法、亮点片段教师教什么、怎么学生学什么、怎么。Unit5Signs(P48-50),听 模仿朗Step1Warmingup Guessing gameT:Goodmorning,boysandgirls.Do youlikewatchin at kends?Can youguesswhatdoesMissChenlike ng at kends?PPT: She likes reading books,housework and going shopT:Whowasright?Pleasehandsup. Step 2 Pre

4、senion and practice 1.Buying thingsT:I like going shopIfIwanttobuysomebeautifuldresses andskirts,Icangototheshop.IfI wanttobuysomefood,Icangotothe supermarket. I like going window at the shopcentre. If I wanttobuysomebooks,Icangotothe bookshop. I can buy some fresh frui much.SoIoftengotothebakeshop.

5、If I want to have a bigch with my family, we can go to the restaurant.PPT 依次出现T: When I go shop,Ialwayssee thesethings.(PPT呈现公共标T:Theyaresigns.TherearemanyS: She likes .( one by TSshop centrebookshop透单词 fruit shopbakeshop TS: Unit 5 They mean different things. They can luswhatThey mean different thi

6、ngs. They can luswhatcanwedoandwhatweLook and say(PPT 出示故事T: Who are they?Listen and n answer my question.TS: juihop,restaurant 5.Read and chooseT:Nowpleasereadthestoryquickly, n finish the exercises on page “Read and T:Number1,WhereareMike,Helenand Tim?Howdoyouknow?(依次 4择题,并追问如何得出 ,让学生说说Look and T:

7、Whatdoesitmean? (PPT floorTS:ItmeansWetfloor.Itmeans the floor is wet.What does it or drinking / No It means you cant litter / eat drink / smoke Listen and T:Nowletslistentothet ,repeat the senten .T: Now its your turn to read the story.Thenyoucanactinyourgroups. Step3 ConsolidationLook and write. Ss: They are Mike, Helen and Ss: They are he S 快速在书中找出句子 It means the floor is wet.Read and act. Workingroups.TS: What does it It meansNo parking/ Danger. Itmeansyoucantparkhere./It means you must


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