已阅读5页,还剩3页未读 继续免费阅读




1、祈使句的用法讲解1、概述祈使句(imperative sentenee表命令、警告、提醒、建议、请求、叮嘱、号召等,谓语动词用 原形。主语you通常省略,句末用叹号或句号。Knock at the door before en teri ng, please 进来时请敲门!(建议)Try some of this juice-perhaps you ll tak 尝点这种果汁,也许你会要。(建议)Look out! There is a train comi ng 注意!火车来了!(提醒)Wear strong shoes as weAhall do a lot of walking.请穿结实

2、的鞋子,因为我们要走许多的路。(叮嘱)At the beg inning, collect as many stamps as you can 开始时,尽可能多多地收集邮票。(建 议)Leave her where she is !让她留在原地!(命令)Put your coat at o nee. Wemust hurry .立刻穿上衣服。我们必须快点。(命令)Give blood if you can and many lives will be saved如果你能,来献血吧,这会挽救很多人的 生命。(号召)2、祈使句的另外表达方式(1)“N寸名词或动名词”表示祈使句“N&名词或动名词”结

3、构表示禁止的祈使,一般用于指示、标牌、布告等。No smoki ng噤止吸烟! No spitti ng!不准随地吐痰!No litter!不准乱扔果皮纸屑! No entry!不许入内!No thoroughfare 噤止通行! No scribbl ing on the wall!墙上不准涂写!No admitta nee except on bus in ess 非公莫入!(2)“ haveohe ”结构表示祈使句这种结构相当于stop doing,意为禁止”。有时表示结束、停止”。Have done scold ing him.不要再责备他了。Have done 住手!Have don

4、e running 跑完了!(别跑了!)(3)“ b每V-ed”结构表示祈使句Be guided by reas on 理智些! Be seated请坐!Be persuaded by your father!听你父亲的话!Be gone!滚!(4)“ be+ Vng ”结构表示祈使句Don t be lookig out of the window!勿将头伸出窗外!Do be doing your homework whe n I come in 我进来时,你一定在做作业吧!(5)无动词祈使句一般来讲,祈使句都要有动词,但是有些用于口号、告示等的祈使句却是没有动词。主要有:名词短语;介词短语

5、;名词+代词/副词/形容词;形容词+名词/代词;副词+ with等。Don t all speak at on ce! One at a time, plea 不要一起说,一次一个!One more week, and we ll accomplish the再给我一星期,我就会完成任务。Patienee!耐心点! Your turn.轮到您了。After you!您先请!Now for it!干起来吧! On with your cap.带上帽子。Dan ger!危险!Poison!有毒! Over!完毕! Bottom up!干杯!No ne of that agai n!不要在那样! N

6、o ne of your non se nse 不要胡说八道!Ha nd up举起手来! Hands off!无动手!Off with it!把它拿下来!Up with the box!把箱子放下!Eyes left!向右看齐! No ne of your impude nee 休要无理!None of your little trick!不要再玩鬼把戏!let祈使句Let祈使句let 引导的祈使句,包括听话者本人在内,表示建议,反意问句用shall可。相当于I (We)suggest that you and I(we)。Let s begin, shall w 我?们开始好吗?Let s

7、go horij我们回家吧!Let me(us, him, her, it, them)祈使句该结构引导的祈使句表示请求对方允许自己干某事,不包括对方(you)在内,let相当于allow,意为 please allow us 或 you allow us,反意问句要用 will you。Let all the childre n be well educated让所有的孩子都得到良好的教育。Let him go where hemight, I don t他想上那就让他去,我不管!Let us kn ow your name, will you?让我们知道你的名字好吗?let祈使句否定let

8、祈使句的否定可以为let s not/let me(us)或 jDon t let s/ let m但)him等第三人称 否定 式为Don t let him其他人称亦可用Don t leiDon t let her disturb you 别让她妨碍我!Let s not be in such a hur让我们别这样急!let祈使句强调let祈使句强调的强调式为Do let或Do let us。Do let her go! 一 定让她走!Do let s go climb我们一定去爬山!Let there be 结构No + v-ing其时句常用let there be代替。No park

9、ing here.= Let there be no park ing here .不准在此停车!“why noth动词原形”等结构表示祈使概念“ why noh动词原形”;“ why+动词原形” “ you d better/best+do等结构可以”示祈使 概念,用来表达方式,提出委婉建议,指责,反同等。-I usually go there by trai n.我通常坐火车去?-Why not try going by boat for a cha nge ?怎么不坐船换换口味。You d better go to school early tomorrow 明 天你最好早点去上学。-S

10、usa n, go and join your sister clea ning the yard. Susa 去和你姐姐扫院子。-Why me? Joh n is sitti ng there doi ng noth ing.为什么叫我去? Joh n 坐在那闲着。3、祈使句可以用被动形式Don t be cheated byhat he said不要被他说的话所欺骗。Don t be forced to do that aga不要再被胁迫做那种事了。4、祈使句的主语祈使句的主语多为不言而喻的you,一般不出现。但若是要强调主语;或表示急躁、厌烦、不高兴、愤怒等感情色彩;表示向谁请求或发出命

11、令,祈使句可有主语,除you外可以用不代词 one, some one, somebody, everybody, everyon 或 名词。 当说话人强调主语或上级对下级,长者对年青人或小孩讲话时。-Alice, you feed the bird today, will you?爱丽丝,你去喂鸟好吗?-Yes. But I fed it yesterday 好,但我昨天喂了。You take care whe n you cross the road.过马路时要小心。You speak first 你先讲。Tom, liste n to me 汤姆,听我说。You be careful你要

12、仔细点。Joh n, open the door 约翰,去开门!当说话人有急躁、厌烦、不高兴、愤怒等感情色彩Come here, you!你,过来!(放句尾,表示轻视、傲视)You do it right awa y你立刻做这件事You mi nd your own bus in ess, and leave this to m 你别管闭事,把此事留给我好了。当说话人必须指明不同的事要求不同的人去做时。You clean the windows, and you(another man)mop the floor你擦窗户, 你(指另一个人)拖地板。You go over there and s

13、it next to Tom, while he and I stay here你到那里坐在汤姆旁边,我和 他留在这里。当祈使句的主语是some one somebody, every one everybody等泛指第三人称时。Someone call a taxi 你去叫车!(相当于 You,不用 calls)Someo ne open that wi ndow来个人把那扇窗户打开。Everybody be here at7:30.大家 7:30 到这里。当祈使句谓语部分有副词up,down,in,out,off,away等,且这些副词置于句首时。In you jump!你跳进去吧!Out

14、 you come.请你出来。当祈使句以Dont开头又要加重语气时。Don t youdare to cause any more trouble (尔敢再捣舌L。Don t you be late again next tim 你下次不要再来晚了。5、祈使句的否定祈使句的否定结构一般是在谓语动词前加 do not或用dont (口语中),有时也可用never, 若祈使句有主语,否定词用don或never要置于主语之前,不可用donot。Sorry, Joe, I didnt me对不起,Joeo我不是故意要Don t call me“ Joe” . I m Mr Parker to you,

15、 and don 不要 t 叫 Su taAe 我是 Parker先生,不要忘了。Dont touch an ythi ng un less your teacher tells you比.除非老师叫你动,否则就不要动任何东 西。Do nt reach sideways while sta ndi ng on a ladder.站在梯子上的时候,不要侧身子伸手去拿东 西。Don t anyone make nois 都另廿说话了!Don t you ever forget it 不能说 Do not you 别忘了。Don t you believe i决不要相信他。Never be late

16、 again 另U再迟到了。6肯定祈使句的强调肯定祈使句可用助动词do加强语气,常译为 务必、一定要”。Do save me天那!(救救我吧)Do come in.请进。Do be careful whe n cross ing the stree 过马路时务必小心。Do give my regards to your pare nts请务必代我向你的父母问好。7、祈使句+ and/or+陈述句”结构(1)祈使句 + and (then, and then) + 陈述句在这个句型中,前边祈使句+ and (then, and then相当于if引导的条件句。Come early, and yo

17、u II catch the first bus. =If you come eqrlyou II catch the first bi 来早点, 你就能赶 上第一班汽车。Use your head, then you II find a way动脑筋,那么你就会找到办法。One more word, and Ill get angry with you .如果你再说一句话,我就生你的气了。Another week, and the railway station will be completed.再有一周,火车站就完工了。(2)祈使句 + (or, or else, otherwise) + 陈述句在这个句型中,前边祈使句+ (or,or else,otherwise)相当于unless引导的条件句。Work hard,otherwise,you II fail. = Un less you work hrd,you II fai 努 力干,要不,你会失 败的。Use your head, o


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