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1、69/69一、工程概况1。1 工程简介大渡河安谷水电站位于四川省乐山市境内,我方承建C4标段右岸副坝及排涝洞工程。5水泥砂浆垫层位于副坝迎水面面板与面板垫层之间,此部位5水泥砂浆垫层,主要是副坝迎水面面板与砂砾垫层的中间层,起到保护砂砾料垫层,使其表面平整,方便施工放线,确保面板混凝土结构尺寸,保护面板钢筋不被污染,保证面板钢筋保护层厚度等.其位置及大样结构【详见:安电(施)-751-1右岸副坝横剖面图、安电(施)7-5-18右岸副坝止水细部结构图】。垫层砂浆厚5cm,图纸工程量5291m。设计单位为水利部四川省水利水利水电勘测设计研究院,委托四川大桥水电咨询监理有限公司监理。1。 编制依据.

2、1 水利部四川省水利水电勘测设计研究院设计四川省大渡河安谷水电站右岸副坝工程施工图。【安电(施)-511右岸副坝横剖面图、安电(施)-718右岸副坝止水细部结构图】1.2相关水工规范及以及招投标文件要求。12。3 本工程施工组织方案及现场实际情况。12。 监理部下发单元工程划分标准。1. 工期控制进度计划与右岸副坝总体工期控制紧密结合,确保按合同工期实现.全面推行目标管理,以总进度为龙头,实行长计划、短安排,通过月、旬、周计划的布置和实施,加强调度职能。4 主要工程量表序号工程项目单位工程量备注1M5砂浆垫层m591工程量以现场实际发生量为准。二、施工准备及部署2。1 原材料及拌合系统准备2.

3、1。1 水泥:水泥由发包人负责供应品种:按照招标文件和施工图纸的要求,配置混凝土所需的水泥品种,各种水泥应严格遵守GB175199要求。收货、运输、贮存等相关环节,严格按照招标文件的要求进行。2。1。2 水:使用符合要求的拌合用水。2.13骨料:所需人工骨料在砂石加工系统加工.骨料的粒径、级配、堆存等严格遵守招标文件要求,并由现场相关试验确定参数。1。4 配合比选定:砂浆垫层配合比通过试验选定,其试验方法按LT51502001有关规定执行.按照监理批复的配合比进行拌制.1.5 拌合系统:利用现有拌合站拌合系统进行砂浆拌制。22 组织准备(1) 本工程由我方直承担沥青砂浆施工任务。并对项目施工中

4、的各项工作进行指挥,调度和协调.(2) 项目经理部实行项目经理领导下的负责制责,其决策层由项目经理、技术负责人组成.对工程行使计划、组织、协调、控制、监督和指挥职能.管理层由技术员、施工员、质安、材料等职能部门组成.对工程的质量、工期、安全、成本等进行全过程的具体管理协调和控制.作业层由熟炼本工种操作工人组成。(3) 根据施工进度计划,提前两天组织劳动力进场。组织进场职工学习熟悉图纸和技术交底,增强全体职工的质量意识和合同意识。(4) 做好新工人、新技术人员的上岗培训工作,加强遵纪守法、安全意识和合同意识。2。3 施工部署施工布置原则:遵循“紧凑实用、经济合理、利于生产、便于管理的原则。3.1

5、 砂浆运输:砂浆统一由拌合站拌制,利用6m混凝土搅拌车通过现有施工道路运输至施工部位。2 施工供电:业主提供了10V高压供电点,我部已从低压侧通过90m2.3。3施工用水:大渡河通过抽水泵进行抽取。三、5砂浆垫层施工措施3。1 砂砾垫层料清理整平根据设计图纸要求在砂浆垫层的下部有砂砾垫层,在摊铺砂浆垫层前要对砂砾垫层坡面进行清理整平.首先用挖机斗背对坡面进行大致找平,随后测量人员对坡面进行测量放线,采用打桩放样标高,并在两个桩之间按照放样标高牵起光线,按照标高进行人工削坡,达到平整度要求。一次为基础,从而便于砂浆垫层的摊铺施工。3.2 测量放线在砂浆摊铺之前首先测量人员要根据监理部批复的单元工

6、程划分标准进行桩号的现场放样(参照副坝面板单元划分要求10000米为一个单元)。单元桩号实地放样完毕后,定桩将结构尺寸用光线框定。而后根据设计图纸要求的砂浆垫层厚度(cm)在已敲定的木桩上画出摊铺刻线作为摊铺厚度依据.3.3 简单模板施工为保证砂浆垫层的结构尺寸与混凝土面板一致,在已确定的桩号上架立简单模板。模板可采用定型钢模板(如10cm10cm钢模板)。也可现场制作木模班,木模板的高度必须满足砂浆垫层的厚度。本方案中模板采用标准定型钢模板,规格为10m50cm.由于砂浆垫层仅有5c的厚度要求,故对模板的侧压力很小,故钢模板的加固相对简单。按照桩号线放置模板,采用钉钢筋桩的方式加固模板,钢筋

7、桩可直接通过钢模板侧孔钉入砂砾垫层。并在模板内侧弹出砂浆垫层的厚度线。3 砂浆入仓砂浆由拌合站直接拌制,由6m混凝土搅拌车运输至施工现场。在入仓部位搭设溜槽,由挖机配合入仓。砂浆由搅拌车出料倒入挖机斗内,通过溜槽倒入仓位,卸料厚度及卸料量不宜过大,以满足砂浆垫层厚度为宜。砂浆摊铺采用先底部,而后移动溜槽逐次向上摊铺的方法。砂浆平仓采用人工平仓。在相应浇筑单元内铺设多条光线,依次作为人工平仓标准。对于已入仓的砂浆首先人工大致勾平,而后委派专人对已摊铺的砂浆进行简单抹面处理,力求砂浆垫层表面平整无明显凹凸,无裂痕,无细微通道.便于面板钢筋施工,从而确保面板钢筋的保护层厚度满足设计要求。5 砂浆垫层

8、的养护及保护根据监理部下发的单元工程划分标准,砂浆垫层单元划分应与副坝面板单元划分保持一致(100米2米为一个单元)。由此看来每个单元长度较大,故应对已经浇筑好的还没有进入下一道施工程序的砂浆垫层进行必要的养护,从而防止砂浆垫层开裂。养护方法采用洒水养护,养护用水可直接取大渡河水。如在低温季节施工,对已终凝的砂浆垫层表面喷混凝土养护剂养护。在进入下一道施工工序前,对已经成型的砂浆垫层进行必要的保护。禁止一切施工人员及其他人员随意在垫层表面行走,从而避免对成型砂浆垫层的破坏.6 砂浆垫层施工工艺流程砂浆垫层施工工艺流程图原砂砾垫层清表、整平施工放样模板拆除质量检测原砂砾垫层清表、整平施工放样模板


10、,保证施工质量全过程处于受控状态。采取以下措施加强施工现场控制:1、现场技术及质检人员应充分掌握此工程施工要求及质量控制重点,要严格遵照图纸及规范要求进行施工指导和质量控制.2、加强施工人员质量教育,提高质量意识,严格过程控制,上道工序未验收合格不进行下道工序的施工。3 、严格施工测量复核制度,避免测量出错,测量人员认真负责,精心操作,满足精度要求,保证测量误差在允许范围内。五、安全保证措施施工现场成立项目经理领导下的,由项目安全副经理、项目总工程师、质量安全部、工程技术部、物资装备部、综合办公室等负责人组成的施工安全管理领导小组.各施工作业班班长为兼职安全员,在队专职安全员的指导下开展班组的

11、安全工作,对本班人员在施工过程中的安全和健康全面负责,确保本班人员按照业主的规定和作业指导书、安全施工措施进行施工,不违章作业.钍对本工程特点、施工环境、施工方法、劳动组织、作业方法、使用的机械、动力设备、变配电设施以及各种安全防护设施等制定切实可行的安全施工技术措施。5 供电与电气设备安全措施(1) 施工现场用电设备定期进行检查,防雷保护、接地保护、变压器等每季度测定一次绝缘强度,移动式电动机,潮湿环境下电气设备使用前检查绝缘电阻,对不合格的线路设备要及时维修或更换,严禁带故障运行.() 线路检修、搬迁电气设备(包括电缆和设备)时,切断电源,并悬挂“有人工作,不准送电”的警告牌。(3) 非专

12、职电气值班员,不得操作电气设备。(4) 电气设备的保护接地,每班均有当班人员进行外表检查。5。2施工现场安全措施1、进入工作面必须佩戴安全帽。2、强化安全教育及培训,施工作业人员要保持高度清醒和警惕,有效的防止事故的发生。六、资源配置施工主要资源配置见下表主要机械设备表序号设备名称规格、型号单 位数 量备注1液压挖掘机CAT345台2混凝土搅拌车6m台23水准仪苏州一光台16潜水泵。台37全站仪拓普康台1主要人员配置表序号工种名称单位人员数量备注质检员名12安全员名13施工员名2测量员名2试验员名6材料员名1砂浆施工班长名18操作工人名6(英文版 ) Two reulations romuga

13、t forimpementation isn he partyinpwer for a o me andth reof lwcondions, th implmentaion of compehensivstrictly strateic l, imlementatio in acordane t the rues addsiplne to manae theprty, sengthen inne-pry superison of j inititis. Thetwo regulatios pporing ac other,the od dheetoaosie dvcate, ocusg nm

14、olity is o artymebers and Pay ledn cdes can see, ugh toget a high andard; ruearounthepry iscipi, discipina ruer reqiremets, lisedas negaie lis,fcusng onvertcal auge, r hpart organization ad Part bs do t ouch th bo lne”. Her, the ma frfour squr fce two party lesof interpretaio: the irt pat intruces t

15、woarty Revise regutionte neessty nd th rvisinrcess; the secondpart is the ntpreation f the to undamntal pciples o therevionfaws d reulions i he party; te hid tirdue woa regultios modife te mainchanges and nes to grasp svera proble; te ourth prt onho to grasp he implemntaion ofte to relti of thea。 d

16、eise thenecesity an eviedhist f the PCCnral Citee th amenet to teChinse ComunitPrt embersand leag ceshons politcs severa guidlines nd Cinese ComuistParty diipline and Punishment Rglais oln 1 y 015 to strenthenty laws and eutis fcs. Twprty eglains reviion work lasda ears, pin th wisdom of te ol prt,

17、ieologcal cnsensus, draw hstorialexerece, respect for thsdomo our preeessors, wch eflecs he uity ofinhritac andinnovatio; fllowthecorrect iection, rs te lmited gal,re he prtys eshp, t sove themases of th epe reflect afocus o he poblem. new revison of te code and in sed revsed, theprmuation and imlem

18、enioo Januar 010,to strngthente nstrucin ofthe cotinge oean cadresply animprtantrol。 But with the pato anag e party srictl dinistrin he deepening,hsnoben ableto ful meet hctualn。 Cotentstoocomplcted, ”i ohibition,52re not alloed o hard to ember, an as ffiult topu nto practce; he sond i concel positi

19、ve avocatedby thack of proibited pris exssive, no auonomyequrements; the third isbane tem nd disciine law, ot ih the part iscipline,disciplinaryregulatinsepeatanCriminal la an otr laws andrulaon rpt;e forth i to cleanthe heme is t promnent,not for thexitin pbles, an is nrow, ny nefounyvel leading ca

20、re aboe re sin 19 badon reviion, neceer 23thepromlatio aimplmentto,o tregten thecontrcion of the pary lay vimptant roe Alongwith the velpmen o the sitatin, ich a rvisios ae bee uabe o fuly met hecoprehnivesritl aminseringt ratic nedOne is Ji la,r thn lffthe proviions andcrimina law and other conies

21、law and eguaions Rpetiion; tw ie poltical discpline egulatns snot promnen, not specfic, for vilain of theprty constuton, damagethe autity f Pary Consitut of misconduct lacknessaryand serious esponsiiit o purse; ti sth main discipline forthe leng cadrs, does ot cover ll PartymemersBsed on the abve st

22、uao, ee to he iterion ofclan ndhonestadsation d le the woislikly more rlevant regultsramendnt。 y revsin, rellp th authority of Patyiciplie, theseousnessintheprt ree aall up the majoryf Paty mebersa cadres of the arynstttio o arty copsesarty consiouness (II) two aryegulatis rvisincss the enra Cmmte f

23、 th CommnistPary f hn atacesgreatiportace totwo egulatio revion . Xi Jipg, geera ook eoddnthe FitPlenarSio of t ighh essn f the Central Commisson Discplinespecton, n h revied rguations mdelear iructnsAccrin o e cntral delmet, t etrl Commisn foriipineInpectionfrm 204ur six months bei sud tworgulation

24、viion. TheStandingmte of the Centra Cmissionfor Discilne Isecon 4 reviwreve。Comrade Wang Qishn 14 imes hlda speial meetig tostudtwo reultionsreviio, mdent crifes hedicton,maor isues oiciple, ph and taret, respetil hed aorumwll ltn opart o e proine (ea) scretry of arty committee,Sctary of heDiscipine

25、 nspecion Cossin, part o cental minries an state orans Deparment The frs comtee manly responsibe for ople, ies of epets and scholars ad grassoo part organizaionnd Paty membersApvd by thena Commite of the Comnis Paty f Chia, n 7eptemb 205, thgenra ofice oteCental ommte f hePaty isued notice to solict

26、 theprovinces (utoomousrens, uniialities) Party,heceralinities ad commissins, tat miiriesan comissins f h Pary(prt), t Gneral Political Deptmentf th ilitary, every 3 pel rgnizatio of Partyo two egulions revisioinon。 Centa ommissif DiscilieInpectnof extenivesliciation pinion, carefut, attacing, formd

27、 a evsed et rvie. Inctobr8 andOctber 12, Central ComittePolial BuauStandng Committeandth Politia Bua of the Cntral Cmiteefteronsidrtn ofthetwo egulations resed dftOn Otober 18, tCerl Cmmtofthe Comunis rty o China formally isuedtwreglationCan a,twolw amenment concntratedthe wsdom the whoe ay, mbod te

28、parySecnd, code and Regultion revisonof e baicprciplef two ptyregltions rvsnrk and implmntthparty eghteen, tnightplenay, he sit th Forh Plenary Ssso othe EleventCental Comittee and eealecreay Xi Jinpmporantistucios on t vised, hghligtig e rulng prty charctristics,serious dscpn, he sciplie qite in fr

29、nt othe a,bsedonthecurrent, lngterm, avanceas a wole,wih B iding ndepenetule ad 。 Mai pricile is: fir, dhee to teparty cnstitutin t follw The consituion aout discipie an sl-iscplne euired spfi, awake te paryconstitutionf party omase party concioues, mantaining tautoritof t consittin。 neral SecretryX

30、i iping pinted outthat o rule,no siround。 art costition s te fundaenalla, he paty must flowtegrl rules. nearly eldthe eigsesion o te Cetra ommission fr Discilin specton Fifth Penaryess f te 16hCentralCommite, Xi Jii again po out a cnsitution s th ry must fow thenearles,butalso the general rues. h re

31、vsion of the cde nd rul i Method in adher to theregulatissblished fr the ppose f combiingrule of virtu is o adhee o thpr nttuto as a fundaental to follow, te otiion uhoity et u,wake up the part conitin d tyues hessef discipln, tartyconstituion abut discplin an selfdiscipline spiic requrements. 4 sco

32、nd iso ahereto in accoac wit th rguations gove th party andthe pary. The Party f ruleof vie e, ainl efers to the atsidels andbeifs, excellent radtionl tyle. he rvisd the codclely linked to the sf-disciine,insisting n theposti iiativ,fo allmebers, hglght th ”vitlfew,emphsed selfdisipline, fuin on the

33、maity,ad he jortyof Part members andh delogical and oalandas.The ie imthd erately, Ji, J Yan t Method, as ”ntv list,mhasizingheheteronomy, ocusing on ertial gaue I this one high an on low,a positve eacion, the stic par icipine ad practiceresuts trnsformatin fr hintegrto of the whepty to oberve oraln

34、d isiplie reqrent,or hemajoiof yebes and dres prvides bnchmaringand rulr Third,ini n to。 In viewo therbles extiinthe prt at the preset stage, h main premso Prty ebs and adre in he spect of self-iscpl anaide byhedsciplineto maeclarly fin, specially theays igten year strictpoltical disciplan plitica u

35、e, rganzation an diplie adto ipeet the cntral igt provson o thesrt againt the four windand othe rqirements ito Disiplinayprovisions。 Not one paceachs the designatdoion, fusin onn lnwith reaity,ragaic and efee.Ater the revison ofajr chang, mao chags in thecoeand rule mdifdad neds to gas seveal key re

36、m(a) ce code adhereto acodigto reulations governingheprty a party wit mrals icomintion, for a he renstge,the eaership of the pr members ad ades ad Party ms in exist mainproblemsf slfiscpine,put forward prncples, equremn n speifcton, sowngCounistsnobl rarsuit, rfectetall tiesand in alovre wold ethics

37、 frm hghfro lw 5 cmnrequirements. One s loselylinkedtoheself-disciplin,emval an no recelaton to th provsi of 。 te secondsdhre to a posive aoat, eigh prohibiti” 52 are notlowe to ”about the conte ofth natieli move intosynchroniation amndnt .hr isfor all he arty memrs, ll applybjtfro headership of he

38、pat membs and cadres to expand all Pary mebers,fullyeodiesth omprhensive ticly requird。 Th fthis print key mnrit, sze theleadrshi of th parymembers and cades is heke, nut owardhigherequireetsthan he ordnry arty mbr。 ive is tosmpify, and stre to achiee conci, easy to destand, esy to rebr。 The vised i

39、s the uling Pat snce te first init o a posive advocat orAlPary emers and te elf-iscipine nors, moal decartio iuedto ll membs f thepaty ndt Ntion Peoples sole cmmitment critro of a clean n nest dministration consis of 4 pars, 1, more ha 360 wors After the reviion f t code , a totl feigh, 281 words,ic

40、ludinglea, seciication and Party ebe cre cen ner seldicplin nrs, etc. t 3 membr o-co cean nd efdiscpline,theain otents anbe summarizd a ”fourmu”ecode.Lead prt, reiterated onidalan fait,fundamal purpose,the fe tradions nd wok stle, nobleentimnt, suc s fo must”thepricileofreqirments,srong toe f selfdc

41、pline, he ir reqs for 6 ansupvsd tenet, the ootod inprmnent Baothe prty dceatue nd prity, to efect therevised sndadsequrements. Mber f elf-dsplienorms aonde prtymembrshow o correctly tre dea wih te ubiand privat, chep and rt” thifty adextrvagc bitr usic,tforward the ”four norm”。Partylade care cean f

42、igered -discipln orms for theleadershipf t party members andadrso he ia fe”,aound the n plit,fro ivlserant of te clr,the ecis of por, ora ntgriy, agod fmly trtionad oher asectsofthe eadrhip of the parymmber and cads of te”four norm norm norm。 Tharty mmbers selfdisipnenorsnd ”partymembe and leading c

43、adrecn fngered self-dsciplinenorms,”a ttal o ight, oletivel rerret the igh”. our mu and eht of content fo heparty osiutinad Partys sverl genertion of eers, eeially iJinping,gneral sertar of he mporta dicssion, e to te ”three dsiplinean ht poinsforateti taeens, andrefence omembody he Chesentinecelntt

44、raditoal culre essne of pirams. (2) the revised reulios,themain chge the revie Reaons to full dapt to the strtly equiremns, relcts theaccording to th egulatosoverning the la f recnition fdeening,the ealiati of thescplneontrution andJin u。 rul is parta rulr, mmers ofthe basicline and folow。 An the ma

45、joit ofty mbes and cadres of Par organizatin atal levels shoul adereto ebottm lineof hng, eardisciplne,hthebttm ine, as a prentivmasure, tkeep he patys advanced nature nd purity1,rpetrthe contituion,refinement addisipi.Revised fom comprhnsivcmbhyical onsitutinean, te paty consonad othe regatn of the

46、Partyof Prty rganizaions and discilne reqirmes renemnt,lary dined in violaion of h prycontittion wil e iacodance wth rgultios to gie the oesponding diiplnay ato。 Theoigina 10 cateorie o mscndct, ingraionspifcation for oical disciplne, disiplin,honsty and discipli masses i La and dscline nddsciline n

47、doersi categore, thentent of rule el eturn o Partydisine, for the maority of Patymembersadlsted a”negativ lst. 7, highlghng e poicalcline and politcal ls Regulaon accrding o th age o he diline oftnig performace, ephaszn polc disclie anpoliiarles,gaizann icipline, in pson to the ptysleaership ndthtys

48、 basic heory, bsi ie, bacproram and basic experien, the ba requementofbehaviormadeprscrbedpunmnt, nceas te lqu, agantthe oraiato suchs violato o thepovisins, t enu tha the centrl govene drees and earty ofcntralidand nied。 3, dheet strict discipine in te law an discipline fon, Ji sparatd.Revised Regu

49、latins ahee tothe problem orieted, do i seprated。 Any natinal lawexising ntent, will ot rpeath provions, thotl roval of nd crnal law, rpeat the content o he publ euimanagemet punishmentlaw, nd ter aws and rations。 Intgenral reiated that nitins ndPrtymebers mustconcientisly accept the partsdiscipne,

50、di van cpl h aionl ws ad euatons;ate same ie, t nveigate iotionof rt member and even mial eavior fParty dciplin sposibity, Regulations dstnuish five differet cndin,wit peil ovsis wee made povsios, so as to rale te connetion of Pary diilie and satelaw。 4, reflect Wnd bildig and nirution stugglotlates

51、tachivment the ptys eigheeyeas imemnt he srit of the cetral prvion ofe it,ainst t requieets of te for wind adtrasformation for dsciplinaryrovision,relcting thestye cosructin is lays on the road,nt a ust wind n h figt against corpionout o new oblems, incra th tradi ghs,the ue o thity rlive profit and

52、 otherdisciliary trms Prominent diciple f the masses, h e agaist th nterests f themasse ad ignre the demands f themased other isiplinay tes andmake provisions of dispostionand the detuction othertys lsets with the masse Dicipline t rtecttepys purpe. 8of thsreguations,atoal of three eies, Chaptr 15,

53、78, more tan 24000 wos, after the revision te uatio a toal of 3 series,Chapter 11, 133, 17000 ods,divied nt ”general andpcal proins”andpemntry PvisionsPat. Among hem, add,lete,modify te proisios othepootio f up onerly 0%。 1, e gnerl genralisdivd nto five terTh firs haptr tothe rulations fh gidg idel

54、ogy,princiles n cope of applcationofthe provisios, highlgh thesrengthenng of the prty costittiocousn, maintenanethe ahoit of Par Costtution, ncrese tepartyorgnatons and Pat member mu abide y th paty constut,Ya Cenrlized nralied, would examine al levelo theaened roisos implemenin anminanig artydicipi

55、e,a nciusy acept he pary disipli, exemlycomplace wh nationl awsandgultons. he second capter f discipn conet, iscilinary tion ypesand efcts ofte glatios, wilbe a sei warnn from the originala yea for a year andal;incres th Partyongre rentativ,yeaving te party aove (iudig leave probatn) puishmen, the p

56、ry orniationhoulde teinted it ereenttive qaifationrovision。 The hid chapter of th discipinar rules ofu precribed inhe discipinerctigpocss, non convegene, not cosehnd classied ssevere o eavir pishmen ”Dscili strighten At lasteighteeneas of fiv years, thseiveyars is t ayclos attetion toe proviioso th

57、cntral eit impementaton ad anti- four wnd 。 Te ourth aptern uiion of iegalpatdsciliarydinuish ve dffrent conditions, with spcilpovision wer me povision, toaheveetiv cvergeef Party andountymod。 le the provsions Artic 2, Prtyoaizatn inhe dsciplinary evi fon that party member haeomittedmbzzlemen, bribe

58、, dereicto of duty derelicio of du adher cimnallaw act s sspected of commng arime hal gvencel party poss, probation or expelled frhepr e send is Regutins Aricle 2the ovon ofPart organizations i te diiplnay revewBut fnd th party mbers re stpulatedin teimial aw, althog not invve in cie sha be investig

59、te for Paryiciplne nd resonsiblty hould be depedig on the spefc crcusancesall be gv a warng untilexlled unishme。Thissituatio n difernce is that teforer regulati ehvior sen sspeted o arme,thefeling s quite strict, and thlatter forthe ehavorotinvolvicrime, nly th obetive peformace fth proviion o the r

60、iminal d obehvo, u plotis a rime toslihtly。 Rguts the 29 pviins,Prtogaizatin nhe diclin eviefondthat prty memes and oterillel behavir, affec thearys ima, the dae tothe party, the stte andhe people intersts, w houd deped on te stuatonSeriusness gven dciplinayati。 Th ss of Pat m, srusly damaing he par


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