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1、绝密启用前2021-2022 学年黑龙江省大庆市肇源农场学校外研版(一起)五年级上册期中测试英语试卷(含答案解析)考试范围:xxx;考试时间:100 分钟;命题人:xxx题号题号一二三四五六七八九十总分得分注意事项:答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息请将答案正确填写在答题卡上第 I 卷(选择题)请点击修改第I 卷的文字说明评卷人得分评卷人得分选出不同类的单词。1AHalloweenBAprilCEasterDChristmas2ASundayBMondayCFridayDweekend3AwatermelonBplayCrunDjump4AhisBhereCyoursDmine5Adir

2、tyBsupermarketCbigDheavy【答案】1B2D3A4B5B【分析】1A 为节日名称,B B。2A 是周末,故选D3A 西瓜,B 玩,C 跑,D 跳,BCD 是动词,A 是水果,故选A。试卷第 1 页,共 19 页4A 他的,B 这里,C 你的,D 我的,ACD 是名词性物主代词,B 是副词,故选B。5A 脏的,B 超市,C 大的,D 重的,ACD 是动词,B 是名词,故选B。【点睛】评卷人得分评卷人得分Please comeher party. ()to【答案】A【详解】areCbe句意:请她的派对吧A 到,B 是,C 是,根据句意及所给选项可知该处考查动词短语come to

3、 + 地点名词表示来到某地 to her party 来参加她的派对故选A。【点睛】What are you going to? ()do【答案】A【详解】doingCdid 动词原形,doing 句中的be going to 后面接动词原形,故选。【点睛】My shoes and yours arewet. ()all【答案】B【详解】bothCtooA.My shoes and yours 一共两双鞋子,故选。【点睛】9Can youfast? ()Arunning【答案】BBrunCran【详解】can 过去式,故选B。【点睛】You can jumphigh. ()true【答案】C【

4、详解】realCreally句意:你可以跳高A 确实的,形容词 真正的;真实的,形容词 真实地;真正地,副词 此处修饰动词jump,是副词,要用副词修饰high 真高,故选C。【点睛】Amys book is old.is new. ()AMy【答案】C【详解】BICMine句意:艾米的书是旧的是新的A 我的,形容词性物主代词 我,人称代主格;C 我的,名词性物主代词,该句为 主系表结构,根据is 排除B 选项 后必须加名词,故C 选项符合,故选。【点睛】These bagsheavy. ()is【答案】C【详解】amCare试卷第 3 页,共 19 页These be areC 符合题意,故

5、选C。【点睛】This monkey cantbasketball. ()playing【答案】C【详解】playsCplayplay 玩,动词,play basketball 后加动词原形,故选。【点睛】Wellto the park tomorrow. ()went【答案】B【详解】goCgoingdo 去式;B 原形;C 动名词;故选。【点睛】There werenteggs here before. ()some【答案】B【详解】anyCaneggs 是复数,故C 选项错误,some 用于疑问句或否定句中,该句是否定句,故选。【点睛】第 II 卷(非选择题)请点击修改第 II 卷的文字

6、说明评卷人得分评卷人得分This bag is so h. I cant lift it.【答案】heavy【详解】句意:这个包太重了。我举不起来。根据句意和首字母提示考查单词重的heavy,形容词,故答案为heavy。【点睛】Whose is it?Its m.【答案】mine【详解】句意它是谁的T 恤衫?它根据句意和首字母可知考查单词mine 我的名词性物主代词,故答案为。【点睛】Halloween is an autumn f.【答案】festival【详解】句意:万圣节是一个秋天。根据句意及所给首字母可知该单词为festival,日,可数名词,前有不定冠词an 表示一个,此处用单数,故

7、答案为festival。【点睛】Its raining. But the ware working.【答案】workers【详解】句意:下雨了。但还在工作着。根据句意及首字母提示可知考查单词worker 人,又因为系动词为are,所以要用复数形式workers,故答案为workers。【点睛】You can play basketball w.【答案】well试卷第 5 页,共 19 页【详解】句意:你篮球打。根据句意及所给首字母可知该单词为well 好,副词,修动词或动词短语放在后面 basketball well篮球打得好,故答案为。【点睛】评卷人得分四、选词/评卷人得分Its an in

8、vitation(to / at) my birthday party.【答案】to【详解】句意:这是我生日聚会的请柬。 an invitation to 邀请,固定用法,故答案为 to。【点睛】Im going to(is / be) 11.【答案】be【详解】 going to do be。【点睛】Mums going to make a birthday cake(for / to) me.【答案】for【详解】句意:妈妈打算为我做一块生日蛋糕。for 为,to 朝,根据句意可知for 符合,故答案为for。【点睛】Her friends are(go / going) to go ho

9、me.【答案】going【详解】句意:她的朋友将要回家。一般将来时be going to+动词原形,故答案为 going。What are you going to do(at / to) the party?【答案】at【详解】句意:派对上你打算做什么?at the party 意思是在派对上,故答案为 at。【点睛】Sometimes there are small eggs(in / on) the big eggs.【答案】in【详解】句意:有时大鸡蛋里有小鸡蛋。in 在里面,on 在上面,根据句意,故答案为in。【点睛】There are toy chicks and flowers

10、(on / in) the hats.【答案】on【详解】句意:帽子上有玩具小鸡和花朵。on 在上,in 在里,根据句意可知 on 故答案为on。【点睛】What do children do(at / in) Halloween?【答案】at【详解】句意万圣节前夕孩子们做什么 在 在里;根据题意可知,万圣节前是特定日期的节日,日期前不能用in,用at意为在整个节日期间,故答案为。29Its(an / a) autumn festival. Its really fun.【答案】an【详解】句意:它是一个秋天的节日。真的很有趣。句中autumn 为元音音素开头的单词,因此应用冠词 an 修饰,

11、故答案为 an。【点睛】试卷第 7 页,共 19 页They go to peoples(house / houses).【答案】houses【详解】people 是复数名词,故后面的house houses。【点睛】whatwhenwherehowwhatwhenwherehow many is Easter?Its in spring. do the children go?They go to peoples houses. do people give the children?Chocolate eggs.34do the children wear?They wear scary

12、masks. 35months are there in a year?Twelve.【答案】31When 32Where 33What 34What 35How many【分析】31根据答语 Its in spring.“在春天。”可知问句询问复活节在什么时候?对时间提问用疑问词 when,在句首首字母要大写,故答案为When。32They go to peoples where,在句首首字母要大写,故答案为Where。33根据答语 Chocolate eggs.“巧克力鸡蛋。”可知问句询问人们给孩子们什么?对物品提问用疑问词 what,在句首首字母要大写,故答案为What。34They w

13、ear scary whatWhat。35根据答语 Twelve.“十二个。”可知问句询问一年有几个月?对数量提问用疑问词how many,在句首首字母要大写,故答案为 How many。【点睛】评卷人得分评卷人得分an, autumn, Its, festival (.)【答案】Its an autumn festival.【详解】an 据所给的词义可以连成句子:它是一个秋天的节日。故答案为Its an autumn festival.【点睛】Does, look, London, different (?)【答案】Does London look different?【详解】Does 助动

14、词,look 看,London 伦敦,different 不同的。根据所给问号和单词,可知句子是一般疑问句,根据词义连成句子:伦敦看起来不同吗?故答案为Does London look different?【点睛】a, What, boy, tall (!)【答案】What a tall boy!【详解】试卷第 9 页,共 19 页a 一个,What 多么,boy 男孩,tall 给单词词义可以连成句子:多么高的一个男孩啊!故答案为What a tall boy!【点睛】Please, put the bags, help me, in the car (.)【答案】Please help m

15、e put the bags in the car.【详解】Please 请,put 放, the bags 袋子,help me 帮我,in the car 在小汽车里,根据所给的句号和单词,可知句子是祈使句的肯定形式,根据所给的词义可以连成句子:请帮我把袋子放到小汽车里。故答案为 Please help me put the bags in the car.【点睛】wet, blue, Amys, is, dress (.)【答案】Amys blue dress is wet.【详解】wet 是,dress 连衣裙,根据所给的句号可知这是Amys blue dress is wet.【点睛

16、】in, high, I, the, can, jump, air (.)【答案】I can jump high in the air.【详解】in the air 在空中,high 高的,I 我,can 能,jump 跳跃,根据所给的句号,可知句子是一个陈述句,根据所给词义可以连成句子:我能在空中跳得很高。故答案为I can jump high in the air./In the air I can jump high.【点睛】going, what, are, you, do, to (?)【答案】What are you going to do?【详解】are going to 将要,

17、what 什么,you 你(你们),do 做,根据所给的问号,可知句子是一个疑问句,根据所给词义可以连成句子:你(你们)打算做什么?故答案为 What are you going to do?/Whatre you going to do?【点睛】were, to, going, lunch, have, together (.)【答案】Were going to have lunch together.【详解】were to lunch 一起,根据所给句号可知句子Were going to have lunch together.【点睛】new, were, then, toys, play

18、, to, Amys, going, with (.)【答案】Then were going to play with Amys new toys.【详解】new toys 新玩具,were going to 我们将要去,then 然后,play with 玩,Amys 艾米的。Then were going to play with Amys new toys.【点睛】Then, them, people, give, sweets (.)【答案】Then people give them sweets.【详解】Then 然后,them 他们,people 人们,give 给,sweets

19、糖果,根据所给的句号可知这是Then 试卷第 11 页,共 19 页give them sweets.【点睛】评卷人得分评卷人得分TheThe supermarket.Yes, I can.It sells a lot of fruit.Its in spring.Yes, it does.Does Beijing look different now? (47Where are you going to? () 48What does this small shop sell? () 49Can you come to my party? ) 50When is Easter in the

20、UK? )【答案】46E47A48C49B50D【分析】46句意:现在北京看起来不同了吗?答语用yes 或 no 回答,doe 引导的一般疑问句用does回答,E 选项是的,它是。符合题意,故选E47 选项超市。符合题意,故选A48C49句意:你能来参加我的聚会吗?答语用yes no can 答,B 选项是的,我能。符合题意,故选。50 选项它在春天。符合题意,故选 D。【点睛】评卷人得分七、英译汉:单词评卷人得分把划线部分的汉语意思写在横线上。They got fifty points. Amys blue dress is wet.Linglings favourite skirt is

21、dirty.Its mine. You can play basketball well. 【答案】得到湿的最喜欢的我的好地【分析】51got 是动词get 52句意:艾米的蓝色连衣裙是湿的。wet 是形容词,意思是湿的,故答案为湿的。53句意:玲玲最喜欢的短裙是脏的。favourite 是形容词,意思是最喜欢的,故答案为最喜欢的。试卷第 13 页,共 19 页54句意:它是我的。mine 是名词性物主代词,意思是我的,故答案为我的。55句意:你会打篮球打得很好。well 是副词,意思是好地,故答案为好地。【点睛】评卷人得分八、选内容补全对话评卷人得分Sam: Its mine.Amy: It

22、 56 yours, Sam. Its mine. Ms Smart: Whats the matter?Amy: Sam 57 to wear my T-shirt. Sam: But it isnt hers. Its mine.Amy: It isnt his. Its mine.Ms Smart: But 58 your red T-shirts are there. They are wet. Look! Sam: Then 59 T-shirt is it?Lingling: Its mine. Look!Sam: Im sorry, Lingling. And Im sorry,

23、 Amy. Amy: Im sorry 60.Lingling: Thats OK.AtooBwhoseCbothDwantsE.isnt【答案】56E57D58C59B60A【分析】对话大意:对话介绍了萨姆想穿艾米的 T 恤衫,但是这件 T 恤衫都不是他们的,这件 T恤衫是玲玲的。句意:你的,萨姆。它是我的。根据句意和选项,可知E 选项不是,符合题意故选E。句意:萨穿我的T 恤衫。根据句意和选项,可知D 选项想要,动词第三人称数,符合题意,故选D。句意:但是你们的两件T 恤衫在那儿。根据句意和选项,可知C 选项两者都,定代词,符合题意,故选C。句意那么它T 恤衫?根据对话下一句Its 它是我

24、的可知该句是whose 引导的特殊疑问句 选项谁的,疑问代词,符合题意,故选B。句意我很抱歉根据对话上一句Im sorry, Lingling. And Im sorry, .知该句是我也很抱歉,A 也,副词,符合题意,故选A。【点睛】评卷人得分评卷人得分Look, this is a picture of our school. My school is very big and beautiful. But it was different before. There was a small playground before, but now there is a big playgro

25、und. There were lots of small trees before, but now they are big and tall. There wasnt a computer or a TV in the classroom before. But now there is a computer and a TV in the classroom. Our school is beautiful now. I like my school.This is a picture of a park. ()My school is big now. ()There was a b

26、ig playground before. () 64There were lots of tall trees before. ) 65Now there is a computer in the classroom. (【答案】试卷第 15 页,共 19 页61F62T63F64F65T【分析】短文大意:介绍作者学校的今夕对比。61题干句意:这是一张公园的照片。根据Look, this is a picture of our school.可知是学校的照片。故题干错误,故答案为F。62题干句意:我的学校现在很大。根据My school is very big and beautiful.

27、可知题干正确, 故答案为T。63题干句意:以前有一个大操场。根据 There was a small playground before, but now there is a big playground.可知以前有一个小操场。故题干错误,故答案为F。题干句意:以前有很多高高的树。根据There were lots of small trees before, but now they are big and tall.可知以前有很多小树。故题干错误,故答案为F。题干句意:现在教室里有一台电脑。根据But now there is a computer and a TV in the cla

28、ssroom. 可知题干正确,故答案为T。【点睛】Lingling: Whats this?Amy: Its an invitation to my birthday party. Im going to be 11. Lingling: What are we going to do?Amy: Were going to have lunch together. Lingling: Are you going to have a birthday cake?Amy: Yes, I am. Mums going to make a birthday cake for me. After lun

29、ch, were going to sing and dance.Sam: And then her friends are going to go home. Were going to play with Amys new toys.Ms Smart: No, youre not. Youre going to help me tidy up! 66Amy is going to be ten. ()Theyre going to have lunch together. ()Linglings Mum is going to make a cake for Amy.(69Theyre g

30、oing to play with Amys old toys.() 70Ms Smart asks them to tidy up in the end. )【答案】66F67T68F69F70T【分析】对话大意:玲玲,艾米和萨姆在谈论生日聚会上要做什么。66题干句意:艾米要十岁了。根据 Amy: Its an invitation to my birthday party. Im going to be 11.可知她要 11 岁了。故题干错误,故答案为F。67题干句意:他们要一起吃午饭。根据 Amy: Were going to have lunch together.可知题干正确,故答案为T。68题干句意:玲玲的妈妈要给艾米做蛋糕。根据Amy: Yes, I am. Mums going to make a birthday cake for m


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