1、人教版八年级下册第九单元演示文稿人教版八年级下册第九单元演示文稿 7.用如此快速的方式in such a rapid way8.会,能够be able to=can9.不同种类的(鸟)different kinds of (birds)10.考虑think about11.在将来,未来in the future12.少数,几个a couple of 几个年轻人a couple of young men13.重要的东西something important14.取得进步 make progress 7.用如此快速的方式14.数以千计的,许许多多的(游客)thousands of (tourist
2、s/visitors)15.在东南亚in Southeast Asia 16.度假take a holiday17.一方面另一方面on the one hand on the other hand18.四分之三three quarters=three fourths19.在白天 during the daytime=in the daytime20.一年到头,终年all year round搭建帐篷 put up a tent14.数以千计的,许许多多的(游客)21.一个做某事的好办法a great way to do sth. 22.很难相信Its unbelievable that23.鼓
3、励某人做某事encourage sb. to do sth.24.做某事很费劲have problems (in)doing sth.25.做某事的最佳时间the best time to do sth.26.选择做某事choose to do sth.27.远离be far from28.兜风 take a ride=get a ride21.一个做某事的好办法 Unit Nine完成单词1. She has made great (进步) in English learning.2. Do you know about the International Museum of (坐便器)?3
4、.My parent often (鼓励) me to be brave in my life.4. Zhao Ming comes from Hunan _(省).5. Im interested in (收集) old gressToiletsencouragesProvincecollecting Unit Nine完成单词progressToil6.Have you ever been to an a_park?No, I h_. =Me,n_.7.Dont forget to take your c_to take photos.8.I think w_ TV t
5、oo much is bad for your eyes.9.I have b_to that park twice.10.T_of tourists come to Beijing every year.11.S_is the best time to go to our hometown,because its very warm and the f_come out at that time.12.He likes c_stamps,and its his hobby.13.These G_come from Berlin(柏林).musementaventeitherameraatch
6、ingeenhousandspringlowersollectingermans6.Have you ever been to an a_13.W_you come,you can see beautiful flowers in our school yard.14.Qingdao is one of the biggest_(城市)in Shandong P_.15.Practice makes p_,as the famous saying goes.16.Ive r_been to a very _(不同寻常的) museum in India.17.With her help,Ive
7、 made much p_ in English.18.Its _(难以置信的) that technology has p_in such a r_way.19.Do you know who i_the light?Edison.henevencitiesrovinceerfectecentlyunusualrogressunbelievablerogressedapidnvented13.W_you come,you canSection A 短文Ken:The most interesting _(博物馆) I_ ever_(be) to is the American Compute
8、r Museum. They have information about different computers and who invented them. The old computers _(be) much bigger. Its unbelievable that technology has progressedin such a rapidway! Ive also _(learn) that there was a special computer. It could play chess even better than_(人类). I wonder how much m
9、ore computers _ ( be) able to do in the have beenwerelearned/learnthumanswill beSection A 短文Ken:The most interAmy:I_ recently_ (be) to very unusualmuseum in India, the _(国际的) Museum of _. (厕所)I just couldnt believe my eyes when I _(see) so many different kinds of toilets there. The muse
10、um teaches people about the history and _(发展) of toilets. It also encourages _(政府) and social groups to think about ways _( improve) toilets in the future. have beenInternationalToiletssawdevelopmentgovernmentsto improveAmy:I_ recently_ (Linlin:Last year I _(go) to the Hangzhou National Tea Museum.
11、Its a _(relax) and peaceful place near a lake. The tea art performances show how _( make) a perfect cup of tea with beautiful tea sets. _(watch) the tea preparation is just as_ (enjoy) as _(drink) the tea itself. Ive finally realized why my grandpa _(love) drinking tea and _(collect) tea sets.wentre
12、laxingto makeWatchingenjoyabledrinkinglovescollectingLinlin:Last year I _(go)Section B 短文_youever_(be)toSingapore?FormanyChinesetourists,thissmallislandinSoutheastAsiaisawonderfulplace_(take)aholiday.Ontheonehand,morethanthreequartersofthepopulation_(be)Chinese,soyoucansimply_(speak)Putonghuaalotof
13、the time.Ontheotherhand,SingaporeisanEnglish-speakingcountry, soitsalsoagoodplace_(practice)yourEnglish._youever_(try)ChinesefoodoutsideofChina? Maybeyoufearthatyouwontbeabletofindanything_(eat)inaforeigncountry.Have beento takearespeakto practiceHave triedto eatSection B 短文_youever_InSingapore,howe
14、ver,you_(find)alotoffoodfromChina,youwonthaveanyproblem_(find)rice,noodles,ordumplings.Ifyourefeelingbrave,Singaporeisanexcellentplace _(try)newfood.WhetheryoulikeIndianfood,westernfood,orJapanesefood,you_(find)itallinSingapore!Mostlargecitieshavezoos,buthaveyoueverbeentoazooatnight?Singaporehasanig
15、htzoo_(call)theNightSafari.Itmightseemstrange_(go)toazoowhenitsdark.Butifyouveeverbeentoazooduringthedaytime, will findfindingto trywill findcalledto goInSingapore,however,you_youmight_(understand)whythiszooissospecial.Alotofanimalsonly_(wake)upatnight,sothisisthebesttime_(watch)them.Ifyougotoseelions,tigers,orfoxesduringthedaytime,they_probably_(be)asleep!AttheNightSafari,youcan_(watch)theseanimalsinamorenaturalenvironmentthananormalzoo.understandwaketo watchwill bewatchyoumight_(understOnegreatthingaboutSing
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