



1、四川省成都市中铁二局第一中学高一英语上学期期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. - I wonder the idea to Tom. He still looks angry.- Sorry, I have no time right now.A. when youll mention B. where you mentioned C. If you have mentioned参考答案:A2. After several sleepless nights, Mr. Smith _ a perfect solution to the financial problems of his compan

2、y. A. kept up with B. put up with C. came up with D. ended up with参考答案:C3. The true value of life is not in _ you take, but in _ you give.Awhich; what Bwhat; whatCwhich; which Dwhat; which参考答案:B考查名词性从句。句意:生命的真正价值不在于你得到了多少,而在于你付出了多少。根据动词take,give后面都没有宾语,用疑问代词what合适。4. _ is a fact that English is bein

3、g accepted as an international language.A. There B. This C. That D. It参考答案:D5. I have been dreaming of_ a good chance for further education abroad, and my dream has come true.A. there will be B. there being C. there is D. there to be 参考答案:B6. I know nothing about the young lady_ she is from Beijing(

4、)AexceptBexcept forCexcept thatDbesides参考答案:C对这位女士我除了知道她来自北京之外一无所知分析本句的意思可知,她来自于北京是关于她的唯一一点信息,而后面的she is from Beijing为一个完整的句子,所以用except that;用that引导一个宾语从句作介词except的宾语;故选C7. By the late 1960s, their style of music _ completely. A. changedB. have changedC. had changedD. was changed参考答案:C8. The fire wa

5、s finally brought under control, but extensive damage _. A. is causedB. was causing C. had causedD. had been caused参考答案:D9. I hope, first of all, that we shall never lose_ heart in _face of failure.A. the / the B. a/ the C. our / 不填 D. 不填 / 不填参考答案:D10. We finished the job last night ,but it was alre

6、ady midnight _I arrived homeA.while B. when C. where D: that参考答案:B11. The driver _ the traffic lights and nearly caused a traffic accident.A. ignored B. checked C. disliked D. obeyed参考答案:A12. We all breathed a sigh of relief when the news came _ no one was injured in the accident.A. why B. whether C

7、. that D. which参考答案:C13. The student _ from the training so much that he was _ the first prize in the event. A. benefited; awarded B. awarded; benefited C. gained; earned D. earned; gained参考答案:A14. The most important contribution was from the Normans, _ French-speaking people who defeated England an

8、d took _ control of the country in 1066.A. the; theB. a; /C. a; theD. the; /参考答案:B15. According to the recent survey, cancer is the leading cause of death among the old persons in this area _ women.A, extremely B, exactly C, specially D, especially参考答案:D二、 填空16. 课文缩写Wang Peng felt very frustrated wh

9、en he saw that there were only a few _1_ in his restaurant, because by then his restaurant _2_ be full of people.Even his friend Li Chang didnt come to eat in his restaurant. Wang Peng wanted to _3_ why, so he _4_ Li Chang to a new restaurant. There he saw a sign. _5_ drove him to enter the restaura

10、nt, where the _6_ gave him a menu, which showed that the restaurant only served rice,_7_ vegetables, fruit and water. Wang Peng thought Yong Hui was telling lies and he could not have her _8_ it. He also thought with a _9_ he could win his customers _10_. So he wrote a sign, too. And the competition

11、 between the two restaurants was on!参考答案:1.customers2.ought to3.find out4.followed5.Curiosity6.hostess7.raw8.getting away with 9discount10.back三、 阅读理解17. In the past,when people had problems,they went to their families of friends to get advice.Today,it is possible to get advice from radio shows,TV p

12、rograms and telephone hot line,too, A hot line is a telephone line that offers a direct way of getting in touch with advisers.Most hot lines are completely anonymous-callers do not have to say their names or telephone numbers.Most hot lines are usually free,too.Callers do not have to pay for the adv

13、ice or the phone calls even if the calls are long distance.At some hot lines,the advisers are long distance.At some hot lines ,the advisers are volunteers(志愿者).Other hot lines pay their work, Usually the advisers are professionals(专职人员).With years of education and experience,but sometimes,the advise

14、rs have only taken a short class before starting to work on the hot line.All the advisers listen to people and help them solve their problems.56.What do you know about a hot line? A.Its a telephone line that is hotB.Its a telephone line through which people get adviceC.Its a telephone line whose num

15、ber no one knows D.Its a telephone line through which callers take a short class57.When people call the hot line advisers,they . A.often give their names and telephone numbers B.generally have to pay for the long distance calls C.usually pay nothing for most of the calls and advice D.always try to g

16、et in touch with the volunteer advisers58.The advisers working at hot lines . A.are not all paid B.are all volunteers C.are all well educated and experienced D.have all been trained for a short time59.How do the hot line advisers work? A.They do what the callers tell me to do B.They listen to the callers and take their advice C.They give the callers advice D.They go to the callers to help them60.The writer of the arti


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