



1、四川省广安市邻水县石永中学2023年高一英语测试题含解析一、 选择题1. Mr. Brown knows little Japanese, so he cant understand the _ on the bottle of the pills. Aexplanations Bintroductions Cdescriptions Dinstructions参考答案:D2. I promise that the time_ to help those who are out of work.A. will make good use of B. will make good useC. w

2、ill be made good use of D. will be made good use参考答案:C3. David has been in high spirits these days He should have passed in the tough math testAHow come? BHow is it? CGuess what? DNo wonder参考答案:C4. The song is familiar to me and it _me someone special.A. recognizes B. remembers C. replaces D. remind

3、s参考答案:D5. There are two thousand students in this college, _ are from the countryside. A. one-third of them B. one-third of which C. one-third of whom D. one-third in which 参考答案:C6. You cant predict everything. Often things dont as you expect.A. break outB. put outC. go outD. work out参考答案:D7. -Did y

4、ou look up the time of the high-speed trains to Shanghai?-Yes, the early train is _ to leave at 5:30 a.m.A. likelyB. possible C. due D. about参考答案:C8. Swimmers must be very strong in order to build up speed because of the high resistance(阻力) of the water. Runners, , must struggle against the heavy re

5、sistance of the air and ground. A. generally B. similarly C. naturally D. probably参考答案:B略9. That jacket _ you very well. Its neither too large nor too small.A. fits B. matches C. suits D. meets参考答案:A10. Its in Egypt, near the Pyramids. The boy was startled. The old woman had said the same thing. But

6、 she hadnt_ him anything.A. chargedB. urgedC. convincedD. nourished参考答案:A【详解】考查动词辨析。句意:“在埃及,金字塔附近。”男孩吃了一惊。老妇人也说了同样的话。但她没有向他收取任何费用。A. charged索取费用;B. urged 催促;C. convinced 使确信;D. nourished营养。结合句意可知答案为A。11. They travelled around _ Changchun by _ bus.A. the, / B. / , a C. /, / D. the, a参考答案:C12. How was

7、 your recent trip to Chengdu Railway Middle School? Ive never had_ one before.A. a pleasant B. a more pleasant C. a most pleasant D. the most pleasant参考答案:B略13. My brother wants to work in the factory which _ still _.A. is/ building B. has /been built C. is /being built D. is /to be built参考答案:【答案】略1

8、4. I will never come to this restaurant again._ will II never thought the service here could be so poor.AEither BNone CBoth DNeither参考答案:D15. 语音知识 (共5小题;每小题1分,共5分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项。1religiousA. belief B. trick C. arrival D. admire2. apologizeA. obvious B. forgive C. consult D. c

9、ombine3. award A. wander B. discount C. ought D. barber4. ahead A. feast B. weave C. weakness D. breast 5. genuineA. rag B. pepper C. sigh D. diet参考答案:略16. All the staff in our company are considering to the city center for the fashion show.A. going B. having goneC. to have gone D. to go参考答案:A试题分析:考

10、查动词时态。句意:我们公司所有员工都在考虑去市中心看时尚秀.consider doing 考虑做某事,故选A项。二、 书面表达17. 假定你是李华,暑假就要来了,你打算参加学校组织的国际游学(Study Tour)活动,目的地是California。请给美国朋友Peter写封信表达你游学的目的,并希望得到他的建议。要点如下:1.开拓国际视野;2.体验不同教育;3.提高语言能力。注意:1.词数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。_参考答案:Dear Peter,I plan to attend the Global Study Tour organized by our school

11、 in the coming summer vacation.The biggest reason why I consider Study Tour is the opportunity to see the world. I will have a better understanding and appreciation for the nations people and history. Another reason is for the chance to experience different styles of education. By enrolling in it, I

12、 will have the chance to see what I may not have been exposed to at home. In addition, I think it is also the opportunity to improve my spoken English.Id appreciate it if you could give me some suggestions.Yours,Li Hua试题分析:本文的写作内容包括1简略描述国际游学这项活动2共享单车的优点有哪些3提出文章所列出提纲之外的优点,要求学生有所发挥并加以描述。在写作当中应使用连接词,适当

13、添加题目要求以外的内容,使作文内容连贯鲜活起来。亮点说明:范文中运用一些高级句式如The biggest reason why;等;同时该文章逻辑合理,有理有据,行文流畅,长短句结合。这些技巧无疑使内容或者结构都更加丰富,多样。名师点睛:本次名师点睛想给学生推荐一些书信体当中的一个英语作文写作技巧常用套语。套语指流行的公式化语言,在写作中适当使用颇有必要。如在商业信函结尾,期望对方早日回复的表达方式就要遵循套语的基本模式,使表达规范得体。下面试举几个例子:Kindly favor us with an early reply. 请早日赐复Your prompt reply will be hi

14、ghly appreciated. 如能及时回复,将不胜感谢We look forward to hearing from you soon. 早日回复We are expecting your prompt reply. 急盼回复Please have the kindness to answer this letter quickly. 请早日回信Kindly let us have your reply at your earliest convenience. 请在您方便时尽早赐函We would appreciate it if you could respond right awa

15、y. 如能即刻回复,将不胜感谢三、 阅读理解18. Seattle, Washington ,is nicknamed Rain city, but its snow that is making it famous. On January 12,2013, Seattle residents(居民)set the Guinness World Record for the biggest snowball fight More than5,800 people showed up to throw snowballs at one another at the Seattle Centre.

16、 It didnt snow in Seattle on that day, but there was snow in a small comer of the city-enough to make a lot of kids dreams come true. Trucks carried 34 loads of snow from Snoqualmie Pass, an hour away in Washingtons Cascade mountain range to the Seattle Center It took 162,000 pounds of the white stu

17、ff to build the winter wonderland. The goal! To break the Guinness World Record for the biggest snowball fight The event was also a fundraiser(资金筹集活动)for the Boys and Girls Clubs. Seattle businessman Neil Bergquist took three months to organize the playful battle. He wanted to raise money for kids b

18、y remembering what it was like to feel like a kid Although Seattle residents arent used to snow, they succeeded in getting enough people to come out and play About 6,000 tickets were sold online. Participants were given bar-coded(条形码)wristbands when they arrived The wristbands were scanned as partic

19、ipants entered and left the location, so Guinness counted the number at all times. There were 130 judges for the official minute-and-a-half snowball fight Anyone not throwing snowball wasnt counted in the total To raise money for the Clubs, companies paid for space to build snow fonts ( ). A Guinness official confirmed the count of 5,834 people. Seattle beat the previous world record of about 5,400 at a 2010 snowball fight in South Korea We had much fun set a Guinness record, raised some mone


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